home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*-------------------------- Parallax Standard C_File ----------------------------
- C_File: testcase.c
- Purpose: This file contains the source code for the individual
- unit tests for the Eroica unit test program.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c)1996 Parallax Software , All rights reserved.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "dde_test.h"
- #include "utdde.h"
- #include "utfile.h"
- #define NAMELEN 256
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestLoad
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- #define MAXDOCLOAD 8
- int UT_TestLoad(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int ret = TRUE;
- int n,i;
- DOCWINID docWinID = 0;
- char tmpdocname[NAMELEN];
- /* list of files to read */
- char doclist[MAXDOCLOAD][NAMELEN];
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCLOAD; n++)
- {
- char tag[15];
- wsprintf(tag, "File%d", n+1);
- lstrcpy( doclist[n], "" );
- GetPrivateProfileString("LoadTest", tag, "", doclist[n], NAMELEN, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- }
- _MSG("Load Test");
- _MSG("=========");
- IMG_SetFocus(ghConv);
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCLOAD; n++)
- {
- if (doclist[n][0] == 0) continue;
- UT_GetTmpVersion(doclist[n], tmpdocname);
- /* load this doc */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, tmpdocname, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* zoom to fit */
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_FIT, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* zoom way in */
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_IN, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* for (i=0; i<3; i++) */
- /* scroll corners */
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_CENTER);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_BOTTOMLEFT);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_BOTTOMRIGHT);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_TOPLEFT);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_TOPRIGHT);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* zoom 1:1 */
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_1TO1, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* scroll pages */
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_CENTER);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_UPPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_DOWNPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTUPPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTUPPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTDOWNPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTDOWNPAGE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* zoom way out */
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_OUT, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* for (i=0; i<3; i++) */
- /* zoom to fit */
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_ACTUAL, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_HFIT, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_VFIT, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* zoom 1:1 */
- ret = IMG_SetZoom(ghConv, docWinID, ZOOM_1TO1, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- for (i=0; i<6; i++)
- {
- /* set the scroll step */
- ret = IMG_SetScrollStep(ghConv, docWinID, (float)(i+1)/6);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* scroll steps */
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_CENTER);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_UPSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_DOWNSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTUPSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTUPSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_RIGHTDOWNSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetScrollView(ghConv, docWinID, SCROLLVIEW_LEFTDOWNSTEP);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* for (i=0; i<6; i++) */
- /* remove the window */
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_DeleteFile(tmpdocname);
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCLOAD; n++) */
- cleanup:
- if (ret)
- {
- /* delete the temp file */
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else { /* if (ret) ... error occured */
- UT_DeleteFile(tmpdocname);
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestLoad() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestSave
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- #define MAXDOCSAVE 8
- int UT_TestSave(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int ret = TRUE;
- int count0, count1;
- int n;
- DOCWINID docWinID = 0;
- /* window labels */
- char docwinlabel0[NAMELEN];
- char docwinlabel1[NAMELEN];
- char docsavename[NAMELEN]; /* temporary file name for save */
- char doctmplist[MAXDOCSAVE][NAMELEN]; /* temporary file names for read */
- /* list of files to read */
- char doclist[MAXDOCSAVE][NAMELEN];
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++)
- {
- char tag[15];
- wsprintf(tag, "File%d", n+1);
- lstrcpy( doclist[n], "" );
- GetPrivateProfileString("SaveTest", tag, "", doclist[n], NAMELEN, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++) */
- _MSG("=========");
- _MSG("Save Test");
- _MSG("=========");
- UT_GetTmpFileName(docsavename);
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++)
- {
- if (doclist[n][0] == 0) continue;
- UT_GetTmpVersion(doclist[n], doctmplist[n]);
- if (docWinID == 0)
- {
- /* load this doc as a document */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, doctmplist[n], NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } else /* docWinID == 0 */
- {
- char explayerfile[NAMELEN];
- LAYERID layerID;
- /* import this doc as a layer */
- ret = IMG_ImportLayer(ghConv, docWinID, doctmplist[n], NULL, TYPE_UNKNOWN, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* export this layer to a tmp file */
- UT_GetTmpFileName(explayerfile);
- ret = IMG_ExportLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, TRUE, explayerfile, NULL, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_Sleep(3);
- /* load the file back in */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, explayerfile, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinIDTmp);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* destroy this docwin */
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinIDTmp, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* delete the tmp file */
- UT_DeleteFile(explayerfile);
- /* save this layer to a tmp file */
- UT_GetTmpFileName(explayerfile);
- ret = IMG_SaveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, TRUE, explayerfile, NULL, TRUE, 1, 0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_Sleep(3);
- /* load the file back in */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, explayerfile, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinIDTmp);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* destroy this docwin */
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinIDTmp, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* delete the tmp file */
- UT_DeleteFile(explayerfile);
- } /* docWinID == 0 */
- /* set the document title */
- UT_ConstructUniqueLabel(1, docwinlabel0);
- ret = IMG_SetDocumentTitle(ghConv, docWinID, docwinlabel0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* count the layers in this document */
- ret = IMG_GetNumberLayers(ghConv, docWinID, &count0);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* save all layers out into a document */
- ret = IMG_Save(ghConv, docWinID, TRUE, docsavename, "TEST", TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_Sleep(3*(n+1));
- /* close all current windows */
- ret = IMG_CloseAllDocWin(ghConv, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* open the saved file */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, docsavename, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* check that the title was saved with the doc */
- ret = IMG_GetDocumentTitle(ghConv, docWinID, docwinlabel1);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- #if 0
- if (strcmp(docwinlabel0, docwinlabel1) != 0)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Document labels don't match!!!");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (strcmp(docwinlabel0, docwinlabel1) != 0) */
- #endif
- /* check that all layers are present */
- ret = IMG_GetNumberLayers(ghConv, docWinID, &count1);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (count0 != count1)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Count wrong. Test failed!!!");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (count0 != count1) */
- UT_DeleteFile(doctmplist[n]);
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++) */
- cleanup:
- /* delete the document file */
- UT_DeleteFile(docsavename);
- if (ret) {
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else { /* if (ret) */
- /* delete all temp copies */
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++) {
- UT_DeleteFile(doctmplist[n]);
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++) */
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestSave() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestMerge
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- #define MAXDOCMERGE 8
- int UT_TestMerge(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int ret = TRUE;
- int n;
- int count;
- int mergecalls = 0;
- DOCWINID docWinID = 0;
- LAYERID layerID;
- char doctmplist[MAXDOCMERGE][NAMELEN]; /* temporary file names for read */
- int layeridlist[MAXDOCSAVE]; /* temporary layer ids to activate */
- /* list of files to read */
- char doclist[MAXDOCMERGE][NAMELEN];
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCMERGE; n++)
- {
- char tag[15];
- wsprintf(tag, "File%d", n+1);
- lstrcpy( doclist[n], "" );
- lstrcpy( doctmplist[n], "" );
- GetPrivateProfileString("MergeTest", tag, "", doclist[n], NAMELEN, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCMERGE; n++) */
- _MSG("==========");
- _MSG("Merge Test");
- _MSG("==========");
- /* close all docwind to count windows correctly */
- ret = IMG_CloseAllDocWin( ghConv, FALSE );
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- count = 0;
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCMERGE; n++)
- {
- if (doclist[n][0] == 0) continue;
- UT_GetTmpVersion(doclist[n], doctmplist[n]);
- if (docWinID==0)
- {
- /* load this doc as a document */
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, doctmplist[n], NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } else /* if (docWinID == 0) */
- {
- /* import this doc as a layer and save its id */
- ret = IMG_ImportLayer(ghConv, docWinID, doctmplist[n], NULL, TYPE_UNKNOWN, layeridlist+n);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* if (docWinID == 0) */
- count++;
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCMERGE; n++) */
- /* set the window title */
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, docWinID, "Original");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* set active raster layer */
- ret = IMG_GetActiveRasterLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* set active edit layer */
- ret = IMG_GetActiveEditLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* turn some layers off */
- ret = IMG_SetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layeridlist[2], FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* turn some layers off */
- ret = IMG_SetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layeridlist[4], FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* merge all layers into a single raster layer */
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_WHOLEDOC, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE WholeDoc (ABCDEFGHabcdefgh)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* merge displayed layers into a single raster layer */
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_DISPLAYEDLAYERS, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE Displayed Layers (AFGDabgh)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0)*/
- /* merge as displayed into a single raster layer */
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_ASDISPLAYED, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE As Displayed (AFGDabgh)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* merge displayed rasters into a single raster layer */
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_DISPLAYEDRASTERS, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE Displayed Rasters (AFGD)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* merge displayed edits into a single raster layer */
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_DISPLAYEDEDITS, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE displayed edits (abgh)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* merge active raster into a single raster layer - activate raster */
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layeridlist[1], TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_ACTIVERASTER, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE Active Raster (F)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* merge active edit into a single raster layer - activate edit */
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layeridlist[3], TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_Merge(ghConv, docWinID, MERGE_ACTIVEEDIT, &mergeID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (mergeID != 0)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetWindowTitle(ghConv, mergeID, "MERGE Active Edit (g)");
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- mergecalls++;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* set active raster layer off */
- ret = IMG_GetActiveRasterLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_GetActiveRasterLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (layerID != 0)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Could not reset active raster layer.");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* set active edit layer off */
- ret = IMG_GetActiveEditLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_GetActiveEditLayer(ghConv, docWinID, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (layerID != 0)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Could not reset active edit layer.");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- /* check the number of docwins */
- ret = IMG_GetNumberDocWins(ghConv, &count);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (count != mergecalls+1)
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Docwin count failed.");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (mergeID != 0) */
- cleanup:
- IMG_ArrangeDocWins(ghConv, ARRANGE_TILE);
- for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++)
- {
- UT_DeleteFile(doctmplist[n]);
- } /* for (n=0; n<MAXDOCSAVE; n++) */
- if (ret)
- {
- /* delete all temp copies */
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else { /* if (ret) */
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestMerge() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestDisplayLayer
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- int UT_TestDisplayLayer(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int ret = TRUE;
- int i,count;
- BOOL bDisp;
- LAYERID list[20];
- char docname[NAMELEN];
- char tmpdocname[NAMELEN] = "";
- _MSG("==================");
- _MSG("Display Layer Test");
- _MSG("==================");
- lstrcpy( docname, "" );
- GetPrivateProfileString("DisplayTest", "8LayerCLF", "", docname, NAMELEN, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- UT_GetTmpVersion(docname, tmpdocname);
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, tmpdocname, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_GetLayerIDs(ghConv, docWinID, list, 20, &count);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- for (i=0; i<count; i++)
- {
- ret = IMG_GetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, list[i], &bDisp);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (bDisp != TRUE)
- {
- _MSG("Loaded layer should be displayed.");
- ret = FALSE;
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (bDisp != TRUE) */
- ret = IMG_SetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, list[i], FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_Sleep(1);
- } /* for (i=0; i<count; i++) */
- for (i=0; i<count; i++)
- {
- ret = IMG_GetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, list[i], &bDisp);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (bDisp != FALSE)
- {
- _MSG("Loaded layer should NOT be displayed.");
- ret = FALSE;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- ret = IMG_SetDisplayLayer(ghConv, docWinID, list[i], TRUE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- UT_Sleep(1);
- } /* for (i=0; i<count; i++) */
- /* remove the window */
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- cleanup:
- UT_DeleteFile(tmpdocname);
- if (ret) {
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else /* if (ret) */
- {
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestDisplayLayer() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestToolSet
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- int UT_TestToolSet(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int ret = FALSE;
- LAYERID layerID;
- char pTmpName[256];
- int tool, maxtoolset;
- int i,j;
- int toolIDs[] = {
- /* TOOL_PASTE , */
- /* TOOL_SYMBOL , */
- /* TOOL_ARC , */
- /* TOOL_ROTATE */ };
- _MSG("=============");
- _MSG("Tool Set Test");
- _MSG("=============");
- maxtoolset = sizeof(toolIDs)/sizeof(toolIDs[0]);
- /* create blank document */
- UT_GetTmpFileName(pTmpName);
- ret = IMG_NewDocument(ghConv, "Tool Test A", pTmpName, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* get rid of this one */
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* create blank document */
- ret = IMG_CreateDocWin(ghConv, "Tool Test B", &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* create edit layer on blank doc */
- ret = IMG_NewLayer(ghConv, docWinID, ETYPE_FULLEDIT, &layerID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* make the edit layer active */
- ret = IMG_SetActiveLayer(ghConv, docWinID, layerID, 1);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- /* loop through all combinations */
- for (i=1; i<maxtoolset-1; i++)
- {
- _FMTMSG2("===Stage %d of %d.", i+1, maxtoolset-1);
- for (j=i; j<maxtoolset; j++)
- {
- ret = IMG_SetTool(ghConv, docWinID, toolIDs[i]);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_GetTool(ghConv, docWinID, &tool);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (tool != toolIDs[i])
- {
- _MSG("Tool setting failed!!!");
- ret = FALSE;
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (tool != toolIDs[i]) */
- ret = IMG_SetTool(ghConv, docWinID, toolIDs[j]);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- ret = IMG_GetTool(ghConv, docWinID, &tool);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (tool != toolIDs[j])
- {
- ret = FALSE;
- _MSG("Tool setting failed!!!");
- goto cleanup;
- } /* if (tool != toolIDs[j]) */
- } /* for (j=i; j<maxtoolset; j++) */
- } /* for (i=1; i<maxtoolset-1; i++) */
- cleanup:
- if (ret)
- {
- IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else { /* if (ret) */
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestToolSet() */
- /* ========================================= Parallax C Function ==================
- @Name: UT_TestDeskew
- @Desc:
- ============================================================================== */
- int UT_TestDeskew(HCONV ghConv)
- {
- int i;
- int ret = TRUE;
- int mod = 10;
- float start_angle = (float)0.0;
- float end_angle = (float)90.0;
- float angle = (float)1.0;
- char doc[NAMELEN + 1] = "";
- char sangle[5] = "";
- char eangle[5] = "";
- char tangle[5] = "";
- char ptr[5];
- char ptr2[5];
- char ptr3[5];
- char ptr4[5];
- int num_iters = 0;
- double max_angle;
- char tmpdocname[NAMELEN] = "";
- IMG_SetShowStatusDialogs(ghConv, 0);
- GetPrivateProfileString("DeskewTest", "File", "", doc, NAMELEN, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- GetPrivateProfileString("DeskewTest", "Start Angle", "", sangle, 5, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- GetPrivateProfileString("DeskewTest", "End Angle", "", eangle, 5, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- GetPrivateProfileString("DeskewTest", "Angle", "", tangle, 5, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- mod = GetPrivateProfileInt("DeskewTest", "Keep", 10, ".\\dde_test.ini");
- if (lstrlen(sangle)) start_angle = img_ATOF(sangle);
- if (lstrlen(eangle)) end_angle = img_ATOF(eangle);
- if (lstrlen(tangle)) angle = img_ATOF(tangle);
- if (lstrlen(doc))
- {
- UT_GetTmpVersion(doc, tmpdocname);
- ret = IMG_OpenDocWin(ghConv, 0, TYPE_UNKNOWN, tmpdocname, NULL, 0, 0, 0, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- gcvt((double)start_angle, 5, ptr);
- gcvt((double)end_angle, 5, ptr2);
- gcvt((double)angle, 5, ptr3);
- /* N.B. the following function is ONLY applicable to Eroica 3.6 and */
- /* above */
- ret = IMG_GetDeskewLimit(ghConv, docWinID, 0, &max_angle);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (!max_angle) max_angle = 2.0;
- if (max_angle >= angle)
- {
- _FMTMSG4("Deskewing %s from %s to %s", doc, ptr, ptr2, ptr3);
- num_iters = (int)((end_angle - start_angle) / angle) + 1;
- for (i=0; i < num_iters; i++)
- {
- _FMTMSG2("Deskewing %d of %d", i + 1, num_iters);
- ret = IMG_Deskew(ghConv, (HWND)docWinID, angle);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- if (i % mod)
- {
- ret = IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* if (i % mod) */
- ret = IMG_GetDocWin(ghConv, &docWinID);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- } /* for (i=0; i < num_iters; i++) */
- if (!GetPrivateProfileInt("DeskewTest", "Keep Last", 0, ".\\dde_test.ini")) {
- IMG_CloseDocWin(ghConv, docWinID, FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ret = IMG_CloseAllDocWin(ghConv, FALSE);
- if (!ret) goto cleanup;
- */
- } else {/* if (max_angle >= angle) */
- gcvt((double)max_angle, 5, ptr4);
- _FMTMSG2("Deskew Angle of %s greater than maximum angle %s.", ptr3, ptr4);
- } /* if (max_angle >= angle) */
- } /* if (lstrlen(doc)) */
- cleanup:
- UT_DeleteFile(tmpdocname);
- if (ret)
- {
- _MSG("..........SUCCESSFUL");
- } else /* if (ret) */
- {
- _MSG("..........FAILED");
- } /* if (ret) */
- return (ret);
- } /* UT_TestDeskew() */
- /* TESTCASE.C */
- /* end of file */