home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1995-03-30 | 54.8 KB | 1,631 lines |
- include qcfgglb.dat
- set DEBUGMODE type int 1
- ## special global variables
- set v_Board type str ""
- set s_BoardStr type str ""
- set prg_this type str "diag.exe" # the name of the script engine
- set v_WEREDONE 0
- set TPD_NAME type str "Third Party Driver Name"
- set TPD_DESC type str "Third Party Driver Description"
- set TPD_LINE type str "Third Party Driver System Config Line"
- set TPD_FILE type str "System Config File"
- set TPD_SECTION type str "System Config Section"
- ## global options
- set c_vollvl type str "50" # master volume level
- set c_joyon type str "1"
- set c_unload type str ""
- # other global variables
- set v_bootfil type str "config.sys"
- # our .ini file stuff
- set i_pcmport type str ""
- set i_pcmdma type str ""
- set i_pcmirq type str ""
- set i_pcmhdma type str ""
- set i_mpuport type str ""
- set i_mpuirq type str ""
- set i_cdrport type str ""
- set i_cdrtype type str ""
- set i_icsport type str ""
- # for Manual
- set nam_AUTOEXVBEAI "vbeai.com"
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ ""
- set lin_AUTOEXVBEAI ""
- set lin_AUTOEXBLASTER ""
- # for hints line
- set fun_qcfgsecs type long $secs
- set fun_qcfgdialog type str ""
- menu QCFG dims 25,80 bc blue tc white bo no noescape
- runscript FigureBoard
- runscript ReadINSTALLINIFILE
- runscript ReadINIFILE
- text at ,2 "Quick Configure"
- box dims 0,15
- text
- text "Welcome to the Media Vision 'Quick Config' program."
- text
- text "You can select Automatic for the easiest configuration possible."
- text "Or, you can select Custom for a more informative procedure."
- text
- text
- box at 10,-1 dims 7,40 bo do sh
- item at ,-1 " Automatic " menu PWAutoQuickConfig return v_WEREDONE
- item at ,-1 " Custom " menu CustomQuickConfig return v_WEREDONE
- item at ,-1 " Update INI File " menu EditINIFILE
- item at ,-1 " Simulate First-Time Install " script FirstTimeInstall return v_WEREDONE
- item at ,-1 " Interrogate System " menu InterrogateSystem
- text
- box at 22,0 dims 3,80 border single
- hotkey F1 QCFGHelp
- hotkey F2 QCFGAbout
- hotkey F3 QCFGExit
- hotkey F4 QCFGReset
- hotkey F5 doSetGlobals
- hotkey F10 ManualJAZZ
- box at 22,0 dims 3,80 border single
- item script qcfgfun everytime
- script qcfgfun
- local cursecs type long $secs
- if isless $cursecs $fun_qcfgsecs return
- set fun_qcfgdialog "$fun_qcfgdialog" - "*\n"
- if ! $_strop then
- display " " at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- set fun_qcfgdialog type str `file qcfg.dlg
- if $fun_qcfgsecs display fun_qcfgdialog at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- set fun_qcfgsecs $cursecs + 4
- else
- set fun_qcfgsecs $cursecs + 4
- display fun_qcfgdialog at 23,2 dims 1,77 background blue textcolor white
- endif
- return
- menu InterrogateSystem at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh
- text "This procedure has the potential to cause your computer to 'lock-up'."
- text
- text "During the normal course of this program, this situation is detected"
- text "and prevented from happening again."
- text
- text "Select 'Continue...' to execute the interrogation program."
- text "Press ESCAPE, otherwise."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,20
- item at ,-1 " Continue... " script InterrogateSystem
- item at ,-1 " Exit " return 1
- text
- text at ,2
- text "The procedure takes only a few seconds, unless there is a problem,"
- text "in which case you should wait a minute after all drive lights to go off."
- text
- text "This program is perfectly safe, and should execute without error."
- script InterrogateSystem
- execute $prg_qainfo -t204 -t205 -f$v_qafile
- runmenu DisplayInterrogateSystem
- return
- menu DisplayInterrogateSystem at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc whi bo none item execute "pg $v_qafile"
- ## AutoQuickConfig(menu) - called by MAIN
- menu PWAutoQuickConfig dims 25,80 bc blue tc white bo no
- text at ,2 "Automatic Quick Config"
- box dims 0,22
- text
- text "This program will quickly configure your sound board for use with"
- text "your computer system."
- text
- text "If any changes need to be made to your configuration files, this"
- text "this program will make them and then restart your computer."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 6,30 border double shadow
- text
- item at ,-1 " Yes, go ahead, please... " script AutoQuickConfig return 1
- item at ,-1 " No, never mind! " return 1
- text
- script AutoQuickConfig
- display " Locating Media Vision Hardware" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript FigureBoard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "" goto noboard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "Unknown" goto unknown
- display " " at 1,1 dims 7,78 bc blu tc wh
- display " Analyze $v_bootfil" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript AnalyzeConfig${v_Board}
- runmenu DisplayConfig${v_Board}
- display " Analyze $v_namconfig" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript AnalyzeDriver${v_Board}
- runmenu DisplayDriver${v_Board}
- display " Analyze $v_BoardStr" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript AnalyzeBoard${v_Board}
- runmenu DisplayBoard${v_Board}
- display " Comparing Configurations" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript CompareConfigDriver${v_Board}
- runmenu DisplayCompare${v_Board}
- display " Configuring Board" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript Config${v_Board}
- display " Testing Board" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background white textcolor black
- runscript Test${v_Board}
- display " Update Configuration Files, Reboot if Changed "
- runscript UpdateDOSWINConfig
- set v_WEREDONE 1
- return
- :noboard
- runmenu NoBoard
- return
- :unknown
- runmenu NoBoard
- return
- menu NoBoard at -1,-1 bc re tc btw bo do sh text " No Media Vision Board Found! "
- menu WereDone at -1,-1 bc wh tc bla bo do sh text " Configuration Complete!"
- menu PleaseWait at -1,-1 dims 3,40 bc gr tc bla bo do sh item " $PWText " dims 1,36 background white textcolor black script $PWScript
- ## CustomQuickConfig(menu) - called by MAIN
- menu CustomQuickConfig dims 25,80 bc blu tc wh bo no
- set v_WEREDONE 0
- runscript FigureBoard
- text at ,2 "Custom Quick Config"
- box dims 0,19
- text at 4
- box at ,-1 dims 14,42 border shadow
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Analyze CONFIG Configuration " return v_WEREDONE script AnalyzeDisplayConfig${v_Board} # menu PWAnalyzeDisplayConfig${v_Board}
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Analyze DRIVER Configuration " return v_WEREDONE script AnalyzeDisplayDriver${v_Board} # menu PWAnalyzeDisplayDriver${v_Board}
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Analyze BOARD Configuration " return v_WEREDONE script AnalyzeDisplayBoard${v_Board} # menu PWAnalyzeDisplayBoard${v_Board}
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,40
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Test using INI Settings " menu PWTest${v_Board} return v_WEREDONE
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Reset to CONFIG.SYS Settings " menu PWResetConfig${v_Board} return v_WEREDONE
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,40
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Update Configuration and reboot" menu PWUpdateDOSWINConfig return v_WEREDONE
- separator at ,-1 dims 1,40
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Remove Drivers from System Files " menu YNClearCONFIGFiles
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Remove Third-Party Drivers " menu YNClearThirdParty
- item at ,-1 dims 1,40 " Uninstall Software " menu YNUninstallSoftware
- text
- text at 21,2 "Press F5 to set Global Variables"
- hotkey F5 doSetGlobals
- box at 22,0 dims 3,80 border single
- ## HelpQCFG(menu) - called by CustomQuickConfig
- menu HelpQCFG dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo no name " Help with 'Quick Config' "
- text
- text "Use the Arrow Keys to move the highlighted cursor."
- text
- text "Press ESCAPE to exit most menues."
- text
- text "Press Shift-1 (!) to obtain a 'command shell' (enter EXIT to return)."
- text "Press Shift-2 (@) to refresh the screen."
- text
- text "Start this program with '-w' to run in a Windows DOS Box."
- text
- text "Start this program with '-d' to generate debug output."
- text "Edit the .DAT files to modify the program behavior."
- text
- text "Examine the .INI file to determine start-up and lock-up conditions."
- script FigureBoard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "" goto figureboard
- if issame "${v_Board}" "Unknown" goto figureboard
- return
- :figureboard
- local gotboard 0
- set v_Board "Unknown"
- # :tryPAS
- # execute -eo proas.exe
- # set gotboard $gotboard + $errorlevel
- # if $errorlevel runscript setv_PAS
- :tryJAZZ
- local ourdir type str ""
- set ourdir `pwd
- if issame "${prg_board}" "" then
- if isfile ${ourdir}:h\pros.exe set prg_board "${ourdir}:h\pros.exe"
- if isfile ${ourdir}:h\jazz.exe set prg_board "${ourdir}:h\jazz.exe"
- if isfile pros.exe set prg_board "pros.exe"
- if isfile jazz.exe set prg_board "jazz.exe"
- else
- if isfile ${ourdir}:h\${prg_board} set prg_board "${ourdir}:h\${prg_board}"
- endif
- if not isfile ${prg_board} runmenu BadPRG_BOARD
- execute -eo $prg_board
- ## if $DEBUGMODE set errorlevel 6
- set gotboard $gotboard + $errorlevel
- if $errorlevel runscript setv_JAZZ
- if $gotboard return
- execute -eo $prg_board
- set gotboard $gotboard + $errorlevel
- if $errorlevel runscript setv_JAZZ
- if $gotboard return
- set gotboard $gotboard + $errorlevel
- if $errorlevel runscript setv_JAZZ
- if $gotboard return
- return
- script setv_PAS
- set v_Board "PAS"
- set v_namconfig "mvsound.sys"
- set prg_board "proas.exe"
- # set c_pasport "388"
- # set c_pasdma "5"
- # set c_pasirq "15"
- # set c_mpuport "320"
- # set c_mpuirq "2"
- # set c_pcmport "220"
- # set c_pcmdma "1"
- # set c_pcmirq "5"
- set c_verbose "x"
- set c_altclk "0"
- set c_noboot "0"
- set c_unload ""
- return
- script setv_JAZZ
- set v_Board "JAZZ"
- if issame "${v_bootdrv}" "" set v_bootdrv "C:"
- if issame "${v_bootdir}" "" set v_bootdir "\"
- if issame "${v_namconfig}" "" then
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+pros.sys d locate
- if $errorlevel set v_namconfig "pros.sys"
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+jazz.sys d locate
- if $errorlevel set v_namconfig "jazz.sys"
- endif
- if issame "${v_namconfig}" "" then
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\pros.sys set v_namconfig "pros.sys"
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\jazz.sys set v_namconfig "jazz.sys"
- endif
- # set c_pcmport "220"
- # set c_pcmdma "1"
- # set c_pcmirq "5"
- # set c_pcmhdma "1"
- # set c_mpuport "320"
- # set c_mpuirq "2"
- # set c_cdrport "390"
- # set c_cdrtype "P"
- set c_verbose "v"
- set c_mixcompat "0"
- set c_lopt ""
- set c_mixtype ""
- if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "" then
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\cdrom.sys set v_namcdrom "cdrom.sys"
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\sjcd.sys set v_namcdrom "sjcd.sys"
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\fdcd.sys set v_namcdrom "fdcd.sys"
- if isfile cdrom.sys set v_namcdrom "cdrom.sys"
- if isfile sjcd.sys set v_namcdrom "sjcd.sys"
- if isfile fdcd.sys set v_namcdrom "fdcd.sys"
- if isfile ${cwd}:h\FDATACD.sys set v_namcdrom "FDATACD.SYS"
- if isfile FDATACD.SYS set v_namcdrom "FDATACD.SYS"
- endif
- return
- script FirstTimeInstall
- runscript CreateINIFILE
- runscript QuietTestPCM
- return
- script QuietTestPCM
- local testbuf type str ""
- set testbuf "Media Vision Diagnostics version 2.3"
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript FigureBoard
- runscript AnalyzeConfig${v_Board}
- runscript AnalyzeDriver${v_Board}
- set testbuf "Product: $v_Board "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- if issame "${v_Board}" "Unknown" return
- set testbuf "Reading install.ini "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript ReadINSTALLINIFILE
- set testbuf "Reading $v_inifile "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript ReadINIFILE
- set testbuf "Analyzing System "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript RunQAINFO
- set testbuf "Testing Digital Audio "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript Test${v_Board}
- set testbuf "Removing Automatic Test Hook "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript RemoveThisFromAutoexec
- set testbuf "Updating CONFIG.SYS with Audio Driver "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript UpdateCONFIGSYS
- if $v_dotestcd runscript InsertTESTCD
- set testbuf "Updating CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT with CDROM Driver "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript AddCDROMDriver
- set testbuf "Updating AUTOEXEC.BAT with DOS Drivers "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript UpdateAUTOEXECBAT
- set testbuf "Updating SYSTEM.INI with Windows Drivers "
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript UpdateSYSTEMINI
- runscript ClearThirdpartyAuto
- set testbuf "Checking Configuration... "
- flushkeys
- display testbuf at 23,1 using " %-77s" background blue textcolor white
- runscript WarmbootSystem
- return
- script InsertTESTCD
- sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat diag "${cwd}\diag.exe -e tcd -s=quiettestcd" modify
- return
- menu PWUpdateDOSWINConfig at -1,-1 item " Please Wait... " script UpdateDOSWinConfig
- script UpdateDOSWINConfig
- runscript UpdateCONFIGSYS
- runscript AddCDROMDriver
- runscript UpdateAUTOEXECBAT
- runscript UpdateSYSTEMINI
- runscript WarmbootSystem
- return
- script RemoveThisFromAutoexec
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $prg_this d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $prg_this d erase
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script RemoveThisFromAutoexecDuringBoot
- local buf type str " "
- nullit buf
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $prg_this dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set x `length "${buf}"
- if isequal $x 0 return
- set buf ""
- local y 1
- :next
- set buf "${buf} "
- set y ++
- if isless $y $x goto next
- sedit -wqnB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $prg_this "${buf}" substitute
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- menu YNClearThirdParty dims 25,80 bc wh tc bla bo do sh na " Clear Third Party Files "
- text
- text "This procedure will remove the drivers that conflict with the sound board."
- text
- text "Each driver to be removed will be displayed and you will be asked to"
- text "confirm the action."
- text
- text "If no conflicting drivers are found, then nothing will happen."
- text
- text
- text at ,-1 "Do you like to continue?"
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,20 bo do sh
- item at ,-1 " No, I Don't! " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Yes, I Do. " menu PWClearThirdParty return 1
- text
- menu PWClearThirdParty at -1,-1 item " Please Wait... " script ClearThirdParty
- script ClearThirdParty
- set TPD_SECTION "386Enh"
- set TPD_NAME "VAD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "AFTERDARK - The Screen Saver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VADLIBD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "AdLib Sound Card (or SB Emulation)"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSBD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Creative Labs Sound Blaster"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSBPD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSND16D.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "WIN400I.386"
- set TPD_DESC "HP ScanJet"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "HPSCANR.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLX16.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Sound Galaxy Card"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSGD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLX.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSNDSYS.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Stereo FX Kit"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "OPTI16D.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Opti Sound Card"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSNDSYS.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Reveal"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- # Conflicting Media Vision drivers
- set TPD_NAME "VTBD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision Thunder Board Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VSB2AP.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision AudioPort Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VPASD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision Pro Audio Drivers"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VPA3DD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision Premium 3D Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- if not issame "$win_386" "$TPD_NAME" runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- ##AS set TPD_NAME "VMVID.386"
- ##AS set TPD_DESC "Media Vision Pro Deluxe Driver"
- ##AS set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- ##AS if not issame "$win_386" "$TPD_NAME" runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_NAME "VPROSD.386"
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision Prosonic Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- if not issame "$win_386" "$TPD_NAME" then
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- set TPD_DESC "Media Vision ProSonic Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- endif
- # non-sound board wave driver
- set TPD_SECTION "drivers"
- set TPD_DESC "PC Speaker Waveform Driver"
- set TPD_LINE "wave=${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- return
- script FindClearThirdPartyDriver
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} $TPD_FILE $TPD_SECTION $TPD_LINE d locate
- if $errorlevel then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} $TPD_FILE $TPD_SECTION $TPD_LINE d put $ptr
- trim TPD_LINE
- runmenu YNClearThirdPartyDriver
- endif
- return
- menu YNClearThirdPartyDriver at -1,-1 dims 10,70 bc bla tc wh bo do sh na " Clear Third Party Driver "
- text
- display TPD_DESC bc bla tc btw
- display TPD_LINE bc bla tc btw
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 4,30 bo single
- item at ,-1 " Yes, Remove this line! " script ClearThirdPartyDriver return 1
- item at ,-1 " No, let me check it out! " return 1
- text
- text
- script ClearThirdPartyDriver
- sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini 386Enh device=+${TPD_NAME} d disable
- return
- menu YNClearCONFIGFiles dims 25,80 bc wh tc bla bo do na " Clear Configuration Files "
- text
- text "This procedure will remove the device driver files from CONFIG.SYS, "
- text
- text "After rmoving the device driver files, the system will be rebooted."
- text
- text "This feature is provided to simplify reconfiguration."
- text
- text "Please confirm this action, by selecting 'Yes, I Do', below."
- text
- text
- box at 15,-1 dims 4,20
- item at ,-1 " No, I Don't! " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Yes, I Do. " menu PWClearCONFIGFiles return 1
- text
- text
- menu PWClearCONFIGFiles at -1,-1 item " Please Wait... " script ClearCONFIGFiles
- script ClearCONFIGFiles
- runscript ClearCONFIGSYS
- runscript ClearCDROM
- runscript ClearAUTOEXECBAT
- runscript ClearSYSTEMINI
- runscript doWarmBootSystem
- return
- script ClearCONFIGSYS
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_namconfig} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_namconfig} d erase
- return
- script ClearCDROM
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local tmp type str ""
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mscdex d locate
- if $errorlevel then
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mscdex d put $ptr
- trim buf
- set buf "$buf" + " " - "/d:${c_devcdrom}\w"
- set tmp "$buf" - "*/d:*"
- if $_strop sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mscdex "$buf" substitute
- if ! $_strop sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mscdex d erase
- endif
- if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "fdcd.sys" then
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+mcam950.sys d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+mcam950.sys d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini 386enh emmexclude=ca00-cbff d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini 386enh emmexclude=ca00-cbff d erase
- endif
- if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "cdrom.sys" then
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+mini406a.sys d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+mini406a.sys d erase
- endif
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_namcdrom} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_namcdrom} d erase
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_mcamname} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+${v_mcamname} d erase
- return
- script ClearAUTOEXECBAT
- sedit -rB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat vbeai d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wrnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat vbeai d erase
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat set+blaster d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat set+blaster d erase
- sedit -rB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mvlite d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wrnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat mvlite d erase
- return
- script ClearSYSTEMINI
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers wave=+${win_drvwav} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers wave=+${win_drvwav} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers mixer=+${win_drvmix} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers mixer=+${win_drvmix} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi=+${win_drvfms} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi=+${win_drvfms} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi1=+${win_drvmpu} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi1=+${win_drvmpu} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi2=+${win_drvwft} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini drivers midi2=+${win_drvwft} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini 386Enh device=+${win_386} d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini 386Enh device=+${win_386} d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} port d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} port d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} int d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} int d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} dmachannel d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} dmachannel d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} dmachannel2 d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwav} dmachannel2 d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwft} IOAddress d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvwft} IOAddress d erase
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini boot drivers=+$win_mixdll dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set buf "$buf" - "*=" - "$win_mixdll"
- if $_strop sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini boot drivers=+$win_mixdll "$buf" substitute
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvmpu} int d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvmpu} int d erase
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvmpu} port d locate
- if $errorlevel sedit -wnqI ${v_winpath} system.ini ${win_drvmpu} port d erase
- interrupt 2Fh ax 4A10h bx 1 # flush SMARTDRV
- return
- script WarmbootSystem
- if not issame "${c_pcmport}" "${i_pcmport}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${c_pcmdma}" "${i_pcmdma}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${c_pcmirq}" "${i_pcmirq}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${c_pcmhdma}" "${i_pcmhdma}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${d_pcmport}" "${i_pcmport}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${d_pcmdma}" "${i_pcmdma}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${d_pcmirq}" "${i_pcmirq}" goto reboot
- if not issame "${d_pcmhdma}" "${i_pcmhdma}" goto reboot
- runmenu NoRebootNeeded
- return
- :reboot
- runscript doWarmbootSystem
- return
- script doWarmbootSystem
- outp 381h 0
- outp 305h 4Dh
- outp 306h 00h
- outp 300h FFh
- cursorat 0,0
- local x type long 0
- local reboottime type long $secs
- # display x using " Waiting to Reboot:%5ld" at 23,1 dims 1,78 background red textcolor btwhite
- set reboottime $reboottime + 3
- :delay
- set x $reboottime - $secs
- # display x using "%5ld" at 23,20 background red textcolor btwhite
- if iskey goto return
- if isgreater $x 0 goto delay
- warmboot
- :return
- return
- menu NoRebootNeeded at -1,-1 bc wh tc red bo do sh name " Okay "
- text
- text "No Reboot is Required..."
- text
- script setglobalstype
- set GlobalsScreen type str "SetGlobals${v_namcdrom}:r"
- return
- #menu doSetGlobals at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables "
- menu doSetGlobals at -1,-1 bc wh tc blu
- runscript setglobalstype
- item " Please Wait... " menu $GlobalsScreen
- menu SetGlobals at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- set
- text " Press ESC to Quit " at 2,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text " Press F1 for Help " at 3,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text at 1,2
- text using "%25s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%25s" "BOARD Configurator:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "MV Product Type:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%25s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CDROM driver:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/B:' port:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "QAINFO File:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "Do TESTCD:"
- text at 1,28
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $prg_board dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting prg_board" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_Board dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_Board" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_cdrport dims 1,4 script "getCDROMPORT c_cdrport" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_dotestcd dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_dotestcd" script "toggleint v_dotestcd" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 background blue textcolor white
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script UpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults " script DefaultGlobals return 1
- hotkey F1 helpSetGlobals
- menu SetGlobalsCDROM at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables for CDROM "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- set
- text " Press ESC to Quit " at 2,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text " Press F1 for Help " at 3,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text at 1,2
- text using "%25s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%25s" "BOARD Configurator:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "MV Product Type:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%25s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CDROM driver:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "QAINFO File:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "Do TESTCD:"
- text at 1,28
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $prg_board dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting prg_board" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_Board dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_Board" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_dotestcd dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_dotestcd" script "toggleint v_dotestcd" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 background blue textcolor white
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script UpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults " script DefaultGlobals return 1
- hotkey F1 helpSetGlobals
- menu SetGlobalsFDCD at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables for FDCD "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- set
- text " Press ESC to Quit " at 2,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text " Press F1 for Help " at 3,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text at 1,2
- text using "%25s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%25s" "BOARD Configurator:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "MV Product Type:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%25s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CDROM driver:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "QAINFO File:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "Do TESTCD:"
- text at 1,28
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $prg_board dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting prg_board" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_Board dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_Board" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_dotestcd dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_dotestcd" script "toggleint v_dotestcd" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 background blue textcolor white
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script UpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults " script DefaultGlobals return 1
- hotkey F1 helpSetGlobals
- menu SetGlobalsSJCD at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables for SJCD "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- set
- text " Press ESC to Quit " at 2,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text " Press F1 for Help " at 3,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text at 1,2
- text using "%25s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%25s" "BOARD Configurator:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "MV Product Type:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%25s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CDROM driver:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/B:' port:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "QAINFO File:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "Do TESTCD:"
- text at 1,28
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $prg_board dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting prg_board" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_Board dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_Board" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_cdrport dims 1,4 script "getCDROMPORT c_cdrport" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_dotestcd dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_dotestcd" script "toggleint v_dotestcd" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 background blue textcolor white
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script UpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults " script DefaultGlobals return 1
- hotkey F1 helpSetGlobals
- menu SetGlobalsFDATACD at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc black tc wh bo no na " Set Global Variables for FDATACD "
- set tmpFilename type str ""
- set
- text " Press ESC to Quit " at 2,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text " Press F1 for Help " at 3,59 background 3 textcolor btwhite
- text at 1,2
- text using "%25s" "QCFG .ini file:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CONFIG.SYS driver:"
- text using "%25s" "BOARD Configurator:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "MV Product Type:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Drive:"
- text using "%25s" "Boot Directory:"
- text using "%25s" "Windows Path:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "CDROM driver:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/D:' name:"
- text using "%25s" "CDROM '/B:' port:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "QAINFO File:"
- text
- text using "%25s" "Do TESTCD:"
- text at 1,28
- item $v_inifile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_inifile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namconfig dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting v_namconfig" background blue textcolor white
- item $prg_board dims 1,40 script "getFilenameExisting prg_board" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_Board dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_Board" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdrv dims 1,3 script "getDriveLetter v_bootdrv" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_bootdir dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_bootdir" background blue textcolor white
- item $v_winpath dims 1,40 script "getPathExisting v_winpath" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_namcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_namcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_devcdrom dims 1,13 script "getFilename c_devcdrom" background blue textcolor white
- item $c_cdrport dims 1,4 script "getCDROMPORT c_cdrport" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_qafile dims 1,13 script "getFilename v_qafile" background blue textcolor white
- text
- item $v_dotestcd dims 1,4 set "arg1 $v_dotestcd" script "toggleint v_dotestcd" background blue textcolor white
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 background blue textcolor white
- item at ,-1 " Update GLOBALS " script UpdateGlobals return 1
- item at ,-1 " Use GLOBALS this time only " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Reset GLOBALS to defaults " script DefaultGlobals return 1
- hotkey F1 helpSetGlobals
- script DefaultGlobals
- set v_inifile type str qcfg.ini
- set v_namconfig type str PROS.SYS
- set prg_board type str pros.exe
- set v_bootdrv type str C: ## change to "C:"
- set v_bootdir type str \ ## change to "\"
- set v_winpath type str C:\WINDOWS # path to Windows
- set v_namcdrom type str FDATACD.SYS # pick your cdrom driver name
- set c_devcdrom type str mvcd005
- set c_cdrtype type str T
- set v_qafile type str scandos.txt
- return
- script UpdateGlobals
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local new type str ""
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_inifile dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_inifile "set v_inifile type str $v_inifile #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_namconfig dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_namconfig "set v_namconfig type str $v_namconfig #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+prg_board dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+prg_board "set prg_board type str $prg_board #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_bootdrv dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_bootdrv "set v_bootdrv type str $v_bootdrv #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_bootdir dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_bootdir "set v_bootdir type str $v_bootdir #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_winpath dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_winpath "set v_winpath type str $v_winpath #$new" substitute
- if isfile install.ini then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I . install.ini setup windir dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqI . install.ini setup windir "${v_winpath}\" substitute
- endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_namcdrom dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_namcdrom "set v_namcdrom type str $v_namcdrom #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+c_devcdrom dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+c_devcdrom "set c_devcdrom type str $c_devcdrom #$new" substitute
- if issame "${v_namcdrom}" "sjcd.sys" then
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+c_cdrport dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+c_cdrport "set c_cdrport type str $c_cdrport #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+c_cdrtype dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+c_cdrtype "set c_cdrtype type str $c_cdrtype #$new" substitute
- endif
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_qafile dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_qafile "set v_qafile type str $v_qafile #$new" substitute
- nullit buf
- sedit -B . qcfgglb.dat set+v_dotestcd dummy put $ptr
- set new "$buf" - "^*#"
- if ! $_strop set new ""
- trim new
- sedit -wnqB . qcfgglb.dat set+v_dotestcd "set v_dotestcd type int $v_dotestcd #$new" substitute
- return
- script toggleint
- if $arg1 return 0
- return 1
- include get.dat
- include qcfgini.dat
- include qcfgjazz.dat
- #include qcfgpas.dat
- local buf type str "windir=c:\windows "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- if isfile install.ini then
- sedit -I . install.ini setup windir d put $ptr
- trim buf
- set v_winpath "$buf" - "*="
- set v_winpath "${v_winpath}:h"
- set g_domestic 1
- sedit -I . install.ini setup language d locate
- if $errorlevel set g_domestic 0
- endif
- return
- menu AboutQuickConfig dims 25,80 bc whi tc blue border no na " About Quick Config "
- text at ,2
- text "'Quick Config' is a utility program to be used by the Customer,"
- text "especially when in contact with Media Vision Technical Support."
- text
- script AnalyzeDisplayBoardUNKNOWN
- return
- script AnalyzeDisplayDriverUNKNOWN
- return
- script AnalyzeDisplayConfigUNKNOWN
- return
- script AnalyzeConfigUNKNOWN
- return
- menu DisplayConfigUNKNOWN at 1,0 dims 10,38 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " System Configuration "
- text "No CONFIG.SYS for UNKNOWN."
- script ClearConfigUNKNOWN
- return
- script AnalyzeDriverUNKNOWN
- return
- menu DisplayDriverUNKNOWN at 1,40 dims 10,38 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Driver Configuration "
- text "No DRIVER for UNKNOWN."
- script CompareConfigDriverUNKNOWN
- return
- menu DisplayCompareUNKNOWN at 12,40 dims 10,38 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Compare Configurations "
- text "UNKNOWN what to Compare."
- script AnalyzeBoardUNKNOWN
- return
- menu DisplayBoardUNKNOWN at 12,0 dims 10,20 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave name " Board "
- text "No BOARD for UNKNOWN."
- script ConfigUNKNOWN
- return
- script ConfigUNKNOWNTest08
- return
- script ConfigUNKNOWNTest16
- return
- script ConfigUNKNOWNTestMIDI
- return
- script TestUNKNOWN
- return
- menu ManualJAZZ at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Manually Modify Drivers "
- runscript FindJAZZConfig
- runscript BuildCONFIGJAZZline
- runscript FindJAZZAutoex
- runscript BuildAUTOEXJAZZline
- text at ,2
- text "Displayed below are either the actual lines from CONFIG.SYS and "
- text "AUTOEXEC.BAT for your Sound Board drivers, or default lines built"
- text "by this program."
- text
- text "Highlight these lines and press ENTER to edit the line."
- text "Then highlight 'Update ... now' and press ENTER to save the changes."
- text
- text "This operation is provided here to expedite Tech Support activities."
- text "Try the 'Quick Config Automatic' feature for hands-free configuration."
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 9,74 border single shadow
- text at ,-1 dims 1,72 " CONFIG.SYS: "
- item at ,-1 dims 1,70 $lin_CONFIGJAZZ script "getTextLine lin_CONFIGJAZZ" hotkey F5 PWaddCONFIGJAZZ
- text
- text at ,-1 dims 1,72 " AUTOEXEC.BAT: "
- item at ,-1 dims 1,70 $lin_AUTOEXVBEAI script "getTextLine lin_AUTOEXVBEAI" hotkey F5 PWaddAUTOEXVBEAI
- item at ,-1 dims 1,70 $lin_AUTOEXBLASTER script "getTextLine lin_AUTOEXBLASTER" hotkey F5 PWaddAUTOEXBLASTER
- text
- box at ,-1 dims 5,40 border single shadow
- item at ,-1 " Return to Previous Screen " return 1
- item at ,-1 " Update CONFIG.SYS, now " script addCONFIGJAZZ
- item at ,-1 " Update AUTOEXEC.BAT, now " script addAUTOEXJAZZ
- text at 23,2 "Press F1 for Help"
- hotkey F1 helpManualJAZZ
- menu PWaddCONFIGJAZZ at -1,-1 bc wh tc blu bo do sh item " Updating CONFIG.SYS " script addCONFIGJAZZ
- menu PWaddAUTOEXVBEAI at -1,-1 bc wh tc blu bo do sh item " Updating AUTOEXEC.BAT " script addAUTOEXVBEAI
- menu PWaddAUTOEXBLASTER at -1,-1 bc wh tc blu bo do sh item " Updating AUTOEXEC.BAT " script addAUTOEXBLASTER
- script addCONFIGJAZZ
- local tmp type str "$lin_CONFIGJAZZ"
- set tmp "$tmp" - "*="
- sedit -wnqC ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+$nam_CONFIGJAZZ "$tmp" substitute
- return
- script addAUTOEXJAZZ
- runscript addAUTOEXVBEAI
- runscript addAUTOEXBLASTER
- return
- script unremAUTOEXVBEAI
- sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI d locate
- if $errorlevel return
- :checkforrem
- sedit -wnqBr ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI d locate
- if ! $errorlevel goto addactive
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -wnqBr ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI p $ptr
- set buf "$buf" - "*rem\w"
- sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI "$buf" substitute
- return
- :addactive
- sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI "${cwd}\$nam_AUTOEXVBEAI" modify
- return
- script addAUTOEXVBEAI
- sedit -wrnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXVBEAI "$lin_AUTOEXVBEAI" modify
- return
- sedit -wnqB ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat $nam_AUTOEXBLASTER "$lin_AUTOEXBLASTER" modify
- return
- script getTextLine
- set xxx type str ""
- getstring xxx length 65
- return "${xxx}"
- script FindJAZZConfig
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- local name type str $nam_CONFIGJAZZ
- set name "${name}" - ".*$$"
- sedit -C ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} config.sys device=+$name dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- set var_CONFIGJAZZfound 0
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ ""
- if issame "${buf}" "" return
- set var_CONFIGJAZZfound 1
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ "${buf}"
- set var_CONFIGJAZZfound 1
- local x type str "${buf}"
- local y type str ""
- local c type int 0
- return
- script FindJAZZAutoexBLASTER
- local count type int 0
- local blaster type str ""
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat set+blaster dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set blaster "BLASTER" set count ++
- return "$blaster"
- script GetJAZZAutoexBLASTER
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat set+blaster dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- return "$buf"
- script FindJAZZAutoexVBEAI
- local count type int 0
- local vbeai type str ""
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat VBEAI.COM dummy locate
- if $errorlevel then
- set vbeai "vbeai.com"
- set count ++
- else
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat VBEAI dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set vbeai "vbeai" set count ++
- endif
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat SBWAVE.COM dummy locate
- if $errorlevel then
- set vbeai "sbwave.com"
- set count ++
- else
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat SBWAVE dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set vbeai "sbwave" set count ++
- endif
- if $count > 1 runmenu MultipleAutoexVBEAI
- return "$vbeai"
- script GetJAZZAutoexVBEAI
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -B ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir} autoexec.bat "$arg1" dummy put $ptr
- trim buf
- return "$buf"
- ###############################################3
- ### FindJAZZAutoex - finds VBEAI and BLASTER and sets nam_AUTOEXE...
- script FindJAZZAutoex
- runscript FindJAZZAutoexVBEAI nam_AUTOEXVBEAI
- if ! issame "${nam_AUTOEXVBEAI}" "" then
- set var_AUTOEXVBEAIfound 1
- set arg1 "${nam_AUTOEXVBEAI}" runscript GetJAZZAutoexVBEAI lin_AUTOEXVBEAI
- endif
- if ! issame "${nam_AUTOEXBLASTER}" "" then
- set var_AUTOEXBLASTERfound 1
- set arg1 "${nam_AUTOEXBLASTER}" runscript GetJAZZAutoexBLASTER lin_AUTOEXBLASTER
- endif
- return
- script buildCONFIGJAZZline
- if issame "${nam_CONFIGJAZZ}" "" set nam_CONFIGJAZZ "PROS.SYS"
- if isequal $var_CONFIGJAZZfound 0 then
- set sedit_CONFIGJAZZ "modify"
- else
- set sedit_CONFIGJAZZ "substitute"
- endif
- if issame "${lin_CONFIGJAZZ}" "" then
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ `pwd
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ ${lin_CONFIGJAZZ}:h
- set lin_CONFIGJAZZ "device=${lin_CONFIGJAZZ}\${nam_CONFIGJAZZ} A$i_pcmport I$i_pcmirq D$i_pcmdma H$i_pcmhdma P$i_mpuport Q$i_mpuirq V"
- endif
- return
- script buildAUTOEXJAZZline
- if issame "${nam_AUTOEXVBEAI}" "" set nam_AUTOEXVBEAI "vbeai.com"
- if issame "${lin_AUTOEXVBEAI}" "" then
- set lin_AUTOEXVBEAI `pwd
- endif
- if issame "${nam_AUTOEXBLASTER}" "" set nam_AUTOEXBLASTER "BLASTER"
- if issame "${lin_AUTOEXBLASTER}" "" then
- set lin_AUTOEXBLASTER "set BLASTER=A$i_pcmport I$i_pcmirq D$i_pcmdma H$i_pcmhdma P$i_mpuport Q$i_mpuirq T4"
- endif
- return
- menu QCFGHelp dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " Media Vision Diagnostics Help "
- runscript loadQCFGHelp
- display at ,2 dims 20,70 textQCFGHelp
- item at 23,1 " Press ENTER to Return To Main Program " set "textQCFGHelp" return 1
- item "" Return 1
- script loadQCFGHelp
- if isfile QCFG.hlp then
- set textQCFGHelp type str `file QCFG.HLP
- else
- set textQCFGHelp type str "Sorry: missing QCFG.HLP, can not provide help."
- endif
- return
- menu QCFGAbout dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " About Media Vision Diagnostics "
- runscript loadQCFGAbout
- display at ,2 dims 20,70 textQCFGAbout
- item at 23,1 " Press ENTER to Return To Main Program " set "textQCFGHelp" return 1
- item "" Return 1
- script loadQCFGAbout
- if isfile QCFG.hlp then
- set textQCFGAbout type str `file QCFG.ABT
- else
- set textQCFGAbout type str "Sorry: missing QCFG.ABT, can not provide help."
- endif
- return
- menu QCFGExit
- item "" return 2
- menu QCFGReset
- item script FigureBoard return 1
- menu helpSetGlobals at 3,48 dims 15,30 bc wh tc bla bo do sh nosave na " Help for Set Globals "
- item return 1
- text at ,-1 dims 3,24 "Move the Up/Down Arrow Keys to highlight an item, and press ENTER."
- text
- text at ,-1 dims 3,24 "Type in the new value, using the Left and Right Arrow Keys and INSERT."
- text
- text at ,-1 dims 3,24 "Press ESCAPE to cancel the entry, or ENTER to accept it."
- menu MultipleAutoexVBEAI at -1,-1 bc bla tc wh bo do sh name " Whoa! "
- text
- text "Multiple potential VESA Audio Drivers detected!"
- text
- menu helpManualJAZZ dims 25,80 bc bla tc wh bo do na " About Media Vision Diagnostics "
- runscript loadManualJAZZhelp
- display at ,2 dims 20,70 textManualJAZZhelp
- item at 23,1 " Press ENTER to Return To Main Program " set "textQCFGHelp" return 1
- item "" Return 1
- script loadManualJAZZhelp
- if isfile qcfgmj.hlp then
- set textManualJAZZhelp type str `file qcfgmj.hlp
- else
- set textManualJAZZhelp type str "Sorry: missing QCFGMJ.HLP, can not provide help."
- endif
- return
- menu BadPRG_BOARD at -1,-1 bc re tc btw bo do sh na " Uh, oh! "
- text
- text "Unable to locate the Sound Board Configuration Program."
- text
- text "Typically, this program is named PROS.EXE or JAZZ.EXE, and "
- text "is usually located in the directory above this, or this directory"
- text "if updates to this program have been distributed."
- text
- text "Use the 'F5 Edit Globals' screen to change the name of this"
- text "program, or if this program is in your PATH, then never mind."
- text
- script ClearThirdPartyAuto
- set TPD_SECTION "386Enh"
- set TPD_NAME "VAD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "AD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VADLIBD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VADLIB.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSBD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSBPD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSND16D.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSND16.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VPA3DD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "WIN400I.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "HPSCANR.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLX16.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSGD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSGLX.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSNDSYS.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "OPTI16D.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- # Conflicting Media Vision drivers
- set TPD_NAME "VTBD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VSB2AP.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VPASD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "ES1488.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_NAME "VPROSD.386"
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- if not issame "$win_386" "$TPD_NAME" then
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- set TPD_LINE "device=+${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- endif
- # non-sound board wave driver
- set TPD_SECTION "drivers"
- set TPD_LINE "wave=${TPD_NAME}"
- runscript FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- return
- script FindClearThirdPartyDriverAuto
- local buf type str " "
- local ptr type ptr &buf
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} $TPD_FILE $TPD_SECTION $TPD_LINE d locate
- if $errorlevel then
- nullit buf
- sedit -I ${v_winpath} $TPD_FILE $TPD_SECTION $TPD_LINE d put $ptr
- trim TPD_LINE
- endif
- runscript ClearThirdPartyDriver
- return
- include qcfgup.dat
- include uninstal.dat