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- ;;
- ;; Based on AutoCAD Ver.13.0's Hatch Pattern File
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- :: ::
- ;; How to read this table: ::
- ;; ::
- ;; Each non-empty line that starts with a semicolon ';' ::
- ;; is a comment. ;;
- ;; Otherwise, the line could only be the pattern's header ;;
- ;; line that start with an asterisk '*' immediately ::
- ;; followed by the name of the pattern. The rest of the ;;
- ;; header line is immaterial. ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; All non-empty non-comment lines after the header ;;
- ;; (before the next header or until end-of-file) must ;;
- ;; be data lines that confirm to the format described ;;
- ;; a bit further. ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; Each data line corresponds to a subpattern (mb., the ;;
- ;; whole pattern) which consists of one bunch of parallel ;;
- ;; uniformly interspaced graphical lines with the same ;;
- ;; linear pattern on each of them (or all have no pattern ;;
- ;; i.e., to be drawn as solid lines). ::
- ;; ::
- ;; ::
- ;; The data line contains data separated by commas: ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; First is the angle at which the lines are drawn; ;;
- ;; The second and the third are 2d coordinates of the ;;
- ;; point which is the start of the subpattern (start of ;;
- ;; the linear pattern on one of the lines); ;;
- :: The fourth is the offset for start of the linear ;;
- ;; pattern between two consecutive lines of the ;;
- ;; subpattern; ;;
- ;; The fifth is the spacing between the lines; ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; The subsequent data items describe the linear pattern. ;;
- ;; They are optional, their number is aribtrary or they ;;
- ;; might not be there at all. If they are absent, the ;;
- ;; line does not have a pattern. Else, the items has the ;;
- ;; following meaning: ;;
- :: if it is positive, it is the length of the visible ;;
- ;; dash of the linear pattern; ;;
- ;; if it is negative, it is the length of the empty ;;
- ;; segment of the linear pattern; ;;
- ;; if it is zero, a dot should be placed there; ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; ::
- ;; The obvious requirements of the common sense do not ;;
- ;; restrict the syntax of the data line, although all the ;;
- ;; patterns we ever processed do comply with the common ;;
- ;; sense. These common sense requirements are: ;;
- ;; there must be an even number of optional data; ;;
- ;; precisely every other of them (all odd-numbered or ;;
- ;; all even-numbered) must be negative; ;;
- ;; (hence, the other half of them must be all ;;
- ;; non-negative, i.e., positive or zeros); ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; ::
- ;; A confusing circumstance is that the spacing is placed ;;
- ;; the fifth rather than the second, as only the angle and ;;
- ;; the spacing are truly mandatory data. The linear ;;
- ;; pattern offset makes no sense when the lines have no ;;
- ;; linear pattern - this datum should start the optional ;;
- ;; data and thus there should be at least three optional ;;
- ;; data items if any at all. ;;
- ;; The start of pattern is probably unimportant when there ;;
- ;; is only one subpattern of the pattern, and especially ;;
- ;; when the lines of that subpattern have no pattern. ;;
- ;; Thus, the coordinates should have been placed the third ;;
- ;; and fourth rather than the second and third as ;;
- ;; currently, and arguably, these items might have been ;;
- ;; made optional. ;;
- ;; ::
- ;; ::
- *ANSI31 (Iron BrickStone), ANSI Iron, Brick, Stone masonry
- 45, 0,0, 0,.125
- *ANSI32 (Steel), ANSI Steel
- 45, 0,0, 0,.375
- 45, .176776695,0, 0,.375
- *ANSI33 (Bronze Brass), ANSI Bronze, Brass, Copper
- 45, 0,0, 0,.25
- 45, .176776695,0, 0,.25, .125,-.0625
- *ANSI34 (Plastic Rubber), ANSI Plastic, Rubber
- 45, 0,0, 0,.75
- 45, .176776695,0, 0,.75
- 45, .353553391,0, 0,.75
- 45, .530330086,0, 0,.75
- *ANSI35 (Fire Brick), ANSI Fire brick, Refractory material
- 45, 0,0, 0,.25
- 45, .176776695,0, 0,.25, .3125,-.0625,0,-.0625
- *ANSI36 (Marble), ANSI Marble, Slate, Glass
- 45, 0,0, .21875,.125, .3125,-.0625,0,-.0625
- *ANSI37 (Lead Zinc Mg), ANSI Lead, Zinc, Magnesium, Sound/Heat/Elec Insulation
- 45, 0,0, 0,.125
- 135, 0,0, 0,.125
- *ANSI38 (Aluminum), ANSI Aluminum
- 45, 0,0, 0,.125
- 135, 0,0, .25,.125, .3125,-.1875
- *ANGLE (Angle Steel), Angle steel
- 0, 0,0, 0,.275, .2,-.075
- 90, 0,0, 0,.275, .2,-.075
- ;;
- ;; The following hatch patterns AR-xxxxx
- ;; come from AEC/Architectural
- ;;
- *AEC 8x16 Block Elev, 8x16 Block elevation stretcher bond
- 0, 0,0, 0,8
- 90, 0,0, 8,8, 8,-8
- *AEC 8x16 Block Elev. (MJ), 8x16 Block elevation stretcher bond with mortar joints
- 0, 0,0, 8,8, 15.625,-.375
- 0, -8,.375, 8,8, 15.625,-.375
- 90, 0,0, 8,8, -8.375,7.625
- 90, -0.375,0, 8,8, -8.375,7.625
- *AEC 8x8 Block Elev, 8x8 Block elevation stretcher bond
- 0, 0,0, 0,8
- 90, 0,0, 8,4, 8,-8
- *AEC Std Brick Elev (MJ), Standard brick elevation english bond with mortar joints
- 0, 0,0, 0,5.334, 7.625,-.375
- 0, 0,2.25, 0,5.334, 7.625,-.375
- 0, 2,2.667, 0,5.334, 3.625,-.375
- 0, 2,4.917, 0,5.334, 3.625,-.375
- 90, 0,0, 0,8, 2.25,-3.084
- 90, -0.375,0, 0,8, 2.25,-3.084
- 90, 2,2.667, 0,4, 2.25,-3.084
- 90, 1.625,2.667, 0,4, 2.25,-3.084
- *AEC Std Brick Elev, Standard brick elevation stretcher bond
- 0, 0,0, 0,2.667
- 90, 0,0, 2.667,4, 2.667,-2.667
- *AEC Stone, Random dot and stone pattern
- 50, 0,0, 4.12975034,-5.89789472, 0.75,-8.25
- 355, 0,0, -2.03781207,7.37236840, 0.60,-6.6
- 100.4514, 0.5977168,-0.0522934, 5.7305871,-6.9397673, 0.6374019,-7.01142112
- 46.1842, 0,2, 6.19462551,-8.84684208, 1.125,-12.375
- 96.6356, 0.88936745,1.86206693, 8.59588071,-10.40965104, 0.95610288,-10.51713
- 351.1842, 0,2, 7.74328189,11.0585526, 0.9,-9.9
- 21, 1,1.5, 4.12975034,-5.89789472, 0.75,-8.25
- 326, 1,1.5, -2.03781207,7.37236840, 0.60,-6.6
- 71.4514, 1.49742233,1.16448394, 5.7305871,-6.9397673, 0.6374019,-7.01142112
- 37.5, 0,0, 2.123,2.567, 0,-6.52,0,-6.7,0,-6.625
- 7.5, 0,0, 3.123,3.567, 0,-3.82,0,-6.37,0,-2.525
- -32.5, -2.23,0, 4.6234,2.678, 0,-2.5,0,-7.8,0,-10.35
- -42.5, -3.23,0, 3.6234,4.678, 0,-3.25,0,-5.18,0,-7.35
- *AEC Herringbone, Standard brick herringbone pattern @ 45 degrees
- 45, 0,0, 4,4, 12,-4
- 135, 2.828427125,2.828427125, 4,-4, 12,-4
- *AEC 2x12 Parquet Flooring, 2x12 Parquet flooring: pattern of 12x12
- 90, 0,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 2,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 4,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 6,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 8,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 10,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 90, 12,0, 12,12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,12, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,14, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,16, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,18, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,20, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,22, 12,-12, 12,-12
- 0, 0,24, 12,-12, 12,-12
- *AEC Roof Shingle, Roof shingle texture
- 0, 0,0, 2.2,1, 15,-2,5,-1
- 0, 1.33,0.5, -1,1.33, 3,-0.33,6,-0.75
- 0, 0.5,0.85, 5.2,0.67, 8,-1.4,4,-1
- *AEC Roof Wood Shake, Roof wood shake texture
- 0, 0,0, 25.5,12, 6,-5,7,-3,9,-4
- 0, 6,.5, 25.5,12, 5,-19,4,-6
- 0, 18,-.75, 25.5,12, 3,-31
- 90, 0,0, 12,8.5, 11.5,-36.5
- 90, 6,0, 12,8.5, 11.25,-36.75
- 90, 11,0, 12,8.5, 10.5,-37.5
- 90, 18,-0.75, 12,8.5, 11.5,-36.5
- 90, 21,-0.75, 12,8.5, 11.5,-36.5
- 90, 30,0, 12,8.5, 11,-37
- *AEC Sand, Random dot pattern
- 37.5, 0,0, 1.123,1.567, 0,-1.52,0,-1.7,0,-1.625
- 7.5, 0,0, 2.123,2.567, 0,-.82,0,-1.37,0,-.525
- -32.5, -1.23,0, 2.6234,1.678, 0,-.5,0,-1.8,0,-2.35
- -42.5, -1.23,0, 1.6234,2.678, 0,-.25,0,-1.18,0,-1.35
- *Box Steel, Box steel
- 90, 0,0, 0,1
- 90, .25,0, 0,1
- 0, 0,0, 0,1, -.25,.25
- 0, 0,.25, 0,1, -.25,.25
- 0, 0,.5, 0,1, .25,-.25
- 0, 0,.75, 0,1, .25,-.25
- 90, .5,0, 0,1, .25,-.25
- 90, .75,0, 0,1, .25,-.25
- *Brass, Brass material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.125, 0,.25, .125,-.0625
- *Brick or Masonry, Brick or masonry-type surface
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 90, 0,0, 0,.5, .25,-.25
- 90, .25,0, 0,.5, -.25,.25
- *Brick or Stone, Brick and stone
- 0, 0,0, 0,.33
- 90, .9,0, .33,.5, .33,-.33
- 90, .8,0, .33,.5, .33,-.33
- 0, .9,.055, .5,.33, -.9, .1
- 0, .9,.11, .5,.33, -.9, .1
- 0, .9,.165, .5,.33, -.9, .1
- 0, .9,.22, .5,.33, -.9, .1
- 0, .9,.275, .5,.33, -.9, .1
- *Clay, Clay material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.1875
- 0, 0,.03125, 0,.1875
- 0, 0,.0625, 0,.1875
- 0, 0,.125, 0,.1875, .1875,-.125
- *Cork, Cork material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.125
- 135, .0625,-.0625, 0,.35355339, .176776696,-.176776696
- 135, .09375,-.0625, 0,.35355339, .176776696,-.176776696
- 135, .125,-.0625, 0,.35355339, .176776696,-.176776696
- *Crosses, A series of crosses
- 0, 0,0, .25,.25, .125,-.375
- 90, .0625,-.0625, .25,.25, .125,-.375
- *Dashed Lines, Dashed lines
- 0, 0,0, .125,.125, .125,-.125
- *Geological Rock, Geological rock layering
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 45, 0,0, 0,.70710678, .35355339,-.70710768
- *Dots, A series of dots
- 0, 0,0, .03125,.0625, 0,-.0625
- *Earth or Ground, Earth or ground (subterranean)
- 0, 0,0, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- 0, 0,.09375, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- 0, 0,.1875, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- 90, .03125,.21875, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- 90, .125,.21875, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- 90, .21875,.21875, .25,.25, .25,-.25
- *Escher, Escher pattern
- 60, 0,0, -.6,1.039230484, 1.1,-.1
- 180, 0,0, -.6,1.039230484, 1.1,-.1
- 300, 0,0, .6,1.039230484, 1.1,-.1
- 60, .1,0, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 300, .1,0, .6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 60, -.05,.08660254, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 180, -.05,.08660254, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 300, -.05,-.08660254, .6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 180, -.05,-.08660254, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 60, -.4,0, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 300, -.4,0, .6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 60, .2,-.346410161, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 180, .2,-.346410161, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 300, .2,.346410161, .6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 180, .2,.346410161, -.6,1.039230484, .2,-1
- 0, .2,.173205081, -.6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- 0, .2,-.173205081, -.6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- 120, .05,.259807621, .6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- 120, -.25,.08660254, .6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- 240, -.25,-.08660254, .6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- 240, .05,-.259807621, .6,1.039230484, .7,-.5
- *Flexible Material, Flexible material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25, .25,-.25
- 45, .25,0, .176776695,.176776695, .0625,-.228553391,.0625,-.353553391
- *Grass, Grass area
- 90, 0,0, .707106781,.707106781, .1875,-1.226713563
- 45, 0,0, 0,1, .1875,-.8125
- 135, 0,0, 0,1, .1875,-.8125
- *Grated Area, Grated area
- 0, 0,0, 0,.03125
- 90, 0,0, 0,.125
- *Hexagons, Hexagons
- 0, 0,0, 0,.216506351, .125,-.25
- 120, 0,0, 0,.216506351, .125,-.25
- 60, .125,0, 0,.216506351, .125,-.25
- *Honeycomb, Honeycomb pattern
- 0, 0,0, .1875,.108253175, .125,-.25
- 120, 0,0, .1875,.108253175, .125,-.25
- 60, 0,0, .1875,.108253175, -.25,.125
- *Houndstooth, Houndstooth check
- 0, 0,0, .25,.0625, 1,-.5
- 90, 0,0, -.25,.0625, 1,-.5
- *Insulation, Insulation material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.375
- 0, 0,.125, 0,.375, .125,-.125
- 0, 0,.25, 0,.375, .125,-.125
- *Parallel Lines, Parallel horizontal lines
- 0, 0,0, 0,.125
- *Mud or Sand, Mud and sand
- 0, 0,0, .5,.25, .25,-.25,0,-.25,0,-.25
- *Netting, Horizontal / vertical grid
- 0, 0,0, 0,.125
- 90, 0,0, 0,.125
- *Network, Network pattern 0-60-120
- 0, 0,0, 0,.125
- 60, 0,0, 0,.125
- 120, 0,0, 0,.125
- *Plastic, Plastic material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.03125, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.0625, 0,.25
- *Plastic2, Plastic material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.03125, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.0625, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.15625, 0,.25
- *Concrete, Concrete
- 45, 0,0, 0,.09375
- 45, .066291261,0, 0,.09375, 0,-.09375
- *Squares, Small aligned squares
- 0, 0,0, 0,.125, .125,-.125
- 90, 0,0, 0,.125, .125,-.125
- *Stars, Star of David
- 0, 0,0, 0,.216506351, .125,-.125
- 60, 0,0, 0,.216506351, .125,-.125
- 120, .0625,.108253176, 0,.216506351, .125,-.125
- *Steel, Steel material
- 45, 0,0, 0,.125
- 45, 0,.0625, 0,.125
- *Swamp, Swampy area
- 0, 0,0, .5,.866025403, .125,-.875
- 90, .0625,0, .866025403,.5, .0625,-1.669550806
- 90, .078125,0, .866025403,.5, .05,-1.682050806
- 90, .046875,0, .866025403,.5, .05,-1.682050806
- 60, .09375,0, .5,.866025403, .04,-.96
- 120, .03125,0, .5,.866025403, .04,-.96
- *Heat Transfer, Heat transfer material
- 0, 0,0, 0,.25
- 0, 0,.125, 0,.25, .125,-.125
- *Triangles, Equilateral triangles
- 60, 0,0, .1875,.324759526, .1875,-.1875
- 120, 0,0, .1875,.324759526, .1875,-.1875
- 0, -.09375,.162379763, .1875,.324759526, .1875,-.1875
- *ZigZag, Staircase effect
- 0, 0,0, .125,.125, .125,-.125
- 90, .125,0, .125,.125, .125,-.125
- ;
- ; Hatch Pattern Definition related to ISO/DIS 12011 line types
- ;
- ; (Width * 5 = Distance between lines)
- ;
- ; The size of the line segments related to the ISO/DIS 12011 linetypes
- ; define the following hatch pattern.
- ; The pen width of 1 mm is the base of the definition. To use them with
- ; the other ISO/DIS 12011 predefined pen widths, the line has to be scaled
- ; with the appropriate value (e.g. pen width 0,5 mm -> ltscale 0.5).
- ;
- *ISO02W100, dashed line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3
- *ISO03W100, dashed space line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-18
- *ISO04W100, long dashed dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 24,-3,.5,-3
- *ISO05W100, long dashed double dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 24,-3,.5,-3,.5,-3
- *ISO06W100, long dashed triplicate dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 24,-3,.5,-3,.5,-6.5
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, -34,.5,-3
- *ISO07W100, dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, .5,-3
- *ISO08W100, long dashed short dashed line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 24,-3,6,-3
- *ISO09W100, long dashed double-short-dashed line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 24,-3,6,-3,6,-3
- *ISO10W100, dashed dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,.5,-3
- *ISO11W100, double-dashed dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,12,-3,.5,-3
- *ISO12W100, dashed double-dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,.5,-3,.5,-3
- *ISO13W100, double-dashed double-dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,12,-3,.5,-6.5
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, -33.5,.5,-3
- *ISO14W100, dashed triplicate-dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,.5,-3,.5,-6.5
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, -22,.5,-3
- *ISO15W100, double-dashed triplicate-dotted line
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, 12,-3,12,-3,.5,-10
- 0, 0,0, 0,5, -33.5,.5,-3,.5,-3
- ; end of ISO hatch pattern definition
- ;; *DEBUG1 (Dashed Line), from ANSI33 Bronze, Brass, Copper
- ;; 45, .0,0, 0,.25, .125,-.0625
- ;; *DEBUG2 (Dotted Line), from ANSI35 Fire brick, Refractory material
- ;; 45, .0,0, 0,.25, .3125,-.0625,0,-.0625
- ;; *DEBUG3 (Dashed Mm), from ANSI33 Bronze, Brass, Copper, in mm
- ;; 45, 0,0, 0, 25, 12.5,-6.25
- ;; *DEBUG4 (Dotted Mm), from ANSI35 Fire brick, Refractory material
- ;; 45, 0,0, 0, 25, 6.25,-6.25,0,-6.25
- ;; *DEBUG5 (Dashed Shifted Mm), from ANSI33 Bronze, Brass, Copper, in mm
- ;; 45, 0,0, 25, 25, 12.5,-6.25
- *None, None