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- WinXs Version 4.0
- Copyright (C) 1998 Mick Meaden
- Software Online Limited
- All Rights Reserved
- WinXs for Windows is a shareware program that provides
- UNIX-like tool functionality under Windows 3.1, Windows for
- Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT. To run
- WinXs, you will need a 486-based PC (or later), at least 4mb
- of main memory and 2.5 mb of disk space to install the 16-
- bit version, or 8mb of main memory and approximately 5.25mb
- of disk space to install the 32-bit version.
- WinXs comes in 16-bit and 32-bit versions. The 16-bit ver-
- sion will run on Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups or Win-
- dows 95; the 32-bit version will only run on Windows 95/98
- and Windows NT. The two versions are functionally similar,
- albeit that for integration with Explorer, or to take advan-
- tage of long filenames and pre-emptive scheduling on Windows
- 95/98/NT, you will need to run the 32-bit version.
- WinXs for Windows is a suite of programs that brings Unix-
- style tool functionality to the Windows platform. This ver-
- sion of the program runs on Windows 95, Windows 98 or Win-
- dows NT 4.0, and consists of a series of 50 popular file and
- text utility commands and utility applets. Access and
- implement them using the menu bar in the Windows File
- Manager (Windows 95/98 only), or the Explorer and Taskbar.
- The distribution includes cat, cksum, cmp, col, comm,
- compress, cp, csplit, cut, dd, df, diff, dircmp, dos2unix,
- du, expand, file, find, fmt, fold, grep, hd, head, join, ls,
- man, more, mv, nl, od, paste, pax, pg, pr, rm, sdiff, sed,
- sort, split, strings, tail, tee, touch, tr, uncompress,
- uniq, unix2dos, uuencode, uudecode, wc, whence, xargs and
- others. See the file "winxs.txt" for more information.
- INSTALLING WINXS (32-bit Version)
- WinXs is distributed either as a free-standing .EXE file or
- as a .ZIP archive. If you have the former, run the .EXE
- file and proceed to step 3 below. Otherwise, you can
- install WinXs from a .ZIP file as follows:
- 1. If you have WinZip on your system, open the ZIP file
- containing the WinXs distribution (e.g., winxs32.zip)
- and double-click the WinXs .EXE file (winxs32.exe).
- 2. If you do not have WinZip on your system, unzip the
- WinXs distribution file (e.g., winxs32.zip) to a tem-
- porary directory and then run the WinXs .EXE file from
- File Manager or Explorer. Delete the temporary direc-
- tory and its contents when the installation is com-
- plete.
- 3. Run the WinXs Shell by double-clicking the desktop
- icon created by the installation program. Further
- configuration options are made available by selecting
- the Configure option on the File menu.
- Note that File | Configure can be re-run at any stage to
- change the installation options. Whenever this is done,
- however, you must exit and restart the WinXs shell before
- installation changes can take effect.
- Windows NT. Because the WinXs setup program modifies the
- registry, you must logon as the Administrator to install the
- product, and whenever you want to modify the configuration
- via File | Configure.
- Because this release updates the WinXs DLL, it is important
- to ensure that File Manager IS NOT running when you upgrade.
- Otherwise, install the software as indicated above.
- Use the File | Configure option to add the WinXs tools to
- folder context menus in Explorer. On Windows 95 you can
- also make the Shell available on file context menus by doing
- the following:
- 1. From Explorer, locate and select the SendTo folder,
- which is normally located in your Windows directory.
- 2. Select File on the Explorer menu bar, then select New
- and Shortcut in the resulting drop down menus.
- 3. Select Browse in the Create Shortcut dialog and locate
- the file winxssh.exe in your WinXs folder.
- 4. Select Next and give a name to your shortcut in the
- "Select a Title for the Program" dialog (e.g., WinXs
- Shell).
- 5. Select Finish.
- To use the new shortcut, select a file in the right-hand
- Explorer pane, then select Sendto. Your shortcut will
- appear on the SendTo drop down menu. Selecting this
- shortcut will result in the appearance of a new window con-
- taining the WinXs Shell, with any selected files
- highlighted.
- Two types of tool are delivered with WinXs:
- i. Windows based tools. These are available from the
- WinXs shell (on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0) and
- File Manager (on Windows 95 only).
- ii. Command line tools. These are used at the command
- prompt.
- As delivered, the product is configured to access the com-
- mand line tools by running command.com (cmd.exe on Windows
- NT). The WinXs command line tools are added to the direc-
- tory search path automatically whenever command.com (or
- cmd.exe) is started from the WinXs Shell, which should be
- sufficient for most needs. However, if you want to use the
- command line tools in other circumstances, such as when the
- command line interpreter is started from the Windows Start
- menu, you will need to make manual adjustments to your
- environment as follows:
- - Windows 95. Assuming Windows 95 is installed in direc-
- tory c:\Windows, and WinXs is installed in c:\WinXs32,
- add the following command to your c:\autoexec.bat file:
- PATH c:\winxs32\bin;c:\windows;c:\windows\command
- This identifies three directories that will be searched
- automatically when entering a command at the command
- prompt, namely:
- 1. c:\winxs32\bin
- 2. c:\windows
- 3. c:\windows\command
- The exact nature of this command will vary from system
- to system, so you should check your current setting
- before making any changes.
- - Windows NT 4.0. The situation on NT is more complex.
- Firstly, NT has two command interpreters (command.com
- and cmd.exe). It is recommended that you use cmd.exe
- wherever possible, which has the doskey program built
- in.
- If you really must use command.com, add the following
- line to your c:\winnt\system32\autoexec.nt file:
- PATH c:\winxs32\bin;c:\winnt\system32;c:\winnt
- This assumes that WinXs is installed in directory
- c:\winxs32, and Windows NT in directory c:\winnt. The
- effect is the same as described for Windows 95 above.
- To use the WinXs tools with cmd.exe, you will need to
- modify the environment as follows:
- i. Logon to the system with Administrator permis-
- sions.
- ii. On the Start menu, select Settings | Control
- Panel and double-click the System icon.
- iii. Select the Environment tab in the System Proper-
- ties dialog.
- iv. In the System Variables group, select the Path
- variable. This causes the Value edit box at the
- bottom of the dialog to be loaded with the
- current setting of the Path environment variable.
- Add c:\winxs32\bin to the beginning of this
- field, e.g.,
- c:\winxs32\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%
- v. Click OK and close the Control Panel.
- All WinXs commands line tools support an option -h, which
- causes the tool to display a brief synopsis and usage line.
- For more detailed information use the "man" command, which
- displays a reference manual page for the named command or
- commands (e.g., man man). Use "man -k -" to display a com-
- plete list of manual reference pages.
- UNINSTALLATION (32-bit Version)
- To uninstall WinXs from your system do the following:
- 1. From Explorer, locate your WinXs installation folder
- and double-click the file setup.exe. Select Uninstall
- in the resulting dialog box.
- 2. From Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- 3. In the list of installed software, select WinXs and
- then click Add/Remove.
- WinXs is a shareware program. It can be used for a period
- of up to 30 days free of charge, after which it must be
- removed from your system or a license fee of $30 dollars
- U.S. must be paid. Benefits of registration include:
- + All nag screens are removed.
- + Free product upgrades.
- + Options can be saved from More. This includes font
- selections, tab settings, editor preference, and window
- position. The last of these, window position, also
- affects the hd utility.
- + The AddOns Organizer can be used to add, remove or edit
- items on the AddOns menu in the WinXs Shell (32-bit
- version only).
- + A copy of the WinXs User Reference Manual will be sent
- by email. This document is distributed in HTML format
- and is the definitive guide to using the various WinXs
- utilities.
- WinXs can be registered in a number of ways, as follows:
- By email or fax.
- Run the WinXs shell and select Register on the Help
- menu. This will display a form that you should fill
- in and then email, fax or post to the indicated
- address. Visa, Master Card, American Express and
- First Virtual payments are accepted by the registra-
- tion program.
- By Compuserve.
- GO SWREG. The registration ID for WinXs is 7400.
- Direct ordering.
- Direct ordering can be made by using the order form in
- Your registration number and a copy of the WinXs User Refer-
- ence Manual will be emailed to you immediately on receipt of
- registration (if possible), or will be sent to you by return
- of post.
- As a registered user of WinXs, you will be notified about
- future product updates as soon as they become avail-
- able. You can download these free of any additional software
- charges.
- If you have any problems with WinXs, or if you have any
- queries or comments, please send email to the following
- address:
- 100345.2641@compuserve.com
- If you do not have access to email, then write to the
- address given in the file REGISTER.TXT. All support issues
- and queries will be dealt with as quickly as possible.