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- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- file : StrUtils
- version : 1.01
- comment : Part of this file was taken form S_STRING.PAS by RAY LISCHNER
- Book: Secrets of Delphi 2.0
- author : G. Beuze, R. Post, L. Laarhoven, R. Lischner
- compiler : Delphi 1.0, partly Delphi 2.0
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- }
- unit StrUtils;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils;
- { Convert a Pascal string to a PChar. }
- function StrToPChar(const Str: string): PChar;
- { Delimiters use by XXXToBinaryStr procedures }
- const
- NibbleDelimiter : Char = '.';
- ByteDelimiter : Char = ' ';
- type
- ShortString = string;
- PShortString = ^ShortString;
- AnsiChar = Char;
- PAnsiChar = ^AnsiChar;
- { Set the length of string, Str, to Length. }
- procedure SetLength(var Str: string; Length: Byte);
- { Set the contents of string Str, to Length bytes, starting at From. }
- procedure SetString(var Str: string; From: PChar; Length: Byte);
- { Copy and return Str, after trimming leading and trailing white space
- characters. Do not modify Str. }
- function Trim(const Str: string): string;
- { Copy and return Str, after trimming leading white space
- characters. Do not modify Str. }
- function TrimLeft(const Str: string): string;
- { Copy and return Str, after trimming trailing white space
- characters. Do not modify Str. }
- function TrimRight(const Str: string): string;
- {$ENDIF}
- function DelChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- { Removes any character C from S }
- function DelWhiteSpace(const Str: string): string;
- { Removes any characters #0..#32 from Str }
- function DelLeftChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- { Removes any leading character C from S }
- function DelRightChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- { Removes any trailing character C from S }
- function DelLeftRightChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- { Removes any leading and trailing character C from S }
- function CharString(C: Char; Cnt: Byte): string;
- { Returns a string of length (Cnt), filled with C }
- function BlankString(Cnt: Byte): string;
- { Returns a string a Cnt blanks }
- function LeadCharsCnt(const S: string; C: Char): Byte;
- { Returns number of leading chars C }
- function LeadBlanksCnt(const S: string): Byte;
- { Returns number of leading blanks }
- function LeadTabCnt(const S: string): Byte;
- { Returns number of leading tabs }
- function AbbrStr(const Source: string; MaxLen: Byte): string;
- { Returns a string with length <= MaxLen. Abbreviating on words }
- function MixedCase(const Str: string): string;
- { Returns S in lower case except the first char which is upper:
- 'example' -> 'Example', 'EXAMPLE' -> 'Example' }
- function IsPrefix(const SubStr, Str: string): Boolean;
- { Returns True if Str starts with SubStr ignoring case }
- function StringValue(S: PString): string;
- { Returns S^ or '' if s = nil }
- function ByteToBCD(a: Byte): Byte;
- { Returns BCD coded representation of a }
- function BCDtoByte(a : Byte) : Byte;
- { Returns Byte value of BCD coded byte a }
- function ByteToBinaryStr(B: Byte): string;
- { Returns '0001.1100' style string, with . defined by NibbleDelimiter const }
- function WordToBinaryStr(W: Word): string;
- { Returns '00011100|00011100' style string,
- with | defined by ByteDelimiter const, See NibbleDelimiter }
- function LongToBinaryStr(L: LongInt): string;
- { Returns '00011100|00011100|00011100|00011100' style string, see Delimiters }
- function MatchStrings(const Source, Pattern: string): Boolean;
- { Returns True if Source matches Pattern '*Example?*' etc }
- { Orignal code by Sean Stanley in C, Rewritten in Delphi by David Stidolph }
- function StrToFloatDef(const Str: string; DefValue: Extended): Extended;
- { Converts S to extended, on exception returns DefValue }
- function GetTemplate(const Str: string): string;
- { Returns 'template' as in TEMPLATE0001 }
- function GetIndex(const Str: string): Integer;
- { Returns Index = 1 as in TEMPLATE0001 }
- function GetTemplateAndIndex(const Str: string; var Template: string;
- var Index: Integer): Boolean;
- { Returns True if a number was found to the right of Str
- for example as in 'Button123'. Returns Button in Template and 123 in Index
- Returns False if no number was found }
- function GetName(const S: string): string;
- { Returns Name as iN: Name=Value , or '' if no = was found }
- function GetValue(const S: string): string;
- { Returns Value as in: Name=Value , or '' if no = was found }
- function GetNameAndValue(const S: string; var Name, Value: string): Boolean;
- { Returns True is S could be split in name and value as in Name=Value, else False }
- implementation
- { Return whether the character C, is a white space character,
- or a nonprintable control character. }
- function IsWhiteSpace(C: Char): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := C in [#0..' ']
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- { Delphi 2.0 knows how to convert string to PChar. }
- function StrToPChar(const Str: string): PChar;
- begin
- Result := PChar(Str);
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- { Return a PChar representation of the string, Str. Allocate a dynamic
- copy of the string. Keep a ring of 8 dynamic strings, and free the
- old strings. Thus, you can usually rely on the returned string being
- valid while it is needed. The most common need is to pass an argument
- to a Windows API function, so the need is temporary, but several
- such strings might be required. That's why the ring has 8 items in it:
- more than enough for most uses. }
- type
- TRingIndex = 0..7;
- var
- Ring: array[TRingIndex] of PChar;
- RingIndex: TRingIndex;
- function StrToPChar(const Str: string): PChar;
- begin
- { Allocate a PChar and copy the original string. }
- Result := StrAlloc(Length(Str)+1);
- StrPCopy(Result, Str);
- { Add the string to the ring. }
- StrDispose(Ring[RingIndex]);
- Ring[RingIndex] := Result;
- RingIndex := (RingIndex + 1) mod (High(TRingIndex) + 1);
- end;
- { Set the length of a string. }
- procedure SetLength(var Str: string; Length: Byte);
- begin
- Str[0] := Chr(Length)
- end;
- { Set the contents of a string. If there are fewer than Length bytes
- in the string, From, then leave the remaining bytes unchanged. }
- procedure SetString(var Str: string; From: PChar; Length: Byte);
- var
- FromLen: Integer;
- begin
- Str[0] := Chr(Length);
- { In Delphi 2.0, a nil pointer represents an empty string. The representation
- should be hidden by the compiler, but some people use an explicit nil
- pointer to mean an empty string. This is sloppy programming, but some
- people do it anyway. }
- if From <> nil then
- begin
- { Only copy as many bytes as are in the From string. }
- FromLen := StrLen(From);
- if FromLen < Length then
- Length := FromLen;
- Move(From^, Str[1], Length);
- end;
- end;
- { Trim all leading and trailing white space characters. }
- function Trim(const Str: string): string;
- var
- L, R: Integer;
- begin
- L := 1;
- R := Length(Str);
- while (L <= R) and IsWhiteSpace(Str[L]) do
- Inc(L);
- while (L <= R) and IsWhiteSpace(Str[R]) do
- Dec(R);
- Result := Copy(Str, L, R-L+1);
- end;
- { Trim leading white space characters. }
- function TrimLeft(const Str: string): string;
- var
- L, R: Integer;
- begin
- L := 1;
- R := Length(Str);
- while (L <= R) and IsWhiteSpace(Str[L]) do
- Inc(L);
- Result := Copy(Str, L, 255);
- end;
- { Trim trailing white space characters. }
- function TrimRight(const Str: string): string;
- var
- R: Integer;
- begin
- R := Length(Str);
- while (R >= 1) and IsWhiteSpace(Str[R]) do
- Dec(R);
- Result := Copy(Str, 1, R);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function DelChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- var I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 1 to Length(Str) do
- if Str[I] <> C then
- Result := Result + Str[I];
- end;
- function DelWhiteSpace(const Str: string): string;
- var I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 1 to Length(Str) do
- if not IsWhiteSpace(Str[I]) then
- Result := Result + Str[I];
- end;
- function DelLeftChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- var
- L, R: Integer;
- begin
- L := 1;
- R := Length(Str);
- while (L <= R) and (Str[L] = C) do
- Inc(L);
- Result := Copy(Str, L, 255);
- end;
- function DelRightChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- var
- R: Integer;
- begin
- R := Length(Str);
- while (R >= 1) and (Str[R] = C) do
- Dec(R);
- Result := Copy(Str, 1, R);
- end;
- function DelLeftRightChars(const Str: string; C: Char): string;
- var
- L, R: Integer;
- begin
- L := 1;
- R := Length(Str);
- while (L <= R) and (Str[L] = C) do
- Inc(L);
- while (L <= R) and (Str[R] = C) do
- Dec(R);
- Result := Copy(Str, L, R-L+1);
- end;
- function CharString(C: Char; Cnt: Byte): string;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 0 to Cnt-1 do Result := Result + C;
- end;
- function BlankString(Cnt: Byte): String;
- begin
- Result := CharString(#32, Cnt);
- end;
- function LeadCharsCnt(const S: string; C: Char): Byte;
- var I : Integer;
- begin
- for I := 1 to Length(S) do
- if S[I] <> C then
- begin
- Result := I - 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := Length(S);
- end;
- function LeadBlanksCnt(const S: string): Byte;
- begin
- Result := LeadCharsCnt(S, ' ');
- end;
- function LeadTabCnt(const S: string): Byte;
- begin
- Result := LeadCharsCnt(S, #9);
- end;
- function AbbrStr(const Source: string; MaxLen: Byte): string;
- begin
- if Length(Source) > MaxLen then
- begin
- Result := Copy(Source, 1, MaxLen);
- if (Source[MaxLen] <> ' ') and (Source[MaxLen + 1] <> ' ') then
- if MaxLen > 1 then
- begin
- Result[MaxLen] := '.';
- Result[MaxLen - 1] := '.';
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := Source;
- end;
- function MixedCase(const Str: string): string;
- begin
- Result := LowerCase(Str);
- if Length(Result) > 0 then Result[1] := Upcase(Result[1]);
- end;
- function IsPrefix(const SubStr, Str: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Length(SubStr) <= Length(Str)) and
- (CompareText(SubStr, Copy(Str, 1, Length(SubStr))) = 0);
- end;
- function StringValue(S: PString): string;
- begin
- if Assigned(S) then
- Result := S^
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- function ByteToBCD(A: Byte): Byte;
- var Decs, Units : Byte;
- begin
- if A <= 99 then
- begin
- Decs := A div 10;
- Units := A mod 10;
- Result := (Decs shl 4) or Units;
- end
- else
- Result := A;
- end;
- function BCDtoByte(a : Byte) : Byte;
- begin
- if (A >= $A0) or ((A and $0F) > $09) then
- Result := A
- else
- Result := ((A SHR 4) and $0F ) * 10 + (A and $0F);
- end;
- function ByteToBinaryStr(B: Byte): string;
- var
- I : Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 7 downto 0 do
- begin
- if I = 3 then Result := Result + NibbleDelimiter;
- if ((B SHR i) AND $1) = 0 then
- Result := Result + '0'
- else
- Result := Result + '1';
- end;
- end;
- function WordToBinaryStr(W: Word): string;
- begin
- Result := ByteToBinaryStr(WordRec(W).Hi) + ByteDelimiter +
- ByteToBinaryStr(WordRec(W).Lo);
- end;
- function LongToBinaryStr(L: LongInt): string;
- begin
- Result := WordToBinaryStr(LongRec(L).Hi) + ByteDelimiter +
- WordToBinaryStr(LongRec(L).Lo);
- end;
- {-------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- This function takes two strings and compares them. The first string
- can be anything, but should not contain pattern characters (* or ?).
- The pattern string can have as many of these pattern characters as you want.
- For example: MatchStrings('David Stidolph','*St*') would return True.
- Orignal code by Sean Stanley in C
- Rewritten in Delphi by David Stidolph
- }
- {-------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function MatchStrings(const Source, Pattern: string): Boolean;
- var
- pSource: Array [0..255] of Char;
- pPattern: Array [0..255] of Char;
- function MatchPattern(Element, Pattern: PChar): Boolean;
- function IsPatternWild(Pattern: PChar): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := StrScan(Pattern,'*') <> nil;
- if not Result then Result := StrScan(Pattern,'?') <> nil;
- end;
- begin
- if 0 = StrComp(Pattern,'*') then
- Result := True
- else if (Element^ = Chr(0)) and (Pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then
- Result := False
- else if Element^ = Chr(0) then
- Result := True
- else begin
- case Pattern^ of
- '*': if MatchPattern(Element,@Pattern[1]) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := MatchPattern(@Element[1], Pattern);
- '?': Result := MatchPattern(@Element[1], @Pattern[1]);
- else
- if Element^ = Pattern^ then
- Result := MatchPattern(@Element[1], @Pattern[1])
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- StrPCopy(pSource, Source);
- StrPCopy(pPattern, Pattern);
- Result := MatchPattern(pSource,pPattern);
- end;
- function StrToFloatDef(const Str: string; DefValue: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- try
- Result := StrToFloat(Str);
- except
- Result := DefValue;
- end;
- end;
- const
- Numbers: set of Char = ['0'..'9'];
- function GetTemplate(const Str: string): string;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- GetTemplateAndIndex(Str, Result, Index);
- end;
- function GetIndex(const Str: string): Integer;
- var Template: string;
- begin
- GetTemplateAndIndex(Str, Template, Result);
- end;
- function GetTemplateAndIndex(const Str: string; var Template: string;
- var Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var R: Integer;
- begin
- R := Length(Str);
- while (R > 0) and (Str[R] in Numbers) do Dec(R);
- Result := R < Length(Str);
- if Result then
- begin
- Template := Copy(Str, 1, R);
- Index := StrToInt(Copy(Str, R+1, 255));
- end
- else
- begin
- Index := -1;
- Template := Str;
- end;
- end;
- function GetName(const S: string): string;
- var P: Integer;
- begin
- P := Pos('=', S);
- if P > 0 then
- Result := Copy(S, 1, P - 1)
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- function GetValue(const S: string): string;
- var P: Integer;
- begin
- P := Pos('=', S);
- if P > 0 then
- Result := Copy(S, P + 1, 255)
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- function GetNameAndValue(const S: string; var Name, Value: string): Boolean;
- var P: Integer;
- begin
- P := Pos('=', S);
- Result := P > 0;
- if Result then
- begin
- Name := Copy(S, 1, P - 1);
- Value := Copy(S, P + 1, 255);
- end
- else
- begin
- Name := '';
- Value := '';
- end;
- end;
- { Free all the left over strings in the StrToPChar ring. }
- procedure Terminate; far;
- var
- I: TRingIndex;
- begin
- for I := Low(TRingIndex) to High(TRingIndex) do
- begin
- StrDispose(Ring[I]);
- Ring[I] := nil; { just in case StrToPChar is called again }
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- AddExitProc(Terminate);
- {$ENDIF}
- end.