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- (*
- TWidget: A Title Bar Button
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copyright 1998 by Robert R. Marsh, SJ
- and the British Province of the Society of Jesus
- rrm@sprynet.com
- http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/rrm
- What another title bar button?! Yes ... but one that does the job
- simply and cleanly.
- A Widget is drawn using the same technique windows itself uses to
- draw its own frame buttons so they match exactly. The glyph of the
- Widget comes from a truetype font. Windows uses the font Marlett for
- its own glyphs but you can use any font you like. You can set the
- glyph's color, the gap between it and the windows buttons, and even
- give it a Hint. A Widget component editor makes choosing the glyph
- very easy.
- Widgets are meant to adapt gracefully to any kind of window, even
- coping with changes in caption size at run-time. You can have as many
- Widgets in operation at any one time as you like. They are even
- visible at design-time!
- The Widget components are released as freeware with no promise
- expressed or implied about their suitability for any purpose. Use
- them at your own risk. Please let me know though of any problems you
- encounter.
- Parts of this code are inspired by the work of other authors whom I
- wish to acknowledge gratefully:
- Brendan De Lumpa,
- Sean Hsieh
- The Programmers' Guild Guys
- *)
- (*
- This version (7/25/1998) has been enhanced to cope with forms with menus
- ( thanks to Matt Hamilton for pointing out the problem ) and support has
- been added for painting a bitmap instead of a font glyph ( thanks to John
- Knipper ). There is now a published Image property. If no image is assigned
- the glyph is drawn as before but if an image has been chosen it is painted.
- The offset properties still apply. The WidgetEditor has been slightly
- enhanced to let you choose the offset for images as well as glyphs but the
- image property should be assigned via the Object Inspector. More work is
- needed here!
- There is now a public read-only WidgetRect property giving the location of
- the widget in case you need to respond to a widget click in a way that needs
- such information.
- Also at John Knipper's suggestion TWidget now has a published PopupMenu
- property. When this is set the menu pops up instead of the widget triggering
- the OnClick event handler.
- I've also changed the hint windows behavior to produce more conventional single-
- line hints.
- *)
- unit widget;
- interface
- uses
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Classes,
- Graphics,
- Controls,
- ExtCtrls,
- Menus;
- type
- TWidgetHint = class
- private
- FHintWindow: THintWindow;
- FHint: string;
- FStarted: boolean;
- FShowing: boolean;
- FXPos: integer;
- FYPos: integer;
- Timer: TTimer;
- protected
- procedure ShowWindow(Sender: TObject);
- procedure HideWindow(Sender: TObject);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Start;
- procedure Stop;
- property Hint: string read FHint write FHint;
- property Started: boolean read FStarted;
- property XPos: integer read FXPos write FXPos;
- property YPos: integer read FYPos write FYPos;
- end;
- type
- TWidget = class(TComponent)
- private
- OldWndProc: TFarProc;
- NewWndProc: TFarProc;
- FEnabled: boolean;
- FFont: TFont;
- FImage: TBitmap;
- FGap: integer;
- FGlyph: char;
- FHint: string;
- FShowHint: boolean;
- FOffsetLeft: integer;
- FOffsetTop: integer;
- FPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
- FVisible: boolean;
- FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
- FWidgetRect: TRect;
- OldFont: TFont;
- Pressed: boolean;
- DrawPressed: boolean;
- HintWindow: TWidgetHint;
- WidgetNumber: integer;
- RestoreTimer: TTimer;
- procedure NewWndMethod(var msg: TMessage);
- procedure RestoreHooks(Sender: TObject);
- protected
- procedure Click;
- procedure CalculateWidgetArea;
- procedure DrawWidget;
- procedure SetEnabled(value: boolean);
- procedure SetFont(Value: TFont);
- procedure SetGap(Value: integer);
- procedure SetGlyph(Value: char);
- procedure SetImage(Value: TBitmap);
- procedure SetOffsetLeft(value: integer);
- procedure SetOffsetTop(value: integer);
- procedure SetVisible(value: boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property WidgetRect: TRect read FWidgetRect;
- published
- property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default true;
- property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont;
- property Gap: integer read FGap write SetGap default 2;
- property Glyph: char read FGlyph write SetGlyph;
- property Hint: string read FHint write FHint;
- property Image: TBitmap read FImage write SetImage;
- property OffsetLeft: integer read FOffsetLeft write SetOffsetLeft;
- property OffsetTop: integer read FOffsetTop write SetOffsetTop;
- property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu read FPopupmenu write FPopupMenu;
- property ShowHint: boolean read FShowHint write FShowHint default false;
- property Visible: boolean read FVisible write SetVisible default true;
- property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick;
- end;
- implementation
- uses
- SysUtils,
- Forms;
- { TWidgetHint }
- // provides a hint for the widget
- constructor TWidgetHint.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FHintWindow := THintWindow.Create(nil);
- Timer := TTimer.Create(nil);
- Timer.Enabled := false;
- FHintWindow.Brush.Color := Application.HintColor;
- FStarted := false;
- FShowing := false;
- end;
- destructor TWidgetHint.Destroy;
- begin
- Timer.Free;
- FHintWindow.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TWidgetHint.Start;
- begin
- Timer.Interval := Application.HintPause;
- Timer.OnTimer := ShowWindow;
- Timer.Enabled := true;
- FStarted := true;
- FShowing := false;
- end;
- procedure TWidgetHint.Stop;
- begin
- Timer.Enabled := false;
- if FShowing then
- FHintWindow.ReleaseHandle;
- FStarted := false;
- FShowing := false;
- end;
- // for displaying
- function GetCursorHeightMargin: integer;
- var
- IconInfo: TIconInfo;
- BitmapInfoSize: {$IFDEF VER120}cardinal{$ELSE}integer{$ENDIF};
- BitmapBitsSize: {$IFDEF VER120}cardinal{$ELSE}integer{$ENDIF};
- Bitmap: PBitmapInfoHeader;
- Bits: pointer;
- BytesPerScanline, ImageSize: integer;
- function FindScanline(Source: pointer; MaxLen: Cardinal;
- Value: Cardinal): Cardinal; assembler;
- asm
- end;
- begin
- { Default value is entire icon height }
- Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCURSOR);
- if GetIconInfo(GetCursor, IconInfo) then
- try
- GetDIBSizes(IconInfo.hbmMask, BitmapInfoSize, BitmapBitsSize);
- Bitmap := AllocMem(BitmapInfoSize + BitmapBitsSize);
- try
- Bits := pointer(longint(Bitmap) + BitmapInfoSize);
- if GetDIB(IconInfo.hbmMask, 0, Bitmap^, Bits^) and
- (Bitmap^.biBitCount = 1) then
- begin
- { Point Bits to the end of this bottom-up bitmap }
- with Bitmap^ do
- begin
- BytesPerScanline := ((biWidth * biBitCount + 31) and not 31) div 8;
- ImageSize := biWidth * BytesPerScanline;
- Bits := pointer(integer(Bits) + BitmapBitsSize - ImageSize);
- { Use the width to determine the height since another mask bitmap
- may immediately follow }
- Result := FindScanline(Bits, ImageSize, $FF);
- { In case the and mask is blank, look for an empty scanline in the
- xor mask. }
- if (Result = 0) and (biHeight >= 2 * biWidth) then
- Result := FindScanline(pointer(integer(Bits) - ImageSize),
- ImageSize, $00);
- Result := Result div BytesPerScanline;
- end;
- dec(Result, IconInfo.yHotSpot);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Bitmap, BitmapInfoSize + BitmapBitsSize);
- end;
- finally
- if IconInfo.hbmColor <> 0 then DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor);
- if IconInfo.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWidgetHint.ShowWindow(Sender: TObject);
- var
- R: TRect;
- begin
- Timer.Enabled := false;
- if Hint = '' then
- Exit;
- // we need to calculate the size for the hint window
- r := Rect(0, 0, Length(Hint), 0);
- DrawText(FHintWindow.Canvas.Handle, PChar(Hint), -1, r, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX);
- Inc(r.Right, 6);
- Inc(r.Bottom, 2);
- // add the height of the cursor
- OffsetRect(R, XPos, YPos + GetCursorHeightMargin);
- FHintWindow.ActivateHint(R, Hint);
- Timer.Interval := Application.HintHidePause;
- Timer.OnTimer := HideWindow;
- Timer.Enabled := true;
- FShowing := true;
- end;
- procedure TWidgetHint.HideWindow(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Stop;
- end;
- { TWidget }
- constructor TWidget.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- // ensure owner is a form
- if (AOwner = nil) or not (AOwner is TForm) then
- raise Exception.Create('A Widget must be owned by a form');
- // first Widget is zero, second is one, etc.
- WidgetNumber := 0;
- for i := 1 to AOwner.ComponentCount do
- if AOwner.Components[i - 1] is TWidget then
- inc(WidgetNumber);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FEnabled := true;
- FFont := TFont.Create;
- FFont.Name := 'Marlett';
- FFont.Color := clWindowText;
- FFont.Style := [];
- FGap := 2; // default spacing
- FGlyph := 'v'; // a double up/down arrow in Marlett
- FVisible := true;
- OldFont := TFont.Create;
- HintWindow := TWidgetHint.Create;
- FImage := TBitMap.Create;
- // subclass the owner to catch all its messages
- NewWndProc := MakeObjectInstance(NewWndMethod);
- OldWndProc := pointer(SetWindowLong((AOwner as TForm).Handle, gwl_WndProc, longint(NewWndProc)));
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- destructor TWidget.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(NewWndProc) and Assigned(Owner) then
- begin
- SetWindowLong((Owner as TForm).Handle, gwl_WndProc, longint(OldWndProc));
- FreeObjectInstance(NewWndProc);
- end;
- HintWindow.Free;
- FFont.Free;
- OldFont.Free;
- FImage.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- // called when the form is being recreated during a borderstyle
- // change (for exmaple) -- rehooks the message trap
- procedure TWidget.RestoreHooks(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- RestoreTimer.Enabled := false;
- RestoreTimer.Free;
- OldWndProc := pointer(SetWindowLong((Owner as TForm).Handle, gwl_WndProc, longint(NewWndProc)));
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- const
- wm_widgetupdate = wm_user + 1; // "widget draw thyself"
- // This does all the work of handling the owner forms
- // messages. What it doesn't handle it passes on down
- // the chain of handlers.
- procedure TWidget.NewWndMethod(var msg: TMessage);
- // pass the message on ...
- procedure DefHandler;
- begin
- msg.Result := CallWindowProc(OldWndProc, (Owner as TForm).Handle, msg.Msg, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
- end;
- // is the 'message' location within the widget?
- function InArea(InClient: boolean): boolean;
- var
- p: TPoint;
- begin
- p.X := Msg.lParamLo;
- p.Y := smallint(Msg.lParamHi);
- if not InClient then
- ScreenToClient(TForm(Owner).Handle, p);
- inc(p.X, 4);
- inc(p.Y, (8 + FWidgetRect.Bottom - FWidgetRect.Top));
- if ((Owner as TForm).Menu <> nil) and ((Owner as TForm).FormStyle <> fsMDIChild) then
- inc(p.Y, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU));
- Result := PtInRect(FWidgetRect, p);
- end;
- begin
- case msg.Msg of
- wm_ncpaint, wm_ncactivate:
- begin
- DefHandler;
- // then post a message to yourself to redraw when possible
- PostMessage((Owner as TForm).Handle, wm_widgetupdate, 0, WidgetNumber);
- end;
- wm_widgetupdate:
- begin
- if msg.lParam = WidgetNumber then
- DrawWidget
- else
- DefHandler;
- end;
- wm_nclbuttondown, wm_nclbuttondblclk:
- begin
- if InArea(false) and Visible then
- // going down on the widget
- begin
- if Enabled then
- begin
- SetCapture(TForm(Owner).Handle);
- DrawPressed := true;
- Pressed := true;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- // we're done
- Msg.Result := 1;
- end
- else
- DefHandler;
- end;
- wm_mousemove:
- begin
- // cancel any hint
- if HintWindow.Started then
- HintWindow.Stop;
- if Pressed then
- // the widget has been pressed
- begin
- if not InArea(true) then
- // we're outside the widget
- begin
- // so show it 'unpressed'
- if DrawPressed then
- begin
- DrawPressed := false;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- end
- else
- // we're inside the widget
- begin
- if not DrawPressed then
- // make it draw 'pressed' again
- begin
- DrawPressed := true;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- end;
- msg.Result := 1;
- end
- else
- DefHandler;
- end;
- wm_ncmousemove:
- begin
- if InArea(false) then
- // we're over the widget
- begin
- if not HintWindow.Started and ShowHint and Visible and Enabled then
- // initiate the hint
- begin
- HintWindow.Hint := Hint;
- HintWindow.XPos := TWMNCMouseMove(msg).XCursor;
- HintWindow.YPos := TWMNCMouseMove(msg).YCursor;
- HintWindow.Start;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // cancel any hint
- if HintWindow.Started then
- HintWindow.Stop;
- end;
- // pass it along
- DefHandler;
- end;
- wm_lbuttonup, wm_lbuttondblclk:
- begin
- DrawPressed := false;
- if Pressed then
- begin
- if InArea(true) then
- begin
- Click;
- end;
- DrawWidget;
- msg.Result := 1;
- end
- else
- DefHandler;
- Pressed := false;
- ReleaseCapture;
- end;
- wm_size, wm_windowposchanged, wm_settingchange, wm_stylechanged, wm_setfocus:
- begin
- // pass it along
- DefHandler;
- // and on the way back get the caption to redraw
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- wm_destroy:
- begin
- if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- begin
- // the form is being destroyed but only to recreate it
- // we need to re hook everything in a short while
- RestoreTimer := TTimer.Create(Application);
- with RestoreTimer do
- begin
- OnTimer := RestoreHooks;
- Interval := 1;
- Enabled := true;
- end;
- end;
- DefHandler;
- end;
- else
- DefHandler;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.Click;
- begin
- if Enabled then
- if Assigned(FPopupMenu) then
- begin
- FPopupmenu.Popup(FWidgetRect.Left+(Owner as TForm).Left, FWidgetRect.Bottom+(Owner as TForm).Top)
- end
- else
- if Assigned(FOnClick) then
- FOnClick(Self);
- end;
- // work out exactly where to put the widget
- procedure TWidget.CalculateWidgetArea;
- var
- xframe: integer;
- yFrame: integer;
- xsize: integer;
- ysize: integer;
- Icons: TBorderIcons;
- Style: TFormBorderStyle;
- begin
- if (Owner as TForm) = nil then
- exit;
- with (Owner as TForm) do
- begin
- // it will be different at design time
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- Icons := [biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize];
- Style := bsSizeable;
- end
- else
- begin
- Icons := BorderIcons;
- Style := BorderStyle;
- end;
- if Style in [bsSizeToolWin, bsToolWindow] then
- begin
- if Style = bsToolWindow then
- xframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME)
- else
- xframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
- if biSystemMenu in Icons then
- inc(xframe, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMSIZE));
- if Style = bsToolWindow then
- yframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME)
- else
- yframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
- ysize := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMSIZE);
- xsize := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMSIZE);
- end
- else
- begin
- if Style in [bsSingle, bsSizeable, bsDialog] then
- begin
- if Style = bsSingle then
- xframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME)
- else
- xframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
- if biSystemMenu in Icons then
- begin
- inc(xframe, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE));
- if (Style <> bsDialog) and (Icons * [biMinimize, biMaximize] <> []) then
- inc(xframe, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) * 2)
- else
- if biHelp in Icons then
- inc(xframe, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE));
- end;
- if Style in [bsSingle, bsDialog] then
- yframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME)
- else
- yframe := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
- ysize := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);
- xsize := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
- end;
- end;
- // each successive Widget is a little further left
- inc(xframe, WidgetNumber * (Gap - 2 + xsize));
- // finally we calculate the size and position of the widget
- FWidgetRect := Bounds(Width - xFrame - xSize + 4 - Gap, yFrame + 2, xSize - 2, ySize - 4);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.DrawWidget;
- var
- WidgetState: integer;
- R: TRect;
- RB: TRect;
- begin
- if ((Owner as TForm) = nil) or not Visible then
- exit;
- with (Owner as TForm) do
- begin
- //Get the handle to the canvas
- Canvas.Handle := GetWindowDC(Handle);
- try
- // save the font
- OldFont.Assign(Canvas.Font);
- // use the widget's font
- Canvas.Font.Assign(FFont);
- try
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
- SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
- WidgetState := DFCS_BUTTONPUSH;
- if not FEnabled then
- begin
- WidgetState := WidgetState or DFCS_INACTIVE;
- DrawPressed := false;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText;
- end;
- if DrawPressed then
- WidgetState := WidgetState or DFCS_PUSHED;
- // this is how windows draws its own frame buttons
- DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, FWidgetRect, DFC_BUTTON, WidgetState);
- // define a smaller area to put the glyph in
- R := FWidgetRect;
- InflateRect(R, -2, -2);
- if DrawPressed then
- OffsetRect(R, 1, 1);
- OffsetRect(R, OffsetLeft, OffsetTop);
- if FImage.Empty then
- begin
- // choose a font size to fit
- Canvas.Font.Height := (R.Top - R.Bottom - 1);
- DrawText(Canvas.Handle, pchar(string(FGlyph)), 1, R, DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOCLIP);
- end
- else
- begin
- RB := FImage.Canvas.ClipRect;
- Canvas.BrushCopy(R, FImage, RB, FImage.TransparentColor);
- end;
- finally
- Canvas.Font.Assign(OldFont);
- end;
- finally
- ReleaseDC(Handle, Canvas.Handle);
- Canvas.Handle := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetEnabled(Value: boolean);
- begin
- if FEnabled <> value then
- begin
- FEnabled := value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetFont(Value: TFont);
- begin
- FFont.Assign(Value);
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetGap(Value: integer);
- begin
- FGap := Value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetGlyph(Value: char);
- begin
- FGlyph := Value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetImage(Value: TBitmap);
- begin
- FImage.Assign(Value);
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetOffsetLeft(value: integer);
- begin
- FOffsetLeft := value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetOffsetTop(value: integer);
- begin
- FOffsetTop := value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- procedure TWidget.SetVisible(Value: boolean);
- begin
- if FVisible <> value then
- begin
- FVisible := value;
- CalculateWidgetArea;
- DrawWidget;
- end;
- end;
- end.