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- P R O G R E S S O R 1.0
- =========================
- --------
- * History
- * Introduction
- * Description
- * Files
- * Install
- * White Ants
- * Technical Support
- * How To Reach Us
- -------
- Jan 10, 1997 - Initial Release 1.0
- ------------
- Progressor 1.0 is Freeware (more info see Disclaim.txt) and contains a helpful
- 16 bit Delphi component TProgressObserver which co-operates with a TProgressor
- class. These classes let you detach low level progress status and change
- notifications from the GUI. Note that this is NOT a visual component such as
- TGauge, but rather an GUI detached interface for starting, running, aborting
- and finishing lengthy operations. A demo project PROGDEMO is included which
- demonstrates the use of the TProgressObserver.
- -----------
- The TProgressor and TPorgressObserver classes let you decouple the status of
- lengthy operations from the GUI. This is achived by use of an GUI-Clean
- TProgressor class and an Observer pattern (TProgressObserver).
- TProgressor is a singleton class which can be accessed only by it's Instance
- class function. (e.g. TProgressor.Instance). You will never to create or free
- an instance this class, it's all done for you as soon as you access it.
- TProgressor has four progress controlling main properties:
- - Progress (usually percentage completed)
- - Description (about what's going on)
- - The Aborted state of an operation (including the Application.Terminated:
- Aborted returns True if the user has terminated the application or set abort
- True)
- - BusyCursor, which is passed on to the Screen.Cursor. Any other value than
- crDefault will change the cursor to this value for the whole screen.
- There are some methods which control the multi level progress status:
- - StartProgress, (or StartProgressDef)
- - EndProgress use these methods in pairs to start and end a (sub)level of
- progress
- - Abort (sets Aborted True)
- TProgressor has no events of it's own, but uses TProgressObserver instances
- to dispatch events. TProgressObserver automatically registers and unregisters
- itself with the TProgressor.
- The dispatched events are:
- - OnDescriptionChange, you can e.g. handle this event to update some label
- telling the user what's going on
- - OnProgressChange, you can e.g. handle this event to update the status of the
- progress of an operation, e.g. update a gauge
- - OnStart,
- - OnFinish, you can use these events to reflect the busy status, e.g. make the
- progress gauge visible / invisible.
- TProgressObserver wraps the status properties and methods from TProgressor
- (therefore all observers do have the same value for BusyCursor etc.)
- Each TProgressObserver instance has it's own accuracy property which defines at
- which rate (0..50) you'll get the OnProgressChange events. Set this to 1 to get
- notified about each change.
- -----
- Main files
- - README.TXT This file
- - DISCLAIM.TXT The file containing the disclaimer for Progressor
- - PROGRESS.PAS contains TProgressor and TProgressObserver classes
- - PROGRESS.DCR contains Delphi Component Resource File for TProgressObserver
- - INTLISTS.PAS contains TIntList, a dynamic array of LongInts used by PROGRESS
- - NUMUTILS.PAS contains numeric utilities used by PROGRESS
- - STRUTILS.PAS contains string utilities used by PROGRESS
- Demo
- - PROGDEMO.DPR Delphi project file
- - PROGDEMO.RES Delphi project resource file
- - MAINFRM.PAS Main form unit file
- - MAINFRM.DFM Main form resource
- - DEMOOPS.PAS Contains a LengthyOperation procedure which simulates activity
- -------
- - Unzip PROGRESS.ZIP, for example in directory c:\PROGRESS
- - BEFORE you open the project file PROGDEMO.DPR you must install the unit
- Progress.pas in the component palette.
- (Delphi 1.0: Options|Install Components|Add...)
- - Open the project file PROGDEMO.DPR and compile the project
- ----------
- White Ants systemhouse BV is specialised in developing software in Borland
- Delphi for all Microsoft Windows platforms.
- Our main activities are:
- 1) Turnkey building of customer specific software.
- Varying from single applications to complex real-time distributed computer
- systems and multi-tier client/server solutions.
- 2) Tools and components for professional colleague software developers.
- Including the Delphi CASE tool ModelMaker.
- Visit our website for information about us and our latest tools and components:
- www.whiteants.com
- Or e-mail us at info@whiteants.com
- -----------------
- Please e-mail us at support@whiteants.com if you have any problems or find any
- bugs in this code.
- We do not offer support on our FREEWARE by telephone, fax or letter.
- ---------------
- White Ants systemhouse BV
- Geleen 12
- 8032 GB Zwolle
- Netherlands
- Tel. +31 38 453 86 31
- Fax. +31 38 453 41 22
- www.whiteants.com
- support@whiteants.com