Chip 1997 April
Text File
343 lines
0 Ordinal type required
1 File type not allowed here
2 Undeclared identifier: '%s'
3 Identifier redeclared: '%s'
4 '%s' is not a type identifier
5 PACKED not allowed here
6 Constant or type identifier expected
7 Incompatible types
8 Incompatible types: %s
9 Incompatible types: '%s' and '%s'
10 Low bound exceeds high bound
11 Type of expression must be BOOLEAN
12 Type of expression must be INTEGER
13 Statement expected, but expression of type '%s' found
14 Operator not applicable to this operand type
15 Array type required
16 Pointer type required
17 Record, object or class type required
18 Object type required
19 Object or class type required
20 Class type required
21 Function needs result type
22 Invalid function result type
23 Procedure cannot have a result type
24 Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
25 Constant expression expected
26 Constant expression violates subrange bounds
27 Duplicate tag value
28 Sets may have at most 256 elements
29 %s expected but %s found
30 Duplicate case label
31 Label expected
32 For loop control variable must be simple local variable
33 For loop control variable must have ordinal type
34 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
35 Too many actual parameters
36 Not enough actual parameters
37 Variable required
38 Declaration of '%s' differs from previous declaration
39 Illegal character in input file: '%s' ($%X)
40 File not found: '%s'
41 Could not create output file '%s'
42 Seek error on '%s'
43 Read error on '%s'
44 Write error on '%s'
45 Close error on '%s'
46 Bad file format: '%s'
47 Out of memory
48 Circular unit reference to '%s'
49 Bad unit format: %s
50 Label declaration not allowed in interface part
51 Statements not allowed in interface part
52 Unit %s was compiled with a different version of %s
53 Unterminated string
54 Syntax error in real number
55 Procedure too long: exceeds 32K
56 Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement
57 Illegal type in Read/Readln statement
58 String literals may have at most 255 elements
59 Unexpected end of file in comment started on line %ld
60 Invalid compiler directive: '%s'
61 Bad global symbol definition: '%s' in object file '%s'
62 Invalid relocation information
63 Class or object types only allowed in type section
64 Local class or object types not allowed
65 Virtual constructors are not allowed
66 Could not compile used unit '%s'
67 Left side cannot be assigned to
68 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: '%s'
69 Missing operator or semicolon
70 Missing parameter type
71 Illegal reference to symbol '%s' in object file '%s'
72 Line too long (more than 255 characters)
73 Unknown directive: '%s'
74 This type cannot be initialized
75 Number of elements differs from declaration
76 Label already defined: '%s'
77 Label declared and referenced, but not set: '%s'
78 This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types
79 This form of method call only allowed for class methods
80 Variable '%s' might not have been initialized
81 Value assigned to '%s' never used
82 Return value of function '%s' might be undefined
83 Procedure FAIL only allowed in constructor
84 Procedure NEW needs constructor
85 Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor
86 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable '%s'
87 FOR-Loop variable '%s' may be undefined after loop
88 TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMT
89 Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration
90 Internal error: %s%d
91 Unit name mismatch: '%s'
92 No identifiers referenced from unit %s
93 Type '%s' is not yet completely defined
94 This Demo Version has been patched
95 Integer constant or variable name expected
96 Invalid typecast
97 User break - compilation aborted
98 Assignment to typed constant '%s'
99 Segment/Offset pairs not supported in Borland 32-bit Pascal
100 Program or unit recursively uses itself
101 Procedure runs out of local address space
102 Label '%s' is not declared in current procedure
103 Local procedure/function '%s' assigned to procedure variable
104 Missing ENDIF directive
105 Method identifier expected
106 FOR-Loop variable '%s' cannot be passed as var parameter
107 Typed constant '%s' passed as var parameter
108 BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop
109 Division by zero
110 Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation
111 Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB
112 Integer constant too large
113 16-Bit fixup encountered in object file '%s'
114 Inline assembler syntax error
115 Inline assembler stack overflow
116 Operand size mismatch
117 Memory reference expected
118 Constant expected
119 Type expected
120 Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols
121 Invalid register combination
122 Numeric overflow
123 String constant too long
124 Error in numeric constant
125 Invalid combination of opcode and operands
126 486/487 instructions not enabled
127 Division by zero
128 Structure field identifier expected
129 LOOP/JCXZ distance out of range
130 Procedure or function name expected
131 PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected
132 Instance variable '%s' inaccessible here
133 EXCEPT or FINALLY expected
134 Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause
135 'GOTO %s' leads into or out of TRY statement
136 %s clause expected, but %s found
137 Cannot assign to a read-only property
138 Cannot read a write-only property
139 Class already has a default property
140 Default property must be an array property
141 TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier
142 Type '%s' has no type info
143 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted
144 No definition for abstract method '%s' allowed
145 Method '%s' not found in base class
146 Invalid message parameter list
147 Illegal message method index
148 Duplicate message method index
149 Bad file format '%s'
150 Inaccessible value
151 Destination cannot be assigned to
152 Expression has no value
153 Destination is inaccessible
154 Expression is not a procedure
155 No source line for this procedure
156 Re-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler
157 Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type
158 Property '%s' does not exist in base class
159 Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here
160 Class does not have a default property
161 Bad argument type in variable type array constructor
162 Could not load RLINK32.DLL
163 Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLL
164 ';' not allowed before 'ELSE'
165 Type '%s' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record
166 Type '%s' needs finalization - not allowed in file type
167 Expression too complicated
168 Element 0 inaccessible - use 'Length' or 'SetLength'
169 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing '%s'
170 Type not allowed in OLE Automation call
171 %s
172 %s: %s
173 Too many conditional symbols
174 Method '%s' hides virtual method of base type '%s'
175 Variable '%s' is declared but never used in '%s'
176 Compile terminated by user
177 Unnamed arguments must precede named arguments in OLE Automation call
178 Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic
179 Case label outside of range of case expression
180 Field or method identifier expected
181 Constructing instance of '%s' containing abstract methods
182 Field definition not allowed after methods or properties
183 Cannot override a static method
184 Variable '%s' inaccessible here due to optimization
185 Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker
186 Missing or invalid conditional symbol in '$%s' directive
187 Incompatible format specification
188 Format specifier must be C, S, D, H, X, Fn, P, R or nM
189 Bad specification of M format
190 Fn requires 2 <= n <= 18
191 '%s' not previously declared as a PROPERTY
192 Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section
193 Illegal type in OLE automation section: '%s'
194 String constant truncated to fit STRING[%ld]
195 Constructors and destructors not allowed in OLE automation section
196 Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section
197 Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section
198 Dispid '%d' already used by '%s'
199 Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section
200 '%s' clause not allowed in OLE automation section
201 Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section
202 Type '%s' must be a class to have OLE automation
203 Type '%s' must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section
204 Redeclaration of '%s' hides a member in the base class
205 Overriding automated virtual method '%s' cannot specify a dispid
206 Published Real property '%s' must be Single, Double or Extended
207 Size of published set '%s' is >4 bytes
208 Published property '%s' cannot be of type %s
209 Thread local variables cannot be local to a function
210 Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE
211 EXPORTS allowed only at global scope
212 Constants cannot be used as open array arguments
213 Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument
214 Cannot initialize thread local variables
215 Cannot initialize local variables
216 Cannot initialize multiple variables
217 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter
218 HIGH cannot be applied to a long string
219 Unit '%s' implicitly imported into package
220 Packages '%s' and '%s' both contain unit '%s'
221 Package '%s' must be rebuilt; use /M or /B
222 Package '%s' must be explicitly rebuilt
223 File not found: '%s.dcu'
224 Unsupported language feature: '%s'
225 Getter or setter for property '%s' cannot be found (use $L+ on imported units)
226 Imagebase is too high - program exceeds 2 GB limit
4096 -A<unit>=<alias> = Set unit alias
4097 -B = Build all units
4098 -CC = Console target
4099 -CG = GUI target
4100 -D<syms> = Define conditionals
4101 -E<path> = EXE output directory
4102 -F<offset> = Find error
4103 -GD = Detailed map file
4104 -GP = Map file with publics
4105 -GS = Map file with segments
4106 -H = Output hint messages
4107 -I<paths> = Include directories
4108 -J = Generate .obj file
4109 -JP = Generate C++ .obj file
4110 -K<addr> = Set image base addr
4111 -L<package> = Use package
4112 -M = Make modified units
4113 -N<path> = DCU output directory
4114 -O<paths> = Object directories
4115 -P = look for 8.3 file names also
4116 -Q = Quiet compile
4117 -R<paths> = Resource directories
4118 -U<paths> = Unit directories
4119 -V = Debug information in EXE
4120 -W = Output warning messages
4121 -$<dir> = Compiler directive
4122 A+ Aligned record fields
4123 B- Full boolean Evaluation
4124 C+ Evaluate assertions at runtime
4125 D- Debug information
4126 H- Use long strings by default
4127 I- I/O checking
4128 J+ Writeable structured consts
4129 L- Local debug symbols
4130 M- Runtime type info
4131 O- Optimization
4132 P- Open string params
4133 Q- Integer overflow checking
4134 R- Range checking
4135 T- Typed @ operator
4136 U- Pentium(tm)-safe divide
4137 V- Strict var-strings
4138 W- Generate stack frames
4139 X- Extended syntax
4140 Y- Symbol reference info
4141 Z- Minimum size of enum types
4142 Delphi for Win32 Version 9.0 Copyright (c) 1983,97 Borland International\n
4143 \nSyntax: DCC32 [options] filename [options]\n\n
4144 Compiler switches: -$<letter><state> (defaults are shown below)
4145 Stack size: -$M<minStackSize[,maxStackSize]> (default 16384,1048576)\n
4146 %ld lines, %0.2f seconds, %ld bytes code, %ld bytes data.\n
4147 Delphi exception %s at %s
4148 Function to be called, %s, was eliminated by linker
4149 Symbol was eliminated by linker
4150 Inaccessible value
4151 Expression illegal in evaluator
4152 Access violation at %08X accessing %08X
4153 In page error at %08X
4154 Out of memory at %08X
4155 Illegal instruction at %08X
4156 Noncontinuable exception at %08X
4157 Invalid disposition at %08X
4158 Array bounds exceeded at %08X
4159 Denormal floating point value at %08X
4160 Floating point divide by zero at %08X
4161 Floating point inexact result at %08X
4162 Floating point invalid operation at %08X
4163 Floating point overflow at %08X
4164 Floating point stack check at %08X
4165 Floating point underflow at %08X
4166 Integer divide by zero at %08X
4167 Integer overflow at %08X
4168 Privileged instruction at %08X
4169 Stack overflow at %08X
4170 Control C exit at %08X
4171 Unknown exception %08lX at %08lX
4172 identifier
4173 number
4174 Identifier
4175 Number
4176 real constant
4177 string constant
4178 end of file
4179 Identifier or number
4180 ',' or ';'
4181 ',' or ':'
4182 ';'
4183 ';' or ')'
4184 ',' or ')'
4185 Type
4186 Declaration
4187 Expression
4188 Statement
4189 'TO'
4190 'END'
4191 ':'
4192 ',', ')' or ']'
4193 Hint
4194 Warning
4195 Error
4196 Fatal
4198 READ or WRITE
4199 Calling conventions differ
4200 Parameter lists differ
4201 Length
4202 Untyped
4203 (out of bound) %d
4204 Unknown type: %d
4205 Error(%d)
4206 Unassigned
4207 Unknown
4208 (no value)
4209 initialized set > 4 bytes in size
4210 virtual class method