achInstallDirPrompt=Install to the following location:
achRemovePrompt=The shared file %0 may be used by other installed applications. Do you want to remove it?
achUpdatePrompt=The installer needs to update the file "%0", but it is currently in use by another application. Please exit all programs and re-run this installer.
achUninstallBeginPrompt=Are you sure you want to un-install this package?
achUninstallEndPrompt=Uninstall Complete!
achMissingFilePrompt=: this file needs to be installed, but is not found. Continue with installation?
achInstallOverExistingFilePrompt=: this file exists. Overwrite?
achErrorCreatingDialog=Error creating dialog needed for installation. Exiting...
achInstallSelectDir=Please select the directory to install to.
achNotFullPath=The installation path must be a full path including a drive specification and the directory path starting from the root, and may not be a UNC name (\\machinename\sharename).
achErrorCreatingRegistryKey=Error creating registry key during installation. Continue?
achErrorRegDeleteKey=: error deleting this registry key. Please make sure the registry is clean after this setup.
achErrorUninstallRun=: the preceding command was run as part of un-installation, but it did not return a successful status. Please verify that it was run successfully.
achWinErrorMsg1=The following error message was received from Windows:
achReboot=Setup needs to perform a reboot to update system configurations. Reboot now?
achErrorCreatingShortcut=Error creating start menu shortcut.
achErrorDeleteFile=: error deleting this file. Continue?
achErrorDeletingShortcut=Cannot delete start menu item.
achRebootNoMsg=Please note that this application may not run correctly until after a reboot.
achInstallProgressMsg=Copying files to machine and updating configurations...
achUninstallProgressMsg=Removing files and updating configurations...
achCANCEL=Exit Setup
achCreateAppDir=The specified directory does not exist. Do you want to create it?
achErrorRunningEXE=The command "%0" failed.\n%1\nWould you like to try running the command again?
achInstallOverwriteExistingFilePrompt=: this file exists. Overwrite?
achErrorRunningEXEAfterInstallation=: error running the preceding command. This command was run after the installation to ensure registration of certain components. Please check that all components are installed properly.
achErrorInstallingDCOMComponents=An error occurred while installing DCOM components. Please verify that all components were properly installed.
achRemoteServerPrompt=Server name for remote components used by this application:
achErrorDiskFull=There is insufficient available space on drive %0. This application requires %2 bytes, but only %1 bytes are available on the drive. Would you like to re-try the available disk space scan?
achErrorRegisterOCX=: an error occurred registering this component. Do you want to continue the installation?
achErrorUnregisterOCX=: an error occurred while unregistering this component. It may still be partially registered in your system's registry.
achErrorVJUnregister=: error while un-registering this component. Please verify that it was uninstalled correctly.
achNeedJPM=The Java Package Manager (JPM) is required to install certain parts of this setup. Please install the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java and run this installer again.
achRerunSetup=This installer is about to run sub-installers that are included in this package. If any of them causes a reboot, please re-run this installer.
achDoneRerunSetup=Setup is now done running the sub-installers. You do not need to re-run this setup in the case of a reboot.
achUninstallReboot=Setup needs to restart this machine to conclude uninstall. Reboot now?
achUninstallRebootNoMsg=Please note that some applications may not run correctly until after a reboot.
achNeedRecentJPM=This installation requires an updated version of the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java. Please install the update before running this setup again.
achErrorRebootingSystem=An error occurred while trying to reboot the system. Please restart your machine.
achDeleteReadonlyFile=: this is a read-only file. Delete?
achInstallSureAboutCancel=Are you sure you want to cancel?
The installation has not been completed and you will have to manually delete any files which have already been moved to their final destinations.
achUninstallSureAboutCancel=Are you sure you want to cancel the uninstall procedure?
Some of the application's files are still present on your system and must be removed manually.
achYESTOALL=Yes To &All
achNOTOALL=No &To All
achINSTALLDIRSTATIC=Installation folder (hit "Go!" to continue):
achInstallEndPromptError=The installation completed with errors. Some files may need to be manually deleted from your system.
achErrorNeedRegistryPermissions=Insufficient privileges to make required registry changes.
achErrorOneAtATime=Another installer (or uninstaller) is running, please try again later.
achWelcome3=It is recommended that you exit all other applications before starting. Press Alt+Tab to switch to other applications, save your work, and close each application.
achWelcome4=Press "Continue" to begin.
achExitSetup=&Exit Setup
achExesToRun1=Setup is running sub-installers that are included in this package. Note that these installations may cause a reboot. Please re-run this setup if a reboot occurs before reaching the end of this setup.
achExesToRun2=Running nested setups...
achInstallTo1=Select Application Folder
achInstallTo2=Use the field below to specify the folder where you want the application files copied to.
achInstallTo3=To specify a different folder, type a new name, or use the Browse button to select an existing folder.
achDCOM1=Specify Remote Server
achDCOM2=Use the field below to specify the machine name where the components can be located.
achDCOM3=To specify a different machine, type an existing machine name.
achProgress1=Installation Progress
achProgress2=Setup is installing the required files.
achProgress3=Installing files...
achEnd1=Setup was successful
achEnd2=The installation is complete and the application has been properly set up.
achEnd3=Select "Close" to exit setup.
achUninstallWelcome3=It is recommended that you exit all other applications before starting. Press Alt+Tab to switch to other applications, save your work, and close each application.
achUninstallWelcome4=Press "Continue" to begin.
achUninstallProgress1=Un-Installation progress
achUninstallProgress2=Setup is deleting the installed components.
achUninstallProgress3=Deleting files...
achUninstallEnd1=Uninstall successful
achUninstallEnd2=Uninstallation is complete and all the installed components have been removed.
achErrorUpdateIE=This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later in order to install its required Java components. Please install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later and then re-run this installation program.
achFileBusyRetry=The file %0 is in use by another application.\nWould you like to try deleting the file again, rather than initiating a reboot at the end of the uninstallation process?
achFileMoveBusyRetry=The file %0 is in use by another application. Would you like to try replacing it again before requiring a reboot to replace the file?
achKeepAll=Keep &All
achReplaceAll=Re&place All
achUpdateFile=A file being copied is older than the file currently on your computer. It is recommended that you keep your existing file.
achUpdateInstallingFileLabel=File being copied:
achUpdateExistingFileLabel=Existing file on your system:
achUpdateQuery=Do you want to keep the file currently on your computer or replace it?
achDateTemplate=Created: %0 %1
achFileSizeTemplate=%0 bytes
achReinstallPrompt=The application %0 is already installed on your system. Would you like to reinstall the application, replacing any missing files? If you select 'No', this installation procedure will immediately terminate.