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Appendix C to ZyXEL Elite 2864I User's Manual
Quick Reference Guide
For Firmware Version 2.05 and Up
Command Function & Description Ref.
A/ Re-execute the last command once.
A> Re-execute the last command once or repeat the
last call up to 9 times. (See also S8)
<any key> Terminate current connection attempt when enter
in handshaking state.
+++ Escape sequence code, entered in data state, wait
for modem to return to command state.
ATA Go on-line in answer mode. (See also S39b2, S43b6)
ATBn Bn For internal modem: Handshake option S28b7
B0 * Select CCITT V.22 for 1200 bps communication
B1 Select Bell 212A standard for 1200 bps
ATBnn Select ISDN Teleservice S82,S102
'B' must be followed by two digits.
B0n X.75 :
B00 X.75 Transparent
B01 X.75 T.70
B04 BTX (Datex-J)
B10 V.110 User rate follows DTE speed (async)
User rate determined by in-band negotiation (sync)
B11 V.110 sync 64K
B13 V.110 user rate = 2400 bps S117
B14 V.110 user rate = 4800 bps
B15 V.110 user rate = 9600 bps
B16 V.110 user rate = 14400 bps
B17 V.110 user rate = 19200 bps
B18 V.110 user rate = 38400 bps (async only)
B20 V.120
B40 PPP async to sync conversion
B41 SLIP to sync HDLC conversion
ATCBn n=0-1 Configuration of embedded protocol analyzer S84b1
CB0 Disable the capture of B channel protocols
CB1 Enable the capture of B channel protocols
ATCCn n=0-1 Configuration of embedded protocol analyzer S84b0
CC0 Disable the capture of DTE-DCE interface
CC1 Enable the capture of DTE-DCE interface
ATCDn n=0-1 Configuration of embedded protocol analyzer S84b2
CD0 Disable the capture of D channel protocols
CD1 Enable the capture of D channel protocols
ATCEn n=0-1 Call bumping control for PPP/MP and CCB S85b0
CE0 Disable the call bumping function
CE1 * Enable the call bumping function
ATCG Diagnostics & Hardwaretest
ATCH? Display the accumulated charging unit of the
last call.
ATCI<prefix> Prefix number string to be added to the
Calling-party-number before indicating to the
DTE when the type of number denotes
ATCK<DES_key> Set the key for DES (Data Encryption Standard)
ATCLn n=0-2048 Maximum size of user data in a packet (number
of bytes)
ATCL? Enquire current setting of ATCLn
ATCN<prefix> Prefix number string to be added to the
Calling-party-number before indicating to the
DTE when the type of number denotes national.
ATCPn n=0-1 Loopback 4 control S83b0
CP0 Disable Loopback 4
CP1 Enable Loopback 4
ATCRn n=0-3 *0 Resumes a previoully suspended call, n is the
call identifier(Europe)
ATCSn n=0-3 *0 Suspend a call, n is the call identifier(Europe)
ATCT Clear buffer and start the embedded protocol
analyzer. Capture data immediately and start
ATC$ Invoke the interpretation function of the
embedded protocol analyzer and display the
results on DTE
ATDs Dial s (number and options) that follows (see
also S38b0, S35b4). The options of s are listed
as follows :
, Pause for a time specified in S6. Remaining
digits will be dialed as in-band DTMF.
W Wait for second dial tone. Remaining digits
will be dialed as in-band DTMF.
<ISDN numbering options>
Y0 * Unknown type of number
Y1 International number
Y2 National number
Y3 Network specific number
Y4 Subscriber number
Y6 Abbreviated number
Z0 * Type of subaddress - NSAP with AFI=$50, IA5
Z2 Type of subaddress - user specified, IA5
N0 * Unknown numbering plan
N1 ISDN/Telephony numbering plan (CCITT E.164/
N3 Data numbering plan (CCITT X.121)
N8 National standard numbering plan
N9 Private numbering plan
/ Called party subaddress delimeters
A Don't care (no Called Party Number information
element in the output SETUP message/ coming
call with any Called Party Number will be
The format of s will be :
or [[Yn][Nn]called_party_Number][/[Zn]called_party_subaddress/]
or [A][/[Zn]called_party_subaddress/]
ATDBs Dial s (number and options) that follows
for the a/b adapter
ATDIs Dial s (number and options) that follows
for ISDN data call
ATDL Repeat last ATD command
ATDMs Dial s (number and options) that follows
for the internal fax/modem
ATDNr=nnn... User enters Directory Number nnnn...(USA)
DN0 First DN number
DN1 Second DN Number, if any
ATDSn n=0-39 Dial number stored in NVRAM at location 'n'. S44b3
ATDSn+Sm For placing a bundle call with two separate phone
ATDnnnn+mmmm numbers
ATEn Command mode local echo of keyboard commands. S23b0
E0 Echo off
E1 * Echo on
ATHn On/off hook control
H0 * Hang up (on-hook) the modem or ISDN, same as 'ATH'
H3 Hang up the a/b adapter
ATIn Display inquired information
I0 Display product code, same as 'ATI'.
Results: 28641 (USA)
28642 (DSS1)
28643 (1TR6)
I1 Display product information and ROM checksum
Results: Elite 2864I <switch>: V x.xx
Internal fax/modem: V x.xx
where <switch>= USA, DSS1, or 1TR6
I2 Display link status report of internal fax/modem
I3 Display link status report of ISDN call
ATJAn n=0-255 *48 Add-threshold for PPP/MP Bandwidth-On-Demand S126
in Kbps unit,
ATJSn n=0-255 *32 Sub-threshold for PPP/MP Bandwidth-On-Demand S127
in Kbps unit
ATKAxn n=0-63 *0 Add-persist time interval for PPP/MP, S85b1-7
BOD disabled if n=0
x= M(in Minute unit) or S(in Second unit)
ATKSxn n=0-63 *0 Sub-persist time interval for PPP/MP, S125b1-7
x= M(in Minute unit) or S(in Second unit)
ATLn n=0-7 *4 Speaker volume control.The higher the value S24b4-6
,the higher the volume.
ATMn Speaker control. S21b1-2
M0 Speaker always OFF.
M1 * Speaker ON until carrier is detected.
M2 Speaker always ON.
M3 Speaker ON after the last digit is dialed
out and OFF when carrier is detected.
ATNn n=0-7 *5 Ring volume control.'N0' will disable S24b0-2
the ring function.
ATO Return to on-line state
ATO1 Force modem to request a retrain.
ATPn n=0-6 D-channel protocol selection(USA) S86
for American Version
P0 * Northern Telecom proprietary ISDN
P1 National ISDN 1(1 SPID)
P2 National ISDN 1(2 SPID)
P3 reserved
P4 AT&T proprietary point-to-point
P5 AT&T proprietary point-to-multipoint(1 SPID)
P6 AT&T proprietary point-to-multipoint(2 SPID)
ATQn Result code displayed S23b7
Q0 * Modem returns result code.
Q1 Modem does not return result code.
Q2 Modem returns result code but quiet after S40b1
answering on a RING. (will not show in AT&Vn)
ATSr.b=n Set bit 'b' of S-register 'r' to value 'n'.
'n' is a binary digit '0' or '1'.
ATSr.b? Display value of bit 'b' of S-register 'r'.
ATSr=n Set S-register 'r' to value 'n'. 'n' must be a
decimal number between 0 and 255.
ATSr? Display value stored in S-register 'r'.
ATSPIDr=nnn... User enters Service Profile ID nnnn...(USA)
SPID0 First SPID number
SPID1 Second SPID Number, if any
ATSPID? Display the SPID setting(s)
ATT Repeat last user-to-user information(Europe)
ATTn<string> The <string> will be sent to the called party
via an User-to-user information element in the
next message. Characters other than the alpha-
numerical values can be represented by <nnn>
in the string, where nnn is the unsigned value
of the character. The maximum number of
characters in the string is 31 for ETSI.
T0 User-specific protocol
T1 OSI high layer protocol
T2 X.244
T3 Reserved for system management convergence
T4 * IA5 characters
T7 ITU-TS Recommendation V.120 rate adaption
T8 Q.931 user-network call control message
ATUPX Upload firmware to the Flash EPROM
ATVn Verbal/Numeric result codes. S23b6
V0 Display result code in numeric form. (See also
S35b7 and the result code table of 'ATXn')
V1 * Display result code in verbose form.
ATXn n=0-7 *5 Result code options, see the Options Table S23b3-5
ATZn n=0-4 Reset modem and set power-on profile. S15b5-7
Zn Reset modem and load user profile n (0-3).
Z4 Reset modem and load factory settings.
AT$ Basic command summary help
Command Function & Description Ref.
&Bn Data rate, terminal-to-modem. (DTE/DCE) S28b6
&B0 DTE rate follows connection rate.
(See also S44b6)
&B1 * DTE/DCE rate fixed at DTE setting (See also S18,
S20, and S44b6)
&Cn Carrier Detect (CD) options S21b4
&C0 CD always ON (See also S42b7)
&C1 * CD tracks presence of carrier.
(See also S38b3, S42b7)
&Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) options. S21b6-7
&D0 Ignore DTR signal, assume DTR is always ON.
&D1 108.1, DTR OFF-ON transition causes dial of the
default number. (See also 'AT*Dn' and S48b4)
&D2 * 108.2, Data Terminal Ready, DTR OFF causes the
modem to hang up.
&D3 Same as &D2 but DTR OFF causes the modem to
hang up and reset from profile 0.
&En B channel line speed for ISDN data call
&E0 * 64Kbps
&E1 56Kbps (Default for American ISDN)
&F Load factory settings to RAM as active
&Gn Guard tone options (for internal fax/modem) S28b4-5
&G0 * No guard tone (within USA, Canada).
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone.
&Hn Data flow control, DTE/DCE. S27b3-5
&H0 Flow control disabled.
&H3 * Hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control.
&H4 Software (XON/XOFF) flow control.
&Jn Bundle selection (See also S100) S87b5-6
&J0 * Bundle connection is disabled
&J1 Bundle connection is enabled in answer
mode only
&J2 Bundle connection is enabled in call
mode only
&J3 Bundle connection is enabled in both
&Kn Modem error control and data compression. S27b0-2
&K0 No error control.(Same as AT&K)
&K1 MNP4 (See also S41b0).
&K2 MNP4+MNP5 (See also S38b5, S41b0).
&K3 V.42+MNP4.
&K4 * V.42+V.42bis, compatible with &K2 (See also S38b5).
&Knn ISDN data compression control
&K must be followed by two digits
V.42bis switch of the ISDN data call S83b2
&K00 Disable V.42bis (or disable reliable PPP)
&K44 Enable V.42bis
&Ln Modem and a/b adaptor address ambiguity S84b5
&L0 A/B adaptor first
&L1 Fax/Modem first
&Nn Modem link mode options (DCE/DCE). S19
(See also S43b7, S48b1)
&N0 * Multi-Auto, auto negotiate highest possible link
rate: V.34, ZyX 19200, ZyX16800, V.32bis, V.32,
V.22bis, V.22 and Bell 212A, G3 Fax
V.17/V.29/V.27ter and cellular modes. (See
also S38b4, S43b0, S43b1, S43b3 and S48b5)
&N1 V.33 14400/12000 (models with 4-wire leased
line only).
&N2 V.33 12000 (models with 4-wire leased line only).
&N3 V.32 9600T/9600/7200T/4800
&N4 V.32 9600/7200/4800
&N5 V.32 4800
&N6 V.29 9600 (models with 4-wire leased line only).
&N7 V.29 7200 (models with 4-wire leased line only).
&N8 V.29 4800 (models with 4-wire leased line only).
&N9 V.27bis 4800 (models with 4-wire leased line only).
&N10 V.27bis 2400 (models with 4-wire leased line only)
&N11 V.26bis 2400 (4-wire leased line or 2-wire
half-duplex).(See also S35b2, S39b5)
&N12 V.23 1200/75 (See also S48b3, S52b7).
&N13 V.23 600/75 (See also S52b7).
&N14 V.22bis 2400/1200
&N15 V.22 1200
&N16 V.21 300
&N17 V.32bis 14400/12000/9600/7200/4800
&N18 V.32bis 12000/9600/7200/4800
&N19 V.32bis 7200/4800
&N24 BELL 212A 1200
&N25 BELL 103 300
&N32 G3 Fax V.17/V.29/V.27ter
14400/12000/9600/7200/4800/2400 (See also S42b4).
&N34 ZyXEL 19200
&N35 ZyXEL 16800
&N36 ZyXEL 14400
&N37 ZyXEL 12000
&N38 ZyXEL 9600
&N39 ZyXEL 7200
&N42 CELL 14400
&N43 CELL 12000
&N44 CELL 9600
&N45 CELL 7200
&N46 CELL 4800T
&N62 V.34 28800
&N63 V.34 26400
&N64 V.34 24000
&N65 V.34 21600
&N66 V.34 19200
&N67 V.34 16800
&N68 V.34 14400
&N69 V.34 12000
&N70 V.34 9600
&N71 V.34 7200
&N72 V.34 4800
&N73 V.34 2400
&On Set default call type for conventional dialing S83b4-5
&O0 ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs default to make fax/modem
&O2 ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs default to make ISDN
data calls
&O3 ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs default to make calls
for the a/b adapter
&Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) function selection. S21b3
&S0 * DSR overridden, DSR always ON.
&S1 DSR according to CCITT (ITU-TSS).
(See also S41b5, S44b4)
&Tn Modem testing.
&T0 Terminate test in progress.
&T1 Initiate Analog LoopBack (ALB) test.
&T8 Initiate Analog LoopBack with self test (ALB+ST)
&T9 Initiate ISDN loopback test
&T10 Initiate ISDN loopback with self test
&Vn View profile settings.
&V0 View current active settings.
&Vn View the (n-1)th user profile settings (n=1-4)
&V5 View factory default settings.
&V6 View a/b adapter's setting
&V8 System Resources Status
&Wn n=0-3 Write current settings to user profile n in
NVRAM. (See also S35b6)
&Yn Break handling. (Destructive Break clears S28b2-3
the buffer. Expedited Break is sent
immediately to the remote system.)
For internal modem only
&Y0 Destructive, expedited.
&Y1 * Nondestructive, expedited.
&Y2 Nondestructive, unexpedited.
&Zn=s n=0-39 Write phone number s to NVRAM at location n
(n=0-39) use AT*Dn or ATS29=n to set the
default dial pointer.
&ZIn=s n=0-7 Assign the phone number (including
subaddress, if any) for various B-channel
protocols. In answer mode, these numbers
will be compared with the received called
party number and called party subaddress
information. The call will be accepted using
the specific protocol if the assigned number
of this protocol matches with the called
party number.
&ZI0=s Assign the phone number for X.75
&ZI1=s Assign the phone number for V.110
&ZI2=s Assign the phone number for V.120
&ZI3=s Assign the phone number for PPP async to
sync HDLC
&ZI4=s Assign the phone number for ISDN data
(Multi-Auto answering, auto detect the protocols)
&ZI5=s Assign the phone number for PPP async to
sync HDLC
&ZI6=s Assign the phone number for internal
&ZI7=s Assign the phone number for the a/b adapter
&ZI? Display the phone number (including subaddress
, if any) for various B-channel protocols
&ZOx=s Write own phone number (including
subaddress, if any). The number specified by
&ZOx will be used as the calling party number
while dialing
x = M(fax/modem), I(ISDN), or B(a/b adapter)
&ZO? Display the own phone numbers assigned via
the AT&ZOx=s command
&Z? Display all the phone numbers stored in NVRAM.
Command Function & Description Ref.
*Cn Character length, including start, stop S15b3-4
and parity bit.
*C0 * 10-bit character length.
*C1 11-bit character length.
*C2 9-bit character length.
*C3 8-bit character length.
*Dn n=0-39 Set default dial pointer at telephone S29
directory location n.
*D0 * (See also S35b4 and S38b0)
*En Internal modem error control negotiation. S21b0
*E0 * if error control negotiation fails, keep the
non-error control connection.
*E1 If error control negotiation fails,
disconnect the call (hang-up).
*Gn Security function selection. S36b5-7
*G0 * Disable security function.
*G3 Enable type 2 security, with password check.
*G4 Enable type 2 security, with password check
and call back.
*G5 Enable type 2 security, with password check
and call back, remote site enters the call
back number.
*GCn Call-back function selection. S119b0
*GC0 * Disable call-back function.
*GC1 Enable call-back function
*HCn n=0-4 Modify call back phone number(AT*HCn=xxx)
*HS Modify supervisory password (Default: 'ZyXEL').
*Hn n=0-39 Modify user password table at location n.
*Qn Action taken when line quality changes. S27b6-7
*Q0 No action to poor signal quality.
*Q1 Retrain action taken if signal quality is
poor. (See also S41b2)
*Q2 * Adaptive rate, automatic fall-back or forward.
*Q3 Disconnect if signal quality is poor.
*T Recall the last CND (Caller ID) information.
*V View password table
*VC View call-back table
Command Function & Description Ref.
+<command>=<value> Execute a command or set a parameter
+<command>=? Read permissible settings
+<command>? Read current setting
+FAA=n Auto answer mode parameter
n=0 DCE to answer as set by +FCLASS
n=1 DCE answers and auto-determines calling type
+FBADLIN=<value> Bad line threshold (number of consecutive bad lines for
a bad page parameter)
Determine if 'Copy Quality OK' on the T.30 flow chart.
<value>=0 to 255; a value of 0 implies that error
checking is disabled.
+FBADMUL=<value> Error threshold multiplier
Determine if 'Copy Quality OK' on the T.30 flow chart.
<value>=0 to 255; a value of 0 implies that error
checking is disabled.
+FBOR=n Phase C data bit order
n=0 Select direct bit order
n=1 Select reversed bit order in receiving mode for phase C
+FBUF? Buffer size; read only parameter
Allow DTE to determine the characteristics of the DCE's
buffer size.
+FCIG='string' Local fax station ID string, for polling Rx
+FCLASS=n Service class selection
n=0 Set to modem mode
n=1 Set to Class 1 mode
n=2 Set to Class 2 mode
n=2.0 Set to Class 2.0 mode
n=6 Set to ZFAX mode
n=8 Set to Voice mode
n=Z Set to ZyXEL fax parallel port print and/or DRAM store
mode. (See also class Z 'AT+F' commands)
+FCON DCE response, fax connection made
+FCQ=n Copy quality check capability parameter
n=0 No copy quality check capability
n=1 Only check 1D phase C data
n=2 Check both 1D and 2D phase C data
+FCR=n Capability to receive parameter
n=0 DCE will not receive message data or poll a remote
n=1 DCE receives message data or polls a remote device
+FCTCRTY=<value> ECM retry count; in Error Correcting Mode only
The sender will try to send a partial page 4 times.
<value>=0 to 255; units of 4 retries. If the Continue to
Correct (CTC) count is 0, it will not make any further
+FDCC=vr,br,wd,ln, DCE capability parameters. Refer to EIA PN-2388 or
df,ec,bf,st user's manual for detailed descriptions
+FDCS=vr,br,wd,ln, Current session parameter. Refer to EIA PN-2388 or
df,ec,bf,st user's manual for detailed descriptions
+FDIS=vr,br,wd,ln, Current session negotiation parameters. Refer to
df,ec,bf,st EIA PN- 2388 or user's manual for detail descriptions.
+FDR Receive phase C data command, initiates document
+FDT [=df,vr,wd,ln] Transmit phase C data command, releases the DCE to
proceed with negotiation
+FECM=n Error correction mode control
n=0 Error correcting mode is disabled
n=2 Error correcting mode is enabled, handled by the DCE
alone, including buffering of partial pages
+FET=n End of page or document command
n=0 More pages, same document
n=1 End of document, another document follows
n=2 No more pages or documents
n=4 Procedure interrupt, another page follows
n=5 Procedure interrupt, end of document, another document
n=6 Procedure interrupt, end of document
+FK Orderly fax abort command
+FLID='string' Local ID string parameter
+FLO=n Flow control options
n=0 No flow control
n=1 Set XON/XOFF software flow control
n=2 Set CTS/RTS hardware flow control
+FLPL=n Document for polling command
n=0 The DTE has no document for polling
n=1 Indicate document available for polling
+FMDL? Request DCE model
+FMFR? Request DCE manufacturer
+FMINSP=n Minimum phase C speed parameter
n=0 2400 bps
n=1 4800 bps
n=2 7200 bps
n=3 9600 bps
n=4 12000 bps
n=5 14400 bps
+FPHCTO=<value> DTE Phase C response timeout
Determine how long the DCE will wait for a command
after reaching the end of data when transmitting in
Phase C.
<value>=0 to 255; 100 ms units
+FPTS=n Page transfer status
n=1 Received page good
n=2 Page bad, retrain requested
n=3 Page good, retrain requested
n=4 Page bad, procedure interrupt requested
n=5 Page good, procedure interrupt requested
+FREL=n Phase C received EOL alignment
n=0 The EOL patterns are bit aligned as received.
n=1 The last received bits of EOL patterns are byte
aligned by the DCE, with necessary zero fill bits
inserted. Refer to EIA PN-2388 for details.
+FREV? Request DCE revision
+FSPL=n Enable polling command
n=0 Disable polling
n=1 Enable polling
Command Function & Description Ref.
+<command>=<value> Execute a command or set a parameter
+<command>=? Read permissible settings
+<command>? Read current setting
+FAA=n Auto answer mode parameter
n=0 DCE to answer as set by +FCLASS
n=1 DCE answers and auto-determines calling type
+FBO=n Phase C data bit order
n=0 Select direct bit order
n=1 Select reversed bit order in receiving mode for phase C
+FBS? Buffer size parameter, read only.
+FCC=vr,br,wd,ln DCE capability parameters. Refer to TIA-592 for details.
+FCLASS=n Service class selection
n=0 Set to modem mode
n=1 Set to Class 1 mode
n=2 Set to Class 2 mode
n=2.0 Set to Class 2.0 mode
n=6 Set to ZFAX mode
n=8 Set to Voice mode
n=Z Set to ZyXEL fax parallel port print and/or DRAM store
mode. (See also class Z 'AT+F' commands)
+FCO DCE response, fax connection made
+FCQ=<rq>,<tq> Copy quality check capability parameter
Refer to TIA-592 for details.
+FCR=n Capability to receive parameter
n=0 DCE will not receive message or poll a remote device
n=1 DCE receives message data or polls a remote device
+FCT=n DTE phase C time-out parameter. n=0-255, 1 sec. units.
+FDR Receive phase C data command, initiates document
+FDT Transmit phase C data command, releases the DCE to
proceed with negotiation
+FEA=n Phase C received EOL alignment parameter.
n=0 Determine that T.4 EOL patterns are bit aligned (as
n=1 Determine that the last received bits of T.4 EOL
patterns are byte aligned by the DCE, with necessary
zero fill bits inserted.
+FIE=n Procedure interrupt parameter.
n=0 Procedure interrupt requests from the remote station
are ignored, and not reported to the DTE.
n=1 Procedure interrupt requests from the remote station
are accepted, negotiated and reported using the +FVO
+FIP=n Initialize facsimile parameters.
n=0 (Or unspecified value) The parameters shall be set to
those specified in class 2.0.
+FIS=vr,br,wd,ln, Current session parameters. Refer to TIA-592 for
df,ec,bf,st details
+FKS Session termination command
+FLI='string' Local ID string parameter
+FLO=n Flow control options
n=0 No flow control
n=1 Set XON/XOFF software flow control
n=2 Set CTS/RTS hardware flow control
+FLP=n Document for polling command
n=0 The DTE has no document for polling
n=1 Indicate document available for polling
+FMI? Request DCE manufacturer identification.
+FMM? Request DCE model identification.
+FMR? Request DCE revision identification.
+FMS=n Minimum phase C speed parameter
n=0 2400 bps
n=1 4800 bps
n=2 7200 bps
n=3 9600 bps
n=4 12000 bps
n=5 14400 bps
+FNR=rpr,tpr,idr, Negotiation message reporting control parameters.
nsr Refer to TIA-592 for details.
+FNS='string' Non-standard byte string parameter.
'string': string of hexadecimal coded octets.
+FPI='string' Local fax station ID string, for polling Rx
+FPP=n Packet protocol control parameter.
n=0 Disable the DCE-DTE packet protocol.
n=1 Enable the DCE-DTE packet protocol. All the multi-
character messages from the DCE are sent to the DTE
using a simple packet protocol data link.
+FPR=n Serial port rate control parameter.
n=0 Automatic DTE rate detection by the DCE.
n>0 Serial rate is fixed at the value multiplied
by 2400 bps.
For example, n=8, DTE rate equal to 19,200 bps (8x2400)
+FPS=n Page transfer status
n=1 Received page good
n=2 Page bad, retrain requested
n=3 Page good, retrain requested
n=4 Page bad, procedure interrupt requested
n=5 Page good, procedure interrupt requested
+FRQ=pgl,cbl Receive quality thresholds parameters. Refer to TIA-592
for details.
+FRY=n ECM retry value parameter. n=0-255, units of 4 retries.
+FSP=n Enable polling command
n=0 Disable polling
n=1 Enable polling
Command Function & Description Ref.
+<command>=<value> Execute a command or set a parameter
+<command>=? Read permissible settings
+<command>? Read current setting
+FCLASS=n Service class selection
n=0 Set to modem mode
n=1 Set to Class 1 mode
n=2 Set to Class 2 mode
n=2.0 Set to Class 2.0 mode
n=6 Set to ZFAX mode
n=8 Set to Voice mode
n=Z Set to ZyXEL fax parallel port print and/or DRAM store
mode. (See also class Z 'AT+F' commands)
+FTS=n n=0-255. Stop transmission and pause, in 10 ms units.
+FRS=n n=0-255. Wait for silence, in 10 ms units.
+FTM=<MOD> Transmit data with <MOD> carrier.
+FRM=<MOD> Receive data with <MOD> carrier.
+FTH=<MOD> Transmit HDLC data with <MOD> carrier.
+FRH=<MOD> Receive HDLC data with <MOD> carrier.
The <MOD> parameter takes on the following values:
Value Modulation Speed Requirements
3* V.21 ch. 2 300 required for FTH & FRH
24 V.27ter 2400 required for FTM & FRM
48 V.27ter 4800 required for FTM & FRM
72 V.29 7200 required for FTM & FRM
73 V.17 7200 required for FTM & FRM
74 V.17 w/st 7200 required for FTM & FRM
96 V.29 9600 required for FTM & FRM
97 V.17 9600 required for FTM & FRM
98 V.17 w/st 9600 required for FTM & FRM
121 V.17 12000 required for FTM & FRM
122 V.17 w/st 12000 required for FTM & FRM
145 V.17 14400 required for FTM & FRM
146 V.17 w/st 14400 required for FTM & FRM
* +FTH and +FRH support value 3 (V.21 ch. 2 / 300 bps) only
w/st with V.17 short training.
Command Function & Description Ref.
#Bn 'CONNECT FAX' result code enable or disable
n=0 Disable, used in ZFAX mode, normal operation (*)
n=1 Enabled, for BBS fax receiving application, this
command also changes 'CONNECT 12000/ARQ' to
'CONNECT 9600/ARQ'. This will also send out
external mail string 'ZyXEL' when fax is connected,
DCE will not send fax connection parameters
until <DC2> is received from DTE
n=2 Enable Polling feature of Fax. Modem will send
polling signal to remote fax machine.
n=3 Display ring cadence
n=4 Disable Polling feature of Fax.
#Cn Set minimun scan line time capability at the receiver
n=0 20 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85)
n=1 5 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85)
n=2 10 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85)
n=3 20 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2T(3.85)
n=4 40 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85)
n=5 40 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2T(3.85)
n=6 10 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=1/2T(3.85)
n=7 0 ms at 3.85 line/mm, T(7.7)=T(3.85)
#En Display line conditions (if in On-Line state)
n=0 Display mode off
n=1 Display mode on
#F Set the Modem into ZyXEL fax mode, same as AT&N32
#H Display ISDN Country Code
#Ln Set maximum recording length
n=0 Set maximum recording length, A4 (297mm)
n=1 Set maximum recording length, B4 (364mm)
n=2 Set maximum recording length, unlimited.
#P<string> Set the local ID string, 25 characters max.
#Rn Set recording width
n=0 Set 1728 picture elements along a scan
line length of 215mm
n=1 Set 2048 picture elements along a scan
line length of 255mm
n=2 Set 2432 picture elements along a scan
line length of 303mm
#Tn Coding Scheme
n=0 Set to one dimensional coding scheme
n=1 Set to two dimensional coding scheme
#Vn Vertical resolution
n=0 Set to normal vertical resolution
n=1 Set to high vertical resolution
Result Code (with #B0) 'CONNECT FAX/SnnnnVnTnRnLnCnP<string>'
(with #B1) '/SnnnnVnTnRnLnCnP<string>'
Snnnn First four digits of Fax connection speed
Vn Vertical resolution; n =0-1
Tn Coding scheme; n =0-1
Rn Recording width; n =0-2
Ln Recording length; n =0-2
Cn Scan time; n =0-7
x Disconnect with confirmation (x=0) or without (x=1)
P<string> Remote Fax number
(*) Manufacture default (except when used to represent
AT* commands)
Command Function & Description Ref.
+FZF=n ZyXEL fax receive mode parallel port print/auto
data/DRAM store selection
n=0 * Fax to printer, hang up if data. (Default)
n=1 Fax to printer, data to serial port.
n=2 Fax to DRAM and printer, hang up if data.
n=3 Fax to DRAM , hang up if data.
n=4 Fax to DRAM and printer, data to serial port.
n=5 Fax to DRAM, data to serial port.
+FZL? Show FAX receiving log
+FZP Print fax pages stored in DRAM if not printed yet
+FZQ=n Printing Qualitiy Control:
n=0 Fair quality with skipped line.
n=1 Fine qualitiy with no skipped line
+FZT Command to test your printer speed.
The modem will adjust scan line time
to fit your printer speed, and this
speed parameter will be saved in
non-volatile memory.
You don't have to issue 'AT+FZT'
command again when you turn on the
modem next time.
+FZT=xxx Set Fax Speed in Direct Fax Printing Mode.
| | | Scanline Time |
|FZT Value | Fax Speed | Hi-Res Low-Res |
| 0- 15 | 14400 | 0ms | 0ms |
| 15- 31 | 14400 | 5ms | 10ms |
| 32- 47 | 14400 | 10ms | 20ms |
| 48- 63 | 14400 | 20ms | 40ms |
| 64- 95 | 14400 | 40ms | 40ms |
| 96-127 | 9600 | 40ms | 40ms |
| 128-195 | 4800 | 40ms | 40ms |
| 196-255 | 2400 | 40ms | 40ms |
+FZT=? View current setting of Fax Speed in Direct
Fax Printing Mode.
+FZX? Command to show the captured log on terminal. S76b0-2
This feature is not available for the FAX
direct printing mode.
Command Function & Description Ref.
<command>=<value> Execute a command or set a parameter
+<command>=? Read permissible settings
+<command>? Read current setting
+FCLASS=n Service class selection
n=0 Set to modem mode
n=1 Set to Class 1 mode
n=2 Set to Class 2 mode
n=2.0 Set to Class 2.0 mode
n=6 Set to ZFAX mode
n=8 Set to Voice mode
n=Z Set to ZyXEL fax parallel port print and/or DRAM store
mode. (See also class Z 'AT+F' commands)
+FLO=n Flow control options
n=0 No flow control
n=1* Set XON/XOFF software flow control
n=2 Set CTS/RTS hardware flow control
+VDD=<dds>,<ddi> Set the DTMF tone detection sensitivity threshold and
the required period of continuous presence.
<dds>=0-31 Set DTMF detection threshold. A lower value means the
*15 DCE will detect DTMF tone more sensitively. A value of
'0' diasbles DTMF detection.
<ddi>=0-255 Set the duration of DTMF tone detection, in units of
*8 5 ms. The modem reports DTMF event when it detects a
continuous tone of at least this time interval. A value
of '0' diasbles DTMF detection.
+VGR=n n=56-200 Set the gain of received voice samples. Higher value
*0 results in a larger gain (the normal value is 128). The
value of zero is for DCE automatic gain control.
+VGT=n n=56-200 Set the volume of playing voice. Higher value results
*128 in a louder voice
+VIP The DCE initializes all voice parameters to their
default settings
+VIT=n n=0-255 Set the inactivity time-out timer value, in units of
*70 0.1 second.
+VLS=n Voice I/O device selection
n=0 DCE is on-hook. Disconnect all I/O devices (local phone
connects to telco line).
n=1 Connects to local phone (PHONE jack). DCE is on-hook.
n=2 DCE (modem) connects to telco line (Dial-up line jack).
DCE is off-hook.
n=8 Connects to external mic. (local phone connects to
telco line). DCE is on-hook.
n=16 DCE connects to internal speaker (use modem's internal
speaker for voice playback, local phone connects to
telco line), DCE is on-hook.
+VNH=n Automatic hang-up options
n=0* DCE does not disable automatic hang-up
n=1 DCE disables automatic hang-up usually found in other
non-voice modes.
n=2 DCE disables automatic hang-up in other non-voice modes.
DCE only performs a 'logical' hang-up
(it will not really hang-up on an ATH command).
+VRA=n n=0-255 Set the length of time the DCE shall wait between
*70 ringbacks before the DCE assumes remote station has
gone off-hook, in units of 0.1 second
+VRN=n n=0-255 Set the length of time the DCE shall wait while looking
*60 for the first ringback before the DCE assumes remote
station has gone off-hook, in units of 0.1 second.
If the value of +VRN is larger than S7, S7 will take
+VRX Start the voice reception process
+VSD=<sds>,<sdi> Set the silence detection sensitivity threshold and
the required period of silence
<sds>=0-31 Larger value means the DCE treats noisier conditions
*15 as silence (the higher the value, the higher the
sensitivity threshold level). Set value '0' to disable
silence detection.
<sdi>=0-255 In units of 0.1 second, required period of silence for
*70 detection
+VSM=n Voice compression method selection
Four sampling rate : 7200, 8000, 9600, 11025 bps
Three digital compression algorithm : DVI ADPCM,
A-law PCM, Mu-law PCM.
n=2 * 19.2 Kbps 2-bit ADPCM
n=3 28.8 Kbps 3-bit ADPCM
n=30 30.72 Kbps 3-bit ADPCM with resync capability
n=4 38.4 Kbps 4-bit ADPCM
n=40 4-bit DVI ADPCM
n=80 8-bit A-law PCM
n=81 8-bit Mu-law PCM
+VSM=? Show you how to use these features.
For example, to set DVI ADPCM with 8000 sampling rate, you use the
command: AT+VSM=40,8000
The power on default sampling rate is 2Bit ADPCM with 9600bps.
+VSY=n n=0-255 Set Voice recording resync timer, in units of 50 ms.
*0 Set value '0' to disable resync generation
+VTD=n n=0-255 Set the DTMF tone generation duration used in
*10 conjunction with +VTS command, in units of 10 ms
+VTS=<string> Cause the DCE to generate DTMF and other tones.
Refer to 2864 series user's manual for details.
+VTX Start the voice transmission process
'*' Manufacturer default (Except when used to represent 'AT*' commands)
Snnnbx Cross reference to S-register number 'nnn' bit number 'x'
Command Function & Description +Def./Ref.
S0= Set the number of rings on which the modem will
answer. 0 value disable auto-answer +000
S1= Counts and stores number of rings from an
incoming call +000
S2= Define escape code character, default <+> (43
dec.) +043
S3= Define ASCII Carriage Return +013
S4= Define ASCII Line Feed +010
S5= Define ASCII Backspace +008
S7= Set duration, in number of seconds, modem waits
for a carrier +060
S8= Set duration, in seconds, for pause (,) option in
Dial command and pause between command
re-executions for Repeat (>)command +002
S9= Set duration, in tenths of a second, of remote
carrier signal before recognition (Ignored if in
non-FSK or half-duplex operation) +006
S10= Set duration, in tenths of a second, modem waits
after loss of carrier before hanging up +007
S11= Set duration and spacing, in milliseconds, of
dialed Touch-Tones +070
S12= Reserved
Command Function and description +Def./Ref.
S13= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register +000
(for internal fax/modem only)
1 2 2 Capture modem manufacturer information
during V.42 handshake, can be
displayed at ATI2 <Last Speed/
Protocol> line if available (Flash or
ZyXEL stands for ZyXEL connection)
S14= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +002
0 0 0 Modem auto-handshake on Originate mode
1 1 Modem auto-handshake on Answer mode
S15= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register +130
0,1 0 0 Even parity
1 1 Odd parity
2 2 * No parity
2 0 0 * 1 stop bit
4 4 2 stop bits
4,3 0 0 * 10 bit character length *C0
8 8 11 bit *C1
16 10 9 bit *C2
24 18 8 bit *C3
7-5 0 0 Profile 0 as active settings after
power on Z0
32 20 Profile 1 as active settings after
power on Z1
64 40 Profile 2 as active settings after
power on Z2
96 60 Profile 3 as active settings after
power on Z3
128 80 * Factory default as active settings
after power on Z4
S16= bit dec hex Test status register +000
0 0 No test in progress &T0
For internal fax/modem only:
1 1 Loopback test in progress &T1
8 8 Loopback with self test in progress &T8
For ISDN data call only:
9 9 Loopback test in progress &T9
10 A Loopback with self test in progress &T10
S18= dec Force modem to fix baud rate when idle +000
0 * Disable fixed baud function
n+1 Enable baud rate fixing at idle, n=0-15
baud rate value settings (n) the
same as S20 value
S19= dec hex Modem connection mode, same +000/&Nn
0-73 0-49 setting value as 'AT&Nn' command
S20= dec hex DTE speed (bps). Auto detected from
AT command +003
0 0 230400
1 1 115200 dec hex DTE speed
2 2 76800 9 9 9600
3 3 57600 10 A 7200
4 4 38400 11 B 4800
5 5 19200 12 C 2400
6 6 16800 13 D 1200
7 7 14400 14 E 460800
8 8 12000 15 F 300
S21= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +178
0 0 0 Maintain non-error control connection *E0
when modem error control handshake fails
1 1 Drop connection when modem error *E1
control handshake fails
1-2 0 0 Speaker always Off M0
2 2 Speaker On until carrier is detected M1
4 4 Speaker always On M2
6 6 Speaker On after last digit is dialed M3
out until carrier detected
3 0 0 DSR always On &S0
8 8 According to CCITT (see also S44b4, &S1
4 0 0 CD always On &C0
16 10 CD tracks presence of data carrier &C1
(see also S38b3)
6-7 0 0 Assume DTR always On &D0
64 40 108.1, DTR Off-On transition causes &D1
dial of the default number
128 80 108.2 Data Terminal Ready, DTR Off &D2
causes the modem to hang up and return
to command state
192 C0 108.2, DTR off causes the modem to &D3
hang up and reset the modem to profile
#0 after DTR dropped
S23= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +105
0 0 0 Command echo disabled E0
1 1 Command echo enabled E1
2 0 0 Insertion is not allowed during a
phone call
4 4 Insertion is allowed during a phone
3-5 0 0 ATX0 (See result code table)
8 8 ATX1 dec hex AT
16 10 ATX2 40 28 X5
24 18 ATX3 48 30 X6
32 20 ATX4 56 38 X7
6 0 0 Display result code in numeric format V0
(see S35b7)
64 40 Display result code in verbose format V1
7 0 0 Modem returns result code Q0
128 80 Modem does not return result code (see Q1
also S40b1)
S24= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +138
0-2 0-7 0-7 Ring volume control, increments of 1 N0-7
in decimal
4-6 16-112 10-70 0x10- 0x70 Speaker volume control, L0-7
increments of 16 in decimal value
S27= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +156
0-2 For internal fax/modem:
0 0 No error control &K0
1 1 MNP4 + MNP3 (see also S41b0) &K1
2 2 MNP4 + MNP5 (see also S38b5, S41b0) &K2
3 3 V.42+MNP4 &K3
4 4 V.42 + V.42bis (compatible with &K2) &K4
3-5 0 0 Flow control disabled &H0
24 18 Hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control &H3
32 20 Software (XON/XOFF) flow control &H4
40 28 Reserved &H5
6-7 For internal fax/modem:
0 0 No response to poor signal quality *Q0
64 40 Retrain action taken if signal quality *Q1
is poor
128 80 Adaptive rate (auto fall-back / *Q2
forward) when signal quality changes S41b2
192 C0 Disconnect when signal quality is poor *Q3
S28= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +068
0 reserved
4-5 0 0 No guard tone &G0
16 10 Reserved &G1
32 20 1800 Hz guard tone &G2
7 0 0 * Select V.22 for 1200 bps communication
128 80 Select Bell 212A for 1200 bps
S29= 0-39 0-39 Set default dial phone number pointer, +000
use AT&Zn=s to store phone numbers *D
S31= 0-255 0-FF Holds the ASCII decimal value of the +017
S32= 0-255 0-FF Holds the ASCII decimal value of the +019
S35= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
1 2 2 Disable aborting from connection during
modem handshaking
4 16 10 When Data/Voice switch is pushed, *Dn S29
modem will dial the default number
5 32 20 SREJ option: Enable Selective Reject
in V.42 (Default)
7 128 60 Enable extended numerical result codes V0
from 50-71 when an error correction S23b6
connection is made, use with ATV0, see
result code table
S36= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
5-7 Security function control register
*G3,*G4,*G5 for both ISDN and Modem call
*0 0 Disable security function *G0
32 20 Enable type 1 security, with password *G1
check (ZyXEL to ZyXEL only)
64 40 Enable type 1 security, with password *G2
check and call-back (ZyXEL to ZyXEL
96 60 Enable type 2 security, with password *G3
128 80 Enable type 2 security, with password *G4
check and call-back
160 A0 Enable type 2 security, with password *G5
check and call-back, remote site enter
the call-back number
S38= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
0 1 1 Repeatedly dialing default number *Dn S29
3 8 8 DCD on/off sequence follows UNIX &C1 S21b4
standard, DCD high before connect
message is sent, DCD off after last
DCE response is sent
4 16 10 Auto-mode fax receiving disabled &N0
5 32 20 Disable MNP5 &Kn
S39= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
(for internal fax/modem only)
2 4 4 Answer in originating mode ATA
3 8 8 Class 2 Fax Bitfax compatibility:
+FCON at 2400 next phase at 19200
4 16 10 Class 2 Fax mode DTE shifting:
+FCON at current DTE, shift to 19,200
when entering into the next phase
S40= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
1 2 2 No result code displayed in answer Q2
S41= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
For internal fax/modem:
0 1 1 Special MNP compatibility (see also &Kn
S27b0, S38b5)
2 4 4 Disable retrain abort, up to 5 min. S27b6
for special satellite line condition *Qn
3 8 8 Enable CCITT signals 140 and 141 on
EIA-232D interface
4 16 10 In X2-X7 setting, modem waits for S6
seconds before dialing and ignores
dial tone detection
5 32 20 DSR follows DCD and pulses (see also &Sn
6 64 40 Force S0>=2 S0
7 128 80 Ignore calling tone, not to be used as
fax detection
S42= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
3 8 8 Disable escape sequence code in answer
4 16 10 Disable V.17, 14,400 Fax in calling
mode, no effect to answering mode &N32
5 32 20 Disable Data/Voice button
6 64 40 Disable <RINGING> result code Xn
7 128 80 DCD forced on but pulse off for 0.5 &C0
seconds at carrier loss
S43= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
0 1 1 Disable ZyXEL 16800 in Multi-Auto mode &N0
1 2 2 Disable ZyXEL 19200 in Multi-Auto mode
S44= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
3 8 8 ATDSn initiates auto-dial of the &Zn
stored numbers consecutively until a S38b0
connection is made
4 16 10 DSR follows DTR (see also S41b5) &Sn
S48= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register +000
2 4 4 Enable data CNG calling tone transmission
S50= 0-255 Inactivity timer for RS 232 port +000
this timer counts when there is no data
flow in or out of the RS 232 serial port;
modem will hang up phone, when timed out.
units is 10 seconds! 000 disables timer
note: timer is forced disabled in leased line and ISDN Mode
S56= dec hex Hook flash detected time for a/b +050
0-255 0-FF adapter, in units of 10ms
S57= bit dec hex
0-3 Reserved
4 16 10 Enables the reporting of Class 1 capability
in the response to +FCLASS=?
5 Reserved
6 64 40 Enables busy detection in dialing period
7 128 80 Report 'DATA or FAX' before showing
Connect Message
S66=n *0 Dial back repeat counter of security
S70= Reserved, Read only, do not alter the value +00
S71= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +064
0-2 0-5 0-5 ZyXEL fax receive mode select +FZF
*0 0 Fax to printer, hang up if data
1 1 Fax to printer, data to serial port
2 2 Fax to DRAM & printer, hang up if data
3 3 Fax to DRAM, hang up if data
4 4 Fax to DRAM & printer, data to serial port
5 5 Fax to DRAM, data to serial port
4 16 10 Delete DRAM fax file after printed
5 32 20 Keep DRAM fax even it has been retrieved
6 *0 0 High speed fax retrieval for ZFAX only
64 40 Slow retrieve process (for Class 2)
S72= dec hex Select printer type +000
*0 0 HP LJ-II series or compitable PCL Printer
1 1 HP LJ-III series or compitable PCL Printer
2 2 POSTSCRIPT Printer
S73= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +008
0 *0 0 Parallel Port for fax printing
1 1 Serial Port for fax printing
1 *0 0 Fast PCL Printing
2 *0 0 PCL printing resolution 300dpi +FZR
4 4 PCL printing resolution 150dpi
3 *8 8 Automatic resize for fax printing
4-5 0-32 0-20 ZyXEL fax printing, paper size +FZS
0 0 Paper size : LETTER (8.5 inch * 11 inch)
16 10 Paper size : LEGAL (8 inch * 14 inch)
32 20 Paper size : A4 (210 mm * 287 mm)
S74= Reserved, Read only, do not alter the value +00
S75= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +008
0-2 0-5 0-5 Multiauto answered fax class selection
0 0 Auto answer by fax class 2
1 1 Auto answer by fax class 2.0
2 2 Auto answer by fax class 6 / ZFAX
3 3 Auto answer by fax class 1
4 4 Auto answer by fax class Z / DRAM
5 5 Auto answer by fax class Z / Printer
S76= bit dec hex Bit mapped register +000
0 1 1 FAX response capture enabled
1 2 2 FAX command capture enabled
2 4 4 V.21 HDLC Tx/Rx capture enabled
This feature is not available for the FAX
direct printing mode.
Use 'AT+FZX?' command to show the captured log on terminal.
S79= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +000
7 *0 0 Sending RELEASE COMPLETE with cause 'call
reject' for ATH1
128 80 Sending RELEASE COMPLETE with cause 'user
busy' for ATH1
S80= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +000
4 *0 0 Not sending Low Layer Compatibility
information for internal fax/modem
16 10 Sending Low Layer Compatibility
for internal fax/modem
6 *0 0 Not sending Low Layer Compatibility
information for ISDN data call
64 40 Sending Low Layer Compatibility
for ISDN data call
7 *0 0 Not sending Low Layer Compatibility
information for a/b adapter
128 80 Sending Low Layer Compatibility
for a/b adapter
S82= ISDN B channel protocol Bn
60 V.120 64000
61 V.120 56000
62 X.75 64000 Transparent
63 X.75 56000 Transparent
64 X.75 64000 T.70
65 X.75 56000 T.70
70 X.75 64000 BTX
71 X.75 56000 BTX
72 V.110 64000
73 V.110 56000
74 PPP async to sync 64K
75 PPP async to sync 56K
76 SLIP to sync HDLC conversion 64K
77 SLIP to sync HDLC conversion 56K
S83= bit dec hex Bit-mapped register: +000
0 0 0 Disable loopback 4 test CP0
1 1 Enable loopback 4 test CP1
2 0 0 ISDN without V.42bis &K00
4 4 ISDN with V.42bis if applicable &K44
4-5 0 0 * ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs is mapped &O0
to ATDMs
32 20 ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs is mapped &O2
to ATDIs
48 30 ATDs, ATDPs, and ATDTs is mapped &O3
to ATDBs
6 0 0 * DOVBS answer using 56Kbps (for USA only)
64 40 DOVBS answer using 64Kbps
7 0 0 * ISDN data call using nornal Bearer Service
(for USA only)
128 80 ISDN data call using voice Bearer Service
S84= bit dec hex
0-2 Embedded protocol analyzer control CCn
0 1 1 Capture DTE-DCE interface protocol
1 2 2 Capture the B-channel (X.75 or V.120)
2 4 4 Capture the D-channel protocol
3 0 *0 Display S register value in decimal
8 8 Display S register value in hex format
4 *0 0 Indicate Caller ID after the 1st RING
16 10 Disable Caller ID indication
5 0 0 Ambiguity resolution bit, A/B adaptor &L0
32 20 Ambiguity resolution bit, Fax/Modem &L1
S85= bit dec hex
0 0 0 Call Bumping function disabled CE0
1 *1 Call Bumping function enabled CE1
1-6 *0 Add-persist time interval KAxn
7 0 *0 S85b1-6 is in Second unit KASn
128 80 S85b1-6 is in Minute unit KAMn
S86= dec hex D-channel protocol selection(USA) Pn
The following number is valid for
American version:
0 0 Northern Telecom proprietary ISDN
1 1 National ISDN 1 (1 SPID mode)
2 2 National ISDN 1 (2 SPIDs mode)
3 3 reserved
4 4 AT&T proprietary point-to-point
5 5 AT&T proprietary point-to-multipoint
(1 SPID mode)
6 6 AT&T proprietary point-to-multipoint
(2 SPIDs mode)
All other values are reserved.
S87= bit dec hex
2 0 0 CHAP/PAP for authentication conversion
4 4 PAP only for authentication conversion
4 *0 0 result code 46 for X7 is CONNECT 112K/......
result code 47 for X7 is CONNECT 128K/......
16 10 result code 46 for X7 is CONNECT 112000/....
result code 47 for X7 is CONNECT 128000/....
5-6 *0 0 Bundle connection is disabled &Jn
32 20 Bundle connection is enabled in answer
mode only
64 40 Bundle connection is enabled in call
mode only
96 60 Bundle connection is enabled in both
S89= bit dec hex Bundle and data encryption control
0 *0 0 DES disabled
1 1 DES preferred
1 *0 0 Single DES is alright
2 2 Triple DES is preferred
2 *0 0 PKDS on, key automatically generated
4 4 no PKDS, keyin the key words
3 *0 0 Keep connection whether there is DES or not
8 8 Disconnect the call if DES link cannot be
4 *0 0 second voice call will be routed to a/b
adaptor if &L1 is set
16 10 second voice call won't be routed to a/b
adaptor if &L1 is set
6 *0 0 disable the metering pulse
64 40 enable the metering pulse
S100 dec hex B channel bundling protocol selection
0 0 * Multiple Link Protocol (MLP)
1 1 cFossil channel bundling (CCB)
(not supported for American version)
S102= bit dec hex Outgoing ISDN data type Bnn
Value has the same definition as S82
S103= Set number of RING to the a/b adapter
0 The call sent to the a/b adapter will
keep ringing until the call is answered
or the calling side on-hook.
n>0 When the RING count has reached the value
set (n), the a/b adapter analog call will
be re-routed to internal fax/modem
S104+n= dec hex Outgoing Service Indicator (for 1TR6 only)
n = 0(internal fax/modem), 2(ISDN data),
or 3(a/b adapter)
1 1 Fernsprechen
2 2 a/b - Dienste
7 7 Datenübertragung 64 kbps. The defaults
are :
2 - internal fax/modem
7 - ISDN data
1 - a/b adaptor)
S108+n= dec hex Outgoing Service Additional (for 1TR6 only)
n = 0(internal fax/modem), 2(ISDN data),
or 3(a/b adapter)
SI=1 1 1 ISDN-Fernsprechen 3.1 kHz
2 2 Fernsprechen analog
SI=2 2 2 Fax Gruppe 3
3 3 * Daten über Modem
4 4 Btx über Modem
SI=7 0 0 Datenübertragung 64 kbps (X.75 SLP)
11------ Async V.110
01------ Extensions of async
--0----- * Number of data bits : 8
--1----- Number of data bits : 7
---0---- * Number of stop bits : 1
---1---- Number of stop bits : 2
----0--- * No parity
----1--- Even parity
11---000 1200 bps
11---011 2400 bps
11---100 4800 bps
11---101 9600 bps
11---110 14400 bps
11---111 * 19200 bps
01---000 38400 bps
1010---- Sync V.110
10100000 1200 bps
10100011 2400 bps
10100100 4800 bps
10100101 9600 bps
10100110 14400 bps
10100111 19200 bps
10101000 48000 bps
10101001 56000 bps
10101010 56000 bps for 56kbit-network
10101111 In band negotiation
S108+n= dec hex High Layer Compatibility (Non-1TR6)
n = 0(internal fax/modem), 2(ISDN data),
or 3(a/b adapter)
*0 0 No High-Layer-Compatibility
information element will be sent
1 1 Telephone
4 4 Facsimile Group 2/3
40 28 Teletex service(Rec.F.220)
49 31 Teletex service(Rec.F.200)
50 32 Information interworking for
video services(Rec.F.300 T.110)
53 35 Telex service(Rec.F.60)
56 38 Message Handling Syxtems(MHS)
(Rec.X.400 series)
65 41 OSI application(Rec.X.200 series)
S114= I-field data length (MSB byte)
S115= I-field data length (LSB byte)
S117= V.110 user rate B1n
S118= bit dec hex
0 *0 0 Enable dial-in call
1 1 Disable dial-in call(dial out only)
3 *0 0 Disable CHAP option for PPP/MLPPP
8 8 Enable CHAP option for PPP/MLPPP
4 *0 0 Use 3.1KHz Bearer service whenever
possible for internal fax/modem
16 10 Use Speech Bearer service whenever
possible for internal fax/modem
5 *0 0 Use 3.1KHz Bearer service whenever
possible for a/b adapter
32 20 Use Speech Bearer service whenever
possible for a/b adapter
6 *0 0 Enable the a/b adapter to accept global
64 40 Forbid the a/b adapter to accept incoming
calls with MSN unmatched (including global
calls, see AT&ZI=s)
7 *0 0 Enable analog incoming calls
128 80 Reject analog incoming calls (pure ISDN data)
S119= bit dec hex
0 *0 0 Disable call-back function(see AT*GC)
1 1 Enable call-back function
1 *0 0 Disable point-to-point signaling DDI function
2 2 Enable point-to-point signaling DDI function
2 *0 0 Disable point-to-multipoint signaling DDI
4 4 Enable point-to-multipoint signaling DDI
3 *0 0 when no MSN(EAZ) is matched, the inbound
call will be ignored
8 8 when no MSN(EAZ) is matched, enter multi-
auto mode to detect protocol
4 0 0 V.110 user rate = 19200 bps if DTE speed
greater 19200 bps
*16 10 V.110 user rate = 38400 bps if DTE speed
greater 38400 bps
5 *0 0 enable normal MSN function &ZIn=
32 20 treat the number assigned by &ZIn=xx..
as subaddress and matches with the called
party subaddress for inbound call routing
S120= Accumulated charging unit (MSB byte) for B1
S121= Accumulated charging unit (LSB byte) for B1
S122= Accumulated charging unit (MSB byte) for B2
S123= accumulated charging unit (LSB byte) for B2
S124= dec hex Empty IP packet interval for PPP +000
0-255 0-FF in units of 1s
S125= bit dec hex
1-6 *0 Sub-persist time interval KSxn
7 0 *0 S125b1-6 is in Second unit KSSn
128 80 S125b1-6 is in Minute unit KSMn
S126= dec hex Add-threshold for BOD JAn,+48
0-255 0-FF in Kbps unit
S127= dec hex Sub-threshold for BOD JSn,+32
0-255 0-FF in Kbps unit
In 'Reference' column, 'AT' is omitted when AT command is referred to.
+nnn is manufacturer default when listed in 'Reference' column.
bit S-register bit number, 'b', used in 'ATSr.b=n', 'ATSr.b=?'
dec Decimal value, 'x', used in 'ATSn=x'
hex Hex value, used in LCD model for setting 'STATUS REGISTER'
manually from front panel
ATV0 ATV1 ATX0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7
0 OK V V V V V V V V
1 CONNECT V V V V V @ $ #
5 CONNECT 1200 % % % % @ $ #
10 CONNECT 2400 % % % % @ $ #
11 CONNECT 4800 % % % % @ $ #
12 CONNECT 9600 % % % % @ $ #
14 CONNECT 19200 % % % % @ $ #
15 CONNECT 7200 % % % % @ $ #
16 CONNECT 12000 % % % % @ $ #
17 CONNECT 14400 % % % % @ $ #
18 CONNECT 16800 % % % % @ $ #
19 CONNECT 38400 % % % % @
20 CONNECT 57600 % % % % @
21 CONNECT 76800 % % % % @
22 CONNECT 115200 % % % % @
23 CONNECT 230400 % % % % @
24 CONNECT 460800 % % % % @
25 CONNECT 921600 % % % % @
26 CONNECT 307200 % % % % @
27 CONNECT 153600 % % % % @
28 CONNECT 102400 % % % % @
29 CONNECT 61440 % % % % @
30 CONNECT 51200 % % % % @
31 CONNECT 624000 % % % % @
32 CONNECT 124800 % % % % @
33 CONNECT 62400 % % % % @
34 CONNECT 41600 % % % % @
35 CONNECT 31200 % % % % @ $ #
36 CONNECT 24960 % % % % @
37 CONNECT 20800 % % % % @
38 CONNECT 33600 % % % % @ $ #
39 CONNECT 28800 % % % % @ $ #
40 CONNECT 26400 % % % % @ $ #
41 CONNECT 24000 % % % % @ $ #
42 CONNECT 21600 % % % % @ $ #
43 CONNECT 48000 % % % % @ $ #
44 CONNECT 56000 % % % % @ $ #
45 CONNECT 64000 % % % % @ $ #
46 CONNECT 112000 % % % % @ $ #
47 CONNECT 128000 % % % % @ $ #
V Supported
% Reporting DTE rate:
<cr><lf>CONNECT DTE_Speed<cr><lf>
@ For internal fax/modem:
CONNECT DTE speed/Protocol Link speed/Error control level***
Example: CONNECT 38400/V.32bis 14400/V.42bis
For ISDN data call:
<cr><lf>CONNECT DTE_Speed/Protocol DCE_Speed/Error_Control
$ <cr><lf>CONNECT DCE_Speed[/Error_Code]<cr><lf>
Example: CONNECT 14400/ARQ
# For internal fax/modem:
CONNECT Link speed/Error control (ARQ)/Error control level***
Example: CONNECT 14400/ARQ/MNP5
For ISDN data call:
<cr><lf>CONNECT DCE_Speed/Error_Code/Protocol
* Use S42b6 to disable 'RINGING' result code
*** Data compression included. 'SREJ' is appended if a V.42
connection with selective reject is established.
Error_Control: (This field will not show if no error control is negotiated)
all possible DTE speed supported
Protocol: (only ISDN protocols are listed here)
X.75M ;X.75 with MLP Bundle
X.75C ;X.75 with cFos Bundle
V120M ;V.120 with MLP Bundle
V120C ;V.120 with cFos Bundle
Use ATS35 bit 7 (ATS35.7=1) to enable the following numerical result
codes when an error control connection is made.
ATV0 Code ATV1 String ATV0 Code ATV1 String
51 CONNECT 1200 62 CONNECT 26400
52 CONNECT 2400 63 CONNECT 28800
53 CONNECT 4800 64 CONNECT 31200
54 CONNECT 7200 65 CONNECT 33600
55 CONNECT 9600 66 CONNECT 38400
56 CONNECT 12000 67 CONNECT 48000
57 CONNECT 14400 68 CONNECT 56000
58 CONNECT 16800 69 CONNECT 64000
59 CONNECT 19200 70 CONNECT 112000
60 CONNECT 21600 71 CONNECT 128000