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- WinXs Version 4.0
- Copyright (C) 1998 Mick Meaden
- Software Online Limited
- All Rights Reserved
- This file contains a summary of new features in each release
- of WinXs since version 1.0:
- - Removed limits on the number of files that can be
- selected or displayed in a single folder. This was
- approximately 4000 on previous versions of the product.
- - Raised maximum text line length from 512 to 2048 bytes
- in all utilities.
- - WinXs Shell. Added "Sort by extensions" and "Allow
- upper-case names" options.
- - More. Removed the confirmation dialog when invoking
- the default editor.
- - Cmp. Fixed a bug whereby cmp crashed if comparing
- directories containing more that 512 files.
- - Added hot keys to all dialog boxes.
- - Modified sed, grep, grex and csplit to handle arbi-
- trarily large regular expressions.
- - Diff (command line version). Added a check for binary
- files. If diff detects that binary files are being
- compared it uses cmp to perform the comparison. Added
- an open "-a" to force text file comparisons irrespec-
- tive of the contents of the files being compared.
- Added an option "-e" that causes diff to produce its
- output as a sed script. When processed by sed, this
- script will reproduce file2 from file1.
- - Col. Added an option "-t tabstop", which allows the
- tab width to be specified from the command line (rather
- than always defaulting to 8).
- - Grex. Added a "Descend subdirectories" option that
- forces grex to apply the specified Actions to all files
- matching the specified file name pattern at or below
- the current directory.
- - Grep. Added code to save all option settings, includ-
- ing search patterns, between invocations of the Windows
- version of Grep. Also added an option to list only the
- names of matching files (as per the "-l" command line
- option).
- - More. Added coloring for overtyped and underlined
- text.
- - Split. Added an option to split files in 512-byte
- units ("-b nb" in the command line version).
- VERSION 3.0b
- - Added the "-f" option to the command line version of
- the tail(1) command.
- - Added user configurable coloring to the long format
- display in the WinXs Shell, plus an option to switch
- coloring on and off. This mechanism allows different
- types of file object to be more easily distinguished by
- displaying them in different colors. Also added a new
- menu item and toolbar button to change up one directory
- level (aka "cd ..").
- - Added an option to More that forces all new child win-
- dows to be maximized on creation.
- - Fixed a bug in the command line version of fmt(1)
- whereby paragraphs larger than 512 bytes were not
- always handled correctly.
- - Fixed a bug in More whereby 8-bit characters were not
- displayed correctly in hex mode.
- - Changed the install script to configure default set-
- tings for the "gzip" and "command" items. Also added a
- script "xscmd.bat" that automatically adds the WinXs
- command line tools to PATH when command.com (or cmd.exe
- on Windows NT) are started from the WinXs Shell. This
- avoids having to manually set PATH in system startup
- files (e.g., autoexec.bat).
- - Modified the general utilities (genuts) program to use
- the system background color in its display window
- rather than dark gray.
- - Added the following Windows tools (32-bit version
- only): cksum, comm, cut, dd, paste and uniq.
- - Added the following command line tools: cksum, comm,
- cut, dd, join, paste, sdiff, uniq and xargs.
- - Added a -r option to dircmp, which allows complete
- directory hierarchies to be compared using either
- cmp(1) or diff(1).
- - Added the -F, -c, -q and -x options to both the
- command-line and the Windows versions of grep. -F pro-
- vides for matching patterns using fixed strings, -c
- allows counts of matching lines to be output, -q causes
- grep to exit immediately it finds a match, and -x
- allows entire input lines to be matched.
- - Fixed sed so that it processes back reference expres-
- sions correctly in replacement strings. For example,
- assuming input lines contain two fields separated by a
- tab character, the command "s/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/\2\t\1/"
- would reverse the order of these fields in the output.
- - Fixed a bug in the command line version of sort,
- whereby it generated a program error when used in a
- pipeline on NT 4.0.
- VERSION 2.1a
- Maintenance release that fixes a number of minor bugs in
- version 2.1. The following new facilities are also
- included:
- - WinXs Shell (32-bit version). Added a history mechan-
- ism to the Change Directory dialog. Added a user cus-
- tomisable AddOns menu, included a tool to add, remove
- and edit menu items. Fixed the header control in the
- long listing view so that header items act as buttons
- for sorting the contents of the output display.
- - Pax. Added a new capability to the Write Archive dia-
- log whereby files can be archived whose modification
- times are more recent than a named sentinel file. This
- is equivalent to the -newer primary of the find(1) com-
- mand and is useful for maintaining the files of 2 or
- more computers in a consistent state.
- - Command-line tools. Added od(1), tee(1) and whence(1).
- See "man od", "man tee" and "man whence" respectively
- for details.
- - Compress(32-bit version). Updated both the Windows and
- DOS versions of compress so that compress(1) adds a .Z
- extension to a compressed file and uncompress(1)
- removes it. This is done for compatibility with UNIX
- versions of compress(1).
- - General Utilities. Fixed the output display so that
- text lines are displayed correctly when processing text
- files in either DOS or UNIX format. This is useful
- when running the tools on files located on remote UNIX
- systems.
- - Added a command-line text file viewer, pg(1), which can
- be used to view text files directly, or it can be used
- to view the output of a command pipeline. See "man pg"
- for details.
- - Added the touch(1) utility. This can be used to set or
- modify the modification time of one or more files
- between the dates Jan 1, 1980 through Jan 1, 2036. Use
- this tool to set file times beyond the year 2000 and
- then check if your file management apps still work
- correctly. See "man touch" for details.
- - Added the command line utilities cp(1), mv(1) and
- rm(1). These implement the full UNIX specification,
- including the -R option, which allows entire directory
- hierarchies to be copied, moved or removed respec-
- tively. See "man cp", "man mv" and "man rm" for
- details.
- - Pax. Enhancements: extended write dialog to include
- -mtime and -size primaries for incremental archiving;
- status information displayed on the main window status
- bar rather than in a separate dialog box; write dialog
- displayed automatically when a new archive is created;
- context help button added to all dialog boxes. Bug
- fixes: archiving from the root directory of a drive now
- works correctly; zero length archive files are deleted
- if write fails.
- - General Utilities. Enhancements: added "Find" and
- "Find Next" to the Edit menu to provide text searching
- capabilities in the output window; file settings are
- saved between successive calls to the applets (though
- not between successive invocations of the genuts.exe
- program).
- - WinXs shell. Enhancements: when iconised, accepts
- folders or files dragged from Explorer (see
- "readme.txt" file for details); directory names can be
- typed directly in the Change Directory dialog (i.e., as
- an alternative to using the mouse to click your way
- through the drive/directory hierarchy); the keyboard
- can be used to change the current dirctory by selecting
- a directory entry in the output window using the arrow
- keys and then pressing Enter; dialogs (e.g., Copy) that
- accept file name lists now also accept path name lists
- (e.g., "/folder/*.txt"), which avoids having to change
- to the correct folder before using these commands.
- - Grep. Enhancement: the contents of the pattern list
- are remembered between successive calls of the utility.
- This only applies within a single invocation of
- genuts.exe (i.e., not between two or more separate
- invocations).
- - Ls. Enhancement: added -L option to display long file
- names exactly as they appear in filestore (32-bit ver-
- sion only). Bug fix: handles file names longer than 80
- characters correctly (previously caused a program error
- to be generated).
- - Hd. Enhancement: added a Save As option to the File
- menu, which saves the hexadecimal dump as a text file
- (though be aware that these files can be very large).
- - More. Enhancement (32-bit version only): updated to
- accept multiple input files when called from the WinXs
- shell or Explorer to display files (does not apply to
- printing). Bug fixes (all versions): displaying active
- files (e.g., logs) works correctly without the possi-
- bility of a program error; when invoking an editor on
- the current file, (a) More checks if it is a 16-bit or
- 32-bit editor and passes the appropriate short or long
- name, and (b) long file names containing space charac-
- ters are quoted and passed correctly.
- - Setup. Removed the "File context menus" option from
- the 32-bit version, which could cause problems with
- Office 97 or MS Developer Product registry associatons.
- Better mechanisms are provided in this version by (a)
- allowing file selections to be dragged onto the WinXs
- desktop icon, and (b) supporting file selections via
- the Sendto mechanism (see "readme.txt" for details).
- - Wc. Bug fix: correctly counts the number of newline
- characters in lines longer than 512 bytes (previously
- regarded each 512 byte fragment as a line).
- - Maintenance release to include Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP) files and logo in the distribution.
- Also includes a number of minor bug fixes in the 32-bit
- version of SETUP.EXE and the WinXs Shell.
- - Added the man(1) command line tool. Provides online
- command reference pages and a keyword search facility
- on command descriptions.
- - WinXs Shell (32-bit version). Added a toolbar and a
- status bar to improve the user interface to this tool.
- Also fixed the output display so that times are
- adjusted correctly according to local timezone informa-
- tion. Previous versions displayed file modification
- times in terms of Universal Co-ordinated Time.
- - Added the find(1) command line tool. Provides an
- implementation of the UNIX find(1) utility, modified to
- operate in a DOS/Windows environment. Specifically,
- the UNIX -nouser, -nogroup, -xdev, -links, -user,
- -group, -atime and -ctime primaries are not supported.
- - Added the ls(1) command line tool. Provides an imple-
- mentation of the UNIX ls(1) utility, again modified to
- operate in a DOS/Windows environment. The UNIX -c, -i,
- -n, -o, -q, -s and -u options are not supported.
- - Added the dircmp(1) command line tool. Compares two
- directories using either cmp(1) or diff(1) to compare
- files with the same name in both directories. The
- WinXs "bin" directory must be added to PATH for this
- command to work correctly.
- - Added the df(1) command line tool. Reports disk free
- space on one or more named drives. If no files are
- specified, reports disk free space on the current
- drive.
- - Added the following command line tools: cat, cmp, col,
- compress, csplit, diff, dos2unix, du, expand, file,
- fmt, fold, grep, head, nl, sed, sort, split, strings,
- tail, tr, uudecode, uuencode, unix2dos, wc. These can
- be used either in batch files or from the Command
- prompt.
- - Winxs Shell (32-bit version). Changed the interface so
- that multiple files can be selected in the display win-
- dow and passed to the WinXs tools. Note that tools
- defined to accept a single file name (e.g., hd, more,
- pax, etc.) are passed the name of the first selected
- file only. Also fixed a minor bug in the cal tool,
- whereby the output window was too narrow to display a
- complete calendar.
- - Diff (32-bit version). Changed to accept multiple file
- selections from the WinXs shell. Only the first two of
- these are treated as significant, and are used to ini-
- tialise the contents of the File1 and File2 fields of
- the main dialog.
- - Grep (32-bit version). Changed to accept multiple file
- selections from the WinXs shell, such that the
- Filenames field of the main dialog initially displays
- the file selections passed from the Shell (rather than
- "*.ext"). The File and Wc tools have been similarly
- changed.
- - Setup (32-bit version). Included an option to add
- WinXs to Document context menus in Explorer, as well as
- Folder context menus. To invoke this feature, run
- setup.exe and check the File Context Menus option.
- - Csplit utility added. Splits a text file based on con-
- text. Sections of a named input file can be written to
- different output files or skipped based on an argument
- list, which consists of a series of regular expressions
- and line numbers that indicate the end of each input
- section. Any lines left in the input file after all
- arguments have been matched are written out as a single
- section to the last output file.
- - Sort utility added. Sorts and/or merges one or more
- text files, either numerically or lexicographically.
- Options allow the sort order to be reversed, dictionary
- sorting, case folding, blanks or non-printing charac-
- ters to be ignored, and duplicate lines to be omitted
- from the output.
- - Nl utility added. Adds line numbers to one or more
- text files. Line numbers can be left or right justifed
- and padded with spaces or zeros. Optionally, all lines
- of text can be numbered, or numbering can be limited to
- non-blank lines only.
- - Pax. Added facilities (a) to copy an archive listing,
- as displayed in the output window, to the Windows clip-
- board, and (b) to list an archive in long or short
- form, as selected by the Verbose item on the View menu.
- - Uudecode. Fixed to accept input files containing mul-
- tiple uuencoded files. Also, DOS name mangling added
- to the 16-bit version as per the Pax utility.
- - Added context sensitive help to all command dialog
- boxes and generalised Man help on the WinXs menu in
- File Manager.
- - WinXs Shell (32-bit version only). Added facilities
- (a) to output directory listings in either short or
- long format, (b) to refresh the output display automat-
- ically whenever a change in the contents of the current
- directory is detected, (c) to display a column header
- above long format output, and (d) to pass long
- filenames to 32-bit apps only; short 8.3 filenames are
- passed to Windows 16-bit and DOS apps. Windows
- equivalents of the cal(1) and df(1) commands are added
- to the Utilities and File menus respectively. Also
- fixed a bug that caused program errors to be generated
- when folders contained very long filenames.
- - Pax utility added. This provides a Windows interface
- for the creation, reading and writing of cpio, ustar or
- tar portable archives.
- - Interface to gzip changed to save the original file
- name in a compressed file, and to restore it when
- uncompressing.
- - The WinXs shell (32-bit version only) improved in a
- number of ways. For example, it is now possible to
- limit the output display to files matching a pattern
- expressed using DOS wild-card characters. Also the Run
- Dialog is not displayed when a file is selected for
- execution by double-clicking the left mouse button in
- the output window.
- - Diff extended to resynchronise over a much larger
- number of lines (i.e., 1024 as opposed to 300 on previ-
- ous versions).
- - Bug fixed in grep.exe that limited search patterns to
- 40 characters. These are now limited to 32kb.
- - WinXs Shell (32-bit version only). Added for integra-
- tion with Explorer. Activated by right-clicking on any
- Folder and selecting the WinXs menu item from the pop-
- up context menu. Also available from the context menu
- associated with the Start button on the Taskbar. The
- WinXs shell provides a UNIX-like directory display and
- easy access to the WinXs tools.
- - Grep. Extended to perform file searches based on mul-
- tiple input patterns, which are specified in the Grep
- dialog as a list of newline separated regular expres-
- sions.
- - Gzip and Gunzip. Extended to accept multiple input
- file specifications, within limitations imposed by the
- underlying DOS-based gzip program.
- - Limits. All utilities that do filename pattern match-
- ing have been extended to cater for the larger direc-
- tory structures possible on Windows 95.
- - More and Hd. Fixed a problem to do with previewing and
- printing files with very long pathnames. Also added
- tooltips to the more.exe toolbar (32-bit version only).
- - Dos2unix and Unix2dos. Fixed a problem to do with con-
- verting directories (which somethimes failed to work).
- - Introduced a 32-bit version specifically for Windows
- 95. All other changes noted below apply to both the
- 16-bit and 32-bit versions of the product.
- - Added a POSIX.2 compatible implementation of the sed(1)
- stream editor.
- - Sed scripts. Added cat-s.sed which squeezes multiple
- adjacent blank lines in its input files, and diff-e.sed
- which generates a sed script from WinXs diff output.
- - Filename expansion. Tools that accept file specifica-
- tions possibly containing DOS wild-card characters are
- extended to accept a list of space-separated file
- specifications; double-clicking a filename in the
- directory listbox associated with these tools appends
- the selected filename to the end of the input file list
- rather than over-writing its existing contents. This
- change affects cat, col, compress, dos2unix, expand,
- file, fmt, fold, grep, grex, sed, strings, tail, tr,
- uncompress, unix2dos and wc. Note, however, that this
- feature is only supported in registered copies of the
- software.
- - A View item is added to the File menu of diff, grep and
- the General Utilities applete. This allows filenames
- appearing anywhere in the display window to be selected
- and passed to more for viewing.
- - Du. An option is added to display a space utilization
- figure after block counts, as a percentage of used file
- space versus allocated file space. This is useful for
- checking how much disk space is being wasted as a
- result of your disk partition layout (see Du help for
- more information).
- - Setup. New options are added to set more.exe as the
- default text file viewer and/or text file print program
- in the Windows registration database. This is espe-
- cially useful for integration with Explorer in Windows
- 95. An uninstall option is also added.
- - Grex. Fixed a problem in end-of-line processing,
- whereby the program looped if '$' was specified as the
- search pattern.
- - Gzip and Gunzip. In previous versions, the filename
- for the gzip executable was hard-wired into gzip.pif.
- This is changed to use the setting of Gzip in
- winfile.ini, thus correctly tracking the location of
- gzip.exe, which by implication can now be located any-
- where on the system (i.e., not necessarily in the WinXs
- directory)..
- - Numerous minor bug fixes to the documentation (typos
- etc.).
- - Added the utilities cat(1), col(1), expand(1), fmt(1),
- fold(1), grex(1), head(1), tail(1) and tr(1).
- - File(1). An option is added to change the order in
- which the Windows registration database and the magic
- number database are scanned.
- - Grep(1). New options are added (a) to recursively des-
- cend subdirectories, and (b) to display unmatched lines
- rather than matched lines.
- - More(1). The following fixes and improvements are made
- in this version: (a) a bug in version 1.0 tab expansion
- is fixed, (b) backspace sequences are now handled
- correctly, and (c) text can be selected for copying or
- marking using the mouse.
- - UNIX eXchange. The dos2unix(1) and unix2dos(1) filters
- will now convert files in-situ.
- - The syntax of regular expressions is extended to accept
- '\t' (horizontal tab) as a single-character RE that
- matches the code value 0x09. Because Windows dialogs
- use this character to move to the next field, it was
- not possible on v1.0 to specify a tab character in a
- regular expression.
- - To help reduce the size of the product, a number of
- separate programs in v1.0 are combined into a single
- program in this release. It is recommended, therefore,
- that anyone upgrading from v1.0 should delete their
- v1.0 installation and re-install the product from
- scratch.