home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 39142 The Page URL field cannot be empty.
- 39143 The Page URL field doesn't end with '%1'.
- 39144 The Page URL field requires at least one char before the extension.
- 39145 The Page URL field does not contain a valid page URL.
- 39146 Another instance of the wizard is already running.
- 39147 Error initializing OLE.
- 39148 You must select a type of question.
- 39149 [ Question %1 of %2 ]
- 39150 Variable name cannot be empty.
- 39151 Variable name must be unique.
- 39152 Variable base name cannot be empty.
- 39153 Variable base name must be unique.
- 39154 Options list cannot be empty.
- 39155 Options list contains duplicate lines.
- 39156 Labels list cannot be empty.
- 39157 Labels list contains duplicate lines.
- 39158 All questions and their settings will be lost.\n\nClear anyway?
- 39159 %1. %2
- 39160 File base name cannot be empty.
- 39161 .htm
- 39162 .txt
- 39163 .cgi
- 39164 full name: %1%2
- 39165 contact information
- 39166 Ask users for their name, affiliation, addresses and phone numbers.
- 39167 Please provide the following contact information:
- 39168 Contact
- 39169 account information
- 39170 Ask users for a username and password.
- 39171 Please provide your account information:
- 39172 product information
- 39173 Ask users for a product name, model, version, and serial number.
- 39174 Please provide the following product information:
- 39175 Account
- 39176 Product
- 39177 ordering information
- 39178 Ask users for a list of products to order, and billing and shipping information.
- 39179 Please provide the following ordering information:
- 39180 Ordering
- 39181 personal information
- 39182 Ask users for their name, age, and other physical characteristics.
- 39183 Please identify and describe yourself:
- 39184 one of several options
- 39185 Ask users to pick exactly one item from a list of mutually exclusive options.
- 39186 Choose one of the following options:
- 39187 any of several options
- 39188 Ask users to pick zero or more items from a list of independent options.
- 39189 Select any of the following options that apply:
- 39190 Option
- 39191 boolean
- 39192 Ask users to provide a yes/no or true/false response.
- 39193 Would you like ... ?
- 39194 date
- 39195 Ask users to provide a date.
- 39196 Enter the date of ... :
- 39197 time
- 39198 Ask users to provide a time.
- 39199 Enter the time of ... :
- 39200 range
- 39201 Ask users to rate their opinion of something based on a scale of 1 to 5.
- 39202 How would you rate your opinion of ... ?
- 39203 number
- 39204 Ask users to enter a numeric value, such as a quantity or price.
- 39205 How much or many ... ?
- 39206 $
- 39207 string
- 39208 Ask users to enter a short character string in a single-line text box.
- 39209 Enter your ... in the space provided below.
- 39210 paragraph
- 39211 Ask users to enter one or more paragraphs in a multi-line text box.
- 39212 What do you think of ... ?
- 39213 Personal
- 39214 newform.htm
- 39215 Untitled Form Page
- 39216 Error making OLE connection to FrontPage Explorer.
- 39217 Error making OLE connection to FrontPage Editor.
- 39218 Unable to create temporary file.
- 39219 The following file is missing from the wizard directory:\n%1.
- 39220 Unable to create form page file.
- 39221 Unable to generate unknown web file '%1'.
- 39222 Failed to generate web file '%1'.
- 39223 The wizard failed to upload the following file:\n%1.
- 39224 This is an explanation of the purpose of the form ...
- 39225 Contents
- 39226 Question-%1
- 39227 custom.cgi
- 39228 Submit Form
- 39229 Reset Form
- 39230 Copyright information goes here.
- 39231 Last revised:
- 39232 %16s
- 39233 FullName
- 39234 Name
- 39235 FirstName
- 39236 First name
- 39237 LastName
- 39238 Last name
- 39239 MiddleInitial
- 39240 Middle initial
- 39241 Title
- 39242 Title
- 39244 Organization
- 39245 Organization
- 39246 StreetAddress
- 39247 Street address
- 39248 Address2
- 39249 Address (cont.)
- 39250 City
- 39251 City
- 39252 State
- 39253 State/Province
- 39254 ZipCode
- 39255 Zip/Postal code
- 39256 Country
- 39257 Country
- 39258 WorkPhone
- 39259 Work Phone
- 39260 HomePhone
- 39261 Home Phone
- 39262 FAX
- 39263 FAX
- 39264 Email
- 39265 E-mail
- 39266 URL
- 39267 URL
- 39268 %16s
- 39269 Username
- 39270 User name
- 39271 Password
- 39272 Password
- 39273 PasswordConfirm
- 39274 Confirm password
- 39275 %16s
- 39276 ProductName
- 39277 Product name
- 39278 Product 1
- 39279 Product 2
- 39280 Product 3
- 39281 ...
- 39282 Product N
- 39283 Model
- 39284 Model
- 39285 VersionNumber
- 39286 Version number
- 39287 OperatingSystem
- 39288 Operating system
- 39289 ProductCode
- 39290 Product code
- 39291 SerialNumber
- 39292 Serial number
- 39293 %16s
- 39295 OrderQty
- 39296 OrderDesc
- 39297 QTY
- 39299 SHIPPING
- 39300 BILLING
- 39301 CardType
- 39302 Credit card
- 39303 VISA
- 39304 MasterCard
- 39305 American Express
- 39306 Diner's Club
- 39307 Discover
- 39308 CardHolderName
- 39309 Cardholder name
- 39310 CardNumber
- 39311 Card number
- 39312 CardExpiration
- 39313 Expiration date
- 39314 PONumber
- 39315 Purchase order #
- 39316 POAccount
- 39317 Account name
- 39318 %16s
- 39319 Age
- 39320 Age
- 39321 DateOfBirth
- 39322 Date of birth
- 39323 Sex
- 39324 Sex
- 39325 Male
- 39326 Female
- 39327 Height
- 39328 Height
- 39329 Weight
- 39330 Weight
- 39331 IDNumber
- 39332 ID number
- 39333 HairColor
- 39334 Hair color
- 39335 Blonde
- 39336 Brown
- 39337 Black
- 39338 Red
- 39339 Gray
- 39340 White
- 39341 EyeColor
- 39342 Eye color
- 39343 Blue
- 39344 Brown
- 39345 Black
- 39346 Green
- 39347 Gray
- 39348 Violet
- 39349 %16s
- 39350 Yes
- 39351 No
- 39352 True
- 39353 False
- 39354 -- mm/dd/yy
- 39355 -- dd/mm/yy
- 39356 -- hh:mm:ss am/pm
- 39357 -- hh:mm:ss
- 39358 1
- 39359 2
- 39360 3
- 39361 4
- 39362 5
- 39363 bad
- 39364 poor
- 39365 average
- 39366 fair
- 39367 good
- 39368 disagree strongly
- 39369 disagree
- 39370 neutral
- 39371 agree
- 39372 agree strongly
- 39373 formrslt
- 39374 form%1.htm
- 39375 Form Page %1
- 39376 A page with the given URL is being edited by the FrontPage Editor.\nPlease choose a different page URL.
- 39377 %B %d, %Y
- 57344 Form Page Wizard
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC