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/*-------------------------- Parallax Standard H_File ---------------------------- H_File: utdde.h Purpose: This file contains the internal function prototyping for the C-interface to all Eroica DDE API's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c)1996 Parallax Software , All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef int LAYERID; typedef int DOCWINID; typedef struct _layerformat { int id; char desc[120]; char ext[10]; } LAYERFORMAT; int img_ATOI(LPSTR inStr); float img_ATOF(LPSTR inStr); HCONV IMG_Connect( HWND ghWndMain, DWORD idInst, HSZ hszServer, HSZ ghszTopic ); /* Cerda's Add-On */ int IMG_StartUp( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_ArrangeDocWins( HCONV ghConv, int arrangement ); int IMG_Checkin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, BOOL bClose ); int IMG_CheckinAll( HCONV ghConv, BOOL bClose ); int IMG_CloseAllDocWin( HCONV ghConv, BOOL bSave ); int IMG_CloseDocWin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, BOOL bSave ); int IMG_CreateDocWin( HCONV ghConv, void FAR* title, DOCWINID FAR* docWinID ); int IMG_DeleteLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID ); int IMG_EndEroica( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_ExportLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, BOOL bSaveAs, void FAR* fname, void FAR* title, BOOL bOverwrite ); int IMG_GetActiveEditLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID FAR* layerID ); int IMG_GetActiveRasterLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID FAR* layerID ); int IMG_GetDisplayLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, BOOL FAR* bDisplay ); int IMG_GetDocumentDirtyStatus( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int FAR* status ); int IMG_GetDocumentTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, char FAR* title ); int IMG_GetDocWin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID FAR* docWinID ); int IMG_GetLayerDirtyStatus( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, int FAR* status ); int IMG_GetLayerFormat( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, int FAR* format ); int IMG_GetLayerFormatList( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_GetLayerIDs( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID FAR* pLayers, int max, int FAR* count ); int IMG_GetLayerTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, char FAR* title ); int IMG_GetNumberDocWins( HCONV ghConv, int FAR* count ); int IMG_GetNumberLayers( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int FAR* count ); int IMG_GetTool( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int FAR* tooltype ); int IMG_GetWindowTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, char FAR* title ); int IMG_ImportLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, void FAR* fname, void FAR* title, int layerType, LAYERID FAR* layerID ); int IMG_Merge( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int mergetype, DOCWINID FAR* newDocWinID ); int IMG_NewDocument( HCONV ghConv, char FAR* title, char FAR* fname, DOCWINID FAR* docWinID ); int IMG_NewLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int layerType, LAYERID FAR* layerID ); int IMG_OpenDocWin( HCONV ghConv, int location, int fileType, void FAR* fname, void FAR* title, int perms, int wother, int lother, DOCWINID FAR* docWinID ); int IMG_PrintDocWin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int pagerange, int firstpage, int lastpage, int ncopies, BOOL bUseDialog ); int IMG_Refresh( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID ); int IMG_ReorderLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, int position ); int IMG_Save( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, BOOL bSaveAs, void FAR* fname, void FAR* title, BOOL bOverwrite ); int IMG_SaveLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, BOOL bSaveAs, void FAR* fname, void FAR* title, BOOL bOverwrite, int format, int rotation ); int IMG_SetActiveLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, BOOL bActivate ); int IMG_SetDisplayLayer( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, BOOL bDisplay ); int IMG_SetDocumentTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID DocWinID, void FAR* title ); int IMG_SetDocWin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, BOOL bStep, DOCWINID FAR* newDocWinID ); int IMG_SetFocus( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_SetLayerTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerID, void FAR* title ); int IMG_SetScrollStep( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, float scrollstep ); int IMG_SetScrollView( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int scrollmode ); int IMG_SetTool( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int tooltype ); int IMG_SetWindowTitle( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, void FAR* title ); int IMG_SetZoom( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int zoomLevel, float factor, int xpos, int ypos ); int IMG_SetZoomStep( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, float zoomstep ); int IMG_ShowDocWin( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, int arrangement ); int IMG_Terminate( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpotHighlighted( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpotHighlightedStop( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpotPlaced( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpotPlacedStop( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpot( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyHotSpotStop( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyApi( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_NotifyApiStop( HCONV ghConv ); int IMG_RasterDPIChange( HCONV ghConv, int xres, int yres ); int IMG_Despeckle( HCONV ghConv, HWND docWinId, int speckle ); int IMG_Deskew( HCONV ghConv, HWND docWinId, float angle ); int IMG_SetShowStatusDialogs( HCONV ghConv, BOOL status ); int IMG_Crop( HCONV ghConv, HWND docWinId, long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2 ); int IMG_GetDeskewLimit( HCONV ghConv, DOCWINID docWinID, LAYERID layerId, double FAR * angle ); extern HWND hViewWnd; #define ARRANGE_TILE 1 #define ARRANGE_CASCADE 2 #define ARRANGE_HORZSTRIP 5 #define ARRANGE_VERTSTRIP 10 #define TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define TYPE_EDIT 1 #define TYPE_RASTER 2 #define TYPE_TEXT 3 #define ETYPE_REDLINE 1 #define ETYPE_EDIT 2 #define ETYPE_FULLEDIT 3 #define ETYPE_ANNOTATION 4 #define ETYPE_HOTSPOT 5 #define ZOOM_IN 1 #define ZOOM_OUT 2 #define ZOOM_FIT 3 #define ZOOM_HFIT 4 #define ZOOM_VFIT 5 #define ZOOM_ACTUAL 6 #define ZOOM_1TO1 8 #define TOOL_NONE 0 #define TOOL_CUT 1 #define TOOL_COPY 2 #define TOOL_PASTE 3 #define TOOL_LINE 4 #define TOOL_BOX 5 #define TOOL_CIRCLE 6 #define TOOL_ELLIPSE 7 #define TOOL_ARROW 8 #define TOOL_SKETCH 9 #define TOOL_POLYLINE 10 #define TOOL_POLYGON 11 #define TOOL_TEXT 12 #define TOOL_ANNOTATION 13 #define TOOL_DIMENSION 14 #define TOOL_SYMBOL 15 #define TOOL_HOTSPOT 16 #define TOOL_RUBOUT 17 #define TOOL_ERASER 18 #define TOOL_SELECT 19 #define TOOL_MOVERESIZE 22 #define TOOL_ROTATE 23 #define TOOL_CHANGETEXT 28 #define TOOL_ARC 29 #define SHOW_MINIMIZE SW_SHOWMINIMIZED #define SHOW_MAXIMIZE SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED #define SHOW_RESTORE SW_SHOWNORMAL #define SHOW_HIDE SW_HIDE #define SHOW_UNHIDE SW_SHOWNA #define MERGE_USER 0 #define MERGE_WHOLEDOC 1 #define MERGE_DISPLAYEDLAYERS 2 #define MERGE_ASDISPLAYED 4 #define MERGE_ACTIVERASTER 8 #define MERGE_ACTIVEEDIT 16 #define MERGE_DISPLAYEDRASTERS 32 #define MERGE_DISPLAYEDEDITS 64 #define SCROLLVIEW_CENTER 1 #define SCROLLVIEW_BOTTOMLEFT 2 #define SCROLLVIEW_BOTTOMRIGHT 3 #define SCROLLVIEW_TOPLEFT 4 #define SCROLLVIEW_TOPRIGHT 5 #define SCROLLVIEW_UPSTEP 6 #define SCROLLVIEW_DOWNSTEP 7 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTSTEP 8 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTSTEP 9 #define SCROLLVIEW_UPPAGE 10 #define SCROLLVIEW_DOWNPAGE 11 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTPAGE 12 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTPAGE 13 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTDOWNSTEP 14 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTDOWNSTEP 15 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTUPSTEP 16 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTUPSTEP 17 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTDOWNPAGE 18 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTDOWNPAGE 19 #define SCROLLVIEW_LEFTUPPAGE 20 #define SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTUPPAGE 21 /* UTDDE.H */ /* end of file */