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- include tcdglb.dat
- # menu VerifyCDROMOperation"${var_CDROMReady}" -
- # use $var_CDROMReady in {"Unknown", "Unavailable", "" }
- menu VerifyCDROMOperation dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Verify CDROM Operation "
- text "This action will attempt to verify the operation of your CDROM subsystem."
- text
- text "You should have a CD (AUDIO OR DATA) in the CDROM Drive at this time. If"
- text "you do not already have a CD in the drive, please make it so, now."
- text
- text "If it is an AUDIO CD, the program will first RESET the CDROM Drive, then"
- text "PLAY, PAUSE, RESUME, and STOP the Audio playback."
- text
- text "If it is a DATA CD, the program will display the directory listing."
- text
- text "Any failure in these operations will terminate the test. Press any key to"
- text "terminate the test early."
- text
- text "If this test fails, you should use 'Read CDROM Configuration' from the Main"
- text "Screen to determine the reason for such."
- text
- text "Select 'Test Audio or Data' when ready."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 bc bla tc wh bo do
- item at ,-1 " Test Audio or Data " menu TestCDROMOperation
- item at ,-1 " Audio CD Information " menu AudioCDInformation
- item at ,-1 " Return To Previous Menu " return 1
- menu VerifyCDROMOperationUnknown at -1,-1 bc red tc wh na " Whoops! "
- text
- text "Please run 'Read CDROM Configuration' first!"
- text
- menu VerifyCDROMOperationUnavailable at -1,-1 bc red tc btwh na " Sorry! "
- text
- text "The CDROM Drivers are not completely loaded.!"
- text
- menu TestCDROMOperation at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Test CDROM Operation "
- item "" script TestCDROMOperation
- script TestCDROMOperation
- local t 0
- set status type int 0
- set doVerifyCDROMOperation type int 1
- set nodiskerror 1
- :discputin
- if $doVerifyCDROMOperation == 0 goto break
- display "Reset CDROM" at 4,5 bc bla tc wh
- cursorat 4,30
- execute -eo $prg_CDRESET
- set status $errorlevel
- if isequal $status 2 runmenu PutinCDROMDisc
- if isequal $status 2 goto discputin
- set status $status + $errorlevel
- display "Please Wait. Testing CDROM..." at 2,5 bc bla tc gr
- runscript doevalCDROMAction
- display "Play CDROM" at 5,5 bc bla tc wh
- cursorat 5,30
- execute -eo $prg_CDPLAY
- ##AS
- if iskey flushkeys
- set status $errorlevel
- if not isequal $status 0 then
- display "Not an Audio CD" at 5,25 bc bla tc wh
- goto datadisc
- endif
- set status $status + $errorlevel
- runscript doevalCDROMAction
- set t $tics + 91
- :wait1
- ##AS if iskey goto break
- if $tics < $t goto wait1
- display "Pause CDROM" at 6,5 bc bla tc wh
- cursorat 6,30
- execute -eo $prg_CDPAUSE
- set status $status + $errorlevel
- runscript doevalCDROMAction
- set t $tics + 91
- :wait2
- ##AS if iskey goto break
- if $tics < $t goto wait2
- display "Resume CDROM" at 7,5 bc bla tc wh
- cursorat 7,30
- execute -eo $prg_CDRESUME
- set status $status + $errorlevel
- runscript doevalCDROMAction
- set t $tics + 91
- :wait3
- ##AS if iskey goto break
- if $tics < $t goto wait3
- display "Stop CDROM" at 8,5 bc bla tc wh
- cursorat 8,30
- execute -eo $prg_CDSTOP
- set status $status + $errorlevel
- runscript doevalCDROMAction
- goto return
- :datadisc
- display "Data CDROM" at 4,45 bc bla tc wh
- execute -eo $prg_CDDRIVE
- set status $errorlevel
- if isequal $status 0 goto unknowndisc
- if isequal $status 3 set nam_LETTERCDROM "d:"
- if isequal $status 4 set nam_LETTERCDROM "e:"
- if isequal $status 5 set nam_LETTERCDROM "f:"
- if isequal $status 6 set nam_LETTERCDROM "g:"
- if isequal $status 7 set nam_LETTERCDROM "h:"
- if isequal $status 8 set nam_LETTERCDROM "i:"
- if isequal $status 9 set nam_LETTERCDROM "j:"
- if isequal $status 10 set nam_LETTERCDROM "k:"
- if isgreater $status 10 goto toomanydrives
- set status 0
- if isdir ${nam_LETTERCDROM}\ runmenu DIRCDROM
- goto return
- :break
- :return
- ##AS if iskey getchar x
- ##AS
- if iskey flushkeys
- if isequal $status 0 then
- runmenu VerifyCDROMSuccess
- else
- runmenu VerifyCDROMFailed
- endif
- set nodiskerror 0
- return
- menu DIRCDROM at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo no
- item at 0,0 script DIRCDROM
- script DIRCDROM
- execute %comspec% /c tree ${nam_LETTERCDROM}\
- if iskey flushkeys
- :askagain
- display "Press any key to Continue..." at 24,0 bc bla tc wh
- ##AS getchar
- if iskey return
- goto askagain
- ##AS return
- menu VerifyCDROMSuccess at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh na " Success! "
- text "The CDROM Operation was Successful."
- menu VerifyCDROMFailed at -1,-1 bc re tc wh bo do sh na " Failure! "
- text "The CDROM Operation Failed."
- menu AudioCDInformation at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh na " Audio CD Information "
- text
- text "This program uses several EXTERNAL programs to control your CDROM Drive."
- text
- text "CDRESET.EXE - reset the CDROM drives."
- text "CDPLAY.EXE - begin Audio Playback ."
- text "CDPAUSE.EXE - pause Audio Playback."
- text "CDRESUME.EXE - resume paused Audio Playback."
- text "CDSTOP.EXE - stop Audio Playback"
- text
- text "These DOS Command Line Utilities require the presence of the MSCDEX "
- text "interface."
- text
- text "The programs optionally require a first 'argument', specifying the 'Drive #'"
- text "to control; this is a number, like 4, which depends on the drive letter"
- text "assigned to the drive (A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3, E=4, etc.). The default is to"
- text "control the 'first CDROM drive found'."
- text
- text "Use the CDRESET program to learn this 'Drive #', as it is displayed as:"
- text
- text " C:> cdreset"
- text " reset drive: 4 = 100"
- text
- text "The number following 'drive:' is the Drive #; the '100' indicates Success."
- text
- menu PutInCDROMDisc at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh na " Whoops! "
- text
- text "You have to put a Disc into the CDROM Drive in order to"
- text "verify its operation!"
- text
- item at ,-1 " Okay, I just put a Disc In! " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Never mind, let's just skip it! " return 1 set "doVerifyCDROMOperation 0"
- text
- include tcda.dat