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- version 2.05
- October 15, 1998
- by Rodney M. Savard, Savard Software
- Tri-Cities, Washington, USA
- rodney@savard.com
- http://www.savard.com
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.05 * Fixed an obscure bug that caused Master Converter
- 10-15-1998 to forget your registration code.
- * Synchronized the "knot" unit with the "nautical
- mile" unit that was updated in version 2.01.
- * Updated the "acre-foot" unit's conversion value.
- * Added "gram/cubic millimeter" to the Density
- category.
- Version 2.04 * Fixed a bug that affected some of the conversion
- 09-15-1998 values in the Energy category.
- * Added some units to the Luminance and Illumination
- categories.
- Version 2.03 * Fixed a bug that (in some situations) caused version
- 09-07-1998 2.02 to not read custom units properly from previous
- versions.
- * Fixed a problem with reading custom units'
- conversion values properly when you close Master
- Converter, change your decimal character in the
- Regional settings, and then start Master Converter
- again.
- Version 2.02 * Fixed a problem with unit customizations when your
- 08-22-1998 decimal character is set to something other than a
- period.
- * Split the "Light" category into the more appropriate
- "Illumination" and "Luminance" categories.
- * Now over 270 units in 30 categories.
- * Fixed a display problem when your Window color and
- Window Text colors are not set to the standard
- black-on-white.
- Version 2.01 * Updated the conversion factors for "league" and
- 08-18-1998 "nautical mile". Version 2.0 was not using the most
- current and popular values for these units.
- * Synchronized the "calorie" type units in the Energy
- and Power categories. Version 2.0 was not using the
- same value for calorie in all categories. Calorie
- has a few different values; version 2.01 now uses
- the most popular international value.
- * Fixed a problem with the Savard Software logo
- showing properly on 256-color displays.
- Version 2.0 * Now over 550 pre-defined units in 29 categories.
- 08-01-1998
- * New Office 97-style toolbar.
- * New ability to add your own categories or to add
- your own units to existing categories.
- * New "locate" feature that helps you find a unit or
- category by doing a substring search.
- * New "expression" feature: you can enter expressions
- like (4*5)/10+2.5 in the Input Field and Master
- Converter will evaluate the expression before
- performing the conversion.
- * Improved localization: Master Converter now uses
- your thousands separator and decimal character as
- defined in the Control Panel instead of defaulting
- to the U.S. comma and period.
- * You can now choose between "Gauge" and "Absolute" in
- the pressure category. (The difference between the
- two is one atmosphere.)
- * Improved decimal-to-fraction algorithm.
- * New ability to customize what calculator program is
- launched via the Reference | Calculator menu.
- ******** END OF FILE ********