Chip 1998 March
Assembly Source File
270 lines
include geos.def ; standard macros
include resource.def ; idata/udata, ProcCallFixedOrMovable etc.
XAUF = 240 ; screen bitmap size
YAUF = 200
TEX_SIZE = 128 ; texture size
OFF_LINES = XAUF/8 ; bytes/line in offscreen bitmap
TEX_LINES = TEX_SIZE/8 ; bytes/line if texture bitmap
global CLEAR_LINE_LOW:far
global GREY_LINE_LOW:far
global SCALE_LINE_LOW:far
SetGeosConvention ; set calling convention
ASM_TEXT segment resource
;void clear_line_low(char *p,char mask,word hoehe)
; for(; hoehe; hoehe--,p+=sizeof(Offscreen.data[0]))
; *p&=~mask;
CLEAR_LINE_LOW proc far _p:fptr, _mask:word, _hoehe:word
uses di
les di,_p ; pointer into destination buffer
mov ah,{byte}_mask ; mask marking bits to clear
not ah ; make it a "clear" mask
mov cx,_hoehe ; number of points to clear
clearloop: and {byte}es:[di],ah ; apply mask
add di,OFF_LINES ; advance one line
loop clearloop ; do until done
;void grey_line_low(char *p,char mask,word hoehe,word evenodd)
; for(; hoehe; hoehe--,p+=sizeof(Offscreen.data[0]),evenodd^=1)
; if(evenodd)
; *p&=~mask;
; else
; *p|=mask;
GREY_LINE_LOW proc far _p:fptr, _mask:word, _hoehe:word, _evenodd:word
uses di
les di,_p ; pointer into destination buffer
mov ah,{byte}_mask ; mask marking bits to clear
mov al,ah ; we need a "set" and a "clear" mask
not al ; make it a "clear" mask
mov cx,_hoehe ; number of points to clear
mov bx,_evenodd ; even/odd toggle
greyloop: test bx,1
je grey_set
and {byte}es:[di],al ; apply mask
jmp short grey_cont
grey_set: or {byte}es:[di],ah ; apply mask
grey_cont: add di,OFF_LINES ; advance one line
xor bx,1 ; toggle black/white
loop greyloop ; do until done
;void scale_line_low(char *p,char mask,char *tp,char tmask,int ypos,word hoehe)
; int ylimit;
; int error,c1,c2; ; Konstanten für Bresenham
; ; Bresenham scaling of wall texture: x <=> source, y <=> destination
; ylimit = MIN(ypos+hoehe,YAUF)-MAX(ypos,0);
SCALE_LINE_LOW proc far _p:fptr, _mask:word, _tp:fptr, _tmask:word, _ypos:sword, _hoehe:word
uses si,di
push bp
push ds
push es
; compute ylimit (number of pixels in offscreen target bitmap)
mov dx,_ypos ; MIN(ypos+hoehe,YAUF)
add dx,_hoehe
cmp dx,YAUF
jl sll_1
mov dx,YAUF
sll_1: mov bx,_ypos ; MAX(ypos,0)
cmp bx,0
jge sll_2
mov bx,0
sll_2: sub dx,bx ; MIN()-MAX()
push dx ; (store ylimit for later use)
mov ah,{byte}_mask
mov al,{byte}_tmask
lds si,_tp
les di,_p
cmp _hoehe,TEX_SIZE
ja sll_enlarge
; if(TEX_SIZE>=hoehe) ; reducing texture
; {
; c1 = 2 * hoehe;
; error = c1 - (TEX_SIZE-1);
; c2 = error - (TEX_SIZE-1);
mov cx,_hoehe ; c1=2*hoehe
add cx,_hoehe
mov bx,cx ; error=c1-(TEX_SIZE-1)
sub bx,(TEX_SIZE-1)
mov dx,bx ; c2=error-(TEX_SIZE-1)
sub dx,(TEX_SIZE-1)
; if(ypos<0)
; while(ypos)
; {
; tp+=sizeof(texture[0]);
; if(error < 0) ; Error ggf. erhöhen
; error += c1;
; else
; {
; ypos++; ; Auch Schritt nach "oben" (=Schirm)
; error += c2; ; Fehler vermerken.
; }
; }
mov bp,_ypos ; no access to local vars from here on
sll_red_skip: cmp bp,0 ; no longer "above" screentop?
jge sll_red_endskip
add si,TEX_LINES ; tp+=sizeof()
cmp bx,0 ; error<0 ?
jge sll_red_1
add bx,cx ; yes: error+=c1
jmp sll_red_skip
sll_red_1: inc bp ; no: ypos++
add bx,dx ; error+=c2
jmp sll_red_skip
; while(ylimit)
; {
; tp+=sizeof(texture[0]);
; if(error < 0) ; Error ggf. erhöhen
; error += c1;
; else
; {
; if( *tp & tmask )
; *p|=mask;
; else
; *p&=~mask;
; p+=sizeof(Offscreen.data[0]);
; ylimit--; ; Auch Schritt nach "oben" (=Schirm)
; error += c2; ; Fehler vermerken.
; }
; }
; }
pop bp ; get ylimit
sll_red_scale: cmp bp,0 ; copied all pixels
je sll_end
add si,TEX_LINES ; tp+=sizeof()
cmp bx,0 ; error<0 ?
jge sll_red_2
add bx,cx ; yes: error+=c1
jmp sll_red_scale
sll_red_2: test ds:[si],al
je sll_red_clear
or es:[di],ah ; set bit
jmp short sll_red_cont
sll_red_clear: not ah
and es:[di],ah ; clear bit
not ah
sll_red_cont: add di,OFF_LINES ; p+=sizeof()
dec bp ; no: ylimit--
add bx,dx ; error+=c2
jmp sll_red_scale
; else ; enlarging texture
; {
; c1 = 2 * (TEX_SIZE-1);
; error = c1 - hoehe;
; c2 = error - hoehe;
sll_enlarge: mov cx,TEX_SIZE-1 ; c1=2*(TEX_SIZE-1)
add cx,TEX_SIZE-1
mov bx,cx ; error=c1-hoehe
sub bx,_hoehe
mov dx,bx ; c2=error-hoehe
sub dx,_hoehe
; if(ypos<0)
; while(ypos)
; {
; ypos++; ; Schritt nach "oben" (=auf Schirm)
; if(error < 0) ; Error ggf. erhöhen
; error += c1;
; else
; {
; tp+=sizeof(texture[0]);
; error += c2; ; Fehler vermerken.
; }
; }
mov bp,_ypos ; no access to local vars from here on
sll_enl_skip: cmp bp,0 ; no longer "above" screentop?
jge sll_enl_endskip
inc bp ; ypos++
cmp bx,0 ; error<0 ?
jge sll_enl_1
add bx,cx ; yes: error+=c1
jmp sll_enl_skip
sll_enl_1: add si,TEX_LINES ; no: tp+=sizeof()
add bx,dx ; error+=c2
jmp sll_enl_skip
; while(ylimit)
; {
; if( *tp & tmask )
; *p|=mask;
; else
; *p&=~mask;
; p+=sizeof(Offscreen.data[0]);
; ylimit--; ; Schritt nach "oben" (=auf Schirm)
; if(error < 0) ; Error ggf. erhöhen
; error += c1;
; else
; {
; tp+=sizeof(texture[0]);
; error += c2; ; Fehler vermerken.
; }
; }
; }
pop bp ; get ylimit
sll_enl_scale: cmp bp,0 ; copied all pixels
je sll_end
test ds:[si],al
je sll_enl_clear
or es:[di],ah ; set bit
jmp short sll_enl_cont
sll_enl_clear: not ah
and es:[di],ah ; clear bit
not ah
sll_enl_cont: add di,OFF_LINES ; p+=sizeof()
dec bp ; no: ylimit--
cmp bx,0 ; error<0 ?
jge sll_enl_2
add bx,cx ; yes: error+=c1
jmp sll_enl_scale
sll_enl_2: add si,TEX_LINES ; tp+=sizeof()
add bx,dx ; error+=c2
jmp sll_enl_scale
sll_end: pop es
pop ds
pop bp