home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- include tcdglb.dat
- set buf_scratch type str ""
- set fun_testcdsecs type long $secs
- set fun_testcddialog type str ""
- menu TESTCD dims 25,80 bc blu tc wh bo no na " Media Vision Diagnostics, version 2.4 "
- text at ,2 " CDROM Interface and Operation Test "
- box at ,2 dims 0,35 border double
- text " Welcome to the automated CD-ROM drive operation test. The Installation"
- text "program will automatically add this program to your AUTOEXEC.BAT to test the"
- text "CD-ROM drive's current status. If you have found yourself in this program"
- text "it is because of two reasons. You have just installed a new kit and it ran"
- text "automatically and found a problem, or you ran this program directly."
- text " If you have found yourself in this program and don't need to know the"
- text "current status of your CD-ROM, select 'Exit this Screen' below, and your"
- text "system will continue to boot normally. However, your CD-ROM drive may not"
- text "be working at this time. "
- text
- text "Highlight 'Read CDROM Configuration' and press ENTER to begin the procedure."
- text
- box at ,C dims 7,50 bo do bc cy tc btwhi
- item at ,20 " Additional Information on this program" execute "$prg_lookat tcd_hint.hlp" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item at ,C " Read CDROM Configuration " menu ReadCDROMConfiguration background cy textcolor btwhi
- item at ,C " Verify CDROM Operation " menu VerifyCDROMOperation$var_CDROMReady background cy textcolor btwhi
- item at ,C " CDROM Information " menu DisplayCDROMInformation background cy textcolor btwhi
- item at ,C " Exit this Screen " Return 1 background cy textcolor btwhi
- item script testcdfun everytime
- box at 22,0 dims 3,80 border single
- hotkey F1 TESTCDHelp
- hotkey F2 TESTCDAbout
- hotkey F3 TESTCDExit
- hotkey F4 TESTCDReset
- hotkey F5 TESTCDSetGlobals
- hotkey F10 ManualCDROM
- script testcdfun
- local cursecs type long $secs
- if isless $cursecs $fun_testcdsecs return
- set fun_testcddialog "$fun_testcddialog" - "*\n"
- if ! $_strop then
- display " " at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- set fun_testcddialog type str `file tcd.dlg
- if $fun_testcdsecs display fun_testcddialog at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- set fun_testcdsecs $cursecs + 4
- else
- set fun_testcdsecs $cursecs + 4
- display fun_testcddialog at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- endif
- return
- script quietTESTCD
- runscript FindCDROMConfig
- runscript FindCDROMAutoex
- if issame "${lin_CONFIGCDROM}" "" goto gointeractive
- if issame "${v_namcdromd1}" "" goto gointeractive
- if not isfile ${v_namcdromd1} if isequal $v_usemcam 1 if issame "${lin_CONFIGMCAM}" "" goto addmcamreboot
- if not isfile ${v_namcdromd1} goto gointeractive
- if issame "${lin_AUTOEXCDROM}" "" goto gointeractive
- set var_mscdexstatus type int 0
- interrupt 2Fh ax 1500h bx 0 return bx var_mscdexstatus
- if isequal $var_mscdexstatus 0 goto gointeractive
- set buf_scratch " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf_scratch
- sedit -B C:\ autoexec.bat testcd dummy put $ptr
- set x `length "${buf_scratch}"
- if isequal $x 0 goto autoexremovedone
- local buf type str ""
- local y 1
- :next
- set buf "${buf} "
- set y ++
- if isless $y $x goto next
- sedit -wqnB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat testcd "${buf}" substitute
- :autoexremovedone
- runscript DoInternationalStuff
- return
- :gointeractive
- runmenu TESTCD
- return
- :addmcamreboot
- runscript InsertCONFIGMCAM
- runscript delay5Warmboot
- goto gointeractive
- return
- menu ManualCDROM at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Manually Modify Drivers "
- runscript FindCDROMConfig
- runscript BuildCONFIGCDROMline
- runscript FindCDROMAutoex
- runscript BuildAUTOEXCDROMline
- text "Displayed below are either the actual lines from CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT"
- text "for your CDROM Drivers, or default lines built by this program."
- text
- text "Edit the lines as desired, then highlight 'Update ..., now' to update either"
- text "CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT with the new lines."
- text
- text "This operation is provided here to expedite Tech Support activities; you"
- text "should use the Main Menu's 'Read CDROM Configuration' item, as it does this"
- text "same sort of action, but only when it determines that there is a problem."
- text
- text
- box at 12,-1 dims 3,74 border single shadow
- text at 12,5 " CONFIG.SYS "
- item $lin_CONFIGCDROM dims 1,70 script "getTextLine lin_CONFIGCDROM"
- text
- box at 15,-1 dims 3,74 border single shadow
- text at 15,5 " AUTOEXEC.BAT "
- item $lin_AUTOEXCDROM dims 1,70 script "getTextLine lin_AUTOEXCDROM"
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 border single shadow
- item at ,-1 " Return to Previous Screen " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Update CONFIG.SYS, now " script addCONFIGCDROM
- item at ,-1 " Update AUTOEXEC.BAT, now " script addAUTOEXCDROM
- menu TESTCDSetGlobals at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- text at 1,2
- text using "%30s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%30s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%30s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%30s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%30s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%30s" "CONFIG.SYS CDROM driver:"
- text using "%30s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text using "%30s" "CDROM '/B:' port:"
- text using "%30s" "AUTOEXEC.BAT CDROM driver:"
- text
- text using "%30s" "Resource Allocation File:"
- text
- text using "%30s" "FDCD Pre-Initializer:"
- text using "%30s" "Use FDCD Pre-Initializer:"
- text at 1,34
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_cdrport dims 1,4 script "getCDROMPORT c_cdrport" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_mscdex dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_mscdex" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_mcamname dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_mcamname" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_usemcam dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_usemcam" script "toggleint v_usemcam" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script TESTCDUpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only" return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults" script TESTCDDefaultGlobals return 1
- script TESTCDDefaultGlobals
- set v_inifile type str qcfg.ini
- set v_bootdrv type str C: ## change to "C:"
- set v_bootdir type str \ ## change to "\"
- set v_winpath type str C:\WINDOWS # path to Windows
- set v_namcdrom type str $def_namcdrom # pick your cdrom driver name
- set c_devcdrom type str $def_devcdrom
- set c_cdrport type str $def_cdrport
- set v_qafile type str scandos.txt
- return
- script TESTCDUpdateGlobals
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local new type str ""
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_inifile dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_inifile "set v_inifile type str $v_inifile #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_bootdrv dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_bootdrv "set v_bootdrv type str $v_bootdrv #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_bootdir dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_bootdir "set v_bootdir type str $v_bootdir #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_winpath dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_winpath "set v_winpath type str $v_winpath #$new" substitute
- if isfile install.ini then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . install.ini setup windir dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqI . install.ini setup windir "${v_winpath}\" substitute
- endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_namcdrom dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_namcdrom "set v_namcdrom type str $v_namcdrom #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+c_devcdrom dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+c_devcdrom "set c_devcdrom type str $c_devcdrom #$new" substitute
- if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "sjcd.sys" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+c_cdrport dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+c_cdrport "set c_cdrport type str $c_cdrport #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+c_cdrtype dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+c_cdrtype "set c_cdrtype type str $c_cdrtype #$new" substitute
- endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . tcdglb.dat set+v_qafile dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . tcdglb.dat set+v_qafile "set v_qafile type str $v_qafile #$new" substitute
- return
- script DoInternationalStuff
- local intlwindir type str " "
- local intlwindirptr type ptr &intlwindir
- local intllanguage type str " "
- local intllanguageptr type ptr &intllanguage
- # do Windows stuff?
- sedit -I . install.ini setup windir d put $intlwindirptr
- trim intlwindir
- if issame "$intlwindir" "" return # no Windows directory
- set intlwindir "$intlwindir" - "^*="
- :trimspacewindir
- set intlwindir "$intlwindir" - "^\w" if $$_strop goto trimspacewindir
- # do International stuff?
- sedit -I . install.ini setup language d locate # is there a "[setup] language=xxx"?
- if ! $errorlevel return
- sedit -I . install.ini setup language d put $intllanguageptr
- trim intllanguage
- if issame "$intllanguage" "" return # no language specified
- set intllanguage "$intllanguage" - "^*="
- :trimspace
- set intllanguage "$intllanguage" - "^\w" if $$_strop goto trimspace
- # find CDROM setup program
- set nodiskerror 1
- :findcdromdrive
- local cdromdrive type str ""
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile d:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "d:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile e:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "e:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile f:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "f:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile g:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "g:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile h:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "h:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile i:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "i:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile j:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "j:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" if isfile k:\$intllanguage\setup.exe set cdromdrive "k:"
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" runmenu PutWindowsCDInDrive
- if ! $errorlevel goto findcdromdrive
- if issame "$cdromdrive" "" runmenu NoWindowsCDInDrive return
- set nodiskerror 0
- sedit -wnqI $intlwindir win.ini windows run $cdromdrive\$intllanguage\setup.exe replace
- execute $comspec /c echo ${v_winpath}\win.com >> ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}autoexec.bat
- return
- menu PutWindowsCDInDrive at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh name " Need CD " noescape
- text
- text at ,-1 "Can not find the Install CD!"
- text
- text at ,-1 "Please make sure the Install CD is in the CDROM Drive. This CD is"
- text at ,-1 "required to continue the installation with Windows!"
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,60 bo do sh
- item at ,-1 " Whoops! I just put the CD in the CDROM Drive! " set "errorlevel 0" return 1
- item at ,-1 " The Install CD is in the CDROM Drive! " set "errorlevel 1" return 1
- text
- text
- menu NoWindowsCDInDrive at -1,-1 bc re tc wh bo do sh name " Incomplete Install "
- text
- text at ,-1 "Can not find the Install CD!"
- text
- text at ,-1 "If you are sure the Install CD is in the CDROM Drive,"
- text at ,-1 "and this program can not find it, then there is "
- text at ,-1 "something wrong that is beyond this program's ability"
- text at ,-1 "to correct!"
- text
- text at ,-1 "Please try to use your new CDROM Drive, and then run"
- text at ,-1 "this program again."
- text
- text
- include get.dat
- include tcdhk.dat
- include tcdrc.dat
- include tcdvo.dat
- include tcdi.dat