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- ==============================================================
- Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated
- which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
- ****************************************************
- This Acrobat Reader is a pre release version, does not represent
- final product from Adobe, and may contain bugs,
- errors and other problems that could cause system failures.
- The Acrobat 3.0 Beta Reader is currently available for OS/2 Warp,
- Win 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, and Macintosh.
- ****************************************************
- (c) 1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- I. Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2
- Welcome to the first beta for the Acrobat Reader for OS/2 Warp.
- You must have OS/2 version 3.0 or higher to run this software.
- This reader is a 3.0 code level version. Therefore, it shares the
- following new features for Acrobat with the other 3.0 readers:
- -New views -- continuous scrolling and 2-up pages.
- -Anti-aliased text for crisper onscreen viewing.
- Features such as integrated viewing with NetScape may be avail-
- able in the near future, but are not in the current version.
- Please make sure you read the known problems at the end of this
- file; especially before reporting any bugs to Adobe via the Web.
- We on the Acrobat Reader team would like to thank everyone for
- using our web pages to report problems, and encourage everyone to
- continue doing so in the future. It's through this process that
- we are able to solve a wide variety of problems that we might
- otherwise be unexposed to. You can find out how to report prob-
- lems by reading the section below entitled "Reporting Problems"
- II. This file contains the following topics:
- -Installing the Acrobat Reader
- -Getting Help
- -Reporting Problems
- -Setting up for use with the IBM WebExplorer
- -Setting up for use with Netscape (Windows)
- -Known Problems
- III. Installing the Acrobat Reader.
- 1. OS/2 Installation:
- Note that the use of "<enter>" below refers to hitting your key-
- board's ENTER or RETURN key. Everything else within quotes should
- be typed exactly.
- Also Note: if you plan on re-installing Acrobat or installing
- Acrobat over a previous version, make sure you uninstall it first
- using the uninstall icon, then REBOOT THE MACHINE. If you don't
- reboot first, the uninstall will be left in an incomplete state,
- which will cause problems with the install.
- The OS/2 Acrobat Reader comes in the form of a self extracting
- archive (OS2RD3B1.EXE) which you will have downloaded using your
- web browser.
- To install Acrobat, it is no longer necessary to create a
- temporary directory, since Acrobat now cleans up after itself.
- All you nead to do is execute "OS2RD3B1.EXE". Depending on how you
- downloaded this file, it could be anywhere on your hard drive(s).
- One common location where IBM WebExplorer leaves downloaded files
- is C:\TCPIP\BIN. In this instance, you would type:
- This will start the installation program. When the first dialog
- box comes up, read the screen carefully, then click on the "Con-
- tinue" button. The next screen will come up and ask you if you
- wish to install this product. Click on the "OK" button.
- Next, the Adobe end user license agreement page comes up. Read
- the entire document and then click on "Accept" if you agree to
- the license, or "Do Not Accept" to abort installation.
- Once you accept the agreement, the "Install - directories"
- dialog box will come up. You must make sure that the "Installa-
- tion directory" has enough disk drive space to hold the program.
- The default directory is C:\ACROBAT3\ACROREAD. If you would like
- to change the location for Acrobat, do so now by editing the
- displayed text. Once you have chosen a directory, click on the
- Disk space button. If the "Bytes available" on the drive for the
- directory you chose exceeds the "Bytes needed" number, click on
- the OK button, otherwise, select another drive then click on the
- OK button. This will automatically change your installation
- directory to an equivalent directory on that drive letter.
- Once you have done this, you may click on the "Install" but-
- ton. When the progress bar completes, you should see a screen
- which says "The requested components of Acrobat Reader for OS/2
- are successfully installed." When you click on OK, the installer
- should exit. Your installation is complete.
- Once you have installed the reader on your machine, you may
- either delete the directory (folder) you created to hold the
- install program, or you may choose to leave the whole directory
- on a network drive where others can have access to it for
- installations. If you would like to distribute it on floppies,
- you will need to use the OS/2 BACKUP and RESTORE commands or some
- equivalent utility since the archive file is larger than what one
- floppy will hold (unless you are using 2.88 Mb floppies).
- You'll now have an "Adobe Acrobat" folder on your desktop.
- Double click on that folder, then double-click on the "Acrobat
- Reader" program to start Acrobat. If you had trouble installing,
- check the INST_L1.LOG file in the c:\os2\install directory.
- 2. Users of Acrobat Reader for Windows:
- Those folks who are currently using the Windows Acrobat Reader
- may find that when they double-click on an Acrobat file in the
- Workplace Shell, the Windows Acrobat program launches instead of
- the OS/2 Acrobat Reader. This is because the Windows program
- object is still associated first with PDF (portable document
- format) files. To set up your system to use the OS/2 Acrobat
- reader by default, do the following:
- a] Locate the program object for your Windows Acrobat Reader
- or Exchange program. This may be "nested" in a folder on your
- desktop called "WIN-OS/2 Groups". In this folder, look for a
- folder called "Adobe Acrobat" or "Adobe Acrobat 2.0". Inside one
- of these folders, look for a program called "Reader" or "Ex-
- change". If present, right click on the program icon using the
- right mouse button (left mouse button if you set the mouse to be
- left-handed), then click on settings. Click on the notebook page
- that says "Association". If you see a reference to "*.PDF" in the
- list box entitled "Current Names", click on that reference, then
- click on the "Remove" button next to the list box. This will
- remove the *.PDF association to your Windows Acrobat viewer.
- b] If you _didn't_ find the association in a program object
- in one of these folders, yet the Windows viewer still launches
- when you double-click on PDF files, try searching your computer
- for the actual executable (.EXE) file for the Windows viewer.
- This will either be called "ACROREAD.EXE", "ACROEXCH.EXE",
- "ACROEX16.EXE", or "ACRORD16.EXE". You can search for this by
- right clicking on your OS/2 Desktop, then selecting "Find" from
- the popup menu. Type "ACRO*.EXE" in the "Name" field, then make
- sure the "Start Folder" has "<All Local Drives>" selected. Also
- make sure that "Search All Subfolders" has a checkbox next to it.
- Now click on the Find button. When this operation has completed,
- you'll see a list of files that match this name. (NOTE: One of
- the files named "ACROREAD.EXE is your OS/2 viewer.) Check the
- Associations page for each file to make sure that "*.PDF" is not
- listed in the "Current Names" listbox for that file.
- If you have done this properly, your Windows viewer should not
- appear the next time you double click on an Acrobat document. To
- insure this is the case, right click on a "PDF" file, then click
- on the arrow next to the "Open" item. The only menu item you
- should see is "Acrobat Reader".
- Note: If you want to have a choice on the open menu for PDF files
- to allow you to open _either_ the OS/2 program or the Windows
- program, you may re-add the association to "*.PDF" to the Windows
- program icon (not the executable file) at this time. The OS/2
- Viewer will still be the default association.
- 3. Uninstalling Acrobat
- To Uninstall Acrobat, double click on the Acrobat Reader Unin-
- stall icon in the Adobe Acrobat folder. Next, click continue,
- then click on the delete button.
- Note: After uninstalling, YOU WILL NEED TO REBOOT THE COMPUTER
- BEFORE INSTALLING again. This is because the reboot procedure
- deletes the install program on bootup, and if you install again
- before this happens, you will lose the ability to uninstall using
- the install program.
- IV. Getting Help
- The Acrobat home page can be found at
- http://www.adobe.com/Acrobat on the internet. From here, you may
- download all the currently available versions of the Acrobat
- Reader. You can also find out how to configure Acrobat with the
- various HTML Viewers, including WebExplorer. Look to these Web
- pages for up-to-date information on Acrobat 3.0 and the OS/2
- Acrobat Reader.
- V. Reporting Problems
- Please do not send E-mail directly to Adobe concerning problems
- with the Acrobat Reader for OS/2. The proper way to report prob-
- lems regarding Acrobat are through the online bug form on our web
- site. The URL for this site can be found at:
- http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/3beta/bugform.html.
- BEFORE you report problems, PLEASE make sure that the problem
- you are experiencing is not already a known problem. You can do
- this by first checking the list below, and also by checking out
- our list of known problems on the web, available from the Acrobat
- home page, or by linking directly to
- http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/3beta/knownbug.html.
- The bug report page has a form with many entry fields on it.
- Make sure to complete this form as completely as possible; ESPE-
- CIALLY the field for "Operating System". That is the only way we
- will be sure to get the right problems to the right people!
- We are also open to feature requests and feedback. General
- product feedback and feature requests can be sent to us using the
- form at http://www.adobe.com/Acrobat/feedback.html. If you have
- requests for features specific to the OS/2 and/or OS/2 integra-
- tion, make sure you mention that on the form.
- VI. Setting up WebExplorer
- These are the changes that need to be made to run Acrobat Reader
- as a helper application to the IBM WebExplorer:
- a] Set the WebExplorer ini file (EXPLORE.INI) mailcap and
- extmap variables to the full paths of your existing or new user
- extension-map and mime type files (i.e. EXPLORE.EXT and
- The EXPLORE.INI file can be found in your ETC directory. To
- figure out where your ETC directory is, edit your OS/2 config.sys
- file and search for ETC:
- E c:\config.sys (if the OS2 directory is on a different drive
- letter, use the appropriate letter).
- You should see a line like this:
- Change to this directory to edit your EXPLORE.INI. You should
- see something like this:
- [advanced]
- ; advanced user settings - edit with care!
- ;
- ; mailcap= specifies full path to user mailcap file
- ; format is: mime/type; program_name params %s
- ; example: image/jpeg; jview -r %s
- ; no wildcards allowed, no piping, no unix commands
- ;mailcap=
- ; extmap= specifies full path to user extension map file
- ; format is: mime/type extension_list
- ; example: image/jpeg jpg jpeg jpe
- ;extmap=
- Edit this to look something like the following:
- [advanced]
- ; advanced user settings - edit with care!
- ;
- ; mailcap= specifies full path to user mailcap file
- ; format is: mime/type; program_name params %s
- ; example: image/jpeg; jview -r %s
- ; no wildcards allowed, no piping, no unix commands
- mailcap=c:\mptn\etc\EXPLORE.CAP
- ; extmap= specifies full path to user extension map file
- ; format is: mime/type extension_list
- ; example: image/jpeg jpg jpeg jpe
- extmap=c:\mptn\etc\EXPLORE.EXT
- If you already had existing files listed , do not change
- EXPLORE.INI, but for the next two steps, simply add the informa-
- tion to your existing files.
- (Note: Do not edit the [viewers] section of EXPLORE.INI)
- b] Modify or create your user "MIME/application map" or
- mailcap file (ie. EXPLORE.CAP). Create it in your ETC directory
- if one doesn't already exist. If it does exist, then place the
- following line into it:
- application/pdf; C:\ACROREAD\ACROREAD.EXE %s
- Modify or create your user "extension map" or extmap file (i.e.
- EXPLORE.EXT). Create it in the ETC directory if one doesn't
- already exist. If it does exist, then place the following line
- into it:
- application/pdf pdf app
- Note: the "app" is a bug fix for a problem in the WebExplorer.
- c] That's it. When you start your WebExplorer, any links to
- PDF files should activate Acrobat now.
- VII. Setting Up Netscape
- Some folks may not realize this, but Netscape for Windows has no problems
- starting up OS/2 applications. Unfortunately, the OS/2 reader won't draw
- itself into Netscape's window the way the 16 bit Windows version does.
- You may set up Acrobat in the helper page of the General Preferences. Add
- a file extension for PDF (if you don't already have it). Click on Launch
- the Application. Click the browse button to locate the Acrobat Reader for
- OS/2 on the computer. That's it. Don't forget to do a save from the
- options menu.
- Note: If you had previously been using an 16 bit Amber reader for windows
- with the Netscape plugin installed, everytime you reboot netscape you
- will lose this association, since the plug-in resets the PDF association
- to the Windows viewer. If you want to save the association to the OS/2
- viewer, rename the plugin in the NETSCAPE\PLUGINS directory from
- NPPDF16.DLL to NPPDF16.SAV. This will keep the Acrobat plug-in from
- loading.
- VIII. Known Problems
- There are a number of features and bug fixes yet to be incorpo-
- rated into the Acrobat Reader for OS/2. An up-to-date list can
- always be found at:
- http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/3beta/knownbug.html
- Below are some of the problems known for this Web release:
- -You can't execute the installer from a path that has spaces in
- it. This is a problem with the IBM installer.
- -About box splash screen is dismissed by clicking right in the
- middle of the image, or by hitting escape.
- -Printing to HPLaserjet 4Plus and some other HP printers may
- cause some images to print upside down., especially with Laserjet
- driver version 30.456. We suggest you use an earlier or later
- version of the laserjet driver. If you experience similar prob-
- lems with other printers or drivers, please let us know through
- the web page mentioned above.
- -You may get the following message when opening files on CD-ROMS
- or drives with no disk space left on them: Unable to extract the
- embedded font 'font name'. Some characters may not display or
- print correctly.
- You can fix this by setting the working directory for acrobat
- to any drive with lots of disk space.
- -Printing complex PDF to non-postscript printers may require lots
- of swapper space. If you plan on doing this, make sure you have
- 150Mb or more free. You can find out which drive is your swapper
- drive by checking the "SWAPPATH" setting in config.sys.
- -When printing to HP Laserjet printers, the default options
- should be changed for better performance. The option "HPGL/2"
- should be turned off, and the option "Use large buffers" should
- be turned on. This is the opposite of the defaults.
- -Printing to a Unix printer (using lprportd) produces no output.
- -Online help is not available for internet download version.
- -Ctrl-Ins doesn't copy selection to clipboard right now; use
- <ctrl-C> instead.
- -Some of the newer shortcut keys are not implemented yet.
- -When multiple links to PDF files are opened simultaneously from
- the WebExplorer, some PDF files may be left over in the TMP
- directory after WebExplorer completes. This problem is likely to
- remain in the final version, so it is a good idea to clean out
- your "TMP" directory (as defined in config.sys) from time to
- time.
- -Custom color isn't working yet for full screen viewing.
- -Switching views may cause random black box to appear over a word
- on the page.
- -There are problems using 16 bit (65536) color video modes with
- certain video card/driver combinations. Try switching to 8 bit or
- 24 bit if you experience these problems.
- -Folks with certain video cards are experiencing trouble:
- Elsa Winner1000 cards using 1.03 drivers should be upgraded
- to 1.04 drivers (available on compuserve and elsewhere)
- Older Matrox drivers should be updated to the latest version.