Property TVCFormulaOne.Type renamed to Type_: Identifier is a reserved word }
uses Ole2, OleCtl, Classes, Graphics, OleCtrls;
{ F1ColWidthUnitsConstants }
F1ColWidthUnitsCharacters = 0;
F1ColWidthUnitsTwips = 1;
{ F1MousePointerConstants }
F1Default = 0;
F1Arrow = 1;
F1Cross = 2;
F1IBeam = 3;
F1Icon = 4;
F1Size = 5;
F1SizeNESW = 6;
F1SizeNS = 7;
F1SizeNWSE = 8;
F1SizeWE = 9;
F1UpArrow = 10;
F1Hourglass = 11;
F1NoDrop = 12;
F1Custom = 13;
{ F1ShowOffOnAutoConstants }
F1Off = 0;
F1On = 1;
F1Auto = 2;
{ F1ShowTabsConstants }
F1TabsOff = 0;
F1TabsBottom = 1;
F1TabsTop = 2;
{ F1ModeConstants }
F1ModeNormal = 0;
F1ModeLine = 1;
F1ModeRectangle = 2;
F1ModeOval = 3;
F1ModeArc = 4;
F1ModeChart = 5;
F1ModeField = 6;
F1ModeButton = 7;
F1ModePolygon = 8;
F1ModeCheckBox = 9;
F1ModeDropDown = 10;
{ F1PolyEditModeConstants }
F1PolyEditModeNormal = 0;
F1PolyEditModePoints = 1;
{ F1ShiftTypeConstants }
F1ShiftHorizontal = 1;
F1ShiftVertical = 2;
F1ShiftRows = 3;
F1ShiftCols = 4;
{ F1HAlignConstants }
F1HAlignGeneral = 1;
F1HAlignLeft = 2;
F1HAlignCenter = 3;
F1HAlignRight = 4;
F1HAlignFill = 5;
F1HAlignJustify = 6;
F1HAlignCenterAcrossCells = 7;
{ F1VAlignConstants }
F1VAlignTop = 1;
F1VAlignCenter = 2;
F1VAlignBottom = 3;
{ F1ClearTypeConstants }
F1ClearDlg = 0;
F1ClearAll = 1;
F1ClearFormats = 2;
F1ClearValues = 3;
{ F1FileTypeConstants }
F1FileFormulaOne = 1;
F1FileExcel4 = 2;
F1FileTabbedText = 3;
F1FileExcel5 = 4;
F1FileFormulaOne3 = 5;
F1FileTabbedTextValuesOnly = 6;
{ F1ObjTypeConstants }
F1ObjLine = 1;
F1ObjRectangle = 2;
F1ObjOval = 3;
F1ObjArc = 4;
F1ObjChart = 5;
F1ObjButton = 7;
F1ObjPolygon = 8;
F1ObjCheckBox = 9;
F1ObjDropDown = 10;
F1ObjPicture = 11;
{ F1ErrorConstants }
F1ErrorNone = 0;
F1ErrorGeneral = 20001;
F1ErrorBadArgument = 20002;
F1ErrorNoMemory = 20003;
F1ErrorBadFormula = 20004;
F1ErrorBufTooShort = 20005;
F1ErrorNotFound = 20006;
F1ErrorBadRC = 20007;
F1ErrorBadHSS = 20008;
F1ErrorTooManyHSS = 20009;
F1ErrorNoTable = 20010;
F1ErrorUnableToOpenFile = 20011;
F1ErrorInvalidFile = 20012;
F1ErrorInsertShiftOffTable = 20013;
F1ErrorOnlyOneRange = 20014;
F1ErrorNothingToPaste = 20015;
F1ErrorBadNumberFormat = 20016;
F1ErrorTooManyFonts = 20017;
F1ErrorTooManySelectedRanges = 20018;
F1ErrorUnableToWriteFile = 20019;
F1ErrorNoTransaction = 20020;
F1ErrorNothingToPrint = 20021;
F1ErrorPrintMarginsDontFit = 20022;
F1ErrorCancel = 20023;
F1ErrorUnableToInitializePrinter = 20024;
F1ErrorStringTooLong = 20025;
F1ErrorFormulaTooLong = 20026;
F1ErrorUnableToOpenClipboard = 20027;
F1ErrorPasteWouldOverflowSheet = 20028;
F1ErrorLockedCellsCannotBeModified = 20029;
F1ErrorLockedDocCannotBeModified = 20030;
F1ErrorInvalidName = 20031;
F1ErrorCannotDeleteNameInUse = 20032;
F1ErrorUnableToFindName = 20033;
F1ErrorNoWindow = 20034;
F1ErrorSelection = 20035;
F1ErrorTooManyObjects = 20036;
F1ErrorInvalidObjectType = 20037;
F1ErrorObjectNotFound = 20038;
F1ErrorInvalidRequest = 20039;
F1ErrorBadValidationRule = 20040;
F1ErrorBadInputMask = 20041;
F1ErrorValidationFailed = 20042;
F1ErrorNoODBCConnection = 20043;
F1ErrorUnableToLoadODBC = 20044;
F1ErrorUnsupportedFeature = 20045;
{ F1ControlCellConstants }
F1ControlNoCell = 0;
F1ControlCellValue = 1;
F1ControlCellText = 2;
TVCFormulaOneClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; nRow, nCol: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneDblClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; nRow, nCol: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneStartEdit = procedure(Sender: TObject; var EditString: string; var Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVCFormulaOneEndEdit = procedure(Sender: TObject; var EditString: string; var Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVCFormulaOneObjClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ObjName: string; ObjID: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneObjDblClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ObjName: string; ObjID: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneRClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; nRow, nCol: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneRDblClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; nRow, nCol: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneObjValueChanged = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ObjName: string; ObjID: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneObjGotFocus = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ObjName: string; ObjID: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneObjLostFocus = procedure(Sender: TObject; var ObjName: string; ObjID: Integer) of object;
TVCFormulaOneValidationFailed = procedure(Sender: TObject; var pEntry: string; nSheet, nRow, nCol: Integer; var pShowMessage: string; var pAction: Smallint) of object;