home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit main;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, Grids, ExtCtrls, DBGrids, DB, DBTables, BDE, Win32Except, About;
- type
- TMainForm = class(TForm)
- SourcePanel: TPanel;
- InMemPanel: TPanel;
- CopyTable: TButton;
- InMemGrid: TStringGrid;
- DemoTable: TTable;
- DemoSource: TDataSource;
- SourceGrid: TDBGrid;
- DataLbl: TLabel;
- LocalDatabase: TDatabase;
- procedure CopyTableClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- hInMemCur: hDBICur;
- function FieldAsString(hCur: hDBICur; pRecBuf: pBYTE; FieldNo: word;
- FieldType: word): string;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- MainForm: TMainForm;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- var
- A: TAboutBox;
- begin
- DemoTable.Open;
- A := TAboutBox.Create(nil);
- try
- A.ShowModal;
- finally
- A.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMainForm.CopyTableClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Fld: word; // For loop counter...
- pfDesc: pFLDDesc; // Field Descriptor for In-Memory table...
- hTmpCur, hInMemCur: hDBICur; // Table cursors...
- pFldBuf, pInMemRecBuf, pRecBuf: pBYTE; // Buffers...
- rslt: DBIResult; // Dbi Function results...
- fldType: array[1..1024] of word; // Field types...
- Cols: array[1..1024] of word; // Column sizes...
- CurrentRow: longint; // Current row on string grid...
- Props: CURProps; // In-Memory table properties...
- Blank: BOOL; // Blank field?? ...
- Len: TSize; // Length of string in string grid...
- begin
- screen.cursor := crHourGlass;
- try
- // Initialize pointers to nil...
- pfDesc := nil; hTmpCur := nil; hInMemCur := nil; pFldBuf := nil;
- pInMemRecBuf := nil; pRecBuf := nil;
- // Initialize column widths to default...
- for Fld := 1 to 1024 do
- Cols[Fld] := InMemGrid.DefaultColWidth;
- // Clone the cursor so that moving the cursor will not effect DBGrid...
- Check(DbiCloneCursor(DemoTable.Handle, True, False, hTmpCur));
- // Allocate memory for field descriptor...
- pfDesc := AllocMem(DemoTable.FieldCount * sizeof(FLDDesc));
- // Populate the field descriptor with the DemoTable information...
- Check(DbiGetFieldDescs(hTmpCur, pfDesc));
- // Create the In-Memory table with the same fields as the DemoTable...
- Check(DbiCreateInMemTable(LocalDataBase.Handle, 'InMem_Table',
- DemoTable.FieldCount, pfDesc, hInMemCur));
- // Get the table properties of the newly created In-Memory table...
- Check(DbiGetCursorProps(hInMemCur, Props));
- // The record buffer for the In-Memory table is slightly different than the
- // source table, so we need to re-evalluate the buffer size...
- pInMemRecBuf := AllocMem(Props.iRecBufSize);
- // Set the grid row and columns to the size of DemoTable...
- InMemGrid.RowCount := DemoTable.RecordCount + 1;
- InMemGrid.ColCount := DemoTable.FieldCount + 1;
- // It is easier to use Dbi functions to retrieve information from the source
- // table, because we need to use Dbi functions to put information into the
- // In-Memory table...
- pRecBuf := AllocMem(DemoTable.RecordSize);
- // Generic Field buffer used for moveing field data from source to In-Mem...
- pFldBuf := AllocMem(1024);
- // Place the names of the fields in the string grid...
- for Fld := 0 to DemoTable.FieldCount - 1 do
- begin
- InMemGrid.Cells[Fld + 1, 0] := pfDesc^.szName;
- fldType[Fld + 1] := pfDesc^.iFldType;
- Inc(pfDesc);
- end;
- Dec(pfDesc, DemoTable.FieldCount);
- // Set the cursor to the source table to the top...
- Check(DbiSetToBegin(hTmpCur));
- rslt := DBIERR_NONE;
- while rslt = DBIERR_NONE do
- begin
- // Clear the record buffer (always on an insert / append)...
- Check(DbiInitRecord(hInMemCur, pinMemRecBuf));
- // Fill the source record buffer with table information...
- rslt := DbiGetNextRecord(hTmpCur, dbiNOLOCK, pRecBuf, nil);
- if rslt <> DBIERR_EOF then
- begin
- // for every field in the record buffer...
- for Fld := 1 to DemoTable.FieldCount do
- begin
- FillChar(pFldBuf^, 1024, #0);
- // Extract the field from the source record buffer...
- Check(DbiGetField(hTmpCur, Fld, pRecBuf, pFldBuf, Blank));
- if Blank = true then
- // If the source field is blank, put a nil in the destination record buffer...
- Check(DbiPutField(hInMemCur, Fld, pInMemRecBuf, nil))
- else
- // Place the source field information into the record buffer...
- Check(DbiPutField(hInMemCur, Fld, pInMemRecBuf, pFldBuf));
- end;
- // Once the record buffer is filled, add the record to the In-Memory table...
- Check(DbiAppendRecord(hInMemCur, pInMemRecBuf));
- end;
- end;
- // Set the In-Memory table cursor to the top of the table...
- Check(DbiSetToBegin(hInMemCur));
- CurrentRow := 1;
- rslt := DBIERR_NONE;
- // Go through the entire table retreiving record information...
- while rslt = DBIERR_NONE do
- begin
- // Place the next record into the record buffer...
- rslt := DbiGetNextRecord(hInMemCur, dbiNOLOCK, pInMemRecBuf, nil);
- // If we have not reached the end of the table...
- if rslt <> DBIERR_EOF then
- begin
- // Set the current row number in the string grid...
- InMemGrid.Cells[0, CurrentRow] := IntToStr(CurrentRow);
- // Go through each field in the record buffer...
- for Fld := 1 to DemoTable.FieldCount do
- begin
- // Call a function to send a translated string back and place the
- // information in the specified cell...
- InMemGrid.Cells[Fld, CurrentRow] :=
- FieldAsString(hinMemCur, pInMemRecBuf, Fld, fldType[Fld]);
- // Determine the size of the returned string so we can extend the size
- // of the current column to accomodate the string length...
- Win32Chk(GetTextExtentPoint32(InMemGrid.Canvas.Handle, Pchar(InMemGrid.Cells[Fld, CurrentRow]),
- Length(InMemGrid.Cells[Fld, CurrentRow]), Len));
- if Len.cx > Cols[Fld] then
- Cols[Fld] := Len.cx;
- end;
- Inc(CurrentRow);
- end;
- end;
- // Check the field names to make sure that they will fit into the string grid...
- for Fld := 0 to DemoTable.FieldCount do
- begin
- Win32Chk(GetTextExtentPoint32(InMemGrid.Canvas.Handle, Pchar(InMemGrid.Cells[Fld, 0]),
- Length(InMemGrid.Cells[Fld, 0]), Len));
- if Len.cx > Cols[Fld] then
- Cols[Fld] := Len.cx;
- end;
- // Set the string grid column widths...
- for Fld := 1 to DemoTable.FieldCount do
- InMemGrid.ColWidths[Fld] := Cols[Fld] + 8;
- finally
- // Close the source table cursor...
- if hTmpCur <> nil then
- Check(DbiCloseCursor(hTmpCur));
- // Close the In-Memory table cursor...
- if hInMemCur <> nil then
- Check(DbiCloseCursor(hInMemCur));
- // Free memory for field, table descriptor, and record buffers...
- if pfDesc <> nil then
- FreeMem(pfDesc);
- if pRecBuf <> nil then
- FreeMem(pRecBuf);
- if pInMemRecBuf <> nil then
- FreeMem(pInMemRecBuf);
- if pFldBuf <> nil then
- FreeMem(pFldBuf);
- screen.cursor := crDefault;
- end;
- end;
- // This function returns logical data types that are supported by in-Memory tables
- // in string form. This is a good generic Dbi Field -> string function.
- // NOTE: Checking the Blank parameter from DbiGetField to determine if a field
- // is actually blank, is not supported on In-Memory tables. Results from
- // certain field types may need to be changed to fit your needs!
- function TMainForm.FieldAsString(hCur: hDBICur; pRecBuf: pBYTE; FieldNo: word;
- FieldType: word): string;
- var
- S, AMPM, tmpString, TimeStr, TimeStampStr: string;
- tmpInt16: smallint;
- tmpInt32: longint;
- tmpFloat: double;
- tmpTime: BDE.time;
- tmpDate: BDE.DbiDate;
- tmpTimestamp: BDE.TimeStamp;
- Blank: BOOL;
- tmpPChar: pChar;
- Hour, Minute, MSecond, Month, Day: word;
- Year: SmallInt;
- begin
- Result := '';
- TimeStr := '%d:%d:%d %s';
- TimeStampStr := '%d/%d/%d @ %d:%d:%d %s';
- case FieldType of
- // For character type fields...
- begin
- tmpPChar := AllocMem(1024);
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, tmpPChar, Blank));
- tmpString := tmpPChar;
- freemem(tmpPChar);
- // This is where a blank field is determined...
- if tmpString = '' then
- result := '(Blank)'
- else
- result := tmpString;
- end;
- // For INT16 (SmallInt) type fields...
- fldINT16:
- begin
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpInt16), Blank));
- result := IntToStr(tmpInt16);
- end;
- // For INT32 (LongInt, Integer) type fields...
- fldINT32:
- begin
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpInt32), Blank));
- result := IntToStr(tmpInt32);
- end;
- // For FLOAT (Numeric, Decimal) type fields...
- fldFLOAT:
- begin
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpFloat), Blank));
- result := FloatToStr(tmpFloat);
- end;
- // For TIME type fields...
- fldTIME:
- begin
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpTime), Blank));
- // This is where a blank field is determined...
- if tmpTime = 0 then
- result := '(Blank)'
- else
- begin
- Check(DbiTimeDecode(tmpTime, Hour, Minute, MSecond));
- case Hour of
- 0:
- begin
- Hour := 12;
- AMPM := 'AM';
- end;
- 1..11:
- AMPM := 'AM';
- 12:
- AMPM := 'PM';
- 13..24:
- begin
- AMPM := 'PM';
- Dec(Hour, 12);
- end;
- end;
- if (Minute < 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) < 10) then
- TimeStr := '%d:0%d:0%d %s'
- else
- if (Minute < 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) >= 10) then
- TimeStr := '%d:0%d:%d %s'
- else
- if (Minute > 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) < 10) then
- TimeStr := '%d:%d:0%d %s';
- result := Format(TimeStr, [Hour, Minute, MSecond div 1000, AMPM]);
- end;
- end;
- // For DATE type fields...
- fldDATE:
- begin
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpDate), Blank));
- // This is where a blank field is determined...
- if tmpDate = 0 then
- result := '(Blank)'
- else
- begin
- Check(DbiDateDecode(tmpDate, Month, Day, Year));
- result := Format('%d/%d/%d', [Month, Day, Year]);
- end;
- end;
- // For TIMESTAMP (Date: InterBase) type fields...
- begin
- // This is where a blank field is determined...
- Check(DbiGetField(hCur, FieldNo, pRecBuf, pBYTE(@tmpTimeStamp), Blank));
- if tmpTimeStamp = 0 then
- result := '(Blank)'
- else
- begin
- Check(DbiTimeStampDecode(tmpTimeStamp, tmpDate, tmpTime));
- Check(DbiTimeDecode(tmpTime, Hour, Minute, MSecond));
- Check(DbiDateDecode(tmpDate, Month, Day, Year));
- case Hour of
- 0:
- begin
- Hour := 12;
- AMPM := 'AM';
- end;
- 1..11:
- AMPM := 'AM';
- 12:
- AMPM := 'PM';
- 13..24:
- begin
- AMPM := 'PM';
- Dec(Hour, 12);
- end;
- end;
- if (Minute < 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) < 10) then
- TimeStampStr := '%d/%d/%d @ %d:0%d:0%d %s'
- else
- if (Minute < 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) >= 10) then
- TimeStampStr := '%d/%d/%d @ %d:0%d:%d %s'
- else
- if (Minute > 10) and ((MSecond div 1000) < 10) then
- TimeStampStr := '%d/%d/%d @ %d:%d:0%d %s';
- result := Format(TimeStampStr, [Month, Day, Year, Hour,
- Minute, MSecond div 1000, AMPM]);
- end;
- end;
- else
- result := 'Unknown';
- end;
- end;
- end.