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- ComputerDIET Analyzer for Windows 95 -- User Registration Form
- 1. User information:
- Name: ___________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________
- City: ___________________ State: _____________ ZIP: _____________
- Country (if other than U.S.A.):__________________________________
- Phone number: (___)______________ Date (MM/DD/YY): ____/____/____
- E-mail address (optional): ______________________________________
- 2. Payment and fees:
- Fees are in U.S. dollars, please do not send cash. Checks and
- money orders must be made payable to Interactive Outfitters.
- Select form of payment (check one):
- __ Enclosed check or money order in U.S. dollars
- __ Credit card payment: ___ VISA ___ MasterCard
- Card Number: ______________________________
- Expiration Date (MM/YY): ____/____
- Signature ________________________
- 3. Check all that apply and fill in the blanks:
- __ One registered copy of ComputerDIET Analyzer............$39.00
- __ U.S. Shipping and handling..............................$ 5.00
- __ Colorado residents add appropriate sales tax............$_____
- Total:.....................................................$_____
- 4. Mail this form together with payment to:
- Interactive Outfitters
- ComputerDIET Analyzer Registration
- P.O. Box 7215
- Loveland, CO 80537-0215