1 Low GDI resources, %d%% free.\nClose some windows to free up GDI resources.\nDo you want to continue?.
2 Low GDI resources, %d%% free.\nClose some windows to free up GDI resources.
3 Open Documents
4 Add Documents
5 Layer Import
6 Page Replace
7 Cannot delete all the pages associated with a multipage.
8 Failed trying to delete the selected pages.
9 File Save
10 File Save As
11 &Bird's Eye
12 Too&lbar
13 Error updating new data for window.
14 Bird's Eye
15 Failed trying to make a copy of the current page.
16 This product is configured to run on a CD ROM drive only.
17 You are only allowed to view images on the CD ROM drive.
18 Signature file and about box do not match.\nSignature file oemid: %ld.
19 Page Import
20 Layer has not been loaded. No information available.
21 Mail
22 CMC
24 cmc.dll
25 Eroica Document
26 Eroica Document
27 Save Copy &As...
28 Save &As...
29 &Update
30 &Save
31 E&xit && return to
32 E&xit
33 Document has been modified. Update now?
34 Eroica.Document.38
38 Bad OLE2.DLL build version. Expecting %04lx, got %04lx.
39 Fatal OLE2 initialization error %ld.
40 OLE2 initialization failed.
41 Shift+
42 Ctrl+
43 Alt+
44 +
45 Back
46 Capital
47 Clear
48 End
49 Help
50 Home
51 Insert
52 PgDn
53 Pause
54 Print
55 PgUp
56 Esc
57 -
58 Down
59 Del
60 .
61 /
62 Left
63 Menu
64 *
65 Num Lock
66 Num 0
67 Num 1
68 Num 2
69 Num 3
70 Num 4
71 Num 5
72 Num 6
73 Num 7
74 Num 8
75 Num 9
76 Enter
77 Right
78 Select
79 Space
80 Tab
81 Up
82 Release: %s S/N:
83 Chosen layer %s is not a edit.
84 Failed trying to create window %s.
85 Failed trying to initialize the reference window.
86 Failed changing the component list for the reference window.
87 Failed updating the options for the current reference window.
88 Failed trying to perform cleanup on the reference window.
89 Failed trying to update the view window from a change in the reference window.
90 Failed obtaining the structure for the reference window.
91 Failed getting the parent window of the reference window.
92 Failed obtaining the structure of the view window of the reference window.
93 Failure allocating a view descriptor structure.
94 Failed trying to update window %s.
95 Failed freeing a view descriptor structure.
96 Failed performing the given operation.
97 Failed trying to retrieve the previous page in the multi page document.
98 Failed trying to retrieve the last page of this multi page document.
99 Failed trying to retrieve the next page in the multi page document.
100 Failed trying to retrieve the first page of this section.
101 That page has been deleted
102 Failed trying to retrieve the %dth page of this multi page document.
103 Failed trying to retrieve the last page in the multi page document.
104 Failed trying to obtain the number for the current document.
105 Failed trying to initialize the view window.
106 Rectangle given is degenerate. Will give incorrect results.
107 Failed trying to create a new document during merge operation.
108 Document is not a multi page so chosen operation cannot be performed.
109 Failed trying to add an element to the component list.
110 Failed trying to add an element to the view descriptor.
111 Failed processing a WM_CREATE message.
112 Failed processing a WM_KEYDOWN message.
113 Failed processing a WM_COMMAND message.
114 Failed processing a WM_DESTROY message.
115 Failed trying to create a new edit layer.
116 Failed trying to change the active edit layer.
117 Failed trying to move the active edit layer.
118 Failed trying to build the selection list for display.
119 Failed trying to change the display layers.
120 Failed trying to reorder the display layers.
121 Failed trying to remove layers.
122 Failed trying to perform the despeckle operation.
123 Failed trying to perform the deskew operation.
124 Failed trying to perform the crop operation.
125 Failed trying to initialize a document for display.
126 Failed trying to toggle the reference window.
127 Entered scale value is invalid. Please try again.
128 Failed trying to display information for the layers.
129 Crop utility is enabled. Please finish or cancel.
130 Deskew utility is enabled. Please finish or cancel.
131 No angle has been entered for skew. Please finish or cancel.
132 viewing (No edit layer active.)
133 Resolution must be between %ld and %ld.
134 Failed processing the document.
135 Failed trying to append the document to the workspace.
136 Failed trying to Save a Document.
137 Failed trying to Save a Document As.
138 Failed trying to export a layer.
139 A page contains more than one layer.
140 A page contains layers other than rasters.
141 Present item is a multi page document. Do you wish to enter it?
142 Save changes to document %s ?
143 Check in document %s ?
144 Save document %s to EDICS?
145 Possible changes to document information.\nDo you wish to save it?
146 Layer Label
147 Raster
148 Edit
149 Text
150 Annotation
151 Hotspot
152 Redline
153 Full Edit
154 Markup
155 Unknown
156 Failed saving layer '%s'
157 Replace existing layer '%s', directory %s?
158 Unable to rename layer '%s' to '%s'
159 A layer name must be entered.
160 '%s' is not a legal filename.
161 File '%s' is not writeable.
162 %s is a system default and will be reused repeatedly. It is suggested that meaningful %ss be used to avoid confusion. Do you want to continue anyway?
163 A Document File name must be entered.
164 Wild Card characters are not allowed.
165 Replace existing document '%s' ?
166 Failed saving document '%s'
167 Blanks are not allowed in a filename.
168 Changing the path is not permitted at this point.
169 Document cannot contain pages/layers from other directories. Please save pages or layers into the same directory where main document resides.
170 Chain length must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.
171 The deskew angle must be -+%s degrees or less.
172 Failed trying to register the new element. Element id: %s filename: %s already exists.
173 Failed trying to create a new image.
174 The deskew angle cannot equal 0.00 degrees.
175 Page
176 Image
177 Reference
178 Read
179 Modify
180 Delete
181 Print
182 Hide
183 Create
184 This multipage does not contain any layers.
185 Failed allocating memory for %s.
186 Failed locking memory for %s.
187 Nothing to %s at present.
188 View Options
189 Layer:
190 CAD layer
191 Special
192 Failed trying to display the element.
193 Failed processing the raster images.
194 Failed processing the overlay.
195 Save Document As
196 Save Page As
197 Save
198 Layer %s is either new or has changed. Do you wish to save it before removing?
199 Crop of width %ld pels will be truncated to %ld pels.\nData on the right side will be lost.
200 Despeckle
201 Speckle Size:
202 Pels
203 Deskew
204 Positive angle skews counter-clockwise.
205 Skew range available: ▒
206 Current Skew Angle:
207 Set Angle
208 Suggest
209 Cannot load %s. File corrupted or file is not a %s.
210 Unable to allocate %s memory.
211 Check in failed.
212 Save to EDICS failed.
213 Null Window View Descriptor.
214 Save changes to document '%s' ?
215 Unable to append to Work List.
216 Unable to change Work List.
217 Too many windows present to tile in strips.
218 Some changes have not been saved.\n Do you still want to exit?
219 Some documents have not been checked in.\n Do you still want to exit?
220 Some documents have not been saved to EDICS.\n Do you still want to exit?
221 Some changes have not been saved.\n Do you wish to save them before exiting?
222 Some documents have not been checked in.\n Do you wish to check them in before exiting?
223 Some documents have not been saved to EDICS.\n Do you wish to save them before exiting?
224 Some changes have not been saved.\n Do you wish to save them before closing the windows?
225 Some documents have not been checked in.\n Do you wish to check them in before closing the windows?
226 Some documents have not been saved to EDICS.\n Do you wish to save them before closing the windows?
227 Cannot change product perms with view windows open.
228 Failed to initialize DDEML.
229 This program requires Windows protected mode.
230 File %s.\nUnknown type or failed in identification.
231 File %s.\nA multipage document may not be imported as a layer.
232 Save Layer As
233 Save
234 Select Layer to Export
235 &Export
236 &Available Layers:
237 Export Layer
238 OK
239 Select Layer
240 OK
241 Alter Layer Attributes
242 Can't create version file '%s'
243 Version information stored in '%s'
244 Save Set/Multipage As
245 viewing (no tool active)
246 drawing line segments
247 drawing boxes
248 drawing arcs
249 drawing arrows
250 drawing circles
251 drawing ellipses
252 placing text
253 placing annotations
254 freehand sketching
255 drawing polylines
256 drawing polygons
257 dimensioning
258 placing symbol %s
259 cutting image
260 copying image
261 pasting image
262 selecting objects
263 moving / resizing selected objects
264 rotating selected objects
265 erasing areas using polygon tool
266 erasing areas using ellipse tool
267 erasing areas using box tool
268 erasing areas using circle tool
269 shading areas using polygon tool
270 shading areas using ellipse tool
271 shading areas using box tool
272 shading areas using circle tool
273 highlighting
274 placing polygon hotspot
275 placing ellipse hotspot
276 placing box hotspot
277 placing circle hotspot
278 placing iconic hotspot
279 placing symbol hotspot
280 rubbing out
281 binding selected objects
282 unbinding selected object
283 deleting selected objects
284 saving selected objects as symbol
285 changing object text
286 changing attributes
287 attaching hotspot to selected objects
288 selecting all objects
289 deselecting all objects
290 1 %s selected
291 %ld objects selected
292 measuring
293 unable to open file %s
294 failed writing symbol data to file
295 failed allocating memory for symbol descriptor
296 failed reading symbol data from file
297 no objects read from symbol
298 Unable to load symbol
299 Symbol Already Exists, Overwrite?
300 point buffer overflow, object truncated
301 unable to create hotspot storage list (EEL_CreateDesc())
302 Internal point buffer exceeded, object truncated
303 The current object has reached the maximum number of points allowed per object and will be truncated. Continue drawing with a new object.
304 Internal char buffer exceeded
305 Maximum text string length exceeded
306 Paste data format not supported
307 Paste data format not supported
308 Unable to save symbol data to file
309 Some or all of the specified entities cannot be placed on the target layer and have been omitted.
310 Text
311 Annotation Text
312 Dimension Text
313 Hotspot Data
314 Save Symbol As
315 Printer %s not currently supported.
316 Feature not currently supported.
317 Unable to Create Device Context.\nCheck that printer is properly installed and active.
318 No installed Windows printers found.
319 Cannot invoke device driver setup.\nPlease try to setup printer through Control Panel.
320 Print failed, operation aborted.
321 Printer Select
322 Local print operation failed.
323 Remote print operation failed.
324 Failed processing the image for remote printing.
325 Failed submitting the image for remote printing.
326 Invalid Phone number entered.\nPhone numbers must be numeric.
327 FAX Send....
328 Phone:
329 FAX:
330 No active layer for move. Please select layer by doubleclick in the Contents Window.
331 &Reset
332 Proceed with layer moving.
333 Verify Selection
334 %s Options
335 %s Options
336 %s Options for Selection in %s
337 Set Symbol
338 Set Hotspot Symbol
339 ASCII Template
340 Sets
341 Documents
342 Raster Files
343 Vector Files
344 Text Files
345 Symbol Files
346 All Files
347 Select File Name and Location
348 Eroiica Multipage (Internal)
349 Eroiica Workset
350 Spicer DAS (External)
351 Spicer CLF (External)
352 Spicer Vector
353 Spicer Set (Multipage)
354 TIFF Multipage
355 DCX Multipage
356 Autotrol DC
357 AutoDesk DXF (ASCII)
358 Cimage DWG
359 MicroStation RDL
360 Windows Metafile
361 No layers found for this command
362 &Available Layers:
363 &Available Pages:
364 Alter Page Attributes
365 OK
366 Alter Document Attributes
367 Must specify a label
368 The search item was not found.
369 The searching for the item was finished.
370 All
371 Up
372 Down
373 page %d
374 pages %d..%d
375 A - SIZE
376 B - SIZE
377 C - SIZE
378 D - SIZE
379 E - SIZE
380 A0
381 A1
382 A2
383 A3
384 A4
385 Legal
386 Layer Reorder
387 Available Layers:
388 Select Layers
389 Select Layers for Viewing
390 new root
391 new set
392 Coord:
393 Page:
394 Layer:
395 Dist:
396 dX:
397 dY:
398 Length:
399 There is already a session of this product running.
400 Failed registering window classes.
401 Failed initializing scanner software
402 This copy of application has expired.
403 This copy of application will expire in %d day(s).
404 \n\nContact vendor for the latest version.
405 Floating Point Error
406 Detail
407 &1:1 Ctrl+F2
408 &Magnify Ctrl +
409 Re&duce Ctrl -
410 &Fixed Ctrl+F11
411 Symbols
412 &Change Dir
413 &Refresh
414 &Help
415 Line Width
416 &Inches
417 &Millimeters
418 Measurements
419 Measurements (calibrated)
420 &Units
421 Object:
422 # points:
423 Abs. X:
424 Abs. Y:
425 Abs. Z:
426 Rel. X:
427 Rel. Y:
428 Rel. Z:
429 Length:
430 Diameter:
431 Radius:
432 Perimeter:
433 Angle:
434 Relative Angle:
435 Area:
436 &Calibrate
437 Group of objects
438 %s is not a valid directory
439 Parallax Software
440 Invalid font file %f.
441 moving layer - click the source point or press ESC
442 click the destination position for the source point
443 W32SYS.DLL version %s encountered.
444 Warning! Older versions of W32SYS (WIN32S) are unstable and may cause the product to crash and/or terminate Windows.
445 WIN32S version 1.25 or later is recommended. Contact your supplier.
446 Successful operation.
447 Failure.
448 Memory allocation error.
449 One of the parameters is invalid.
450 Command is unknown.
451 Command is not parsable.
452 Operation not allowed.
453 User aborted operation.
454 The length is invalid.
455 Notification window handle not registered.
456 Can't find application.
457 System busy, can't carry out request.
458 Invalid number of DDE arguments.
459 Unknown result from old DDE API.
460 Object wasn't found.
461 Invalid object.
462 None of specified documents could be found.
463 Invalid document window ID.
464 Invalid page ID.
465 Invalid layer ID.
466 The view is invalid.
467 Can't create document window.
468 Invalid window handle.
469 This page is the current page.
470 There is no active edit layer.
471 Invalid file format.
472 Invalid file name.
473 Invalid search parameters.
474 Invalid property.
475 Menu/Button bar rebuild required.
476 Invalid notify ID.
477 Invalid query.
478 The menu ID is invalid.
479 The command ID is invalid.
480 No more objects found.
481 ID already used.
482 Locale Preferences
483 &OK
484 &Cancel
485 &Save as default
486 &Load defaults
487 Reset
488 Setup...
489 Options...
490 Help...
491 &Close
492 Units of Measure:
493 Custom Units
494 Measurement options
495 Measurement
496 Printer
497 Scale to:
498 Print Time Stamp
499 Banner Information
500 Banner...
501 Banner
502 Print:
503 Scale:
504 Copies:
505 Orientation:
506 Light
507 Dark
508 Pages:
509 Current:
510 From:
511 To:
512 Left:
513 Center:
514 Right:
515 Text Size:
516 Text Font:
517 Page #
518 Pages
519 Date
520 Time
521 File Name
522 Full File Name
523 UserID
524 Document Name
525 Banner Variables:
526 Top:
527 Bottom:
528 Date
529 Time
530 Page
531 Pages
532 File Name
533 TileRow
534 TileCol
535 UserID
536 Insert
537 Center
538 Merge
539 Dither
540 Bilevel
541 Tile
542 All
543 Normal
544 Fine
545 Print to %s
546 %s on %s
547 FileNet print to %s
548 FAX Send....
549 Phone:
550 FAX:
551 &Category:
552 Color:
553 Line Width:
554 Line Style:
555 Cap Round
556 Cap Square
557 Width:
558 Style:
559 Dim.Style:
560 Translucent
561 Opaque
562 Arrowhead
563 Size:
564 Fixed
565 Proportional
566 Solid
567 Hollow
568 Heads:
569 Single
570 Double
571 Fill Color:
572 Frame Color:
573 Fill Style:
574 Frame Style:
575 Frame Width:
576 Shape:
577 Font:
578 Text Font:
579 Text Size:
580 Angle:
581 Arrowhead
582 Bold
583 Italic
584 Underline
585 Strikeout
586 Initially Iconized
587 Name:
588 Identifier:
589 &Browse...
590 Icon:
591 Symbol:
592 Global
593 Line
594 Arc
595 Arrow
596 Box
597 Circle
598 Ellipse
599 Sketch
600 Polyline
601 Polygon
602 Highlighter
603 Highlight Area
604 Dimension
605 Text
606 Annotation
607 Symbol
608 Hotspot
609 Grid
610 Rubout
611 Erase Area
612 Cut/Copy
613 Paste
614 Cap form:
615 Appearance:
616 Image Information
617 Edit Layer Information
618 Label:
619 File Name:
620 Header Format:
621 Data Format:
622 File Size:
623 Dimensions
624 Width (X):
625 Length (Y):
626 X resolution:
627 Y resolution:
628 Entities
629 Total:
630 Selected:
631 Permissions:
632 Layer Type:
633 Raster Layer Information
634 Label:
635 File Name:
636 Header Format:
637 Data Format:
638 File Size:
639 Dimensions
640 Width (X):
641 Length (Y):
642 X resolution:
643 Y resolution:
644 Permissions:
645 Colors:
646 Rotation:
647 Mirror:
648 Tiles
649 Number:
650 Width (pixels):
651 Length (pixels):
652 File information
653 Label:
654 File Name:
655 Directory:
656 Data Format:
657 File Size:
658 Number of Pages:
659 Permissions:
660 Eroiica Version Log\n-----------------------\n\n
679 Font remap was changed. If you have open some text documents dependent on changed fonts please close them and reopen to get properly page view.\n\nShow this message in future?
680 %s Options
681 Optimization options
682 Optimizations
683 Window:
684 Cascaded
685 Maximized
686 Performance:
687 Fast Load
688 Fast Scroll
689 Fast Display
690 Use Previews
691 Minimize Resources
692 Save Documents as Viewed
693 Preview Image Size
694 New layer will be
695 Screen Resolution (DPI)
696 Crop format options
697 Crop Formats
698 Crop Preferences
699 Clear
700 &Add to list
701 &Delete item
702 &Restore standards
703 List of formats:
704 Format definition
705 Format name:
706 Width (X):
707 Length (Y):
708 Raster Operations
709 Resize
710 File extension options
711 File Extensions
712 These file type extensions will filter the file list box in the file load dialog
713 Sets:
714 Documents:
715 Edit Layers:
716 Raster Files:
717 Text Files:
718 Symbol Files:
719 File format options
720 File Formats
721 Image Directory:
722 Symbol Directory:
723 Open files of type
724 All Files
725 Sets
726 Documents
727 Raster Files
728 Text Files
729 Show
730 File Labels
731 File Names
732 Output File Formats:
733 Documents:
734 Vector Files:
735 Mono Raster Files:
736 Color Raster Files:
737 Text layout options
738 Text Layout
739 &Browse...
740 Borders:
741 Show borders
742 Presentation:
743 ASCII Template:
744 id goes here
745 file not exists
746 List of Fonts:
747 Font Mapping options
748 Map To:
749 ScaleX:
750 ScaleY:
751 bold
752 italic
753 underline
754 strikeout
755 Delete
756 Rotation:
757 0
758 90 CCW
759 90 CW
760 180
761 Effects
762 Mirror
763 Negative
764 Resolution
765 X:
766 Y:
767 Same X && Y
768 Resize
769 Current X:
770 Current Y:
771 New X:
772 New Y:
773 &Preserve Aspect
774 Vector pen options
775 Vector Pens
776 Vector File Read Pen Settings
777 Pen 1:
778 Pen 2:
779 Pen 3:
780 Pen 4:
781 Pen 5:
782 Pen 6:
783 Pen 7:
784 Pen 8:
785 0░
786 90░ CW
787 180░
788 90░ CCW
789 Advanced Raster Information
790 Rotation
791 &Rotation:
792 0░
793 90░ CW
794 180░
795 90░ CCW
796 Co&mment:
797 Custom Zoom
798 View Options
799 No layer exists for the active window. Cannot set the view options.
800 Set All
801 Display
802 Rotation
803 0░
804 90░ CW
805 180░
806 90░ CCW
807 Sample
808 Invert
809 Mirror
810 Negative
811 Scale to Gray
812 Row and Column
813 Zoom
814 Best Fit
815 Fit to Width
816 Fit to Height
817 Actual Size
818 1:1
819 Factor [%]
820 Scroll Step:
821 %
822 0.010
823 100
824 Layer Display
825 Show Paste Outlines
826 Show Erase Outlines
827 Show Annotations
828 Show Hotspots
829 Use Hairlines
830 Use Wireframes
831 Use Monochrome
832 Reference Window
833 Horizontal Scroll Bar
834 Vertical Scroll Bar
835 Apply to All Pages
836 Default Raster Color:
837 Annotation Display:
838 Use Simple Text
839 Use Modal Dialog
840 Center
841 Snap and Grid
842 Snap to Grid
843 Snap Orthogonal
844 Display Grid
845 Apply to ...
846 Current Page
847 All Pages
848 Current Document
849 Set as Default
850 Apply to All Pages
851 Apply to All Wins
852 Scrolling
853 Vectors
854 Grid color
855 Grid step
856 Rasters
857 Annotations
858 Simple Text
859 Modal Dialog
860 Layer Objects
861 Annotations
862 Measurement Calibration
863 Length Measured:
864 Calibrate To:
865 Enter value and unit name to calibrate the measured length
866 Value is not recognized, re-enter
867 Require both a value and a unit name
868 Point a non-zero length line in the picture to have source for calibration
869 Cannot calibrate
870 Merge
871 Merge:
872 Output:
873 Use Active Raster Resolution
874 Resolution:
875 Merge to Color / Grayscale Output
876 Dither Bilevel Output
877 Banner
878 Light
879 Dark
880 Banner...
881 Paste
882 Normal
883 Italic
884 Bold
885 Underline
886 Find
887 Find:
888 Find &Next
889 &First
890 &Last
891 &Match Case
892 &Whole Words Only
893 Direction:
894 Layer Compare
895 &Default
896 &Intersect
897 &Combine
898 D&ifference
899 Note: To compare layers, active edit layers were deactivated. To continue editing, reactivate the layers using Eroiica Contents window.
900 Normal layer display by the order in the document
901 Show only the parts that are the same on each displayed layer
902 Combine displayed layers using 'transparent' colors
903 Show only the differences between displayed layers
904 Product Information
905 Product Title:
906 Serial Number:
907 Product Release:
908 Creation Time:
909 RD Release:
910 OEM Number:
911 Environment
912 Eval Copy
913 Hardware Key
914 Installed
915 Version Information
916 File
917 Version
918 Size
919 &Save to File
920 Page Go To
921 Page Number:
922 Last page number is:
923 &Label:
924 &File name:
925 F&ormat:
926 &Browse...
927 &Advanced...
928 Verify Crop Region
929 Proceed with crop operation.
930 Reset
931 Relative Scale
932 Relative scale:
933 File already exists. Replace?
934 Eroiica Contents
935 Eroiica is the root of all listed items...
936 Click file icon or press the [+] or ENTER key here to open collapsed contents of the document file...
937 Click file icon or press the [-] or ENTER key here to collapse contents of the document file...
938 This is the document file that contains no nested items...
939 Click page icon or press the [+] or ENTER key here to open collapsed page contents...
940 Click page icon or press the [-] or ENTER key here to collapse contents of the page...
941 This is the page in the document that contains no nested items...
942 This is the layer over the item to draw user objects or write remarks...
943 Click here to select one or more (using SHIFT or CTRL key) items...
944 Click here to open collapsed contents of the document file...
945 Click here to collapse the contents of the document file...
946 This icon marks the file that contains no nested items to be open...
947 Click here to open collapsed contents of the page...
948 Click here to collapse the contents of the page...
949 This icon marks the page that contains no nested items to be open...
950 This is the icon of the layer over the page or file...
951 This item was edited, click here to reactivate item for the editing...
952 This item is currently activated for editing...
953 Click here to activate item for the user edit input...
954 This item was edited by the user but it is write protected now...
955 Reset the write protect flag if you need to edit item...
956 This item is protected against the user editing...
957 Click here to toggle visibility (show/hide)...
958 Holding down the CTRL key you can select more (non-continuous) items by pressing SPACE or by mouseclick...
959 Holding down the SHIFT key you can select more continuous items by moving the pointer or by mouseclick...
960 This is the summary window that shows selected item properties...
961 This is the status window that shows selected tips and explanations...
962 ... incomplete contents (low memory)
963 Contents help asked...
964 Click here to set color for the selected item(s)...
1005 Program is not verified and can run in limited demo mode only. Run LICENSE.EXE program and type your license number to allow full version. Do you want to run LICENSE.EXE now?
1006 Windows cannot run program. Please run it using Windows tool (Program Manager, File Manager, Explorer, This computer folder).\n
1007 Error: cannot verify identification of the target computer.\n
1008 Error: cannot recognize currently saved identification file.\n
1009 Error: cannot recognize currently saved license number.\n
1010 Error: verification of the target computer failed.\n
1011 Error: cannot found application information file in the Windows directory.\n
1012 Error: cannot create name of the network information file.\n
1013 Error: cannot find network information file in the application directory.\n
1014 Error: suspicious data in the network identification file in the application directory.\n
1015 Error: file access denied (or another error) trying to open network identification file in the application directory.\n
1016 Error: too many users connected to the application. Run the program after another network user will close program.\n
1017 Error: cannot write data into network identification file. Check the network access rights.\n
1018 Error: cannot logout from the network information file.\n
1019 Error: undocumented error.\n
1020 Identification verified. Program will work in full mode.
1021 Identification verification failed. Program will run in limited demo mode until your license number will be entered in the LICENSE.EXE program. Do you want to run LICENSE.EXE now?
1022 Network access verification failed. Program will run in limited demo mode. Do you want still to continue?
1023 Network license, number of users allowed: %i.\n
1024 Error: not enough memory to create application information file.\n
1025 Error: cannot write application information file into Windows directory.\n
1026 Evaluation copy.
1027 Expired evaluation copy running in limited demo mode.
1028 Limited demo, verification failed.
1029 Limited demo, full version allowed using correct license number.
1030 Limited demo, too many network users.
1031 Cannot show properties for empty files.
1032 Cannot show properties for CAD layers.
1033 Cannot put multipage documents to clipboard.
1034 Cannot save empty document. Attach layer.
1035 Cannot save CAD layers alone. Save with the containing edit layer.
1036 Only a multipage can be saved in Spicer Set format (*.LS).
1037 A 386 or better processor is required for the operation requested.
1038 Insufficient memory.
1039 Pipeline failed during execution.
1040 Attempt to build pipeline with too many branches.
1041 File contains unsupported RDC data type.
1042 File contains unsupported data type. Data type unknown.
1043 ICL Deskew: skewradians > maxradians
1044 Cannot Deskew: width or length exceeds 16000pels
1045 Error: Bad G4 or G3 data found on line %ld - continued
1046 Error: G4 or G3 data on line %ld is too big - truncating - continued
1066 %ld references to missing external reference %s
1067 %ld unknown object(s) %s.
1068 %ld reference(s) to missing BLOCK %s.
1069 %ld unsupported object(s) %s.
1070 Unsupported version of AutoCAD: r13
1071 %ld violation(s) on TABLE %s - more tables exist than were allowed for in the header or no table definition found. File incorrect or corrupt.
1072 %ld reference(s) to unmapped font %s.
1073 %ld INSERT(s) of BLOCK %s placed outside drawing extents, these entities have been ignored.
1074 %ld overflows of polygon object %s, mapped to polylines
1075 %ld redefinition(s) of existing linestyle %s
1076 %ld reference(s) to externally defined BLOCK %s, some or all entities may be omitted
1077 %ld attempts to open file %s for read failed
1078 Resolving external reference
1079 Drawing extents to large to adjust offset. Setting y offset to be zero
1080 Reading DWG%s data.
1081 Reading DGN data.
1082 Reading AutoTrol data.
1083 Reading CGM data.
1084 Reading IGES data.
1085 Reading IGES data, %d%% done
1086 Reading HPGL data, %d%% done
1087 Reading DXF data, %d%% done
1088 Reading DWG%s data, %d%% done
1089 Reading DGN data, %d%% done
1090 Reading DSI data, %d%% done
1091 Writing RDL data, %d%% done
1092 Writing DSI data, %d%% done
1093 Writing DXF data, %d%% done
1094 Reading DRW data, %d%% done
1095 Reading MI data, %d%% done
1096 Reading AutoTrol data, %d%% done
1097 Reading ASCII text file, %d%% done
1098 Failed writing file in TABLES section.
1099 Failed writing file in ENTITIES section.
1100 Failed writing file in BLOCKS section.
1101 Failed writing file HEADER section.
1102 Failed writing file LAYER section.
1103 Failed writing entity %s.
1104 Failed reading file. Fast-save format not supported.
1105 Reading %s...
1106 Formatting ...
1107 Some entities have not the end of entity delimiter.
1108 Some entities are put in the wrong sequence.
1109 This is a MI binary file. This product cannot load it
1110 Initialization error.
1111 Unable to recognize header on file read.
1112 Unable to write to file.
1113 Unable to read header from file.
1114 Error while reading %s header format. Bad file or incorrect options in header.
1115 Unable to read tag.
1116 Unable to write tag.
1117 Data type %d found in header is unknown.
1118 This is a GIF file.\nA GIF format filter is not currently installed.\nContact your Parallax Software representative to obtain this filter.
1119 This is a Postscript file.\nA Postscript format filter is not currently installed.\nContact your Parallax Software representative to obtain this filter.
1120 Initialization error.
1121 Non-compliant pel line progression value.
1122 File width of %ld exceeds maximum width of %ld.\nCannot display image.
1123 Image contains unsupported datatype.
1124 Non-compliant resolution of %ld DPI detected.\nProceeding with the save will overwrite the resolution field with %ld DPI. Accuracy may be compromised.
1125 Image contains CCITT Group 3 data Two Dimensional Coding Scheme.\n - not supported in this version.
1126 Image contains Run-length encoded data - not supported in this version.
1127 Image contains Tiled Run-length encoded data - not supported in this version.
1128 Image contains %ld color data - not supported in this version.
1129 Image contains %ld bit color data - not supported in this version.
1130 Image contains non compliant CCITT GroupIV data which may cause errors when loading.\nDo you want to continue?
1131 Image size is too large for this version, contact sales for upgrade.
1132 Image length is invalid
1133 Image width is invalid
1134 Testing width %ld
1135 Image is too large for this format
1136 WordPerfect Graphics File containts vector objects not supported in this version.
1137 This format contains two types of data. This product cannot support it