Chip 1998 March
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Delphi Zip/Unzip Package, v1.20
For Delphi 2 and 3, and C++ Builder v1.xx
See CHANGES.TXT for note on changes since version 1.10.
NOTE: The DLL source code is distributed separately due
to it's size, and the fact that most Delphi users of this
package probably don't want the C source for the DLL's.
The DLL source is also freeware, and will remain that way.
The filename of the DLL source code is DZDLLSR2.ZIP, and
it comes complete with a VC++, v4.0 makefile.
Quick start: Stop reading this file, and follow the
instructions in file INSTALL.TXT.
This release contains:
DELZIP12.ZIP - overall Freeware Delphi Zip v1.20 package
DOC.ZIP - various information about this release
DLL.ZIP - the ZIPDLL and UNZDLL DLL's (require Win32)
Put these into C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
VCL.ZIP - Essential support files. Includes the very
useful TZipMaster VCL, as well as the DLL import
specifications and callback files. Put these
into a directory in your VCL search path.
CDEMO1.ZIP - C++ Builder demo program.
DEMO1.ZIP - Delphi source code for demo program #1.
DEMO2.ZIP - Delphi source code for demo program #2.
DEMO3.ZIP - Delphi source code for demo program #3.
Notes About My Demo Programs
I am NOT using any Windows Registry keys in any of the demos,
or in the DLLs themselves. Also, because of my desire to limit
unrelated code, the demo programs don't make use of any .INI
files. Your own application programs should save the user's
ZIP/UNZIP options, and drive/directory choices in a .INI file.
All of the demos require the 2 DLLs:
Notes on C++ Builder Demo Program 1
This is a "short and sweet" demo that shows you how to use
the ZipMaster VCL to do some quickie ZIP operations inside a
program, whose main purpose may be unrelated to ZIP.
Although this is a small program, it demonstrates all the
essential items you need to know to use this package.
This demo requires VCL: TZipMaster
Notes on Delphi Demo Program 1
This is perhaps the most useful demo program for you. It
shows how to make a somewhat comprehensive ZIP utility program
using the ZipMaster VCL.
This demo requires VCL's: TZipMaster, TSortGrid
Notes on Delphi Demo Program 2
This is a "short and sweet" demo that shows you how to use
the ZipMaster VCL to do some quickie ZIP operations inside a
program, whose main purpose may be unrelated to ZIP.
For example, you may want to let the user ZIP up his data
files with a minimum of fuss. You, the developer, may already
know the names of the data files, so you may want to embed the
ZIP operation to make your program easier-to-use.
The value here is that this demo separates out the ZIP
functionality from the user interface.
This demo requires VCL: TZipMaster
Notes on Delphi Demo Program 3
This is an advanced demo program showing you how to use the
DLL's at the lowest possible level. It uses the ZIPDLL.PAS and
UNZDLL.PAS import units, and the ZCALLBCK.PAS callback unit, to
directly talk to the DLLs.
This level of programming is not recommended for most
applications. In most cases, you'll prefer to use TZipMaster
based programs (like demos 1 and 2), instead. This level of
programming is definitely NOT RAD!
This demo requires VCLs: TZipDir, TSortGrid
Distribution Policy
Guidelines for Legal Re-distribution
1) This applies to both end-users and developers. The meat of
this package is the .DLL files, and they are needed by all
of your end-users if you use this ZIP package in your
2) You must not charge money for any part of the ZIP package.
Warning: The primary concern here is if you will market a
new package that is only slightly more than a verbatim copy
of this package, or one of it's demos. ANY release you sell
is OK as long as you charge ONLY for the changes you make.
3) You MUST either distribute the source code for this ZIP
package, or give a WWW site where it can be obtained
freely. This can be on a Help...About screen, in printed
documentation, or in text files distributed with your
package. Yes, it does seem odd to have this requirement
for end-users who aren't programmers, but there is no
mistake. After all, it isn't hard to give them a URL
and a few words explaining what it is for.
4) You must document the Info-Zip's WWW home page URL, but
don't expect any help from the Info-Zip group, since my
release is only a derrivitive of their work. They are
very busy doing support for their "official" releases.
Since much of the DLL source code comes from them, they
deserve to be mentioned.
Info-Zip: http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/
5) You must handle product support with your own end-users.
This is imperative, because I don't have enough time to
do support for end-users.
6) I will handle support issues with programmers using this
package on a time-available basis. Since this is being
distributed as freeware, you can't expect the kind of
support you'd get from a commercial vendor. Please limit
your questions to those that directly pertain to this
ZIP package.
7) You may NOT distribute executable versions of my demo
programs to end-users without my approval. These are
only example applications to teach you how to use
this package.
Updates to this Software
Future updates to this software will be announced on
the Delphi-Talk mailing list, and the Borland "VCL" newsgroups
for C++ Builder and Delphi.
I will upload new releases to these Web sites (if possible):
Torry's Delphi Pages is an excellent site in Russia.
Torry is the shaggy dog!
Delphi Super Page - DSP. This is also one of the first
and best. It's home country is Poland, but has mirror
sites in many other countries. This is the Poland URL.
Delphi Super Page - DSP. This is the US URL.
Object Lessons - a Delphi training company.
Serious Training for serious programmers.
Other sites are welcome to carry copies of the official
distribution archives without contacting me first.
Please DO NOT ask me to e-mail you when this software
is updated. There are hundreds of users of this package, and
I can't maintain such a long list in my free time!
You may e-mail me with your bug notices and proposed
changes to this package. If your message comes with suggested
changes to source code, they WILL be evaluated, and, if used,
you will get the appropriate credit in the next release.
Eric W. Engler
Internet: englere@swcp.com
This entire freeware release is provided free, "as-is".
Like anything else that's free, these software modules
come with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or
implied. In no event will the copyright holders be liable
for any damages resulting from the proper or improper
use of this software.