home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*-------------------------- Parallax Standard C_File ----------------------------
- C_File: utfile.c
- Purpose: This file contains the source code for the randomized
- file selection routines.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c)1996 Parallax Software , All rights reserved.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "dde_test.h"
- #include "utdde.h"
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- static int tmpfilenum = 0;
- static char tmpdir[50] = "";
- static char base36[36] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- /* internal functions */
- static void _InitTmpDir();
- static int _CopyFile(char FAR* pFileNameTo, char FAR* pFileNameFrom);
- static char FAR* _FileName(char FAR* filepath);
- /* 970224 jk add redefinitions of far string functions */
- #ifdef _WIN32
- static char *_fstrcpy(char *string1, const char *string2)
- {
- return strcpy(string1, string2) ;
- }
- static char *_fstrcat(char *string1, const char *string2)
- {
- return strcat(string1, string2) ;
- }
- static size_t _fstrlen(const char *string)
- {
- return strlen(string);
- }
- static char *_fstrchr(const char *string, int c)
- {
- return strchr(string, c);
- }
- #endif
- /* 970224 jk end */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: _InitTmpDir
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- static void _InitTmpDir()
- {
- #if 0
- int len;
- strcpy(tmpdir, getenv("TMP"));
- len = strlen(tmpdir);
- if (tmpdir[len-1] != '\\')
- {
- tmpdir[len] = '\\';
- tmpdir[len+1] = '\0';
- } /* if (tmpdir[len-1] != '\\') */
- #else
- GetPrivateProfileString("System", "TmpDir", "", tmpdir, sizeof(tmpdir), ".\\dde_test.ini");
- if ( *tmpdir == 0 ) {
- #ifdef _WIN32
- GetTempPath( sizeof(tmpdir), tmpdir );
- #else
- tmpdir[0] = (char)GetTempDrive(0);
- lstrcpy( tmpdir+1, ":\\" );
- #endif
- }
- if ( *tmpdir ) {
- if ( tmpdir[lstrlen(tmpdir)-1] != '\\' ) {
- lstrcat( tmpdir, "\\" );
- }
- }
- /* strcpy(tmpdir, "C:\\TMP\\"); */
- #endif
- } /* _InitTmpDir() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: _FileName
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- static char FAR* _FileName(char FAR* filepath)
- {
- char FAR* pTmp0 = filepath;
- char FAR* pTmp1;
- /* get over drive letter */
- pTmp1 = _fstrchr(pTmp0, ':');
- if (pTmp1 != NULL) pTmp0 = pTmp1 + 1;
- /* get over all subdirs */
- pTmp1 = pTmp0;
- do
- {
- pTmp0 = pTmp1 + 1;
- pTmp1 = _fstrchr(pTmp0, '\\');
- } while(pTmp1 != NULL);
- return (pTmp0);
- } /* _FileName() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: _CopyFile
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- static int _CopyFile(char FAR* pFileNameTo, char FAR* pFileNameFrom)
- {
- int ret=TRUE;
- FILE* fhA = NULL;
- FILE* fhB = NULL;
- char fnameA[256];
- char fnameB[256];
- char buf[16000];
- /* copy file names locally */
- _fstrcpy(fnameA, pFileNameTo);
- _fstrcpy(fnameB, pFileNameFrom);
- /* open the files */
- fhB = fopen(fnameB, "rb");
- if (fhB == NULL)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (fhB == NULL) */
- fhA = fopen(fnameA, "wb");
- if (fhA == NULL)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (fhA == NULL) */
- /* copy over */
- while (!feof(fhB))
- {
- int n = fread(buf, 1, 16000, fhB);
- fwrite(buf, 1, n, fhA);
- } /* while (!feof(fhB)) */
- cleanup:
- if (fhA) fclose(fhA);
- if (fhB) fclose(fhB);
- return (ret);
- } /* _CopyFile() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_GetTmpFileName
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- /* 970224 jk add to cover the unsupported WIN31 function */
- #ifdef _WIN32
- static unsigned _dos_getfileattr(const char *path, unsigned *attrib)
- {
- DWORD temp = GetFileAttributes(path) ;
- if (temp == 0xFFFFFFFF)
- {
- *attrib = 0 ;
- return 1 ; /* error */
- } else /* if (temp == 0xFFFFFFFF) */
- {
- *attrib = temp ;
- return 0 ;
- } /* if (temp == 0xFFFFFFFF) */
- } /* _dos_getfileattr() */
- #endif
- /* 970224 jk end */
- void UT_GetTmpFileName(void FAR* pTmpName)
- {
- int len,i,j;
- unsigned attrib;
- char fname[256];
- if (tmpdir[0]==0) _InitTmpDir();
- do
- {
- tmpfilenum++;
- _fstrcpy(fname, tmpdir);
- len = strlen(fname);
- fname[len++] = 'U';
- fname[len++] = 'T';
- i = tmpfilenum;
- for (j=5; j>=0; j--)
- {
- fname[len+j] = base36[ i%36 ];
- i /= 36;
- } /* for (j=5; j>=0; j--) */
- len+=6;
- fname[len++] = '.';
- fname[len++] = 'T';
- fname[len++] = 'M';
- fname[len++] = 'P';
- fname[len++] = '\0' ;
- } while(_dos_getfileattr(fname, &attrib) == 0);
- _fstrcpy(pTmpName, fname);
- } /* GetTmpFileName() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_GetTmpVersion
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- void UT_GetTmpVersion(void FAR* pFname, void FAR* pTmpName)
- {
- if (tmpdir[0]==0) _InitTmpDir();
- _fstrcpy(pTmpName, tmpdir);
- _fstrcat(pTmpName, _FileName(pFname));
- _CopyFile(pTmpName, pFname);
- } /* UT_GetTmpVersion() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_DeleteFile
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- void UT_DeleteFile(void FAR* pName)
- {
- char fname[256];
- _fstrcpy(fname, pName);
- if ( *fname ) remove(fname);
- } /* UT_DeleteFile() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_ConstructUniqueLabel
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- void UT_ConstructUniqueLabel(int type, void FAR* pName)
- {
- char name[256];
- int len,i,j;
- tmpfilenum++;
- switch (type)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- _fstrcpy(name, "[ Window ]");
- break;
- } /* case 0 */
- case 1:
- {
- _fstrcpy(name, "( Document )");
- break;
- } /* case 1 */
- default:
- {
- _fstrcpy(name, "< Layer >");
- break;
- } /* case default */
- } /* swith (type) */
- len = _fstrlen(name);
- i = tmpfilenum;
- for (j=5; j>=0; j--)
- {
- name[len+j] = base36[ i%36 ];
- i /= 36;
- } /* for (j=5; j>=0; j--) */
- len+=6;
- name[len++] = '\0';
- _fstrcpy(pName, name);
- } /* UT_ConstructUniqueLabel() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_Sleep
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- void UT_Sleep(int sec)
- {
- time_t start;
- time_t now;
- _FMTMSG("Sleeping for %d seconds...", sec);
- time(&start);
- time(&now);
- while(difftime(now, start) < sec)
- {
- Yield();
- time(&now);
- } /* while(difftime(now, start) < sec) */
- } /* UT_Sleep() */
- /* UTFILE.C */
- /* end of file */