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- (*
- QDBPanel v2.00 Beta Release 3
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is the third beta release of QDBPanel for QDB v2.00. QDB itself is
- now ready for release but QDBPanel remains in beta for a while longer as
- certain design issues still need to be addressed.
- There is no help file for this release -- this file will have to serve
- for the moment. Although I have decided to release the source code for
- this beta version please bear in mind that it will change greatly from
- version to version. I will, however, try to keep the interface
- functionally the same and the file structure unchanged.
- Please be aware that you are quite likely to find bugs or other problems.
- Please let me know about them at rrm@sprynet.com. Thanks for your help.
- If you have any ideas for QDBPanel send them along too. A related
- component, QDBGrid, is still in the alpha stage.
- QDBPanel, which remains free, is Copyright (c) 1997 Robert R. Marsh, SJ &
- the British Province of the Society of Jesus.
- *)
- {$F+}
- unit QDBPanel;
- interface
- uses
- {$IFDEF WIN32}Windows, {$ELSE}WinTypes, WinProcs, {$ENDIF}
- Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, QDB;
- type
- TClassProc = procedure(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var key: TKey) of object;
- type
- TProcKind = (pkClear, pkFetch, pkStore);
- type
- TProcList = class(TList)
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddProcs(AClass: TControlClass; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- function GetProc(Instance: TControl; ProcKind: TProcKind): TClassProc;
- end;
- type
- TFieldList = class(TStringList)
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddField(ThisControl: TControl; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- end;
- type
- TQDBPanel = class(TPanel)
- private
- Fields: TFieldList;
- Procs: TProcList;
- CurrentItem: TMemoryStream;
- FEnabled: boolean;
- FExcludeTag: longint;
- FOnKey: TKeyEvent;
- protected
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure BuildFieldList;
- procedure SetEnabled(value: boolean);
- function GetCount: integer;
- { function GetField(index: integer): TStream;}
- function GetName(index: integer): string;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure RegisterProcs(AClass: TControlClass; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- procedure RegisterGraphicFormat(const AExtension: string; AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Fetch;
- procedure Store;
- procedure Cancel;
- procedure Delete;
- procedure Edit;
- procedure FirstItem;
- procedure Insert;
- procedure LastItem;
- procedure NextItem;
- procedure Post;
- procedure PrevItem;
- procedure Refresh;
- property FieldCount: integer read GetCount;
- property FieldNames[index: integer]: string read GetName; default;
- published
- property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled;
- property ExcludeTag: longint read FExcludeTag write FExcludeTag;
- property QDB: TQDB read FQDB write FQDB;
- property OnKey: TKeyEvent read FOnKey write FOnKey;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- Clipbrd
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- , ComCtrls
- {$ENDIF};
- { Default control handlers registered in TQDBPanel.Create }
- procedure ClearCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TCustomEdit).Text := '';
- end;
- procedure FetchCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomEdit;
- p: pchar;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomEdit);
- p := StrAlloc(Stream.Size);
- try
- Stream.ReadBuffer(p^, Stream.Size);
- con.SetTextBuf(p);
- finally
- StrDispose(p);
- end;
- end;
- procedure StoreCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomEdit;
- len: longint;
- p: pchar;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomEdit);
- len := con.GetTextLen + 1;
- p := StrAlloc(len);
- try
- con.GetTextBuf(p, len);
- Stream.Write(p^, len);
- finally
- StrDispose(p);
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- procedure ClearRichEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TRichEdit).Text := '';
- end;
- procedure FetchRichEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TRichEdit).Lines.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- end;
- procedure StoreRichEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TRichEdit).Lines.SaveToStream(Stream);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ClearCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex := -1;
- end;
- procedure FetchCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- n: longint;
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
- TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex := n;
- end;
- procedure StoreCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- n: longint;
- begin
- n := TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
- end;
- procedure ClearCustomCheckBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- TCheckBox(AControl).Checked := false;
- end;
- procedure FetchCustomCheckBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- n: longint;
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
- TCheckBox(AControl).State := TCheckBoxState(n);
- end;
- procedure StoreCustomCheckBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- n: longint;
- begin
- n := longint(TCheckBox(AControl).State);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
- end;
- procedure ClearCustomComboBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TCustomComboBox).SetTextBuf(nil);
- end;
- procedure FetchCustomComboBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- p: pchar;
- begin
- p := StrAlloc(Stream.Size);
- try
- Stream.ReadBuffer(p^, Stream.Size);
- (Acontrol as TCustomComboBox).SetTextBuf(p);
- ;
- finally
- StrDispose(p);
- end;
- end;
- procedure StoreCustomComboBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomComboBox;
- len: longint;
- p: pchar;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomComboBox);
- len := con.GetTextLen + 1;
- p := StrAlloc(len);
- try
- con.GetTextBuf(p, len);
- Stream.Write(p^, len);
- finally
- StrDispose(p);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ClearCustomListBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomListBox;
- n: longint;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomListBox);
- for n := 1 to con.Items.Count do
- begin
- con.Selected[n - 1] := false;
- end;
- con.ItemIndex := -1;
- end;
- procedure FetchCustomListBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomListBox;
- n: longint;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomListBox);
- for n := 1 to con.Items.Count do
- begin
- con.Selected[n - 1] := false;
- end;
- while true do
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(n, SizeOf(longint));
- if (n < 0) or (n > con.Items.Count) then
- Break;
- con.Selected[n] := true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure StoreCustomListBox(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TCustomListBox;
- n: longint;
- i: longint;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TCustomListBox);
- for n := 1 to con.Items.Count do
- if con.Selected[n - 1] then
- begin
- i := n - 1;
- Stream.Write(i, SizeOf(longint));
- end;
- i := -1;
- Stream.Write(i, SizeOf(longint));
- end;
- type
- PFileFormat = ^TFileFormat;
- TFileFormat = record
- GraphicClass: TGraphicClass;
- Extension: string;
- Next: PFileFormat;
- end;
- const
- WMFMetafileFormat: TFileFormat = (
- GraphicClass: TMetafile;
- Extension: 'wmf';
- Next: nil);
- MetaFileFormat: TFileFormat = (
- GraphicClass: TMetafile;
- Extension: 'emf';
- Next: @WMFMetaFileFormat);
- IconFormat: TFileFormat = (
- GraphicClass: TIcon;
- Extension: 'ico';
- Next: @MetafileFormat);
- BitmapFormat: TFileFormat = (
- GraphicClass: TBitmap;
- Extension: 'bmp';
- Next: @IconFormat);
- const
- FileFormatList: PFileFormat = @BitmapFormat;
- procedure ClearImage(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- begin
- (AControl as TImage).Picture.Assign(nil);
- end;
- procedure FetchImage(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TImage;
- ext: array[0..3] of char;
- Graphic: PFileFormat;
- NewGraphic: TGraphic;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TImage);
- ext[3] := #0;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(ext[0], 3);
- Graphic := FileFormatList;
- while Graphic <> nil do
- with Graphic^ do
- begin
- if Extension <> StrPas(Ext) then
- Graphic := Next
- else
- begin
- NewGraphic := GraphicClass.Create;
- try
- try
- NewGraphic.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- except
- NewGraphic.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- con.Picture.Assign(NewGraphic);
- Exit;
- finally
- NewGraphic.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- raise Exception.Create('invalid graphic format');
- end;
- procedure StoreImage(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
- var
- con: TImage;
- ext: array[0..3] of char;
- begin
- con := (AControl as TImage);
- StrPCopy(ext, LowerCase(GraphicExtension(TGraphicClass(con.Picture.Graphic.ClassType))));
- if StrPas(ext) <> '' then
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(ext[0], 3);
- con.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(Stream);
- end
- else
- raise Exception.Create('unknown graphic class');
- end;
- { TProcList }
- type
- TInfo = record
- AClass: TControlClass;
- ClearProc: TClassProc;
- FetchProc: TClassProc;
- StoreProc: TClassProc;
- end;
- constructor TProcList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- end;
- destructor TProcList.Destroy;
- var
- n: integer;
- begin
- for n := 1 to Count do
- FreeMem(Items[n - 1], SizeOf(TInfo));
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TProcList.AddProcs(AClass: TControlClass; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- var
- i: ^TInfo;
- begin
- GetMem(i, SizeOf(TInfo));
- i^.AClass := AClass;
- @i^.ClearProc := @ClearProc;
- @i^.FetchProc := @FetchProc;
- @i^.StoreProc := @StoreProc;
- Add(i);
- end;
- function TProcList.GetProc(Instance: TControl; ProcKind: TProcKind): TClassProc;
- var
- n: integer;
- begin
- for n := Count downto 1 do
- begin
- with TInfo(Items[n - 1]^) do
- begin
- if Instance.InheritsFrom(AClass) then
- begin
- case ProcKind of
- pkClear:
- @Result := @TClassProc(ClearProc);
- pkFetch:
- @Result := @TClassProc(FetchProc);
- pkStore:
- @Result := @TClassProc(StoreProc);
- else
- @Result := nil
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- { TFieldList }
- type
- TFieldInfo = class
- TheControl: TControl;
- ClearProc: TClassProc;
- FetchProc: TClassProc;
- StoreProc: TClassProc;
- end;
- constructor TFieldList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Sorted := false;
- end;
- destructor TFieldList.Destroy;
- var
- n: integer;
- begin
- for n := Count downto 1 do
- begin
- TFieldInfo(Objects[n - 1]).Free;
- Delete(n - 1);
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TFieldList.AddField(ThisControl: TControl; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- var
- i: TFieldInfo;
- begin
- i := TFieldInfo.Create;
- i.TheControl := ThisControl;
- @i.ClearProc := @ClearProc;
- @i.FetchProc := @FetchProc;
- @i.StoreProc := @StoreProc;
- AddObject(ThisControl.Name, i);
- end;
- { TQDBPanel }
- constructor TQDBPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- ExcludeTag := -999;
- Caption := '';
- Fields := TFieldList.Create;
- Procs := TProcList.Create;
- CurrentItem := TMemoryStream.Create;
- { Register the storage mechanism for default control types }
- { Entries later in the list override ones earlier }
- RegisterProcs(TCustomEdit, ClearCustomEdit, FetchCustomEdit, StoreCustomEdit);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- RegisterProcs(TRichEdit, ClearRichEdit, FetchRichEdit, StoreRichEdit);
- {$ENDIF}
- RegisterProcs(TCustomRadioGroup, ClearCustomRadioGroup, FetchCustomRadioGroup, StoreCustomRadioGroup);
- RegisterProcs(TCustomCheckBox, ClearCustomCheckBox, FetchCustomCheckBox, StoreCustomCheckBox);
- RegisterProcs(TCustomComboBox, ClearCustomComboBox, FetchCustomComboBox, StoreCustomComboBox);
- RegisterProcs(TCustomListBox, ClearCustomListBox, FetchCustomListBox, StoreCustomListBox);
- RegisterProcs(TImage, ClearImage, FetchImage, StoreImage);
- Enabled := false;
- end;
- destructor TQDBPanel.Destroy;
- begin
- CurrentItem.Free;
- Fields.Free;
- Procs.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Loaded;
- begin
- BuildFieldList;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.BuildFieldList;
- procedure ForEachControl(AWinControl: TWinControl); forward;
- procedure ProcessControl(ThisControl: TControl);
- begin
- { do nothing with a control if the tag is set to exclude them }
- if (ThisControl.Tag = ExcludeTag) then
- Exit;
- { if a control owns others ... }
- if (ThisControl is TWinControl) and (TWinControl(ThisControl).ControlCount <> 0) then
- begin
- { if it's the original QDBPanel or not a QDBPanel at all }
- if (ThisControl.Name = Name) or not (ThisControl is TQDBPanel) then
- ForEachControl(TWinControl(ThisControl));
- end
- else
- begin
- { it's an ordinary control }
- Fields.AddField(ThisControl, Procs.GetProc(ThisControl, pkClear),
- Procs.GetProc(ThisControl, pkFetch),
- Procs.GetProc(ThisControl, pkStore));
- end;
- end;
- procedure ForEachControl(AWinControl: TWinControl);
- var
- n: integer;
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if (AWinControl is TPageControl) then
- with (AWinControl as TPageControl) do
- for n := 1 to PageCount do
- ProcessControl(Pages[n - 1])
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- for n := 1 to AWinControl.ControlCount do
- ProcessControl(AWinControl.Controls[n - 1]);
- end;
- begin
- ForEachControl(self);
- end;
- function TQDBPanel.GetCount: integer;
- begin
- Result := Fields.Count;
- end;
- function TQDBPanel.GetName(index: integer): string;
- begin
- if index < Fields.Count then
- Result := Fields[index]
- else
- Result := ''
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.SetEnabled(value: boolean);
- var
- n: integer;
- begin
- for n := 1 to Fields.Count do
- begin
- TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).TheControl.Enabled := value;
- end;
- FEnabled := value;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Clear;
- var
- n: integer;
- ThisTypeProc: TClassProc;
- ThisControl: TControl;
- begin
- for n := 1 to Fields.Count do
- begin
- ThisControl := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).TheControl;
- ThisTypeProc := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).ClearProc;
- if @ThisTypeProc <> nil then ThisTypeProc(ThisControl, nil);
- end;
- CurrentItem.Clear;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Fetch;
- var
- n: integer;
- m: TMemoryStream;
- ThisControl: TControl;
- ThisTypeProc: TClassProc;
- len: longint;
- begin
- if FQDB.Count > 0 then
- begin
- CurrentItem.Clear;
- FQDB.Get(CurrentItem);
- for n := 1 to Fields.Count do
- begin
- ThisControl := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).TheControl;
- ThisTypeProc := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).FetchProc;
- if @ThisTypeProc <> nil then
- begin
- m := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- CurrentItem.ReadBuffer(len, SizeOf(len));
- m.CopyFrom(CurrentItem, len);
- m.Position := 0;
- ThisTypeProc(ThisControl, m);
- finally
- m.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Store;
- var
- n: integer;
- m: TMemoryStream;
- ThisControl: TControl;
- ThisTypeProc: TClassProc;
- len: longint;
- Key: TKey;
- begin
- CurrentItem.Clear;
- for n := 1 to Fields.Count do
- begin
- ThisControl := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).TheControl;
- ThisTypeProc := TFieldInfo(Fields.Objects[n - 1]).StoreProc;
- if @ThisTypeProc <> nil then
- begin
- m := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- ThisTypeProc(ThisControl, m);
- m.Position := 0;
- len := m.Size;
- CurrentItem.WriteBuffer(len, SizeOf(len));
- CurrentItem.CopyFrom(m, len);
- finally
- m.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnKey) then
- FOnKey(Self, Key)
- else
- Key := '';
- if Key <> '' then
- begin
- if FQDB.ExactMatch(Key) then
- begin
- FQDB.Change(CurrentItem);
- end
- else
- begin
- FQDB.Add(CurrentItem, Key);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.RegisterProcs(AClass: TControlClass; ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc: TClassProc);
- begin
- Procs.AddProcs(AClass, ClearProc, FetchProc, StoreProc);
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.RegisterGraphicFormat(const AExtension: string; AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);
- var
- NewRec: PFileFormat;
- begin
- New(NewRec);
- with NewRec^ do
- begin
- Extension := LowerCase(AExtension);
- GraphicClass := AGraphicClass;
- Next := FileFormatList;
- end;
- FileFormatList := NewRec;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Cancel;
- begin
- Enabled := false;
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Delete;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- Enabled := false;
- FQDB.Delete;
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Edit;
- begin
- Enabled := true;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.FirstItem;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- FQDB.FirstItem;
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Insert;
- begin
- Enabled := true;
- Clear;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.LastItem;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- FQDB.LastItem;
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.NextItem;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- FQDB.NextItem;
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Post;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) and Assigned(FOnKey) then
- begin
- if Enabled then
- Store;
- Enabled := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.PrevItem;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- FQDB.PrevItem;
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TQDBPanel.Refresh;
- begin
- if Assigned(FQDB) then
- begin
- Fetch;
- end;
- end;
- end.