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QDBPanel v2.00 Beta Release 3
This is the third beta release of QDBPanel for QDB v2.00. QDB itself is
now ready for release but QDBPanel remains in beta for a while longer as
certain design issues still need to be addressed.
There is no help file for this release -- this file will have to serve
for the moment.
Please be aware that you are quite likely to find bugs or other problems.
Please let me know about them at rrm@sprynet.com. Thanks for your help.
If you have any ideas for QDBPanel send them along too. A related
component, QDBGrid, is still in the alpha stage.
QDBPanel, which remains free, is Copyright (c) 1997 Robert R. Marsh, SJ &
the British Province of the Society of Jesus.
The QDBPanel simplifies the storage and retrieval of items via QDB. You
just drop a QDBPanel on a form and place on it whatever components you
wish to use. The panel knows how to save and load the controls' contents
in a QDB file. QDBPanel knows how to handle most common controls: those
which derive from TCustomEdit, TRichEdit, TCustomRadioGroup,
TCustomCheckBox, TCustomComboBox, TCustomListBox, & TImage. Other controls
(like TLabel) are ignored. Controls contained by a TPageControl are also
stored but not those handled by TTabNotebook.
If you want to store other data but don't want it to be visible at run-
time you can drop an ordinary panel on the QDBPanel and set its Visible
property to false. Any controls dropped onto this "invisible" panel
will be stored along with the visible ones.
On the other hand, if you want some controls on the QDBPanel to be
visible but not stored you can enclose them in an ordinary panel with its
Tag property set to -999. The controls will still be visible and
available but they will not be included in the QDB. Individual controls
can be excluded in the same way by setting their Tag to -999.
QDBPanel has the published properties:
Enabled: boolean;
Enables/disables the panel and all the controls on it.
ExcludeTag: longint;
The value of the tag used to signify a control should be
FieldCount: integer;
The number of fields defined by the panel. (read-only)
FieldNames[index: integer]: string;
The names of the fields (i.e., the control names). (read-only)
The QDB file associated with the panel.
QDBPanel requires a handler for the OnKey event:
OnKey: procedure (Sender: TObject; var key: TKey) of object;
which is called by the Fetch method (see below) to collect a key by
which to store and retrieve an item.
QDBPanel has the following public methods:
procedure Clear;
Clears all the controls placed on QDBPanel.
procedure Store;
Stores the contents of the controls on the panel to the QDB file.
procedure Fetch;
Loads the current item of the QDB file into the controls on the
procedure Post;
If Enabled saves the panel item to the QDB and makes Enabled false.
procedure Edit;
Sets Enabled true to allow editing of the panel item.
procedure Cancel;
Cancels editing and reloads the panel item.
procedure Insert;
Clears the panel and allows editing.
procedure Refresh;
Reloads the panel item.
procedure Delete;
Deletes the current item, turns off editing and loads the new item
onto the panel.
procedure FirstItem;
Loads the first item of the QDB file onto the panel.
procedure PrevItem;
Loads the previous item of the QDB file onto the panel.
procedure NextItem;
Loads the next item of the QDB file onto the panel.
procedure LastItem;
Loads the last item of the QDB file onto the panel.
function FileIsValid: boolean;
(has been removed for the moment will probably return!)
Extending QDBPanel
If the controls you wish to use with QDBPanel descend from the default
controls listed above, there is nothing more you need to do. Just drop
them on the panel and that's it. You can, however, override and extend
the default behaviors if necessary.
procedure RegisterProcs(AClass: TControlClass; ClearProc, FetchProc,
StoreProc: TClassProc);
If you wish to override the default storage behavior of already
registered controls or to provide instructions for handling other kinds of
controls you use the RegisterProcs method to pass along three procedures
of type TClassProc:
type TClassProc = procedure(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
The ClearProc clears the control, FetchProc loads its contents from
Stream, and StoreProc saves to Stream. The most recently registered
procedures take precedence, permitting default behaviour to be overridden.
For example, an edit box saves its contents as text but you may have a
descendant of TCustomEdit, TIntegerBox that handles integers. By
registering new procedures for TIntegerBox it can be made to store its
data in a new format while retaingin the default bahavior for all other
edit boxes.
By default, Edit components store their text. The radio group and check
box store their state. Combo boxes store the chosen text while list boxes
record which list items are selected. Images ...
The following examples illustrate how TCustomRadioGroup and TCustomEdit
are handled.
procedure ClearCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
(AControl as TCustomEdit).Text := '';
procedure FetchCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
con: TCustomEdit;
p: pchar;
con := (AControl as TCustomEdit);
p := StrAlloc(Stream.Size);
Stream.ReadBuffer(p^, Stream.Size);
procedure StoreCustomEdit(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
con: TCustomEdit;
len: longint;
p: pchar;
con := (AControl as TCustomEdit);
len := con.GetTextLen + 1;
p := StrAlloc(len);
con.GetTextBuf(p, len);
Stream.Write(p^, len);
procedure ClearCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex := -1;
procedure FetchCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
n: longint;
Stream.ReadBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex := n;
procedure StoreCustomRadioGroup(AControl: TControl; Stream: TStream);
n: longint;
n := TRadioGroup(AControl).ItemIndex;
Stream.WriteBuffer(n, SizeOf(n));
Finally a note about the default handling of TImage descendants.
QDBPanel knows how to load and save bitmaps, metafiles, and icons
but you may, for example, have added support for jpeg files. You must
tell QDBPanel of added graphic formats using the RegisterGraphicFormat
procedure RegisterGraphicFormat(AExtension: string; AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);
For example, to register the new Delphi 3 jpg format you would write:
TQDBPanel is still being developed. I hope it looks useful. The new demos
(add_book.zip and animals.zip) show how easy it is to use,
Robert R. Marsh, SJ
17th November 1997