'Total number of bytes that can be stored in the paging file: ' + IntToStr( dwTotalPageFile ) + #13#10 +
'Bytes available in the paging file: ' + IntToStr( dwAvailPageFile ) + #13#10 +
'Total number of bytes that can be described in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process: ' + IntToStr( dwTotalVirtual ) + #13#10 +
'Bytes of unreserved and uncommitted memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process: ' + IntToStr( dwAvailVirtual )
end; // with APIThing
procedure TForm1.Button24Click(Sender: TObject);
dtDriveType : TDriveType;
strDriveType : String;
drive : Char;
drive := 'a';
dtDriveType := APIThing.DriveType( drive );
case dtDriveType of
dtUnknown : strDriveType := 'Unknown';
dtNoDrive : strDriveType := 'Not A Drive';
dtFloppy : strDriveType := 'FDD';
dtFixed : strDriveType := 'HDD';
dtNetwork : strDriveType := 'Network Drive';
dtCDROM : strDriveType := 'CD-ROM';
dtRAM : strDriveType := 'RAM Drive';
end; // case APIThing.DriveType;
ShowMessage( 'Drive ' + drive +' is a ''' + strDriveType + ''' drive' );