home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- include qcfgglb.dat
- set v_qafile type str "scandos.txt"
- ## Other parameters
- set wav_welcome08 type str "pcm0811m.wav"
- set wav_welcome16 type str "pcm1611m.wav"
- set v_Board type str ""
- set v_BoardStr type str "PROSONIC 16"
- set prg_record type str "trec.exe"
- set prg_play type str "tplay.exe"
- set v_testwave type str "nul."
- ## JAZZ parameters from CONFIG.SYS
- set c_pcmport type str ""
- set c_pcmdma type str ""
- set c_pcmirq type str ""
- set c_pcmhdma type str ""
- set c_mpuport type str ""
- set c_mpuirq type str ""
- set c_icsport type str ""
- set c_mixcompat type str "0"
- set c_lopt type str ""
- set c_mixtype type str "0"
- set c_verbose type str "v"
- set c_unload type str ""
- ## JAZZ parameters from JAZZ.SYS
- set d_pcmport type str ""
- set d_pcmdma type str ""
- set d_pcmirq type str ""
- set d_pcmhdma type str ""
- set d_mpuport type str ""
- set d_mpuirq type str ""
- set d_mixcompat type str "0"
- ## JAZZ parameters from HARDWARE
- set b_BoardStr type str ""
- set b_pcmport type str ""
- set b_pcmdma type str ""
- set b_pcmirq type str ""
- set b_pcmhdma type str ""
- set b_mpuport type str ""
- set b_mpuirq type str ""
- # our .ini file stuff
- set i_pcmport type str ""
- set i_pcmdma type str ""
- set i_pcmirq type str ""
- set i_pcmhdma type str ""
- set i_mpuport type str ""
- set i_mpuirq type str ""
- set i_cdrport type str ""
- set i_cdrtype type str ""
- ## others
- set v_JAZZString255 "PROSONIC16"
- set v_JAZZString0 "<None>
- set v_JAZZString1 "PRO3D"
- set v_JAZZString2 "MultiCD"
- set v_JAZZString3 "DLX94A"
- set v_JAZZString4 "Future"
- set v_JAZZString5 "Future"
- set v_JAZZString6 "ProWaveTable"
- set v_JAZZString7 "Future"
- set c_vollvl type str "50"
- #############################################################################
- ### JAZZ Configuration Operations
- menu PWAnalyzeDisplayConfigJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh nosave item " Please Wait..." script AnalyzeDisplayConfigJAZZ
- menu PWAnalyzeDisplayDriverJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh nosave item " Please Wait..." script AnalyzeDisplayDriverJAZZ
- menu PWAnalyzeDisplayBoardJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh nosave item " Please Wait..." script AnalyzeDisplayBoardJAZZ
- menu PWAnalyzeJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh item " Please Wait..." script AnalyzeJAZZ
- menu PWResetConfigJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh item " Please Wait..." script ResetConfigJAZZ
- menu PWConfigJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh item " Please Wait..." script ConfigJAZZ
- menu PWTestJAZZ at -1,-1 bc blu tc wh bo do sh item " Please Wait..." script TestJAZZ
- script AnalyzeDisplayBoardJAZZ
- runscript AnalyzeBoardJAZZ
- runmenu DisplayBoardJAZZ
- return
- script AnalyzeDisplayDriverJAZZ
- runscript AnalyzeDriverJAZZ
- runmenu DisplayDriverJAZZ
- return
- script AnalyzeDisplayConfigJAZZ
- runscript AnalyzeConfigJAZZ
- runmenu DisplayConfigJAZZ
- return
- script AnalyzeConfigJAZZ
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local tmp type str ""
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}$v_bootdir $v_bootfil device=+$v_namconfig dummy put $ptr
- set buf "$buf" - "*=*$v_namconfig\w"
- trim buf
- if issame "${buf}" "" runscript ClearConfigJAZZ
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wb" if $$_strop set c_cdrport *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\ws" if $$_strop set c_cdrtype *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wa" if $$_strop set c_pcmport *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wd" if $$_strop set c_pcmdma *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wi" if $$_strop set c_pcmirq *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wh" if $$_strop set c_pcmhdma *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wp" if $$_strop set c_mpuport *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wq" if $$_strop set c_mpuirq *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wv" if $$_strop set c_verbose "v"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wc" if $$_strop set c_mixcompat *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wl" if $$_strop set c_lopt *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wr" if $$_strop set c_ropt *tmp - "\w*$$"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wz" if $$_strop set c_mixtype *tmp - "\w*$$"
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} $v_bootfil device=+$v_namcdrom dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- ##AS set c_cdrport "170"
- set tmp " $buf" - "*\wb" if $$_strop set c_cdrport *tmp - "\w*$$"
- return
- menu DisplayConfigJAZZ at 0,0 dims 6,38 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " System Configuration "
- display v_namconfig at 0,-1 dims 1,30 using " CONFIG.SYS Driver: %s"
- text at 1,8 "PORT"
- text at 1,15 "DMA"
- text at 1,22 "IRQ"
- text at 1,29 "HiDMA"
- text at 2,2 "JAZZ"
- display at 2,8 c_pcmport
- display at 2,15 c_pcmdma
- display at 2,22 c_pcmirq
- display at 2,29 c_pcmhdma
- text at 3,2 "MPU"
- display at 3,8 c_mpuport
- display at 3,22 c_mpuirq
- ## text at 4,2 "MWT"
- ## display at 4,8 c_icsport
- item return 1
- script ClearConfigJAZZ
- set c_pcmport ""
- set c_pcmdma ""
- set c_pcmirq ""
- set c_pcmhdma ""
- set c_mpuport ""
- set c_mpuirq ""
- set c_cdrport ""
- set c_cdrtype ""
- set c_verbose ""
- set c_mixcompat ""
- set c_lopt ""
- set c_ropt ""
- set c_mixtype ""
- return
- script AnalyzeDriverJAZZ
- set b type int hex 0
- set c type int hex 0
- set d type int hex 0
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC00h bx 3F3Fh return bx b cx c dx d
- set b $b ^ $c ^ $d
- if ! isequal $b 6D76h goto nodriver
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC0Ch return dx d
- set d_pcmport "${d}" - "h"
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC04h return bx b cx c dx d
- set d_pcmdma "${b}" - "h"
- set d_pcmirq "${c}" - "h"
- set d_pcmhdma "${d}" - "h"
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC08h return bx b cx c
- set d_mpuport "${b}" - "h"
- set d_mpuirq "${c}" - "h"
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC20h bx 0 return bx b
- set d_mixtype "${b}" - "h"
- :nodriver
- return
- menu DisplayDriverJAZZ at 0,40 dims 5,38 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Driver Configuration "
- display v_BoardStr at 0,-1 dims 1,28 using " Product Name: %s "
- text at 1,8 "PORT"
- text at 1,15 "DMA"
- text at 1,22 "IRQ"
- text at 1,29 "HiDMA"
- text at 2,2 "JAZZ"
- display at 2,8 d_pcmport
- display at 2,15 d_pcmdma
- display at 2,22 d_pcmirq
- display at 2,29 d_pcmhdma
- text at 3,2 "MPU"
- display at 3,8 d_mpuport
- display at 3,22 d_mpuirq
- item return 1
- script CompareConfigDriverJAZZ
- local x type str ""
- set s_comparemsg "${x}"
- set x ""
- if issame "${c_pcmport}" "" then
- set x "${x}" + "No CONFIG.SYS Entry. "
- else
- if issame "${c_pcmport}" "" set x "${x}" + "'A###', "
- if issame "${c_pcmdma}" "" set x "${x}" + "'D#', "
- if issame "${c_pcmirq}" "" set x "${x}" + "'I#', "
- if issame "${c_pcmhdma}" "" set x "${x}" + "'H#', "
- if issame "${c_mpuport}" "" set x "${x}" + "'P#', "
- if issame "${c_mpuirq}" "" set x "${x}" + "'Q#', "
- if issame "${c_cdrport}" "" set x "${x}" + "'B#', "
- if issame "${c_cdrtype}" "" set x "${x}" + "'S#', "
- endif
- if ! issame "${x}" "" set s_comparemsg "${s_comparemsg} CONFIG.SYS: missing ${x}." - ", ." + "."
- set x ""
- if issame "${d_pcmport}" "" then
- set x "${x}" + "No DRIVER Loaded. "
- else
- if not issame "${c_pcmport}" "" if not issame "${c_pcmport}" "${d_pcmport}" set x "${x}" + "PORT, "
- if not issame "${c_pcmdma}" "" if not issame "${c_pcmdma}" "${d_pcmdma}" set x "${x}" + "DMA, "
- if not issame "${c_pcmirq}" "" if not issame "${c_pcmirq}" "${d_pcmirq}" set x "${x}" + "IRQ, "
- if not issame "${c_pcmhdma}" "" if not issame "${c_pcmhdma}" "${d_pcmhdma}" set x "${x}" + "HiDMA, "
- if not issame "${c_mpuport}" "" if not issame "${c_mpuport}" "${d_mpuport}" set x "${x}" + "MPU PORT, "
- if not issame "${c_mpuirq}" "" if not issame "${c_mpuirq}" "${d_mpuirq}" set x "${x}" + "MPU IRQ, "
- endif
- if ! issame "${x}" "" set s_comparemsg "${s_comparemsg} DRIVER needs reboot: ${x}." - ", ." + "."
- set x ""
- if issame "${b_pcmport}" "" then
- set x "${x}" + "Board Not Found. "
- else
- if not issame "${d_pcmport}" "" if not issame "${d_pcmport}" "${b_pcmport}" set x "${x}" + "PORT, "
- if not issame "${d_pcmdma}" "" if not issame "${d_pcmdma}" "${b_pcmdma}" set x "${x}" + "DMA, "
- if not issame "${d_pcmirq}" "" if not issame "${d_pcmirq}" "${b_pcmirq}" set x "${x}" + "IRQ, "
- if not issame "${d_pcmhdma}" "" if not issame "${d_pcmhdma}" "${b_pcmhdma}" set x "${x}" + "HiDMA, "
- endif
- if ! issame "${x}" "" set s_comparemsg "${s_comparemsg} BOARD out of sync with DRIVER: ${x}." - ", ." + "."
- return
- menu DisplayCompareJAZZ at 13,28 dims 8,48 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Compare Configurations "
- display s_comparemsg dims 6,44
- item return 1
- script AnalyzeBoardJAZZ
- execute $prg_board
- if ! $errorlevel goto noboard
- ## if $DEBUGMODE set errorlevel 6
- set b_BoardStr *v_${v_Board}String${errorlevel}
- execute $prg_board r1
- set b_pcmport "2${errorlevel}0"
- execute $prg_board r2
- set b_pcmdma "${errorlevel}"
- execute $prg_board r3
- set b_pcmirq "${errorlevel}"
- execute $prg_board r4
- set b_pcmhdma "${errorlevel}"
- # execute $prg_board r5
- # set b_mpuport ""
- # execute $prg_board r6
- # set b_mpuirq "${errorlevel}"
- return
- :noboard
- return
- menu DisplayBoardJAZZ at 12,0 dims 8,18 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Board "
- display b_BoardStr using " %s "
- text at ,2
- separator at 2,2 dims ,14
- text " PCM " at 2,-1
- display b_pcmport using "PORT: %4s "
- display b_pcmdma using " DMA: %3s "
- display b_pcmirq using " IRQ: %3s "
- display b_pcmhdma using "HDMA: %3s "
- item return 1
- script ResetConfigJAZZ
- set i_pcmport "$c_pcmport"
- set i_pcmdma "$c_pcmdma"
- set i_pcmirq "$c_pcmirq"
- set i_pcmhdma "$c_pcmhdma"
- set i_mpuport "$c_mpuport"
- set i_mpuirq "$c_mpuirq"
- set i_cdrport "$c_cdrport"
- set i_cdrtype "$c_cdrtype"
- runscript ConfigJAZZ
- return
- script ConfigJAZZ
- execute $prg_board A$i_pcmport D$i_pcmdma I$i_pcmirq H$i_pcmhdma P$i_mpuport Q$i_mpuirq G$c_vollvl
- return
- script ConfigJAZZTest08
- execute $prg_board A$i_pcmport D$i_pcmdma I$i_pcmirq
- return
- script ConfigJAZZTest16
- execute $prg_board A$i_pcmport I$i_pcmirq H$i_pcmhdma
- return
- script ConfigJAZZTestMIDI
- execute $prg_board A$i_pcmport P$i_mpuport Q$i_mpuirq
- return
- script TestJAZZ
- local port type int 0
- local dma type int 0
- local irq type int 0
- local hdma type int 0
- local status type int 0
- local errjmp type str ""
- local testtodo type str ""
- local a_testtodo type str " Test08 Test16 TestMIDI "
- :nexttest
- set testtodo "${a_testtodo}" - "*${testtodo}\w" - "\w*$$"
- if issame "${testtodo}" "" goto testdone
- if issame "$i_pcmport" "" runscript GetNextINIFILEPORT
- if issame "$i_pcmdma" "" runscript GetNextINIFILEDMA
- if issame "$i_pcmirq" "" runscript GetNextINIFILEIRQ
- if issame "$i_pcmhdma" "" runscript GetNextINIFILEHDMA
- :testagain
- if issame "$i_pcmport" "" set errjmp "${errjmp}" + "_PORT"
- if issame "$i_pcmdma" "" set errjmp "${errjmp}" + "_DMA"
- if issame "$i_pcmirq" "" set errjmp "${errjmp}" + "_IRQ"
- if issame "$i_pcmhdma" "" set errjmp "${errjmp}" + "_HDMA"
- goto jmp${errjmp}
- :jmp
- runscript WriteINIFILE${testtodo}
- runscript ConfigJAZZ${testtodo}
- if issame "${testtodo}" "Test08" then
- set testbuf type str "Testing Digital Audio using Port:$i_pcmport DMA:$i_pcmdma IRQ:$i_pcmirq "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-76s " background green textcolor btwhite
- execute $prg_play $wav_welcome08 Q B$i_pcmport D$i_pcmdma I$i_pcmirq H$i_pcmhdma
- set status $errorlevel
- runscript WriteINIFILEOkay${testtodo}
- if iskey return # for debug only
- if $status == 255 runmenu LaunchError
- if $status > 18 runscript GetNextINIFILEIRQ
- if $status < 18 set status 0
- endif
- if issame "${testtodo}" "Test16" then
- set testbuf type str "Testing Digital Audio using Port:$i_pcmport HiDMA:$i_pcmhdma IRQ:$i_pcmirq "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-76s " background green textcolor btwhite
- execute $prg_play $wav_welcome16 Q B$i_pcmport D$i_pcmdma I$i_pcmirq H$i_pcmhdma
- set status $errorlevel
- runscript WriteINIFILEOkay${testtodo}
- if iskey return # for debug only
- if $status == 255 runmenu LaunchError
- if $status > 18 runscript GetNextINIFILEHDMA
- if $status < 18 set status 0
- endif
- if issame "${testtodo}" "TestMIDI" then
- set status 0
- # set testbuf type str "Testing B$c_mpuport I$c_mpuirq "
- # display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-76s " background green textcolor btwhite
- #
- # execute $prg_midiplay $mid_welcome
- # set status $errorlevel
- runscript WriteINIFILEOkay${testtodo}
- # set i_mpuirq 2
- if isequal $i_mpuirq $i_pcmirq runscript GetNextINIFILEMPUIRQ
- if isequal $i_mpuport $i_icsport runscript GetNextINIFILEMPUPORT
- if iskey return # for debug only
- if $status == 255 runmenu LaunchError
- endif
- if iskey return # for debug only
- if $status goto testagain
- goto nexttest
- :testdone
- runmenu TestJAZZ0
- return
- :jmp_port
- :jmp_dma
- :jmp_port_dma
- :jmp_irq
- :jmp_port_irq
- :jmp_dma_irq
- :jmp_port_dma_irq
- :jmp_hdma
- :jmp_port_hdma
- :jmp_dma_hdma
- :jmp_port_dma_hdma
- :jmp_irq_hdma
- :jmp_port_irq_hdma
- :jmp_dma_irq_hdma
- runmenu TestJAZZ2
- return
- :jmp_port_dma_irq_hdma
- runmenu TestJAZZBadConfig
- return
- menu TestJAZZBadConfig at -1,-1 background red textcolor btwhite border double shadow name " Warning! "
- text
- text "No Valid Board Parameters in CONFIG.SYS!"
- text
- menu TestJAZZ0 at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh name " Passed! "
- text
- text "The Test was Successful."
- item script delay5secs
- menu TestJAZZ2 at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh name " Failed! "
- text
- text at ,-1 "The Test was Not Successful."
- text
- text at ,-1 "The Test was unable to find any valid resources."
- text
- text at ,-1 "Please reset your computer and try the Test again."
- item script delay5secs
- menu TestJAZZ1 at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh name " Whoops! "
- text
- text "The Test was Interrupted."
- item script delay5secs
- script delay5secs
- set starttime type long $tics
- set endtime type long $starttime + 91
- :delay
- set curtime type long $tics
- if iskey goto break
- if isless $curtime $endtime goto delay
- :break
- if iskey flushkeys
- return
- menu LaunchError at -1,-1 bc re tc btw bo do sh na " System Error! "
- text at ,2
- text at ,-1 "Unable to Launch External Application!"
- text at ,2
- text "The most likely causes of this error are:"
- text
- text "Not Enough Memory. Quit this program, then type 'EXIT'."
- text
- text "Missing Software. Run the original INSTALL program again."
- text