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- 1 Variable Required - Can't assign to this expression
- 2 Letter range must be in ascending order
- 3 Redefinition of default type
- 4 Out of storage for variables
- 5 Type-declaration character doesn't match defined type
- 6 Expression too complex
- 7 Cannot assign whole array
- 8 Assignment variable and expression are different types
- 9 Type-declaration character not allowed for function with explicit type
- 10 Array type mismatch in parameter
- 11 Array type expected for parameter
- 12 Array type unexpected for parameter
- 13 Integer expression expected for an array index
- 14 Integer expression expected
- 15 String expression expected
- 16 Identifier is already a user defined type
- 17 Property value is the incorrect type
- 18 Left of "." must be an object, structure, or dialog
- 19 Invalid string operator
- 20 Can't apply operator to array type
- 21 Operator type mismatch
- 22 "%1s" is not a variable
- 23 "%1s" is not an array variable or a function
- 24 Unknown %1s "%2s"
- 25 Out of memory
- 26 %1s: Too many parameters encountered
- 27 %1s: Missing parameter(s)
- 28 %1s: Type mismatch in parameter %2u
- 29 Missing label "%1s"
- 30 Too many nested statements
- 31 Encountered new-line in string
- 32 Overflow in decimal value
- 33 Overflow in hex value
- 34 Overflow in octal value
- 35 Expression is not constant
- 36 Not inside a Do statement
- 37 Type-declaration character not allowed for parameter with explicit type
- 39 Can't pass an array by value
- 40 "%1s" is already declared as a parameter
- 41 Variable name used as label name
- 42 Duplicate label
- 43 Not inside a function
- 44 Not inside a sub
- 46 Can't assign to function
- 47 Identifier is already a variable
- 48 Unknown type
- 49 Variable is not an array type
- 50 Can't redimension an array to a different type
- 51 Identifier is not a string array variable
- 52 0 expected
- 54 %1s is not an assignable property of the object
- 56 %1s is not a method of the object
- 57 %1s is not a property of the object
- 58 Expecting 0 or 1
- 59 Boolean expression expected
- 60 Numeric expression expected
- 61 Numeric type For variable expected
- 62 For...Next variable mismatch
- 63 Out of string storage space
- 64 Out of identifier storage space
- 68 Division by zero
- 69 Overflow in expression
- 70 Floating-point expression expected
- 72 Invalid floating-point operator
- 74 Single character expected
- 75 Subroutine identifier can't have a type-declaration character
- 76 Script is too large to be compiled
- 77 Variable type expected
- 78 Types and dialog variables can't be passed by value
- 79 Can't assign to user or dialog type variable
- 80 Maximum string length exceeded
- 81 Identifier name already in use as a variable
- 84 Operator cannot be used on an object
- 85 %1s is not a property or method of the object
- 86 Label cannot contain type-declaration character
- 87 Type-declaration character mismatch in %1s
- 88 Destination name is already a constant
- 89 Can't assign to constant
- 91 Identifier too long
- 92 Expecting string or structure expression
- 93 Can't assign to expression
- 94 Dialog and Object types are not supported in this context
- 95 Array expression not supported as parameter
- 96 Dialogs, objects, and structure expressions are not supported as a parameter
- 97 Invalid numeric operator
- 98 Invalid structure element name following "."
- 99 Access value can't be used with specified mode
- 101 Invalid operator for object
- 102 Can't LSet a type with a variable-length string
- 103 Syntax error
- 105 No members defined
- 106 Duplicate type member
- 107 Set is for object assignments
- 109 Invalid character in octal number
- 110 Invalid numeric prefix: expecting &H or &O
- 111 End of script encountered in comment: expecting */
- 112 Misplaced line continuation
- 113 Invalid escape sequence
- 114 Missing End Inline
- 115 Statement expected
- 116 ByRef argument mismatch
- 117 Integer overflow
- 118 Long overflow
- 119 Single overflow
- 120 Double overflow
- 121 Currency overflow
- 122 Optional argument must be Variant
- 123 Parameter must be optional
- 124 Parameter is not optional
- 125 Expected: Lib
- 126 Illegal external function return type
- 127 Illegal function return type
- 128 Variable not defined
- 129 No default property for the object
- 130 The object does not have an assignable default property
- 131 Parameters cannot be fixed length strings
- 132 Invalid length for a fixed length string
- 133 Return type is different from a prior declaration
- 134 Private variable too large. Storage space exceeded
- 135 Public variables too large. Storage space exceeded
- 136 Type-declaration character not allowed for variable with explicit type
- 137 Missing parameters are not allowed when using named parameters
- 138 An unnamed parameter was found following a named parameter
- 139 Unknown parameter name: %1s
- 140 Duplicate parameter name: %1s
- 141 Expecting: #If, #ElseIf, #Else, #End If, or #Const
- 142 Invalid preprocessor directive
- 143 Expecting preprocessor variable
- 144 Expecting: =
- 145 Expecting: [end of line]
- 146 Expecting: <expression>
- 148 Expecting: )
- 149 Unexpected value
- 150 Expecting: #End If
- 151 Expecting: Then
- 152 Missing #End If
- 153 #Else encountered without #If
- 154 #ElseIf encountered without #If
- 155 #End If encountered without #If
- 156 Invalid use of Null
- 157 Type mismatch
- 158 Not a number
- 159 Duplicate subroutine definition
- 160 Duplicate function definition
- 161 MBCS characters not allowed in identifiers
- 162 Out of range
- 163 Invalid date
- 164 Date overflow
- 165 Expecting: <identifier>
- 166 Constant type and expression are different types
- 167 Invalid use of New
- 169 For Each control variable on arrays must be a variant
- 170 For Each control variable on collections must be a variant or an object
- 171 For Each may not be used on an array of user-defined types or fixed-length strings
- 172 For Each may only iterate over an object collection or an array
- 173 Not inside a For...Next statement
- 174 Invalid use of parenthesis with property
- 175 Object does not support For Each
- 176 Improper use of method that does not return a value
- 177 Improper use of method that returns a value
- 178 Sub or Function not allowed
- 179 Overflow in binary value
- 180 Private statement not allowed
- 181 %1s: ByRef argument mismatch in parameter %2u
- 200 Encountered: %1s\nExpecting: %2s
- 201 Expecting: %1s
- 202 Encountered: %1s
- 203 , %1s
- 204 [end of file]
- 205 [error]
- 206 Token %u
- 207 char %d (0x%X)
- 208 <expression>
- 209 <operator>
- 210 <statement>
- 211 Error %d
- 212 Syntax error
- 213 external
- 214 command
- 215 function
- 216 method or property for object
- 217 Can't compile script: %u scripts compiling
- 218 method or property name
- 219 <data type>
- 220 <dialog statement>
- 221 <identifier>
- 222 parameter name or parameter
- 223 Default Property
- 224 Default Function
- 257 <constant>
- 258 <string>
- 259 <number>
- 260 end of line
- 261 <identifier>
- 262 <keyword>
- 263 reserved name
- 264 <command>
- 265 <function>
- 267 Static
- 268 Sub
- 269 ByVal
- 270 ByRef
- 271 As
- 272 Let
- 273 LSet
- 274 RSet
- 275 Set
- 276 If
- 277 Then
- 278 Else
- 279 ElseIf
- 280 End
- 281 End Sub
- 282 End Function
- 284 End If
- 285 End Select
- 286 Goto
- 287 Exit
- 288 While
- 289 WEnd
- 290 For
- 293 To
- 294 Step
- 295 Next
- 296 Do
- 297 Const
- 298 Dim
- 299 On
- 300 Off
- 301 Error
- 302 Resume
- 303 Function
- 304 Name
- 305 Date
- 306 Date$
- 307 Time
- 308 Time$
- 309 Select
- 310 Case
- 311 Is
- 312 Is Not
- 313 Declare
- 314 Lib
- 315 Alias
- 316 Rem
- 317 Call
- 318 Open
- 319 Input
- 320 Output
- 321 Append
- 322 Binary
- 323 Random
- 324 Access
- 325 Read
- 326 Shared
- 327 Line
- 328 Print
- 329 Spc
- 330 Tab
- 331 Seek
- 332 Width
- 333 Lock
- 334 Unlock
- 335 Get
- 336 Put
- 337 Write
- 338 Close
- 339 Mid
- 340 Mid$
- 341 MidB
- 342 MidB$
- 343 ReDim
- 344 Preserve
- 345 Stop
- 346 Loop
- 347 Until
- 348 GoSub
- 349 Return
- 350 Option
- 351 Base
- 352 Compare
- 353 CStrings
- 354 Explicit
- 356 Input$
- 357 InputB
- 358 InputB$
- 359 Chr$
- 362 Len
- 363 LenB
- 364 TypeName
- 365 Global
- 366 Private
- 367 Public
- 368 New
- 369 Nothing
- 370 Any
- 371 CDecl
- 372 StdCall
- 373 System
- 374 Pascal
- 375 Optional
- 376 ParamArray
- 377 TypeOf
- 378 DefInt
- 379 DefLng
- 380 DefSng
- 381 DefDbl
- 382 DefStr
- 383 DefBool
- 384 DefObj
- 385 DefVar
- 386 DefDate
- 387 DefCur
- 388 String
- 389 Integer
- 390 Long
- 391 Single
- 392 Double
- 393 Object
- 394 Variant
- 395 Boolean
- 396 Currency
- 397 Dialog
- 398 Begin
- 399 CancelButton
- 400 OKButton
- 401 OptionGroup
- 402 GroupBox
- 403 OptionButton
- 404 PushButton
- 405 Text
- 406 ComboBox
- 407 ListBox
- 408 TextBox
- 409 CheckBox
- 410 Picture
- 411 DropListBox
- 412 PictureButton
- 413 HelpButton
- 414 Type
- 415 End Type
- 416 Inline
- 417 End Inline
- 421 Imp
- 422 Eqv
- 423 Xor
- 424 Or
- 425 And
- 426 Not
- 427 Like
- 433 Mod