home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <vcl\vcl.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "frmcfit.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "math2.hpp"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma link "NumLab"
- #pragma link "RChart"
- #pragma link "Math2"
- #pragma resource "*.dfm"
- TForm1 *Form1;
- TCurveFit *Stats1 = new TCurveFit;
- const int ChartXRes = 200;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- {
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButExitClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- Close();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::SBClearClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- Stats1->Init();
- RChart1->ClearGraf();
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- LblFormula->Visible = false;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- LblParams->Caption = "<---- click here to enter data";
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::RChart1MouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
- TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
- {
- double rx;
- double ry;
- if (SBNewPnts->Down == true)
- {
- RChart1->M2R (X,Y, rx, ry);
- RChart1->MarkAt (rx,ry,4);
- Stats1->EnterStatValue (rx, ry);
- NLabRXY->Value = Stats1->CorrCoeff;
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::SBNewPntsClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Visible = false;
- if (SBNewPnts->Down == false)
- {
- LblParams->Caption = "<---- click here to enter data";
- }
- else
- {
- LblParams->Caption = "click into chart to enter new data points";
- }
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButParabolFitClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k0, k1, k2;
- double FitQual;
- double xstep;
- double x;
- int i;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcParabolFit (k0, k1, k2, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,k0+k1*RChart1->RangeLoX+k2*RChart1->RangeLoX*RChart1->RangeLoX);
- xstep = (RChart1->RangeHiX-RChart1->RangeLoX) / ChartXRes;
- for (i=1; i<=ChartXRes; i++)
- {
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX+i*xstep;
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,k0+k1*x+k2*x*x);
- }
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = k0 + k1*x + k2*x*x";
- LblParams->Caption = "k0 = "+strf(k0,1,3)+" k1 = "+strf(k1,1,3)+" k2 = "+strf(k2,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = True;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButCalcReciprLineClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k0, k1;
- double FitQual;
- double xstep;
- int i;
- double x;
- double denom;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcReciLinFit (k0, k1, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- denom = k0+k1*RChart1->RangeLoX;
- if (denom != 0)
- {
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,1/denom);
- }
- xstep = (RChart1->RangeHiX-RChart1->RangeLoX) / ChartXRes;
- for (i=1; i<=ChartXRes; i++)
- {
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX+i*xstep;
- denom = k0+k1*x;
- if (denom != 0)
- {
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,1/denom);
- }
- }
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = 1/(k0 + k1*x)";
- LblParams->Caption = "k0 = "+strf(k0,1,3)+" k1 = "+strf(k1,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = true;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButHyperClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k0, k1;
- double FitQual;
- double xstep;
- int i;
- double x;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcHyperbolFit (k0, k1, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- if (RChart1->RangeLoX != 0)
- {
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,k0+k1/RChart1->RangeLoX);
- }
- else
- {
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,MaxReal);
- }
- xstep = (RChart1->RangeHiX-RChart1->RangeLoX) / ChartXRes;
- for (i=1; i<=ChartXRes; i++)
- {
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX+i*xstep;
- if (x != 0)
- {
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,k0+k1/x);
- }
- else
- {
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,MaxReal);
- }
- }
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = k0 + k1/x";
- LblParams->Caption = "k0 = "+strf(k0,1,3)+" k1 = "+strf(k1,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = True;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButLogFitClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k0, k1;
- double FitQual;
- double xstep;
- int i;
- double x;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcLogFit (k0, k1, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- if (RChart1->RangeLoX > 0)
- {
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,k0+k1*log(RChart1->RangeLoX));
- }
- else
- {
- RChart1->MoveTo (0, -MaxReal);
- }
- xstep = (RChart1->RangeHiX-RChart1->RangeLoX) / ChartXRes;
- for (i=1; i<=ChartXRes; i++)
- {
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX+i*xstep;
- if (x > 0)
- {
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,k0+k1*log(x));
- }
- }
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = k0 + k1*ln(x)";
- LblParams->Caption = "k0 = "+strf(k0,1,3)+" k1 = "+strf(k1,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = True;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButGaussFitClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k0, k1, k2;
- double FitQual;
- double xstep;
- int i;
- double x;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcGaussFit (k0, k1, k2, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX;
- RChart1->MoveTo (x,k0*exp(-(x-k1)*(x-k1)/k2));
- xstep = (RChart1->RangeHiX-RChart1->RangeLoX) / ChartXRes;
- for (i=1; i<=ChartXRes; i++)
- {
- x = RChart1->RangeLoX+i*xstep;
- RChart1->DrawTo (x,k0*exp(-(x-k1)*(x-k1)/k2));
- }
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = k0*exp(-sqr(x-k1)/k2)";
- LblParams->Caption = "k0 = "+strf(k0,1,3)+" k1 = "+strf(k1,1,3)+" k2 = "+strf(k2,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = True;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::BButLinFitClick(TObject *Sender)
- {
- double k,d;
- double FitQual;
- while ((RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkMarkAt) &&
- (RChart1->TypeOfLastItem != tkNone)) // remove any curve from graph
- RChart1->RemoveLastItem();
- SBNewPnts->Down = false;
- Stats1->CalcLinFit (k, d, FitQual);
- NLabFitQual->Value = FitQual;
- RChart1->MoveTo (RChart1->RangeLoX,k*RChart1->RangeLoX+d);
- RChart1->DrawTo (RChart1->RangeHiX,k*RChart1->RangeHiX+d);
- RChart1->ShowGraf();
- LblFormula->Caption = "y = k*x + d";
- LblParams->Caption = "k = "+strf(k,1,3)+" d = "+strf(d,1,3);
- LblFormula->Visible = True;
- LblParams->Visible = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TForm1::FormMouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, int X,
- int Y)
- {
- Screen->Cursor = crDefault;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------