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- **********************************************************************
- * Intel740(tm) Graphics Accelerator *
- * Windows* 98 And Windows* 95 *
- * Software Driver Release PV3.2W *
- * December 28, 1998 *
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- Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel
- products. No licence, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to
- any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except
- as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products,
- Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express
- or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products
- including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular
- purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or
- other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for
- use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel
- may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any
- time, without notice.
- The Intel740(tm) graphics accelerator may contain design defects or
- errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from
- published specifications. Current characterized errata are available
- upon request.
- The hardware vendor remains solely responsible for the design, sale
- and functionality of its product, including any liability arising from
- product infringement or product warranty.
- Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 1998.
- *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective
- owners.
- **********************************************************************
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- README Contents:
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Release Notes
- 3.0 Intel740(tm) Graphic Accelerator Driver Installation Procedure
- 4.0 Web Site Location and Access
- **********************************************************************
- 1.0 Introduction
- **********************************************************************
- This README file contains the installation procedure and usage
- information for the Intel740(tm) graphics accelerator
- software, and latest version of DirectX*. The software and hardware
- requirements for this release are as follows:
- ## Software Drivers (SDR) Version: PV3.2W
- ## Windows* 95 Version: OSR2.1 or 2.5**
- ## Windows* 98 Version: RCO (1691)
- ## DirectX* 5.0 Version: RC2-Gold (
- ## Indeo CODEC 4.4, 4.5
- ## Video BIOS version: 212, 220, 230, 231, 233
- ## Intel740 graphics accelerator stepping A2
- ----------------
- Version number
- ----------------
- ## Driver Release Version #
- PV1.0
- PV1.0a
- PV1.5
- PV2.0a
- PV2.1
- PV3.0w
- PV3.02w
- PV3.1w
- PV3.2w
- Video BIOS/Driver compatible combination
- VIDEO BIOS PV 1.0 PV1.0a PV 1.5 PV 2.0a PV 2.1 PV3.0w PV3.02w PV3.1w PV3.2w
- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ -------- ------- --------
- VB212 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
- VB220 no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
- VB230 no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
- VB231 no no no no no yes yes yes yes
- VB233 no no no no no yes yes yes yes
- The Intel740(tm) graphics accelerator is optimized to run with the
- following PC configurations:
- (1) Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R)II processors
- (2) Motherboard: Based on the Intel(R) 440LX, 440BX, 440GX AGPset
- or a later generation Intel AGPset, motherboard must have an
- unpopulated AGP slot or the Intel740 chip must be down on the
- motherboard
- (3) Operating System: Windows* 95 OSR 2.1 or later (with USB
- Supplement) or Windows* 98.
- **When loading the Intel740 drivers and OSR2.1 or OSR 2.5 for the
- first time, the software should be loaded in the following order:
- (1) Load OSR2.0 or OSR 2.5
- (2) Load the "USB Supplement" (brings it up to OSR2.1 level or
- OSR2.5)
- (3) Load the Intel740(tm) drivers.
- Note: If this is not done in this order, then the Intel740 drivers
- will not be loaded properly and the standard Microsoft VGA drivers
- will be loaded instead.
- Also included are release notes describing any problems or issues that
- were known at the time of shipment.
- **********************************************************************
- 2.0 Release Notes
- **********************************************************************
- -----------------
- Version 3.02w
- -----------------
- Same as PV3.0w except the following issues have been resolved:
- (1) May improve system stability when running certain applications
- (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- (2) Software Cursor Interrupt error while halting the system,
- has been resolved.
- ---------------
- Version 3.1w
- ---------------
- Same as PV3.02w except the following issues have been resolved:
- (1) Third party Chipset support was added.
- (2) Memory leak issue resolved, reduces freezes and prevents certain
- applications (Terra*, Final Reality*,etc.) from slowing down.
- (3) Intel740(tm) as Primary adapter in multimonitor systems in enabled.
- (4) Lockups in Korean Windows98 have been resolved.
- (5) The advance property page is now completed.
- (6) The Castle Creator (application) ALT-TAB error with the 450Mhz Pentium (R) II processor
- has been resolved.
- (7) Gamma Ramp fix for Unreal* has been added.
- (8) The X-Plane* Demo OGL fog issue has been resolved.
- ---------------
- Version 3.2w
- ---------------
- Same as PV3.1w except the following issues have been resolved:
- (1) Several application (Foresaken*,Israeli Air Force*, Rainbow6*, etc...)
- issues have been resolved.
- **********************************************************************
- 3.0 Intel740 Graphics Accelerator Driver Installation Procedure
- **********************************************************************
- ----------------------------
- General Installation Notes
- ----------------------------
- ** The operating system and DirectX* must be installed on the system
- prior to installation (note: DirectX* is provided on the CD along with
- the Intel740 drivers). To update or install DirectX*, simply go to the
- DirectX* directory on the CD and click on "Setup.exe".
- ** This installation procedure is specific only to the version of
- driver and installation file included in this release.
- ** The ".INF" file is the installation file and includes all of the
- driver and Graphics properties page files associated with this
- release.
- ** This procedure assumes that all of the software associated with
- this release is located in the same directory.
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Installing the Drivers from floppy disk or hard disk
- ------------------------------------------------------
- (1) After Windows* has loaded, click on "My Computer" icon, "Control
- Panel" icon, and then the "Display" icon.
- (2) You should now be in the "Display Properties" window. Select the
- "Settings" tab, and click on the "Advanced Properties" button.
- (3) In the "Advanced Display Properties" window, select the "Adapter"
- tab, and click the "Change..." button.
- For Windows* 95 installation, continue to Step 4. In Windows* 98, the
- following window appears:
- (A) The "Update Device Driver Wizard" window appears. If you are
- installing the Intel740(tm) graphics accelerator card and drivers for
- the first time, this window may denote Intel740(tm) graphics
- accelerator as a "Standard PCI VGA Graphics Adapter." Click on the
- "Next" button to continue.
- (B) A new window appears, prompting either for Windows* to
- search for a device driver or to select one manually. Click the
- option for "Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location,
- so you can select the driver you want." After this, click on the
- "Next" button, and continue to Step 4.
- Continue with both Windows* 95 and Windows* 98 installation from this
- point.
- (4) From the new window, click on the "Have Disk" button.
- (5) You should now be in the "Install From Disk" window. In the "Copy
- manufactures files from:" box, enter the location of the Intel740(tm)
- graphics accelerator drivers and press the "OK" button.
- (6) A window should pop up stating that the " Intel740-854 Win9x
- PC3.1W 3.1.2407-981207." drivers are about to be installed. Click the
- "OK" button to accept the display driver change, and then click the
- "Close" button in the "Advanced Display Properties" window as well as
- the "Display Properties" window to complete the installation. Restart
- the computer when prompted to do so.
- (7) The drivers should now be loaded. To determine if the drivers have
- been loaded correctly, Refer to the "Verifying Installation" section,
- below.
- **** Verifying Driver Installation
- (1) From the Windows* 9x desktop, click on "My Computer", then "Control
- Panel", and then, finally, "System".
- (2) You should be in the "System Properties" window. Click on the
- "Device Manager" tab. From here, go down to "Display Adapter" and
- click. The drivers associated with the display adapter should read:
- "Intel740-854 Win9x PC3.1W 3.1.2407-981207". If this is not the case,
- the drivers will need to be re-installed.
- **********************************************************************
- 4.0 Web Site location and access
- **********************************************************************
- Several web sites have been provided for access to the latest drivers
- and driver related information, including software and hardware
- issues.
- The developers web site is located at:
- http://developer.intel.com/design/graphics/740.htm.
- For a specific vendor driver, please contact that vendor.
- The public web site is located at:
- http://developer.intel.com/design/graphics/drivers.
- *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective
- owners.