1 Select a configuration profile from the list to see a history of the changes to the configuration.
2 Select the configuration snapshot to be used as the starting point for comparison of configuration information.
3 Select the configuration snapshot to be used as the ending point for comparison of configuration information. If you choose Now, the current file and system information will be used.
4 Exit ConfigSafe.
5 Create a configuration snapshot.
6 Manage configuration snapshots.
7 Create a report of the changes to this configuration.
8 Manage the list of configuration profiles.
9 Save the current configuration and replace it with a configuration that is stored in a snapshot.
10 Undo a previous restoration the configuration.
16 Configuration File Changes
17 Display the changes that have been made to the configuration files.
18 File changes. Deleted lines are shown in red, added lines in blue and changed lines in green.
19 Select the file for which you wish to view changes.
20 Go to the previous added, deleted or changed line.
21 Go to the next added, deleted or changed line.
22 When showing file changes, only display the lines that have changed.
23 Include line numbers in the display of file changes.
24 System Information
25 Display changes to the system information.
26 System Information. Changes to the System Information are shown in green.
27 Drive Information
28 Display changes to the drive information.
29 Drive Information. Drives that are no longer configured, newly configured drives and changed drives are shown in green.
32 Registry Information
33 Display Changes to Registry Information.
34 Registry Information. Deleted entries are shown in red, added entries in blue and changed entries in green.
35 Select the registry key for which you wish to view changes.
36 Directory Information
37 Display Changes to Directory Information.
38 Directory Information. Deleted files/directories are shown in red, added files/directories in blue and changed files in green.
39 Select the directory for which you wish to view changes.
64 Create a snapshot, and return.
65 Return without creating a snapshot.
66 Enter a description for the new configuration snapshot.
67 List of files that will be included in the configuration snapshot.
68 Select additional files to be included in the snapshot.
69 Delete the selected files from the list of files to be included in the snapshot.
80 Save changes to snapshots and options, and return.
81 Return without saving changes to snapshots and options.
82 Select a configuration snapshot.
83 Enable scheduled snapshot of the configuration.
84 Enter the number of scheduled snapshots to retain.
85 Delete the selected configuration snapshot.
86 Rename the selected configuration snapshot.
87 Select the list of profiles to use when creating scheduled snapshots.
88 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected configuration snapshot?
89 Select the profiles to use when creating scheduled snapshots.
90 Save the updated list of profiles to use when creating scheduled snapshots.
91 Return without updating the list of profiles to use when creating scheduled snapshots.
92 Import a snapshot
93 Export a snapshot
94 Set the ConfigSafe password.
95 Unable to create exported snapshot. The destination disk is full.
96 Unable to create exported snapshot.
97 Unable to import snapshot.
98 The specified file does not contain a valid exported snapshot.
99 The specified exported snapshot file is for use with a different operating system.
104 Enter the new description for the configuration snapshot.
105 Update the configuration snapshot description and return.
106 Return without updating the configuration snapshot description.
107 Snapshot Description
108 This configuration profile has been changed. Save the changes to the profile?
112 Return without restoring your configuration.
113 Restore your configuration from the selected snapshot.
114 Select this option to restore the registry as part of the restore operation.
115 Select a configuration snapshot to restore.
116 Select the files that you wish to restore. All files are selected initially, and if you de-select a file it will not be restored.
117 Nothing has been selected for restoration.
118 This operation will update your configuration. Are you sure that your want the configuration to be changed?
119 In order to ensure the integrity of your registry files, you should be sure that no other applications are running before proceeding with the restore. OK to proceed with restore?
120 Restore Configuration
121 Your configuration has been restored, but the restored configuration will not be in effect until Windows is restarted.
122 There is already an UNDO file from a previous restore. If you continue with this restore, it will be impossible to undo the previous restore. Continue with restore?
123 Choose the action that ConfigSafe should take when the restoration is complete or select Cancel if you do not wish to restore your system.
124 &Restore
125 System Configuration was not restored
126 Undo
127 The previous restore of your configuration has been undone, but the configuration will not be in effect until Windows is restarted.
128 Should ConfigSafe discard the information used by the UNDO processing when the UNDO is complete?
129 Choose the action that ConfigSafe should take when the undo of the previous restoration is complete.
130 &Undo
144 Create Log File
145 Select the information to be included in the ConfigSafe report. The report will show configuration changes from %s until %s.
146 Save the selected report options and return.
147 Return without updating report options.
148 Select this option to include file change information in the report.
149 Select this option to include system information in the report.
150 Select this option to include drive information in the report.
151 Select this option to include directory information in the report.
152 Select this option to include registry information in the report.
153 Print a report of the changes to this configuration.
154 Set printing options.
155 View the report of changes to this configuration.
160 Set Options
161 Store the new option values, then return.
162 Return without modifying options.
163 Set the automatic configuration snapshot to occur every day.
164 Set the automatic configuration snapshot to occur once a week.
165 Set the automatic configuration snapshot to occur once a month.
166 Set the automatic configuration snapshot to occur every time Windows is started.
167 Enable scheduled snapshot of the configuration.
168 When showing file changes, display the entire file.
169 When showing file changes, only display the lines that have changed.
170 Include line numbers in the display of file changes.
176 Create Configuration Profile
177 Modify Configuration Profile
178 Return to the ConfigSafe main screen, and display information for the newly selected profile.
179 Return to the ConfigSafe main screen without changing the selected profile.
180 Select a configuration profile.
181 File list for the selected profile.
182 Manage the selected configuration profile.
183 Create a new configuration profile.
184 Delete the selected configuration profile.
185 Save changes to the configuration profile and return.
186 Return without saving changes the selected configuration profile.
187 File list for the selected configuration profile.
188 Add a file to the file list for this profile.
189 Delete the selected file from the file list for this profile.
190 Change the description of the selected profile.
191 Are you sure that you wish to delete the profile?
192 This profile is currently selected as the profile to use when creating scheduled snapshots. Are you sure that you wish to delete the profile?
193 This is the only existing profile. If you delete it, no snapshots can be created until another profile is created. Are you sure that you wish to delete the profile?
194 The profile that was being used to create scheduled snapshots has been deleted. No scheduled snapshots will be created until you select a new profile.
208 File Location
210 Update the file locations that have been changed, then return.
211 Edit the location of the selected file.
212 Double-click on a file to edit the location of that file.
215 File Path
216 Update the path for the selected file
217 Return without updating the path for the selected file
218 Browse for the selected file
219 Enter a fully qualified path for the selected file
224 Support Edition v1.05.03
225 v1.05.03
240 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain a version of this file
241 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain a version of this file
242 This file is not contained in either of the snapshots that were selected
243 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain information about this registry key
244 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain information about this registry key
245 Information about this registry key is not contained in either of the snapshots that were selected
246 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain information about this directory
247 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain information about this directory
248 Information about this directory is not contained in either of the snapshots that were selected
249 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain system information
250 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain system information
251 System information is not contained in either of the snapshots that were selected
252 The selected file is not a text file and changes cannot be displayed
272 Select a drive from the list to display the directories on that drive.
273 Select a registry key from the list to display the subkeys for that key.
274 Select a directory to be included in the configuration profile.
275 Select a registry key to be included in the configuration profile.
276 Enter a directory to be included in the configuration profile.
277 Enter a registry key to be included in the configuration profile.
278 Update the configuration profile with the new directory and return.
279 Update the configuration profile with the new registry key and return.
280 Return without updating the configuration profile.
281 Return without updating the configuration profile.
384 System Snapshot
385 System Restore
386 System Analysis
387 Report Generation
388 Storing:
389 Reading:
390 Analyzing:
391 Updating:
392 System Files
393 Directory Information
394 Registry Information
395 Protecting Your Environment
396 Please Wait
397 Performing
398 UNDO Information
400 Update filters for this profile and return.
401 Return without updating the filters for this profile.
402 Add a file type to the list of exclude filters.
403 Delete the selected file type from the list of exclude filters.
404 Add a file type to the list of include filters.
405 Delete the selected file type from the list of include filters.
406 Exclude filter list for this profile. File types in this list will not be displayed when viewing directory changes.
407 Include filter list for this profile. If any file types are specified in this list, they will be the only types displayed when viewing directory changes.
408 Add the new file type to the list of filters and return.
409 Return without adding the new file type to the list of filters.
410 Enter a file type to be used as a filter when viewing directory changes. All files of the specified type will be filtered.
411 If you add a file type to the list of include filters, only files of the types specified in the include filter list will be displayed when viewing directory changes. OK to add a file type to the include list?
412 File types must be specified in the form *.xxx, where xxx is the extension of the file type to include or exclude.
413 All File Types
416 Add file to configuration profile
417 Delete file from configuration profile
418 Add directory to configuration profile
419 Delete directory from configuration profile
420 Add registry key to configuration profile
421 Delete registry key from configuration profile
422 Manage display filters for this configuration profile
430 Select a directory entry to view changes to that directory
431 Select a registry key to view changes to that key
448 User has insufficient access rights to run ConfigSafe
512 Now
514 System Snapshot
515 Undo Base File
768 Failed to create snapshot
769 Unable to Allocate Memory for Directory Information
770 Unable to compress directory information
771 Unable to snapshot registry information
1024 OK
1025 Cancel
1040 Changes Starting:
1041 Changes Ending:
1042 Show Only Changed Lines
1043 Show Line Numbers
1044 E&xit
1045 &x
1046 &Snapshot
1047 &S
1048 &Manage
1049 &M
1050 Re&port
1051 &p
1052 Pro&file
1053 &f
1054 &Restore
1055 &R
1056 &Undo
1057 &U
1058 &Help
1059 &H
1060 Are you sure that you want to delete %s from the list of directories in the profile?
1061 Delete Directory from Configuration Profile
1062 Are you sure that you want to delete %s from the profile
1063 Delete File from Configuration Profile
1064 Are you sure that you want to delete %s from the list of registry keys in the profile
1065 Delete Registry Key from Configuration Profile
1066 Select File(s) to be added to the configuration profile
1067 All Files
1068 Select a registry key to view changes to that key
1069 Select a directory entry to view changes to that directory
1072 Create Configuration Snapshot
1073 Configuration Profile:
1074 Des&cription:
1088 Manage Configuration Snapshots
1089 Snapshots:
1090 Scheduled Snapshot
1091 Enable Scheduled Snapshot
1092 Daily
1093 Weekly
1094 Monthly
1095 At Windows Startup
1096 &Profiles
1097 Maximum Snapshots to Save:
1098 &Rename
1099 &R
1100 &Delete
1101 &D
1102 &Export
1103 &E
1104 &Import
1105 &I
1106 Set Pass&word
1107 &w
1108 Exported Snapshots
1109 All Files
1110 Save Snapshot As
1111 Select Snapshot File
1112 Imported Snapshot
1113 Scheduled Snapshot
1114 Snapshot Containing Registry Errors
1120 Description:
1136 Select Scheduled Profiles
1137 Configuration Profiles:
1152 Generate Report
1153 File Change Information
1154 System Information
1155 Drive Information
1156 Directory Information
1157 Registry Information
1158 &Print Report
1159 &P
1160 Printer &Setup
1161 &S
1162 &View Report
1163 &V
1184 Select Profile
1185 Configuration Profiles:
1186 &Rename Profile
1187 &R
1188 &Add Profile
1189 &A
1190 &Delete Profile
1191 &D
1200 Configuration Profile:
1204 Configuration Profile:
1205 Configuration Files:
1206 Registry Keys:
1207 Directories:
1208 Please Enter a description for the configuration profile
1216 Select Directories
1217 Select Registry Keys
1218 Select the directories to be included in the configuration profile
1219 Select the registry keys to be included in the configuration profile
1220 Root Keys:
1221 Drives:
1232 &Snapshots:
1233 &Files:
1234 Registry &Keys:
1235 &Restore
1236 &R
1237 &Undo
1238 &U
1239 &Continue
1240 &C
1241 &Restart Windows
1242 &R
1243 Re&boot System
1244 &B
1264 Manage Directory Filters
1265 File Types To Exclude:
1266 File Types To Include:
1272 Add Directory Filter
1273 File type to use as filter:
1280 Choose OK when all file locations are specified correctly.
1281 Files:
1282 New Path
1283 <<File Not Found>>
1296 Path:
1297 &Browse
1298 &B
1299 Locate File
1328 Provided By:
1329 For Use With:
1330 Serial Number:
1344 Searching for Configuration Files
1360 Processor type:
1361 Coprocessor:
1362 Base Memory:
1363 Windows Version:
1364 Extended Memory:
1365 DOS Version:
1368 Unknown
1369 Yes
1370 No
1371 Neither snapshot that was selected contains system information.
1372 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain system information.
1373 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain system information.
1376 Not Present
1377 Present
1378 Kb
1379 Neither snapshot that was selected contains drive information.
1380 The older snapshot that was selected does not contain drive information.
1381 The newer snapshot that was selected does not contain drive information.
1408 Export Options
1409 Select the information to be included in the exported snapshot.
1410 Description:
1411 File Change Information
1412 System Information
1413 Drive Information
1414 Directory Information
1415 Registry Key Information
1416 Registry Files for DOS-based Restore
1417 Registry Restore Information
1432 Create an exported snapshot using the selected options.
1433 Return without creating an exported snapshot.
1434 Enter the description of the exported snapshot.
1435 Select this option to include file change information in the exported snapshot.
1436 Select this option to include system information in the exported snapshot.
1437 Select this option to include drive information in the exported snapshot.
1438 Select this option to include directory information in the exported snapshot.
1439 Select this option to include registry key information in the exported snapshot.
1440 Select this option to include registry restore information in the exported snapshot.
1441 Import Options
1442 Select the information to be imported from the exported snapshot.
1536 ConfigSafe Report
1537 ConfigSafe System Changes Report
1538 --------------------------------
1539 Changes Starting :
1540 Changes Ending :
1541 File Change Information
1542 System Information
1543 Drive Information
1544 Directory Change Information
1545 Registry Change Information
1546 Print Complete
1547 Error Printing Report
1548 Print cancelled by user
1549 Page
1584 Unable to verify password.
1585 Unable to set password.
1586 Password
1587 Please enter your password.
1588 Please enter the old password.
1589 Please enter the new password.
1590 Please re-enter your password to confirm the change.
1591 The password that was entered is incorrect.
1592 The password that was entered is incorrect, password not changed.
1593 The maximum number of retries has been exceeded.