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- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- file : CmpNames
- version : 1.01
- comment :
- date : 14-02-1997
- time : 13:57:59
- author : G.Beuze, R.Post
- compiler : Delphi 1.0
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Description:
- This unit contains the TRenamer class which is used to apply
- naming convention to components dropped on a form during design time.
- TRenamer uses the classes TNameRule and TNameRuleList which are also
- declared in this unit.
- Although this unit is only active when installed in the component library
- it is not visible in the VCL since there are no components registered
- from within this unit.
- The name rules are read from the file NAMERULE.INI which should be placed in the
- COMPLIB.DCL directory. A log file NAMERULE.LOG is written to the same directory
- to inform you of recognized rules, the default rule and components to which
- they apply.
- The idea of applying naming conventions and some basic mechanisms were taken
- from Ray Lischners book "Secrets of Delhi 2.0". We at White Ants basically added
- the designer wrapper interface and the ini-files.
- Caution:
- - Do not instantiate a TRenamer class yourself by calling TRenamer.Create.
- - TRenamer grabs the Delphi executable's Screen.OnActiveFormChange.
- - TRenamer interferes with delphi's Form designer. Be cautions to install
- this unit if you have any other units installed in the VCL which
- also interact with or are depending on Delphi's FormDesigner. You''ll get a
- warning if this unit detects such an error. This should normally not be the
- case, at White Ants we enjoy working (troublefree) using this unit.
- }
- unit CmpNames;
- interface
- function CheckRule(const Rule: string): Integer;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses
- WinTypes, WinProcs, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, TypInfo, ExtCtrls,
- DsgnIntf, LibMain, IniFiles, Dialogs, { standard VCL units }
- DsgnWrap, Containr, StrUtils, FileUtil, TextStrm; { WAS units }
- type
- TNameRule = class (TObject)
- private
- FName: PString;
- FRule: PString;
- protected
- function GetName: string;
- function GetRule: string;
- procedure SetName(const Value: String);
- procedure SetRule(const Value: String);
- public
- constructor Create(const aName, aRule: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
- property Rule: string read GetRule write SetRule;
- end;
- TNameRuleList = class (TCollection)
- private
- FDefaultRule: string;
- protected
- function GetNameRules(Index: Integer): TNameRule;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; override;
- function FindRule(Component: TComponent): string;
- function KeyOf(Instance: Pointer): Pointer; override;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
- property DefaultRule: string read FDefaultRule write FDefaultRule;
- property NameRules[Index: Integer]: TNameRule read GetNameRules;
- end;
- TRenamer = class (TComponent)
- private
- FActiveForm: TForm;
- FDesigner: TDesignerDecorator;
- FFileName: string;
- FList: TList;
- FPrevActiveFormChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FRules: TNameRuleList;
- FScreenHooked: Boolean;
- FTimer: TTimer;
- procedure Log;
- procedure UpdateTimer;
- protected
- procedure ActiveFormChange(Sender: TObject);
- function ApplyRule(Component: TComponent; const Rule: string): string;
- procedure DesignerNotification(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent; Operation:
- TOperation);
- procedure DesignerUnhookError(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DesignerValidateRename(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent; const
- CurName, NewName: string);
- function FilterName(const Orig: string): string;
- function GetPropertyValue(Component: TComponent; AName: String): string;
- function IsreservedWord(const AName: string): Boolean;
- function RemoveTag(const Fmt: string): string;
- procedure SetActiveForm(Value: TForm);
- procedure SetFileName(const Value: String);
- procedure SetPropValue(aObject: TObject; const aProp, aValue: string);
- function TestName(Component: TComponent; const AName: string): Boolean;
- procedure TimerTick(Sender: TObject);
- function UniqueName(Component: TComponent): string;
- procedure UnwireDesigner;
- procedure UpdateActiveForm;
- procedure WireDesigner;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property ActiveForm: TForm read FActiveForm write SetActiveForm;
- property Designer: TDesignerDecorator read FDesigner;
- property Rules: TNameRuleList read FRules;
- published
- property FileName: string read FFileName write SetFileName;
- end;
- const
- FRenamer: TRenamer = nil;
- RuleFilename = 'NameRule.ini';
- LogFileName = 'NameRule.Log';
- { Some reserved words (not an extensive list, see Delphi's language guides }
- MAX_RES_WORD = 24;
- SomeResWords : array[1..MAX_RES_WORD] of PChar =
- ('array', 'case', 'class', 'const', 'constructor', 'destructor',
- 'file', 'function', 'inline', 'interface','label', 'library',
- 'object', 'procedure','program', 'property', 'record', 'set',
- 'string', 'then', 'threadvar','type', 'unit', 'with');
- procedure Register;
- begin
- FRenamer := TRenamer.Create(nil);
- end;
- const
- AlphaNumerics = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9'];
- Letters = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_'];
- function CheckRule(const Rule: string): Integer;
- begin
- { Result returns the position at which an error was found,
- or 0 if the rule is OK }
- Result := 1;
- if (Length(Rule) <= 0) or not (Rule[1] in (Letters + ['%'])) then
- Exit;
- while Result <= Length(Rule) do
- begin
- if Rule[Result] = '%' then
- begin
- if Result = Length(Rule) then
- Exit;
- if not (Rule[Result+1] in ['n', 'N', 't', 'T']) then
- Exit;
- Inc(Result);
- end
- else if not (Rule[Result] in AlphaNumerics) then
- Exit;
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {
- *************************************** TNameRule ****************************************
- }
- constructor TNameRule.Create(const aName, aRule: string);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- SetName(aName);
- SetRule(aRule);
- end;
- destructor TNameRule.Destroy;
- begin
- DisposeStr(FName);
- DisposeStr(FRule);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TNameRule.GetName: string;
- begin
- Result := StringValue(FName);
- end;
- function TNameRule.GetRule: string;
- begin
- Result := StringValue(FRule);
- end;
- procedure TNameRule.SetName(const Value: String);
- begin
- AssignStr(FName, Value);
- end;
- procedure TNameRule.SetRule(const Value: String);
- begin
- AssignStr(FRule, Value);
- end;
- {
- ************************************* TNameRuleList **************************************
- }
- constructor TNameRuleList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- CanSort := True;
- OwnesItems := True;
- Sorted := True;
- Duplicates := CONTAINR.dupAccept;
- DefaultRule := '%t%N';
- end;
- destructor TNameRuleList.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TNameRuleList.Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := CompareText(StringValue(PString(Key1)), StringValue(PString(Key2)));
- end;
- function TNameRuleList.FindRule(Component: TComponent): string;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- Name: string;
- begin
- Name := Component.ClassName;
- if FindKey(@Name, Index) then
- Result := NameRules[Index].Rule
- else
- Result := DefaultRule;
- end;
- function TNameRuleList.GetNameRules(Index: Integer): TNameRule;
- begin
- Result := TNameRule(Items[Index]);
- end;
- function TNameRuleList.KeyOf(Instance: Pointer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := TNameRule(Instance).FName;
- end;
- procedure TNameRuleList.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
- var
- IniFile: TIniFile;
- I: Integer;
- FSection: TStringList;
- procedure EntryToRule(Entry: string);
- var P: Integer;
- Rule, Name: String;
- begin
- Entry := DelWhiteSpace(Entry);
- P := Pos('=', Entry);
- if P > 0 then
- begin
- Rule := Copy(Entry, P + 1, 255);
- Name := Copy(Entry, 1, P - 1);
- if IsValidIdent(Name) and (CheckRule(Rule) = 0) then
- if CompareText( 'Default', Name) = 0 then
- DefaultRule := Rule
- else
- Add(TNameRule.Create(Name, Rule));
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Clear;
- if FileExists (FileName) then
- begin
- IniFile := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- FSection := TStringList.Create;
- try
- IniFile.ReadSectionValues('NameRules', FSection);
- for I := 0 to FSection.Count -1 do
- EntryToRule(FSection[I]);
- finally
- FSection.Free;
- IniFile.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {
- **************************************** TRenamer ****************************************
- }
- constructor TRenamer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FDesigner := TDesignerDecorator.Create;
- FList := TList.Create;
- FRules := TNameRuleList.Create;
- FTimer := TTimer.Create(Self);
- WireDesigner;
- FileName := CommandPath + RuleFileName;
- FTimer.OnTimer := TimerTick;
- FTimer.Interval := 55;
- { Use the first tick to log the current rules }
- FTimer.Enabled := True;
- { hook on to the screen }
- FPrevActiveFormChange := Screen.OnActiveFormChange;
- Screen.OnActiveFormChange := ActiveFormChange;
- FScreenHooked := True;
- end;
- destructor TRenamer.Destroy;
- begin
- try
- if FScreenHooked then
- Screen.OnActiveFormChange := FPrevActiveFormChange;
- except
- { Screen alreasy gone, therefore no need to unhook and we can ignore EGPFaults }
- on EGPFault do;
- end;
- FTimer.Enabled := False;
- FList.Clear;
- UnwireDesigner;
- FDesigner.Free;
- FList.Free;
- FRules.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.ActiveFormChange(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FPrevActiveFormChange) then FPrevActiveFormChange(Sender);
- UpdateActiveForm;
- end;
- function TRenamer.ApplyRule(Component: TComponent; const Rule: string): string;
- var
- Optional: Boolean;
- Fmt: string;
- I, J: Integer;
- begin
- Optional := False;
- Fmt := '';
- Result := '';
- I := 1;
- while I < Length(Rule) do
- begin
- if (Rule[I] <> '%') or (I = Length(Rule)) then
- AppendStr(Fmt, Rule[I])
- else
- begin
- Inc(I);
- case Rule[I] of
- 'n': { unique number }
- AppendStr(Fmt, '%d');
- 'N': { optional unique number }
- begin
- AppendStr(Fmt, '%d');
- Optional := True;
- end;
- 't': { type name without the leading T }
- if Component.ClassName[1] in ['t', 'T'] then
- AppendStr(Fmt, Copy(Component.ClassName, 2, 255))
- else
- AppendStr(Fmt, Component.ClassName);
- 'T': { complete type name }
- AppendStr(Fmt, Component.ClassName);
- else
- AppendStr(Fmt, '%' + Rule[I]);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(I);
- end; { while }
- { Remove all invalid characters from the name. }
- Fmt := FilterName(Fmt);
- { If there is no %d in the format, then append it, but mark it as optional. }
- if Pos('%d', Fmt) = 0 then
- begin
- AppendStr(Fmt, '%d');
- Optional := True;
- end;
- { Now try to generate a unique name. If the %d is optional, first try
- without it. Then try successive numbers, starting with 1, until a
- unique name is found. If there is no way to create a unique name,
- then raise an exception. ( Imagine 32K components on a form! ) }
- if Optional then
- begin
- Result := RemoveTag(Fmt);
- if TestName(Component, Result) then
- Exit;
- end;
- for I := 1 to High(Integer) do
- begin
- Result := Format(Fmt, [I]);
- if TestName(Component, Result) then
- Exit;
- end;
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to apply naming rules for %s', [Component.ClassName]);
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.DesignerNotification(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- if Operation = opRemove then
- begin
- FList.Remove(AComponent);
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.DesignerUnhookError(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Application.MessageBox(
- 'Name Rule designer unhook error. Remove the unit CMPNAMES fomr your VCL',
- nil, MB_ICONHAND or MB_OK);
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.DesignerValidateRename(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent; const
- CurName, NewName: string);
- function StandardName: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (CompareText(Copy(AComponent.ClassName, 2, 255), GetTemplate(NewName)) = 0);
- end;
- begin
- { do NOT trigger on insertion, instead trigger on the IDE renaming a component
- which results in a ValidateRename call }
- if (Length(CurName) = 0) and (Length(NewName) > 0) and StandardName then
- { trigger }
- if FList.IndexOf(AComponent) = -1 then
- begin
- FList.Add(AComponent);
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenamer.FilterName(const Orig: string): string;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- for I := 1 to Length(Orig) do
- if (Orig[I] = '%') and (I < Length(Orig)) and (Orig[I+1] = 'd') then
- AppendStr(Result, Orig[I])
- else
- if Orig[I] in AlphaNumerics then AppendStr(Result, Orig[I]);
- if (Length(Result) = 0) or not (Result[1] in Letters) then
- Result := '_' + Result;
- end;
- function TRenamer.GetPropertyValue(Component: TComponent; AName: String): string;
- var
- PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result := '';
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Component.ClassInfo, AName);
- if PropInfo = nil then Exit;
- with PropInfo^ do
- case PropType^.Kind of
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- tkLString,
- {$ENDIF}
- tkString:
- Result := GetStrProp(Component, PropInfo);
- tkInteger:
- Result := IntToStr(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo));
- tkChar:
- Result := Chr(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo));
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenamer.IsreservedWord(const AName: string): Boolean;
- var
- Ident: array[0..255] of Char;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- StrPCopy(Ident, LowerCase(AName));
- for I := 1 to MAX_RES_WORD do
- if StrComp(Ident, SomeResWords[I]) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.Log;
- var
- T: TTextFile;
- ModuleNum, CompNum: Integer;
- CompName: String[63];
- Index: Integer;
- Ruled, Unruled: TStringList;
- const IsLogged: Boolean = False;
- begin
- if IsLogged then Exit;
- IsLogged := True;
- try
- try
- T := TTextFile.Create(CommandPath + LogFileName, tmCreate);
- try
- T.WriteLine('[Default rule]');
- T.WriteLnFmt('Default=%s', [FRules.DefaultRule]);
- T.Newline;
- Ruled := TStringList.Create;
- Unruled := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Ruled.Sorted := True;
- Unruled.Sorted := True;
- with AppBuilder.GetToolServices do
- for ModuleNum := 0 to GetModuleCount - 1 do
- for CompNum := 0 to GetComponentCount(ModuleNum) - 1 do
- begin
- CompName := GetComponentName(ModuleNum, CompNum);
- if FRules.FindKey(@CompName, Index) then
- Ruled.Add(Format('%s=%s', [CompName, FRules.NameRules[Index].Rule]))
- else
- Unruled.Add(Format('%s=%s', [CompName, FRules.DefaultRule]));
- end;
- T.WriteLine('[Components to which a name rule applies]');
- for Index := 0 to Ruled.Count-1 do T.WriteLine(Ruled[Index]);
- T.NewLine;
- T.WriteLine('[Components to which the default name rule applies]');
- for Index := 0 to Unruled.Count-1 do T.WriteLine(Unruled[Index]);
- finally
- Ruled.Free;
- Unruled.Free;
- end;
- finally
- T.Free;
- end;
- except
- Application.MessageBox('Error logging name rules', nil, MB_ICONHAND or MB_OK);
- end;
- finally
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenamer.RemoveTag(const Fmt: string): string;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := Pos('%d', Fmt);
- if Index = 0 then
- Result := Fmt
- else
- Result := Copy(Fmt, 1, Index - 1) + Copy(Fmt, Index + 2, 255);
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.SetActiveForm(Value: TForm);
- var
- Str: string;
- begin
- if Value <> FActiveForm then
- begin
- { do not affect components any more: clear list }
- FList.Clear;
- FTimer.Enabled := False;
- FActiveForm := Value;
- Designer.Hook(FActiveForm);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.SetFileName(const Value: String);
- begin
- if FFileName <> Value then
- begin
- FFileName := Value;
- FRules.LoadFromFile(FFileName);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.SetPropValue(aObject: TObject; const aProp, aValue: string);
- var
- PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- PropInfo := GetPropInfo(aObject.ClassInfo, aProp);
- if PropInfo <> nil then
- SetStrProp(aObject, PropInfo, aValue);
- end;
- function TRenamer.TestName(Component: TComponent; const AName: string): Boolean;
- var
- Cmp: TComponent;
- begin
- if Component.Owner = nil then
- Cmp := nil
- else
- Cmp := Component.Owner.FindComponent(AName);
- Result := IsValidIdent(AName) and not IsReservedWord(AName) and
- ((Cmp = nil) or (Cmp = Component));
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.TimerTick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- Modified: Boolean;
- I: Integer;
- NewName: string;
- Comp: TComponent;
- DefaultCaption: string;
- begin
- FTimer.Enabled := False;
- Log;
- Modified := False;
- try
- for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- NewName := UniqueName(FList[I]);
- try
- if Length(NewName) > 0 then
- begin
- Comp := TComponent(FList[I]);
- Comp.Name := NewName;
- if (Comp is TControl) and (csSetCaption in TControl(Comp).ControlStyle) then
- begin
- DefaultCaption := Comp.ClassName;
- if DefaultCaption[1] in ['t', 'T'] then
- Delete(DefaultCaption, 1, 1);
- if CompareText(GetTemplate(GetPropertyValue(Comp, 'Caption')),
- DefaultCaption) = 0 then
- begin
- SetPropValue(TObject(FList[I]), 'Caption', NewName);
- SetPropValue(TObject(FList[I]), 'Text', NewName);
- end;
- end;
- Modified := True;
- end;
- finally
- FList[I] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FList.Pack;
- if Modified then FDesigner.Modified;
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenamer.UniqueName(Component: TComponent): string;
- begin
- Result := FRules.FindRule( Component);
- if Length( Result) > 0 then
- Result := ApplyRule( Component, Result);
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.UnwireDesigner;
- begin
- FDesigner.OnNotification := nil;
- FDesigner.OnValidateRename := nil;
- FDesigner.OnUnhookError := nil;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.UpdateActiveForm;
- var
- F: TForm;
- begin
- F := Screen.ActiveForm;
- if Assigned(F) and (csDesigning in F.ComponentState) then
- ActiveForm := F
- else
- ActiveForm := nil;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.UpdateTimer;
- begin
- FTimer.Enabled := FList.Count > 0;
- end;
- procedure TRenamer.WireDesigner;
- begin
- FDesigner.OnNotification := DesignerNotification;
- FDesigner.OnValidateRename := DesignerValidateRename;
- FDesigner.OnUnhookError := DesignerUnhookError;
- end;
- procedure Terminate; far;
- begin
- FRenamer.Free;
- end;
- initialization
- {
- RegisterStreamable(TNameRuleList);
- }
- AddExitProc(Terminate);
- end.