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VisualBasic Project | 1998-07-04 | 1.0 KB | 41 lines |
- Type=Exe
- Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
- Module=basAPI; API.bas
- Module=RegFunctions; mdlReg Functions.bas
- Form=About.frm
- Form=Main.frm
- IconForm="frmMain"
- Startup="frmMain"
- HelpFile=""
- Title="LearnAPI"
- ExeName32="LearnAPI.exe"
- Command32=""
- Name="LearnAPI"
- HelpContextID="0"
- CompatibleMode="0"
- MajorVer=2
- MinorVer=1
- RevisionVer=43
- AutoIncrementVer=1
- ServerSupportFiles=0
- VersionComments="LearnAPI helps new developers to use the Windows API settings."
- VersionCompanyName="Longonot Software"
- VersionFileDescription="Executable File"
- VersionLegalCopyright="Copyright ⌐ 1998 Longonot Software."
- VersionLegalTrademarks="LearnAPI is a registered trademark of Longonot Software."
- VersionProductName="LearnAPI"
- CompilationType=0
- OptimizationType=0
- FavorPentiumPro(tm)=0
- CodeViewDebugInfo=0
- NoAliasing=0
- BoundsCheck=0
- OverflowCheck=0
- FlPointCheck=0
- FDIVCheck=0
- UnroundedFP=0
- StartMode=0
- Unattended=0
- ThreadPerObject=0
- MaxNumberOfThreads=1