Label1 = Copyright 1996-1998 by KlickSoft Computer GmbH
Label2 = All rights reserved
Label3 = Use permitted only under the licencee agreement!
Label6 = Licensee:
Label7 = You can find current information and updates on the Internet:
Label5 =
Label4 = Software development and design: Winfried Li▀eck, Boris Polenske, Stephan Tunn
WeiterB = Continue
ScannerSetupF = Program settings
Tab1 = Basic settings
Tab2 = Resolutions
Tab3 = Functions
Tab4 = E-Mail
Tab5 = Other
ScannertreiberL = Scanner driver selected:
ImmerTreiberC = Always use this driver
ScannerTypR = Type of scanner concerned:
ScannerTypRItems1 = Flat-bed scanner
ScannerTypRItems2 = Feed scanner (preview not possible)
ScannerTypRItems3 = Flat-bed scanner with single-sheet feed
EinstellungenG = Available settings:
UseUIC = Utilise user interface of scanner
GesamtScannC = Always scan the complete scanning field
HelligkeitScannC = Use brightness/contrast when scanning
VonAktuellemBildC = Take over values from current picture
VorschauFinalC = Preview already final scan
ScannfeldG = Important! Observe following:
ManuellFensterC = Set size of scanning field manually
Info1 = The scanner driver does not give the maximum size of the scanning field or not correctly! You must enter the size of the scanning field here. You can establish the size on the basis of the text of the scanning window.
Info2 = If you are not completely sure, enter A4. this format is supported by 99.9% of all scanners. Values which are too large may damage the scanner.
Info3 = Size of scanning field:
CheckL = Resolutions checked
AbbruchB = &Abort
UebernehmeB = A&pply
SchwarzweissG = Resolutions monochrome:
GraustufenG = Resolutions grey stages:
PaletteG = Resolutions 256 colours:
EchtfarbenG = Resolutions true colours:
SWFreiC = Enter values freely
GFreiC = Enter values freely
PFreiC = Enter values freely
EFreiC = Enter values freely
SWNiedrig = Low
SWNormal = Normal
SWHoch = High
SWVorschau = Preview
GNiedrig = Low
GNormal = Normal
GHoch = High
GVorschau = Preview
PNiedrig = Low
PNormal = Normal
PHoch = High
PVorschau = Preview
ENiedrig = Low
ENormal = Normal
EHoch = High
EVorschau = Preview
FunctionsSupportedG = The scanner supports the following functions:
ScannfeldF = Drivers gives size of scanning field
ScannfeldFHint = Status - Cannot be changed!
SilentF = Scanning without user interface of driver
SilentFHint = Status - Cannot be changed!
HelligkeitF = Set brightness and contrast during scanning
HelligkeitFHint = Status - Cannot be changed!
FeederF = Automatic single-sheet feed
FeederFHint = Status - Cannot be changed!
ResolutionL = Following resolutions:
ResolutionLHint = Status - Cannot be changed!
HorizL = Horizontal:
VertL = Vertical:
PixelType = Available colour depths:
ServerG = Server setup:
NameL = User name for mail server:
ServerL = Server for outgoing mail [SMTP]:
MailL = Server for incoming mail:
KennwortL = Password:
PersonG = Personal information and settings:
NamePL = Name:
MailPL = E-mail address:
GeneralG = General settings
StempelL = Format for date indications in stamp:
DatumFormatCItem0 = 10.17.98
DatumFormatCItem1 = Oct. 17, 1998
DatumFormatCItem2 = October 17, 1998
MasseinheitL = Used Measurement unit:
MasseinheitCItem0 = Centimeter
MasseinheitCItem1 = Inch
StempelF = Save stamp
SpeichernG = Save the current object in a new stamp:
NameL = Designation of the new stamp:
AbbruchB = &Abort
TextF = Edit text
AbbruchB = &Abort
ProfilM = Save new profile
NameL = Designation of the new profile
SpeichernG = Save the current values in a new profile:
SpeichernB = &Save
LoeschenB = &Delete
BestehenG = Existing profiles:
AbbruchB = &Abort
MailF = Send e-mail
EmpfaengerL = Receiver:
MEmpfaengerL = In the case of more than one receiver separate with ;
BetreffL = Subject:
GroesseL = Total size of e-mail
DateiF = File format used:
AktuellBildL = Current picture file:
MailFileFormatCItem0 = BMP - File
MailFileFormatCItem1 = JPEG - File - minimum size
MailFileFormatCItem2 = JPEG - File - average quality
MailFileFormatCItem3 = JPEG - File - good quality
MailFileFormatCItem4 = TIF - File
SendenB = &Send
AbbruchB = &Abort
GroesseF = Missing information..
EingabeG = Important! You must complete the following
HinweisL = The picture loaded does not contain any information on the physical size of the original picture. Enter the size:
StandardL = Standard format:
HoeheL = Height:
BreiteL = Width
EinheitL = Unit of measurement:
MassEItem0 = cm
MassEItem1 = Inch
TwainF = TWAIN - version note
BeachtenG = You must observe the following:
Info1 = Copyshop 2000 was developed and tested with the latest TWIN module. In your Windows directory you have drivers of an older version. There may be problems when working with Copyshop 2000!
Info2 = We urgently recommend that the drivers be replaced by the latest version! With Copyshop 2000 more recent drivers will be installed. Press the switch "Update Driver" to copy the latest version of the drivers in your Windows directory.
TreiberUpdateB = Update driver
Info3 = The files TWAIN.DLL and TWAIN_32.DL will be replaced in your Windows directory. The old files will be backed up in the subdirectory TWAIN.ALT of Copyshop 2000.
KeineMeldungC = Do not display this message in future
StempelDelF = Delete stamp
StempelG = Actually existing stamps
LoeschenB = &Delete
OKB = &Close
TipF = Tip of the Day
TitelG = Did you know...
KeineAnzeige = No Tips on StartUp
SchliessenB = &Close
WeiterB = &Next Tip
FreischaltF = Licence administration
Voll = Full Version
Share = Shareware Version
Trial = 21-day unrestricted Test Version
VollG = Enter the release code you have received:
VollLizenznehmerL = Licensee:
VollCodeL = Release code:
Voll1 = If you have ordered a full version and have received a relase code, enter the licensee name and release code. The release code is a personal code and may not be passed on to third parties.
Voll2 = If you do not yet have a full version, you can test this program as a shareware version or 21-day test version. For this purpose go to the relevant pages.
Voll3 = Further information on the statutory basis can be found in the file "LICENCE.TXT". All use contracts are exclusively concluded in accordance with the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
AbbruchB = &Abort
ShareDank = Thank you for testing Copyshop 2000!
Share1 = This is a fully functioning, unregistered version for test purposes. If you like this program and you would like to use it permanently, you will have to obtain the full version. With a relase code this version will become a full version.
Share2 = You can obtain this release code on our Internet page. You may pass this program on to friends and acquaintances as long as you pass on the unchanged original file and you do not tell any third parties your release code.
Share3 = Further information on the statutory basis can be found in the file "LICENCE.TXT". All use contracts are exclusively concluded in accordance with the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
InternetB = &Order online...
FormularB = &Show order form...
TestG = Enter the release code you have received:
TestLizenznehmerL = Licensee:
TestCodeL = Release code:
Test1 = This is a fully functioning, unregistered version for test purposes. If you like this program and you would like to use it permanently, you will have to obtain the full version. With a release code this version will become a full version.
Test2 = If you have received a personal release code for the 21-day test version, enter the licensee name and release code. The release code is a personal code and may not be passed on to others. The code is valid for 21 days.
Test3 = Further information on the statutory basis can be found in the file "LICENCE.TXT". All use contracts are exclusively concluded in accordance with the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.