Version 1.2 technology. If you are currently a developer
using MapObjects, please read the notes for current
MapObjects developers found in this document.
Data Publishing
ESRI welcomes you to distribute ArcExplorer with your own data. The license agreement requires that, while you might sell your data, ArcExplorer must be distributed at no cost. Furthermore, you must use the logo (included in the arcexplorer/logo directory) on your packaging. Read the license for the details about distributing ArcExplorer.
Internet access
ArcExplorer WWW access assumes that the user has a valid
Win32 Internet connection. ArcExplorer will make a
connection using the default parameters as defined in the
Windows Registry by the WWW provider software.
ArcExplorer currently has one AE Enabled site available
for access. The URL to use in your connection is:
A note for current MapObjects developers:
If you are currently using any version of ESRI's Mapobjects
in a development environment, you will need to either
re-install the MapObjects onto your system or re-register