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- S T R E A M S & C O N T A I N E R S 1.1
- =============================================
- --------
- * History
- * Introduction
- * Description
- * Files
- * Install
- * White Ants
- * Technical Support
- * How To Reach Us
- -------
- Jan 10, 1997 - Release 1.1
- Improved.
- The binary output format for filters remains unchanged.
- - Release 1.0
- Available with beta 1 of ModelMaker 1.5.
- ------------
- Streams & Containers 1.0 is Freeware (more info see Disclaim.txt) and contains
- 16 bits Delphi 1.0 units CONTAINR and FILTERS which implement and extend BP7.0
- style collections and streams.
- -----------
- TFilter is a TStream descendant which adds the Put / Get object streaming
- capabilities to a TStream instance. TFilter does not actually read or write
- data but delegates this to an attached stream. This stream can be owned or not.
- Filters adhere to the decorator pattern.
- Filters can be cascaded:
- Filter1 => Filter2 => Filter3 => TStream. (such as TFileStream)
- Some additional filters are included:
- - BufferedFilter buffers it's IO
- - BufFileFilter is a combination of a TBufferedFilter with a TFileStream
- - TCycleFilter is a filter that is able to read and write cyclic object
- structures like: Parent saves children and children save their parent.
- - TClipBrdFilter reads and writes is a binary clipboard stream, allowing you
- to stream classes to the clipboard the same way you stream them to a file
- - TOffsetFilter which lets you treat a section in an other stream as new
- complete stream, including Position := 0, Size etc.
- Utility procedures include
- - Reading and writing of PChar and TStrings from/to a TFilter
- - Copying a TStreamable instance by first putting it to memory and then getting
- it back.
- For classes to be streamable, they HAS TO be a TStreamable descendant AND be
- registered as streamable using the RegisterStreamable procedure.
- TContainer is an abstract base class which defines an interface for list like
- data types. TCollection is a direct descendant which implements a TContainer
- using a Delphi 1.0 TList class. TCollection add to TList
- - Ownership of items (property OwnesItems)
- - Sorting of list (property Sorted / CanSort)
- - Duplicate behavior (property Duplicates)
- - OnChange notifications
- - Streamable behavior (TContainer is a streamable class) allowing you to Put a
- whole container at once on a stream: Filter.Put(List)
- This version of FILTERS and CONTAINR fix some bugs and extend the
- exiting functionality.
- -----
- Main files
- - README.TXT This file
- - DISCLAIM.TXT The file containing the disclaimer for Streams & Containers
- - CONTAINR.PAS Contains TContainer and TCollection classes
- - FILTERS.PAS Contains TFilter classes
- - NUMUTILS.PAS Contains numeric utilities needed by CONTAINR and FILTERS
- - STRUTILS.PAS Contains string utilities needed by CONTAINR
- Demo files
- - CONTSTRM.EXE The demo executable
- - CONTSTRM.DPR The demo project
- - CONTSTRM.RES The demo project resource
- - EDITFRM.PAS The demo sample editing dialog form source file
- - EDITFRM.DFM The demo sample editing dialog form resource file
- - MAINFRM.PAS The demo main form source file
- - MAINFRM.DFM The demo main form resource file
- - STRMSAMP.PAS Contains TSampleList and TSample classes which demonstrate
- containers and streaming
- - SAMPLE1.SMP A Sample file containing a streamed TSampleList
- -------
- - Unzip CONTSTRM.ZIP, for example in directory c:\CONTSTRM
- - Open the project file CONTSTRM.DPR and compile the project
- - You do NOT need to install any components other than provided by Delphi 1.0
- ----------
- White Ants systemhouse BV is specialised in developing software in Borland
- Delphi for all Microsoft Windows platforms.
- Our main activities are:
- 1) Turnkey building of customer specific software.
- Varying from single applications to complex real-time distributed computer
- systems and multi-tier client/server solutions.
- 2) Tools and components for professional colleague software developers.
- Including the Delphi CASE tool ModelMaker.
- Visit our website for information about us and our latest tools and components:
- www.whiteants.com
- Or e-mail us at info@whiteants.com
- -----------------
- Please e-mail us at support@whiteants.com if you have any problems or find any
- bugs in this code.
- We do not offer support on our FREEWARE by telephone, fax or letter.
- ---------------
- White Ants systemhouse BV
- Geleen 12
- 8032 GB Zwolle
- Netherlands
- Tel. +31 38 453 86 31
- Fax. +31 38 453 41 22
- www.whiteants.com
- support@whiteants.com