home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- include qcfgglb.dat
- include tcdglb.dat
- set u_file type str ""
- set u_files type str ""
- set u_stuckfile type str ""
- set u_dir type str ""
- set u_dirs type str ""
- set u_stuckdir type str ""
- menu YNUninstallSoftware dims 25,80 bc wh tc bla bo do sh na " Uninstall Software "
- runscript ReadINSTALLINIFILE
- text
- text at ,-1 "This procedure will remove the sound board software originally installed."
- text
- text at ,-1 "Any empty directories will then be removed."
- text
- text at ,-1 "No user-created files will be removed."
- text
- text
- text
- text at ,-1 "Would you like to continue?"
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,20 bo do sh
- item at ,-1 " No, I Don't! " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Yes, I Do. " menu PWUninstallSoftware return 1
- text
- menu PWUninstallSoftware at -1,-1 item " Please Wait... " script UninstallSoftware
- script UninstallSoftware
- set u_files `file filelist.txt fixspace
- trim u_files
- set u_dirs `file dirslist.txt fixspace
- trim u_dirs
- cd ..
- :nextfile
- set u_file "$u_files" - "\w*$$"
- set u_files "$u_files" - "^*\w"
- if ! $_strop goto donefile
- runscript UninstallFile
- goto nextfile
- :donefile
- local dirstoremove type str "$u_dirs"
- :nextdir
- set u_dir "$u_dirs" - "\w*$$"
- set u_dirs "$u_dirs" - "^*\w"
- if ! $_strop goto donedir
- runscript UninstallDir
- goto nextdir
- :donedir
- set u_dirs "$dirstoremove"
- set u_stuckdir ""
- :nextdir1
- set u_dir "$u_dirs" - "\w*$$"
- set u_dirs "$u_dirs" - "^*\w"
- if ! $_strop goto donedir1
- runscript UninstallDir
- goto nextdir1
- :donedir1
- set u_dirs "$dirstoremove"
- set u_stuckdir ""
- :nextdir2
- set u_dir "$u_dirs" - "\w*$$"
- set u_dirs "$u_dirs" - "^*\w"
- if ! $_strop goto donedir2
- runscript UninstallDir
- goto nextdir2
- :donedir2
- set u_dirs "$dirstoremove"
- set u_stuckdir ""
- :nextdir3
- set u_dir "$u_dirs" - "\w*$$"
- set u_dirs "$u_dirs" - "^*\w"
- if ! $_strop goto donedir3
- runscript UninstallDir
- goto nextdir3
- :donedir3
- runscript UninstallWindowFiles
- if ! issame "$u_stuckfile" "" runmenu displaystuckfile
- if ! issame "$u_stuckdir" "" runmenu displaystuckdir
- local ourdir type str ""
- set ourdir `pwd
- cd ..
- rd $ourdir
- return
- script UninstallWindowFiles
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvwav} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvwav}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvmix} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvmix}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvfms} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvfms}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvmpu} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvmpu}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_386} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_386}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_mcicda} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_mcicda}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_mixdll} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_mixdll}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvwft} del ${v_winpath}\system\${win_drvwft}
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\mv.ini del ${v_winpath}\mv.ini
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\midisoft.ini del ${v_winpath}\midisoft.ini
- if isfile ${v_winpath}\audio.ini del ${v_winpath}\audio.ini
- return
- script UninstallFile
- display u_file at 24,16 dims 1,62 bc blu tc wh
- if ! isfile $u_file display "- Mising! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- del $u_file
- if isfile $u_file display "- Stuck! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- if ! isfile $u_file display "- Removed! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- if isfile $u_file set u_stuckfile "$u_stuckfile $u_file"
- return
- script UninstallDir
- display u_dir at 24,16 dims 1,62 bc blu tc wh
- if ! isdir $u_dir display "- Mising! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- rd $u_dir
- if isdir $u_dir display "- Stuck! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- if ! isdir $u_dir display "- Removed! " at 24,2 dims 1,14 bc blu tc wh
- if isdir $u_dir set u_stuckdir "$u_stuckdir $u_dir"
- return
- menu displaystuckfile at -1,-1 dims 25,80 bc blu tc wh bo no name " Stuck Files "
- text at ,2
- text "For some reason, these files could not be removed:"
- text
- text
- display u_stuckfile at ,-1 dims 10,60
- menu displaystuckdir at -1,-1 dims 25,80 bc blu tc wh bo no name " Stuck Directories "
- text at ,2
- text "For some reason, these directories could not be removed:"
- text
- text
- display u_stuckdir at ,-1 dims 10,60
- # from QCFG.DAT !
- local buf type str "windir=c:\windows "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- if isfile install.ini then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . install.ini setup windir d put $ptr
- trim buf
- set v_winpath "$buf" - "*="
- set v_winpath "${v_winpath}:h"
- endif
- return
- include qcfgini.dat