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- Welcome to the Movie Organizer
- The Movie Organizer is a Windows 95 program that lets you catalogue movies (or anything
- else that you may record) so that you have a current list of what you have recorded. The
- program will allow you to record the following information:
- Title.
- Up to three actors.
- Type of movie (action, drama, etc).
- Tape number.
- Playing time.
- Starting counter number (if there is more than one recording on the tape).
- Rating.
- Media type (VHS, DVD, etc).
- Synopsis
- 4 custom fields
- Movie Organizer offers numerous sorting and printing methods to sort and print your list
- the way you want it. Movie Organizer will also print labels for your tapes using Avery
- labels (#5199). You can also print the labels at any starting label position so that you
- don't waste sheets of labels. If you have a color printer, you can also print color labels.
- You can either print all the labels the same color, or select different colors for each
- different movie type. Selecting different colors for movie types would allow you to have
- your labels color-coded.
- This program is shareware, not freeware. Feel free to test out the program for the next 30 days.
- If you intend to use the program after that, please register it.
- How to get help in the Movie Organizer
- There are four ways to get help while in the Movie Organizer.
- 1) Click on the Help menu
- 2) Press F1 on the keyboard.
- 3) Click on the question mark on the toolbar and then the item that you want information on.
- 4) If you are in a dialog box, click on the question mark at the upper right side of the box.
- Then click on the item that you have a question about.
- System Requirements
- In order to run this program, you will need the following.
- 1) Window 95 (or newer).
- 2) 486 processor or faster.
- 3) 16 megs of RAM (the more the better).
- 4) 2 Meg of free disk space.
- 5) SVGA monitor.
- 6) Mouse.
- 7) Color printer (if you want color labels and color movie lists).
- Program Installation
- Since you reading this file, I assume that you are in the right directory and have unpacked
- all of the files. To install the program, just double-click on the SETUP.EXE file and the
- program will install. During the installation, you can select where you want the program to
- be installed on your hard drive and where you want it placed on your Start Menu. The defaults
- work just fine but you can change them if you like.
- After the program is installed, just find where you put it in your Start menu and click on
- Movie Organizer.
- Entering Movies
- To enter a movie, select one of the following commands to get started.
- 1) Click on the "E" button located on the toolbar,
- 2) Click on the Edit Menu and then click the Enter command, or
- 3) Ctrl+E
- Once you have used one of these commands, the Enter/Edit dialog box will appear.
- This dialog box will allow you to enter all of the information about the movie.
- The actor, movie type, and rating blocks are combo boxes. These boxes keep track of all the
- different actors, movie types, and ratings that you have entered so far. As you make new
- entries, these boxes are updated. When you click on the arrow of these boxes, it will drop
- down a list that you can scroll through. If you have entered an actor, movie type, or rating
- that you would like to use again, just click on the appropriate entry in the box. The box
- will automatically use the entry that you clicked on without having to type it in again.
- To move from box to box, just hit the tab key or click on the box you want with the mouse.
- As I stated earlier, the combo boxes automatically update themselves as you enter new
- information. One thing to keep in mind, if you type in an actor's name twice and use
- different capitalization, it will only list that actor in the combo boxes once. The form
- that is used in the combo boxes depends on which example the program finds first. Every time
- you sort the list, the combo boxes are updated. The program will use whichever form it sees
- first. Just as a suggestion, try to keep the capitalization consistent throughout your
- document. Once you type an actor, movie type, or rating in for the first time, you can just
- select it out of the combo boxes after that without having to type it in.
- Deleting movies
- In order to delete a movie, you first have to select the movie that you want to delete.
- To select the movie, just click anywhere on the movie entry once with the left mouse button.
- The information in the entry will be highlighted when it is selected. After you have it
- selected, you can use any of the following methods to delete it.
- 1) Ctrl+D,
- 2) Clicking on the "D" button located on the toolbar,
- 3) Selecting the Edit menu and then clicking on delete, or
- 4) Clicking the right mouse button will bring up a small menu beside the cursor with the
- delete command on it.
- After you select one of these commands, a message box will appear and ask you if you are
- sure you want to delete it. There are four options in the dialog box. "Yes" will just
- delete the movie the message box is asking you about. "Yes to All" will delete all of
- the selected movies without asking if you are sure you want to delete them. "No" will
- cancel that movie from being deleted but you will still be asked about any other movies
- that you have selected. "No to All" will cancel the rest of the delete operation.
- You can also select multiple movies to delete at the same time by using the SHIFT or Ctrl keys.
- The SHIFT key will select all of the movies in between the two movies that you select.
- To use it, first select a movie by just clicking on it with the left mouse button. Then
- hold down the SHIFT key and select the last movie in the list of movies that you want to
- delete. All of the movies in between the two movies will also be highlighted. The Ctrl
- key will allow you to select multiple movies but doesn't select the movies in between.
- Modifying movies
- In order to modify a movie, you first have to select the movie that you want to modify.
- To select the movie, just click anywhere on the movie entry once with the left mouse button.
- The information in the entry will be highlighted when it is selected. After you have it
- selected, you can use any of the following methods to modify it.
- 1) Ctrl+M,
- 2) Clicking on the "M" button located on the toolbar,
- 3) Selecting the Edit menu and then clicking on Modify, or
- 4) Clicking the right mouse button will bring up a small menu beside the cursor with the
- modify command on it.
- After you select one of these commands, the Enter/Modify dialog box will appear.
- The dialog will also show the current information in each box. Just use the mouse to
- select the box you want to modify, or use the tab key until you get there. Modify
- whatever information you want to, then click the "OK" button when you are done.
- You can also select multiple movies to modify at the same time by using the SHIFT or
- Ctrl keys. The SHIFT key will select all of the movies in between the two movies that
- you select. To use it, first select a movie by just clicking on it with the left mouse
- button. Then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last movie in the list of movies
- that you want to modify. All of the movies in between the two movies will also be
- highlighted. The Ctrl key will allow you to select multiple movies but doesn't select
- the movies in between.
- Selecting a View
- There are three different views available in the View menu. Each of the three views is
- used for different purposes.
- The default is the Normal View and the program will always start in that view. This is the
- only view that is capable of showing all of the information about a movie. But it also
- takes a lot more paper to use this view.
- The One-Line Sorts is a special view that takes a few of the fields from the Normal and
- prints all the fields on just one line. This has most of the information about the movie
- and takes up a lot less space than the Normal view.
- The Display in Label Format view is used to see what the labels will look like and to print
- the labels. You can print all the labels, one page at a time, an individual label, or a
- series of labels. To print all of the labels or a page at a time, use the Print command
- in the File menu. To print just one label or any combination of labels, use the left
- mouse button and the shift and control keys on the keyboard (see the Select/Unselect
- command for more information on this).
- Sorting the movies
- You can sort the list of movies by using one of the following commands.
- 1) Using the Toolbar buttons
- 2) Using the View Menu commands.
- Printing the movies
- Before printing the list, make sure that you have the list sorted the way you want it.
- Then either use the Toolbar print button or the File Menu Print command to print your list.
- Make sure that you preview what the list will look like by using the Print Preview
- command from the File Menu. Some of the bigger fonts that you can use may be to wide
- to fit on the page properly. Experiment with the fonts that you have available and
- I'm sure you will find one that is both pleasing to the eye and that fits on the paper.
- Choosing the Label Colors
- If you have a color printer, you can choose to use different colors for your labels.
- To be able to see the colors that you are choosing, you first need to have some movies
- entered into the program, be in the Display in Label Format view, and have Use Label Colors
- selected in the View menu under Options (see Selecting Printer Colors for more details).
- To select colors for the labels, select Label Data Colors or Label Heading Color from the
- Label menu.
- You can choose to keep all of the labels the same color, or you can color-code your labels
- by picking different colors for different movie types.
- You can also print color labels without using the Label menu and selecting label colors.
- This other option is to print using the screen colors that you have selected for the
- Normal view. Just use the Select Printer Color command under the View menu and then
- options. Then select Use Screen Colors. You can also elect to just print your labels
- in black by using the Use Black Only command.
- Choosing the Label Font
- You can choose a different font just for printing labels if you want to. To be able to
- see the font that you are choosing, you first need to have some movies entered into the
- program, and be in the Display in Label Format view.
- To choose the label font, use the Label Font command under the Label menu. You will see
- this font as long as you are in the Display in Label Format view. When you go back to the
- Normal Display, you will see the screen font that the program either defaulted to, or the
- one that you have selected for the screen.
- You have the option of selecting any font that you have on your computer. But not all of
- the fonts will fit on the labels. Some of them are just too big. The label view will give
- you an approximation of what the labels will look like but it isn't perfect. This view
- will give you an idea of whether the labels will fit horizontally. If the labels overlap,
- the font you have selected is too wide. Note - using all capital letters for movie names
- and actors takes up a lot more space than using lower case letters.
- The Print Preview command in the File menu will also help you decide if the font you
- have selected will work. The Print Preview command is good for seeing if the labels will
- fit vertically. If the labels overlap, the font is too tall. Select another font and
- try again. Note - the default font that the program uses should work well.
- Printing the Labels
- To print labels, you first need to have some movies entered into the program, and be in
- the Display in Label Format view.
- You can print all the labels, one page at a time, an individual label, or a series of
- labels. To print all of the labels or a page at a time, use the Print command in the
- File menu. To print just one label or any combination of labels, use the left mouse
- button and the shift and control keys on the keyboard (see the Select/Unselect command
- for more information on this) to first select which movies you would like to print. Then
- use the Print command
- When you select labels to print using the mouse, Movie Organizer will give you the option
- of selected which label position to start printing at. This dialog box will appear after
- you have told the program to print to the printer but before printing actually starts.
- If you only select one label to print by using the mouse, you will also be able to enter
- how many copies of the same label you would like to have. Once again, this option will
- appear before printing actually begins.
- How to Register
- If you like this program and would like to continue using it after the 30-day trial,
- please register it. To register, just send a check or money order made payable to
- Retroware at:
- Retroware
- P.O. Box 803
- Minot, ND 58702
- Payment must be in US dollars.
- After your registration is received, I will send you a password that will change your
- copy of this program into a registered copy. The registration screen will no longer be
- display when the program loads and it will continue working after the 30 days period.
- To order, just print out this page (the one in the program might be easier to print),
- fill in your name and address, and mail it along with payment.
- Movie Organizer Version 1.2
- Number of Copies ________ at $12.00 each = _______.
- Prices are guaranteed through Nov 1999.
- Please allow 1 -2 weeks for delivery.
- Name: ________________________________ Date: ___________
- Address: _________________________________________________
- City: _________________ State: __________ ZIP Code: __________
- Day Phone ___________________ Evening Phone: ________________
- E-Mail Address: ______________________________
- Note: If you have an e-mail address, we will e-mail your password information to you.
- Why Should I Register the Program?
- The Movie Organizer is shareware, not freeware. Shareware is a great way to get good
- programs without risk. Not only can you download shareware and use it on a trial basis,
- shareware is also a lot cheaper. You don't have to pay for disks, packaging, advertising,
- or middleman costs. Therefore, you can purchase it for just $12.00. But for Shareware to
- be successful, there has to be an honor system. So if you intend to use this program after
- 30 days, please register it. Thanks.
- If you register the program, you will also get the following.
- 1) A 25% discount off of other Retroware products.
- 2) Free downloads from our web page (http://members.aol.com/retroware) for minor revisions
- and any bug fixes (Of course, internet access and any long distance phone calls are yours
- to pay). As long as the first number of the version number is the same as yours, the new
- version will work with your password. Just download the new version and install it. If the
- first number of the version has changed, you will be able to upgrade for half price if you
- registered a previous version.
- After Registering
- After you register the program, you will receive a password for your program in the mail
- (e-mail if you gave me your e-mail address). Load the Movie Organizer and select
- "Enter Password" on the welcome screen. Make sure that you enter your name and password
- EXACTLY as I have it typed. After you have entered it, selected the "OKAY" button.
- Movie Organizer will let you know whether or not the password is valid. If it is not
- valid, try typing it in again, paying very close attention to the letters and capitalization.
- Once you have entered a correct password, you will never see the registration window again.
- Make sure that you keep your password. The only time that you should need it again is if
- you have to reload Windows 95 again. If you have any problems, please contact me by e-mail
- at retroware@aol.com or write to:
- Retroware
- P.O. Box 803
- Minot, ND., 58702.
- Please do not share your password information with anyone. Thanks.
- License Agreement
- Movie Organizer
- Copyright (c) 1997 Retroware
- All Rights Reserved
- Registered Version
- You are free to use your copy of Movie Organizer on as many home computers as you own.
- But you need to buy a registered copy for each business computer that you plan to use it on.
- You may not decompile or disassemble this program in any way. Also, you may not share
- any of your password information with anyone else.
- Shareware Version
- This is not free software. But you may test it out for the next 30 days to see if you like
- it or not. If you intend to use it past the 30-day trial period, you must send a $12.00
- registration fee to obtain a license and password to continue using it. Unregistered use
- after the 30 days is a violation of the copyright laws. You are licensed now to freely
- distribute the shareware version of this program, provided that it is in the original form
- and that all of the files are included. You may not charge or request donations of any
- form for distributing this software.
- Disclaimer of Warranty