52 Program "Setup" dosud neskonil.\n\nPokud nynφ skonφte,\naplikace nebude nainstalovßna korektn.\n\nUkonit program "Setup" ?
53 More memory needed to complete Setup.\n\nTry shutting down some other active programs.
54 Could not open the file named: '%s'.
55 Could not create the file named: '%s'.
56 Could not read from the file named: '%s'.
57 Could not write to the file named: '%s'.
58 Could not remove the file named: '%s'.
59 Could not rename the file '%s' to '%s'.
60 Could not read disk drive '%s'.
61 Could not create directory '%s'.
62 Could not remove directory '%s'.
63 Could not change to the '%s' directory.
64 General INF file error in file '%s'.\n\nCheck for unmatched quotes, brackets or braces.
65 The INF file '%s' does not start with\na section label. Check to see\nif it is mis-formed.
66 There is a poorly formed\nSection Label in '%s'.
67 One of the lines is too long in '%s'.\n\nCheck for the absence of a newline\ncharacter at the end of the file.
68 INF file '%s' contains NULL characters.
69 There are too many sections in\nthe INF file '%s'.
70 There are too many keys\nin INF file '%s'.
71 '%s' is missing or has a mis-formed [Source Media Descriptions] section.
73 Unable to load library file '%s'.
78 The INF file contains an invalid file description line.
79 Could not find the referenced file description\nline in the INF file.\n\nCheck for missing lines.
80 The INF file contains a badly formed\nfile description line - too few fields (commas).
81 The INF file contains a badly formed line that starts with a quoted string at the left margin which is NOT followed by an equals sign. [Source Media Description] lines need to be indented with whitespace.
86 The command line arguments are badly formed.
91 The INF file is missing a Source Media Description for disk number '%s'.
92 Tried to create an invalid path using '%s' and '%s'
93 Could not write line to INI file\n File: '%s'\n Section: '%s'\n Key: '%s'
94 Could not replace line in INI file\n File: '%s'\n Section: '%s'\n Key: '%s'
95 The generated value is too large to write to the INI file.
96 Unable to start DDE communication with Program Manager.
97 Unable to execute DDE command '%s' in Program Manager.
98 File '%s' is not a Windows Executable file.\nCheck if it is corrupted.
99 Could not write new resource in '%s'.\nOld resource was shorter.
100 Could not find INI section '%s' in file '%s'.
101 A General error occured while trying to decompress the file '%s'.
102 '%s' has been compressed with an\nunknown algorithm. Could not decompress.
103 The compressed file '%s' is corrupted.
104 Could not read file '%s'.
105 Could not write file '%s'.
107 Could not find the referenced resource in '%s'.
110 The INF file is missing or has an empty [Default File Settings] section.
111 \nThis file is currently being used by another application. Please shutdown your other applications.
112 Bad first Character on an INF line.
113 An INF line is too long.
114 Bad Disk ID value in INF File Description line.
115 Bad Source File value in INF File Description line.
116 Bad Append value in INF File Description line.
117 Bad Backup value in INF File Description line.
118 Bad Copy value in INF File Description line.
119 Bad Date value in INF File Description line.
120 Bad Decompress value in INF File Description line.
121 Bad Language value in INF File Description line.
122 Bad symbol value in Destination field in INF File Description Line.
123 Bad Overwrite value in INF File Description line.
124 Bad ReadOnly value in INF File Description line.
125 Bad Remove value in INF File Description line.
126 Bad Rename value in INF File Description line.
127 Bad symbol value in Rename field in INF File Description Line.
128 Bad Root value in INF File Description line.
129 Bad SetTimeStamp value in INF File Description line.
130 Bad Shared value in INF File Description line.
131 Bad File Size value in INF File Description line.
132 Bad System value in INF File Description line.
133 Bad Copy Time value in INF File Description line.
134 Bad value in reserved field of INF File Description line.
135 Bad Version value in INF File Description line.
136 Bad Vital value in INF File Description line.
137 Setup needs to restart Windows in order to replace system files.\n\nYou must close your MS-DOS session(s) and/or other Windows applications. Please do this now and then press 'Retry'. Press 'Cancel' to exit Setup without completing the installation.
138 An INF File Description line contains two of Append, Rename and Root values.
139 Could not find file '%s' to execute during Windows shutdown to replace system files.
140 A Default File Settings line has a bad or missing key (must be quoted at left margin).
141 A Default File Settings line has a bad or missing value (must be quoted).
142 Source Media Description lines must be indented from the left margin with spaces or tabs.
143 Source Media Description line fields must be quoted.
144 A Source Media Description line ended early.
145 Source Media Description line fields must be separated with a comma immediately after the previous fields ending quote.
146 Bad Disk ID value in a Source Media Description line.
152 Script must call SetRestartDir before calling CopyFilesInCopyList.
153 Nelze psßt do souboru Windows Restart.
154 Nelze nalΘzt a φst INF soubor: %s
155 Musφte otevYφt INF soubor dYφve ve skriptu.
156 Byla pou~ita nedefinovanß disketa ID '%s'.\nProgram "Setup" byl zYejm poakozen.
157 Script must call OpenLogFile before calling WriteToLogFile.
158 Bad path string for opening Log file: %s
159 Cannot reopen the Log file: %s
160 INF file '%s' ends early with Ctrl-Z character.
161 Bad File Path supplied to AddSpecialFileToCopyList routine: '%s'
162 Script has been corrupted. NULL window handle arg passed to UIStartDlg.
163 Skript nebo DLL byla poakozena. Nelze zavΘst DLL: '%s'.
164 Skript nebo DLL byla poakozena. Nelze zavΘst funkci: '%s : %s'. (Nemohla b²t exportovßna.)
165 Skript nebo DLL byla poakozena. Nelze zavΘst vzor dialogu: '%s : %u'.
166 DLL byla poakozena. VytvoYen² dialog nenφ CHILD nebo frame: '%s : %u'. (Vzor vy~aduje styl WS_CHILD.)
167 Skript nebo DLL byla poakozena. CreateDialog() zhavaroval: '%s : %u'.
168 While registering OLE servers, Setup had a problem with REG.DAT, SHELL.DLL or disk space.
169 V INF souboru chybφ Yßdek v sekci [%s] s klφov²m slovem '%s'.
170 V INF souboru je mßlo polo~ek. Sekce: '%s', klφovΘ slovo: '%s'.
171 Nelze vytvoYit ve Sprßvci Programo skupinu: '%s'.
172 Nelze zruait ve Sprßvci Programo skupinu: '%s'.
173 Nelze zobrazit ve Sprßvci Programo skupinu: '%s'.
174 Nelze vytvoYit polo~ku ve Sprßvci Programo u skupiny: '%s', polo~ka: '%s'.
175 Program "Setup" byl modifikovßn nebo poakozen.
176 An INF File Description line contains both Append and Backup values.
177 An INF File Description line contains both Copy and Remove values.
179 [Default File Settings] section of INF file contains badly formed value. option: '%s', value: '%s'.
181 INF file is missing section: '%s'.
182 Could not open the file named: '%s'. It is in use by another application.
183 Could not remove the file named: '%s'. It is in use by another application.
184 Could not rename the file '%s' to '%s'. It is in use by another application.
185 Cannot change properties of the file named: '%s'. It is in use by another application.
186 Cannot change properties of the file named: '%s'.
187 Operace File Copy zhavarovala - chybn² poet bajto byl zapsßn na disk - zdrojov² nebo cφlov² disk mohl b²t poakozen - pou~ijte ChkDsk. Zdroj: '%s' Cφl: '%s'.
189 \nZkontrolujte prosφm, jestli je na cφlovΘm disku dostatek volnΘho mφsta.
190 Nedostatek pamti
512 [000] Setup Log File Opened %s %s
513 [999] Setup Log File Closed %s %s
514 [01] Creating Directory: '%s'
515 [02] Creating Directory Piece: '%s'
516 [03] Removing Directory: '%s'
517 ;; CopyFilesInCopyList
518 [21] Using Decomp to copy file: '%s', to: '%s'
519 [22] Using Windows VER.DLL to copy file: '%s', to: '%s'
520 [23] Using Straight copy of file: '%s', to: '%s'
521 [24] Overwriting file: '%s'
522 [25] Removing file: '%s'
523 [26] Backing up file: '%s', to: '%s'
524 [27] Renaming file: '%s', to: '%s'
525 [28] Dumping CopyList to file: '%s'
526 [51] Creating Ini Section - file: '%s', section: '%s'
528 [53] Removing Ini Section - file: '%s', section: '%s'