home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # changed by DA 11:02am 03-23-1995 Ver 2.8 for JAZZ based Sound boards.
- include tcdglb.dat
- include qcfgglb.dat
- menu main at 0,0 dims 25,80
- runscript main
- item AT 1,2 dims 5,73 return 2
- script main
- runmenu intro
- set v_bootdrv "C:"
- set v_bootdir "\"
- set v_winpath "C:\WINDOWS"
- set v_editpathedit "C:\DOS\EDIT.COM"
- set srcdir type str `pwd
- set baseport type str " "
- set gotjazz type int 0
- set recexe type str trec.exe
- set playexe type str tplay.exe
- set loadedfm type int 0
- set recrate type str "11025"
- set recchan type str "Mono"
- set recdsiz type str "8-bit"
- set recfile type str "XXX"
- set exedir type str ${srcdir}:h
- if isfile $exedir\jazz.exe set prg_board "$exedir\jazz.exe"
- if isfile jazz.exe set prg_board "jazz.exe"
- if isfile $exedir\pros.exe set prg_board "$exedir\pros.exe"
- if isfile pros.exe set prg_board "pros.exe"
- if isfile $exedir\mixer.exe set prg_mixer "$exedir\mixer.exe"
- if isfile mixer.exe set prg_mixer "mixer.exe"
- if isfile $exedir\pg.exe set prg_lookat "$exedir\pg.exe"
- if isfile pg.exe set prg_lookat "pg.exe"
- if isfile $exedir\fm.com set prg_fmopl2 "$exedir\fm.com"
- if isfile fm.com set prg_fmopl2 "fm.com"
- if isfile $exedir\joy.exe set prg_joytest "$exedir\joy.exe"
- if isfile joy.exe set prg_joytest "joy.exe"
- runscript gettmpbaseport
- :getboardaddress
- if issame "${baseport}" " " runmenu getboardaddress
- if issame $gotjazz 0 return
- if issame $gotjazz 2 goto getboardaddress
- runscript setproductcode
- if issame $productcode 0 return
- runmenu showproduct
- execute $prg_board a$baseport g70
- runmenu demo_mainscreen
- runscript shutdown
- runmenu intro
- return
- menu intro at 1,2 dims 5,73 bc blu tc whi
- text at ,6 " Media Vision Customer Demonstration Facility for Sound Cards"
- text at ,6 " Brought to you by Media Vision Product Support"
- text at ,6 " Press ENTER to continue"
- menu demo_mainscreen at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc blu tc whi
- text "Media Vision Hardware Demonstration Facility -- Version 2.8"
- text "For Media Vision Jazz Based Sound Cards"
- text ""
- text "For other hardware diagnostics, run the Diag program"
- display exedir using "in the %s\DIAG directory."
- text ""
- text "Select an item to test" at ,10
- text ""
- box at ,8 dims 12,30 bc cy
- item "Digital Audio Playback" at ,10 menu digaudplay textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "Digital Audio Recording" at ,10 menu digaudrec textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "FM Synthesizer" at ,10 menu fmsynth2op textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "CD Audio" at ,10 menu cdaudio textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "Joystick Tracking" at ,10 execute "$prg_joytest" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "Mixer Program" at ,10 execute "$prg_mixer *" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "Set Volume" at ,10 menu setvolume textcolor btwhi background cy
- item "Configuration Details" at ,10 menu systemconfigarea textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- item "Return To DOS" at ,10 return 2 textcolor btwhi background cy
- script shutdown
- if issame $loadedfm 1 execute $prg_fmopl2 -qu
- execute -eo cdstop
- return
- menu digaudplay at 2,0 dims 20,80
- set playstatus type int 0
- text "Digital Audio Playback"
- text ""
- text "This test will verify the ability of your sound card"
- text "to playback various types of digital audio."
- text ""
- box at ,3 dims 9,30 bc gr
- item "Play 8-bit, 11025 Mono" at ,5 menu dap0811m background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Play 8-bit, 22050 Stereo" at ,5 menu dap0822s background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Play 16-bit, 11025 Mono" at ,5 menu dap1611m background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Play User Recorded File" at ,5 menu dapusers background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return To Previous Screen" at ,5 return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- menu dap0811m at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- text at -1,-1 " Currently playing a 8-bit, 11025 mono wave file... " background blu textcolor btwhi
- item "" script dap0811m
- menu dap0822s at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- text at -1,-1 " Currently playing a 8-bit, 22050 stereo wave file... " background blu textcolor btwhi
- item "" script dap0822s
- menu dap1611m at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- text at -1,-1 " Currently playing a 16-bit, 11025 mono wave file... " background blu textcolor btwhi
- item "" script dap1611m
- #menu dapusers at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- #text at -1,-1 " Press ESCAPE to stop playback... " background blu textcolor btwhi
- #item "" script dapusers
- script dap0811m
- execute $playexe pcm0811m.wav q b$baseport
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- script dap0822s
- execute $playexe pcm0822s.wav q b$baseport
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- script dap1611m
- execute $playexe pcm1611m.wav q b$baseport
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- script sbc0811m
- if issame "%blaster%" "" goto needblaster
- if issame $productcode 1 goto nosbconcard
- execute $playexe pcm0811m.wav q b$baseport
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- :needblaster
- runmenu needblaster
- return
- :nosbconcard
- runmenu nosbconcard
- return
- script sbc0822m
- if issame "%blaster%" "" goto needblaster
- if issame $productcode 1 goto nosbconcard
- execute $playexe pcm0822m.wav q b$baseport
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- :needblaster
- runmenu needblaster
- return
- :nosbconcard
- runmenu nosbconcard
- return
- menu needblaster at 10,5 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Sorry!"
- text ""
- text "There should be a 'SET BLASTER=' statement in the environment!"
- menu nosbconcard at 10,5 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Sorry!"
- text ""
- text "There is not a Sound Blaster compatible sound device!"
- menu dapusers at 5,0 dims 15,80 bc mag tc btwhi
- text "Play User Recorded File"
- text ""
- text "Enter the name of an existing file, or use the name you specified"
- text "during Digital Audio Recording."
- box at 6,8 dims 5,30 bc gr
- item $recfile at ,10 script dapusers background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" at ,10 return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- script dapusers
- runscript dapfile
- if issame "${recfile}" "" return
- if issame "${recfile}" "XXX" return
- if not isfile $recfile return
- runmenu playtpcm
- return
- script dapfile
- set tmpfile "$recfile"
- runmenu gettmpfileplay
- if issame "${tmpfile}" "" set tmpfile "XXX."
- set recfile "$tmpfile"
- return
- menu gettmpfileplay at 9,13 bc cy tc btwhi
- text "Enter the name of the file"
- text ""
- text "The default name is that specified during the"
- text "recording process. If you know about another "
- text "file in this directory, you can enter that name"
- text "instead."
- text ""
- text "For example enter 'TEST.WAV'. You must add the"
- text ".WAV extention to your file name."
- item $tmpfile at ,5 onkey script gettmpfileplay return 1
- script gettmpfileplay
- :again
- getstring tmpfile length 13 uppercase wordonly
- if isfile $tmpfile return
- if isfile ${tmpfile}.wav set tmpfile ${tmpfile}.wav
- if not isfile $tmpfile goto fileexistsnot
- if isdir $tmpfile goto notafilename
- return
- :fileexistsnot
- runmenu fileexistsnot
- goto again
- :notafile
- runmenu notafile
- goto again
- menu fileexistsnot at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "File does not exist!"
- text ""
- text "The filename you entered does not exist!"
- menu playtpcm at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- text at -1,0 "Executing playback of your wave file." background whi textcolor blu
- text ""
- item "" script usrwavefile
- script usrwavefile
- execute $playexe $recfile b$baseport >null
- set playstatus 0
- if not isless $errorlevel 18 set playstatus 2
- if issame $playstatus 2 runmenu dapfailed
- if issame $playstatus 1 runmenu dapinterrupted
- if issame $playstatus 0 runmenu dapsuccess
- return 1
- menu dapfailed at 5,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Digital audio failure" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text "The diagnostic routine detected a failure."
- text ""
- text "If you pressed ESCAPE to terminate the playback,"
- text "then ignore this message."
- text ""
- text "If the sound 'looped', or did not play, then there"
- text "may be an IRQ or DMA conflict."
- text "If there was no sound, then you may need to adjust"
- text "the mixer settings (volume). Or, make sure the 'SET"
- text "BLASTER line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT matches the sound
- text "boards settings displayed via the menu selection:"
- text "'Configuration Details'."
- text "To check the SET BLASTER settings, while at the DOS"
- text "prompt, exter the command 'SET' then press enter."
- menu dapsuccess at 10,20 bc g tc btwhi
- text "Digital audio success" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "The diagnostic routine detected no failure."
- text ""
- text "Your sound card is operating correctly."
- menu dapinterrupted at 10,20 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Digital audio interrupted" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "The diagnostic routine was unable to determine the status."
- text ""
- text "The playback routine was interrupted by you pressing ESCAPE!"
- menu digaudrec at 2,0 dims 20,80
- text "Digital audio recording"
- text ""
- text "These tests will verify the ability for you to record"
- text "digital audio using your sound card."
- box at ,3 dims 9,30 bc gr
- item "Set Mixer Parameters" at ,5 execute "$prg_mixer *" background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Set Record Parameters" at ,5 menu darsetparms background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Specify Filename to Save" at ,5 script darfile background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Start Recording" at ,5 script darstart background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" at ,5 return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- display nul using "Current Configuration: " at 6,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recrate using "Sample Rate: %10s" at 7,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recchan using "Channels: %10s" at 8,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recdsiz using "Data Size: %10s" at 9,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recfile using "Filename: %13s" at 10,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- menu darsetparms at 11,10 dims 11,65 bc cy
- text "Set Record Parameters" textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- text "Move the cursor, and press ENTER to select parameter." textcolor btwhi background cy
- box at ,3 dims 5,30 bc gr
- item "11025" at 5,5 script setrate11 textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "22050" at 6,5 script setrate22 textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "44100" at 7,5 script setrate44 textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "Mono" at 6,15 script setchanm textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "Stereo" at 7,15 script setchans textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "8-bit" at 6,25 script setdsiz08 textcolor btwhi background gr
- item "16-bit" at 7,25 script setdsiz16 textcolor btwhi background gr
- text ""
- text "Press ESCAPE when parameters are correct." at ,2 textcolor btwhi background cy
- display recrate using "Sample Rate: %10s" at 5,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recchan using "Channels: %10s" at 6,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- display recdsiz using "Data Size: %10s" at 7,40 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- script setrate11
- set recrate "11025"
- return
- script setrate22
- set recrate "22050"
- return
- script setrate44
- set recrate "44100"
- return
- script setchanm
- set recchan "Mono"
- return
- script setchans
- set recchan "Stereo"
- return
- script setdsiz08
- set recdsiz "8-bit"
- return
- script setdsiz16
- set recdsiz "16-bit"
- return
- script darstart
- set chanparm type str "1"
- set dsizparm type str "8"
- set rateparm type str $recrate
- set fileparm type str "XXX."
- if isfile $recfile goto fileexists
- :dorecord
- if issame $recchan "Stereo" set chanparm "s"
- if issame $recdsiz "16-bit" set dsizparm "16"
- if not issame "${recfile}" "" set fileparm $recfile
- runmenu rectpcm
- return
- :fileexists
- if issame $recfile XXX goto dorecord
- if issame $recfile XXX. goto dorecord
- set clobber type int 0
- runmenu fileexists
- if issame $clobber 0 return
- goto dorecord
- menu fileexists at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "File exists!"
- text ""
- text "The filename you entered already exists!"
- text ""
- text "If you continue, you will overwrite it!"
- text ""
- item "Overwrite" at 7,5 script clobber return 1
- item "Enter another name" at 7,20 script darfile return 1
- script clobber
- set clobber 1
- return
- script darfile
- set tmpfile "$recfile"
- runmenu gettmpfile
- if issame "${tmpfile}" "" set tmpfile "XXX"
- set recfile "$tmpfile"
- return
- menu gettmpfile at 5,0 dims 15,80 bc mag tc btwhi
- text "Enter the name of the file"
- text ""
- box at 3,3 dims 3,20 bc gr
- item $tmpfile at ,5 onkey script gettmpfile return 1
- text ""
- text ""
- text "The default name is 'XXX', which indicates that the recording will
- text "not be saved to any file. This is useful for testing purposes."
- script gettmpfile
- :again
- getstring tmpfile length 13 uppercase
- if isdir $tmpfile goto notafilename
- return
- :notafile
- runmenu notafile
- goto again
- menu notafile at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Sorry!"
- text ""
- text "The name you entered is not a valid filename!"
- text ""
- text "It appears to be a directory name!"
- text ""
- text "Please try again!"
- menu rectpcm at 0,0 dims 25,80 bc whi tc blu
- text at -1,-1 " Press ESCAPE to stop recording... "background blu textcolor btwhi
- item "" script rectpcm
- script rectpcm
- execute $recexe $fileparm q a$baseport r$rateparm $dsizparm $chanparm m
- return
- ### cdaudio() - check the audio playback on the CD-ROM drive
- menu cdaudio at 2,0 dims 20,80
- text "CD Audio Diagnostic Routines"
- text ""
- display v_namcdrom using "These tests require that the CD-ROM device driver, %s"
- text "be installed in your CONFIG.SYS file, and that the MSCDEX.EXE"
- text "program has been run (usually from AUTOEXEC.BAT)."
- text ""
- text "If you are not sure, select 'Verify Drivers'."
- text ""
- text "Otherwise, put an AUDIO CD-ROM disc in the Drive, and select"
- text "'Play Track 1' or 'Play Entire Disc'"
- box at ,3 dims 8,30 background gr
- item "Play Track 1" at ,5 script cdtrak1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Play Entire Disc" at ,5 script cddisc background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Stop CD Play" at ,5 script cdstop background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Verify Drivers..." at ,5 menu PWcdverify background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" at ,5 return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- menu PWcdverify at -1,-1 background wh textcolor blu bo do sh item " Please wait... " script cdverify
- script cdverify
- set havecddrvr type str "was"
- set havemscdex type str "was"
- set havecddrvrinconfig type str "was"
- set havemscdexinautoex type str "was"
- set trycount type int 0
- set cddrivers type str "are"
- if not isfile mvcd005 set havecddrvr "was not"
- :again
- execute -eo cdstatus
- if issame $errorlevel 0 goto showdrivers
- if issame $errorlevel 1 goto tryagain
- if issame $errorlevel 2 goto tryagain
- if issame $errorlevel 11 set havemscdex "was not"
- if issame $errorlevel 12 set havecddrvr "was not"
- if issame $errorlevel 14 set havecddrvr "was not"
- set cddrivers "are not"
- goto showdrivers
- :cdfailed
- runmenu showcdstatus
- return
- :tryagain
- set trycount $trycount + 1
- if issame $trycount 50 goto showdrivers
- goto again
- return
- :showdrivers
- sedit -C c:\ config.sys device=+$v_namcdrom dummy locate
- if isequal $errorlevel 0 set havecddrvrinconfig "was not"
- sedit -B c:\ autoexec.bat mscdex dummy locate
- if isequal $errorlevel 0 set havemscdexinautoex "was not"
- set suggestion1 type str "Your system is ready to use the CD-ROM drive."
- set suggestion2 type str "If you can not play CD Audio, check that it is an AUDIO Disc!"
- if issame "${havecddrvrinconfig}" "was not" set suggestion1 "Add 'device=${v_namcdrom} /d:mvcd005' to CONFIG.SYS"
- if issame "${havemscdexinautoex}" "was not" set suggestion2 "Add 'mscdex.exe /d:mvcd005' to AUTOEXEC.BAT"
- if issame "${havecddrvrinconfig}" "was" if issame "${havecddrvr}" "was not" set suggestion1 "Check the 'pathname' for ${v_namcdrom} in CONFIG.SYS"
- runmenu showcdstatus
- return 1
- menu showcdstatus at 10,0 dims 10,80 bc r tc btwhi
- display cddrivers using "CD-ROM Drivers %s loaded" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- display havecddrvr using "The xxxxxxxx.xxx driver %s found in memory."
- display havemscdex using "The MSCDEX.EXE driver %s found in memory."
- text ""
- display suggestion1 using "%s" at ,5
- display suggestion2 using "%s" at ,5
- display v_namcdrom dims 1,13 at 3,6
- script cdstop
- execute -eo cdstop
- return
- script cdtrak1
- set cddrive "."
- set cdstrk "1"
- set cdftrk "1"
- runscript cdtraks
- return
- script cdtrak2
- set cddrive "."
- set cdstrk "2"
- set cdftrk "2"
- runscript cdtraks
- return
- script cddisc
- set cddrive "."
- set cdstrk "1"
- set cdftrk "-1"
- runscript cdtraks
- return
- script cdtraks
- set trycount type int 0
- :again
- execute -eo cdplay $cddrive $cdstrk $cdftrk
- if issame ${errorlevel} 0 goto okay
- if issame ${errorlevel} 1 goto tryagain
- if issame ${errorlevel} 2 goto tryagain
- :cdfailed
- runscript cdshowstatus
- :okay
- return
- :tryagain
- set trycount $trycount + 1
- if issame $trycount 50 goto cdfailed
- goto again
- return
- script cdshowstatus
- if issame ${errorlevel} 11 goto nomscdex
- if issame ${errorlevel} 12 goto nodrives
- if issame ${errorlevel} 13 goto badsyntax
- if issame ${errorlevel} 14 goto nodrives
- if issame ${errorlevel} 15 goto badsyntax
- :cdfailed
- runmenu cdfailed
- return
- :nomscdex
- runmenu nomscdex
- return
- :nodrives
- runmenu nodrives
- return
- :badsyntax
- runmenu badsyntax
- return
- menu cdfailed at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "CD-ROM playback failure!" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "It may be that the DISC is not an AUDIO DISC!"
- text ""
- text "Check that the disc in the drive is an audio disc,"
- text "or 'Verify Drivers...'. Try DIAG to test the CD ROM."
- item "" script cdeject return 1
- script cdeject
- execute -eo cdeject .
- runmenu pressreturn
- return
- menu pressreturn at 19,40 bc cy
- text "Press ENTER to return"
- menu nomscdex at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "MSCDEX not detected!" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "MSCDEX.EXE is not loaded!"
- menu nodrives at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "No CD-ROM drives found!" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "There are no CD-ROM drives attached!"
- menu badsyntax at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Command syntax error!" background cy textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- text "Syntax error in command line!"
- text ""
- text "This is an internal error, and should not occur!"
- text ""
- text "Contact Technical Support for assistance!"
- ### getboardaddress() - find the board at the specified address
- script gettmpbaseport
- set x type str " %blaster% "
- set y type str "${x}" - "*="
- set z type str "${y}" - "^*A"
- set tmpbaseport type str "${z}" - "\w*$$"
- if not issame "${tmpbaseport}" "" runscript checkbaseport
- return
- menu getboardaddress at -1,-1 dims 15,50 bc gra
- set gotjazz 0
- text "Select the base port address for the JAZZ"
- text "based sound card"
- text ""
- display baseport using "JAZZ based sound card address: %s"
- text ""
- box at ,2 dims 8,35 bc magenta tc btwhi
- item "Port 220h - Default Address" at 7,5 script sba220 return 1 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- item "Port 210h - Alternate Address 1" at 8,5 script sba210 return 1 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- item "Port 230h - Alternate Address 2" at 9,5 script sba230 return 1 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- item "Port 240h - Alternate Address 3" at 10,5 script sba240 return 1 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" at 12,5 return 1 textcolor btwhi background magenta
- script sba220
- set tmpbaseport "220"
- runscript checkbaseport
- return
- script sba210
- set tmpbaseport "210"
- runscript checkbaseport
- return
- script sba230
- set tmpbaseport "230"
- runscript checkbaseport
- return
- script sba240
- set tmpbaseport "240"
- runscript checkbaseport
- return
- script getsba
- getstring tmpbaseport length 3 uppercase
- runscript checkbaseport
- return
- script checkbaseport
- execute -eo $prg_board a$tmpbaseport l
- if issame $errorlevel 0 runmenu badbaseport
- if not issame $errorlevel 0 runmenu gotbaseport
- return
- menu badbaseport at 6,5 dims 7,65 bc r tc btwhi
- set gotjazz 2
- text "Sorry!"
- text ""
- display tmpbaseport using "There is not a JAZZ based sound card at port address '%s'!"
- text ""
- text "Press Return to Continue"
- menu gotbaseport at 6,5 dims 7,60 bc magenta tc btwhi
- set gotjazz 1
- set baseport "$tmpbaseport"
- text "Yes!"
- text ""
- display tmpbaseport using "There is a JAZZ based sound card at port address '%s'!"
- text ""
- text "Press Return to Continue"
- ### setproductcode() - set up for the type of JAZZ found
- script setproductcode
- set mvdriverloaded "NO"
- set sbdma type int 0
- set sbirq type int 0
- set sbhdma type int 0
- if isfile thndrii$ set mvdriverloaded Yes
- if not issame $mvdriverloaded Yes goto skipgetdmairq
- interrupt 2Fh ax BC04h return bx sbdma cx sbirq dx sbhdma
- :skipgetdmairq
- execute -eo $prg_board a$baseport
- set productcode $errorlevel
- set mvdriverinconfig "No"
- sedit -C c:\ config.sys device=+pros.sys dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set mvdriverinconfig "Yes"
- set cddrvrinconfig "No"
- sedit -C c:\ config.sys device=+$v_namcdrom dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set cddrvrinconfig "Yes"
- set mscdexinautoex "No"
- sedit -B c:\ autoexec.bat mscdex dummy locate
- if $errorlevel set mscdexinautoex "Yes"
- set productname "<MV Sound Card>"
- if issame $productcode 1 runscript setupflounder
- if issame $productcode 2 runscript setupashante
- if issame $productcode 3 runscript setupbls
- if issame $productcode 6 runscript setupIDEA
- if issame $productcode 7 runscript setupIDEA
- return
- script setupflounder
- set productname "Pro Audio 3-D"
- return
- script setupashante
- set productname "MultiCD"
- return
- script setupbls
- set productname "DLX94A"
- return
- script setupIDEA
- set productname "Pro Audio Wavetable"
- return
- menu systemconfigarea at -1,-1 dims 25,80 bc blu tc whi
- text "System configuration settings for JAZZ based sound card"
- text ""
- text "Select a option to view or change" at ,10
- text ""
- box at ,8 dims 17,40 bc cy
- item "Show System Configuration" at ,10 menu showproduct textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- item at ,10 "Display ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}AUTOEXEC.BAT File" execute "$prg_lookat ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}autoexec.bat" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item at ,10 "Display ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}CONFIG.SYS File" execute "$prg_lookat ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}config.sys" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item at ,10 "Display $v_winpath\SYSTEM.INI File" execute "$prg_lookat $v_winpath\system.ini" textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- item at ,10 "Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT File" execute "$v_editpathedit ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}autoexec.bat" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item at ,10 "Edit CONFIG.SYS File" execute "$v_editpathedit ${v_bootdrv}${v_bootdir}config.sys" textcolor btwhi background cy
- item at ,10 "Edit SYSTEM.INI File" execute "$v_editpathedit $v_winpath\system.ini" textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- item at ,10 "If the above options fail to work..." at ,10 menu assumption textcolor btwhi background cy
- text ""
- item at ,10 "Return to Previous Screen" at ,10 return 1 textcolor btwhi background cy
- menu showproduct at 10,10 dims 13,60 bc magenta tc btwhi
- display productname using "Product is a %s"
- display mvdriverloaded using "PROS.SYS is loaded: %s"
- display mvdriverinconfig using "PROS.SYS is in CONFIG.SYS: %s"
- display cddrvrinconfig using "xxxxxxxx.xxx is in CONFIG.SYS: %s"
- display mscdexinautoex using "MSCDEX is in AUTOEXEC.BAT: %s"
- display sbdma using "PCM DMA: %u"
- display sbirq using "PCM IRQ: %u"
- display sbhdma using "PCM HDMA: %u"
- display v_namcdrom dims 1,13 at 4,2
- menu assumption at 1,1 dims 22,78
- text "Some assumptions of your configuration were used:"
- text ""
- text "CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT are located in C:\."
- text "SYSTEM.INI is located in C:\WINDOWS."
- text "EDIT.COM is located in C:\DOS."
- text ""
- text "Editing of CUS.DAT file can quickly fix this."
- text ""
- text "If you're trying to display one of the files listed above, and"
- text "nothing happens or the screen just flashes: The file could be"
- text "missing or is spelled differently."
- text ""
- text "If you're trying to edit the file and nothing happens or the screen"
- text "just flashes: You may also need more memory (at least 553K), or"
- text "the file is missing or is spelled differently."
- text ""
- text "Press Return to Continue"
- ### fmsynth2op() - test the 3812 chip
- menu fmsynth2op at 2,0 dims 20,80
- set fmstatus type int 0
- text "FM Synthesis - 2 Operator mode"
- text ""
- text "This test will verify the operation of the FM Synthesizer chip."
- text ""
- box at ,3 dims 6,30 bc gr
- item "Play Random FM Sounds" at ,5 script fm2opsong1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Stop Random FM Sounds" at ,5 script fm2opstop background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- script fm2opsong1
- runscript loadfm
- if not issame $havefm 1 goto nofmdriver
- execute i65
- execute bo
- return 1
- :nofmdriver
- runmenu nofmdriver
- return
- script fm2opsong2
- runscript loadfm
- if not issame $havefm 1 goto nofmdriver
- execute i65
- execute bo
- return 1
- :nofmdriver
- runmenu nofmdriver
- return
- script loadfm
- execute $prg_fmopl2 -qs
- if not issame $errorlevel 0 goto skipfmload
- execute $prg_fmopl2 -qi
- execute $prg_fmopl2 -qs
- if issame $errorlevel 0 goto fmloadfailed
- set loadedfm 1
- :skipfmload
- set havefm type int 1
- return
- :fmloadfailed
- runmenu fmloadfailed
- return
- script fm2opstop
- execute $prg_fmopl2 -qs
- if issame $errorlevel 0 goto skipunload
- execute bf
- if issame ${loadedfm} 1 execute $prg_fmopl2 -qu
- execute $prg_fmopl2 -qs
- if not issame $errorlevel 0 goto fmunloadfailed
- set loadedfm 0
- :skipunload
- return
- :fmunloadfailed
- runmenu fmunloadfailed
- return
- menu fmunloadfailed at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "FM.COM unload failure!"
- text ""
- text "Unable to unload the FM driver!"
- menu nofmdriver at 10,10 bc r tc btwhi
- text "No FM driver!"
- text ""
- text "Unable to test FM Synthesizer."
- text ""
- text "There was a problem loading the FM.COM driver!"
- text ""
- text "Contact Technical Support for assistance."
- menu setvolume at 2,1 dims 20,78
- text "Set Volume"
- text ""
- text "Select a predefined volume level below"
- text "or enter your own volume level."
- text ""
- text "NOTE: You can also use the CTRL-ALT-U and -D keys to"
- text "control the volume."
- text ""
- box at ,3 dims 8,30 bc gr
- item "Maximum Volume (100%)" at ,5 script setvol100 background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Medium Volume (50%)" at ,5 script setvol50 background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Minimum Volume (20%)" at ,5 script setvol20 background gr textcolor btwhi
- item "Enter Volume Level" at ,5 menu entervolume background gr textcolor btwhi
- text ""
- item "Return to Previous Screen" at ,5 return 1 background gr textcolor btwhi
- script setvol100
- execute $prg_board g100
- runmenu volumeisset
- return
- script setvol50
- execute $prg_board g50
- runmenu volumeisset
- return
- script setvol20
- execute $prg_board g20
- runmenu volumeisset
- return
- menu volumeisset at 12,36 bc magenta tc btwhi
- text "The Volume has been changed!-Press Enter"
- menu entervolume at 15,20 bc magenta tc btwhi
- set volumelevel type int 0
- text "Enter a Volume Level from 0 to 100"
- text "A Level of 0 will produce no sound!"
- text "A Level of 100 will probably be annoying!"
- box at ,9 dims 3,5
- item $volumelevel at ,10 script getvolume return 1
- script getvolume
- :again
- getstring tmpvolumelevel length 3 allownull numberonly
- if issame "${tmpvolumelevel}" "" return
- set t type int 0
- :check
- if issame $t $tmpvolumelevel goto gotit
- set t $t + 1
- if issame $t 101 goto outofrange
- goto check
- :gotit
- set volumelevel $tmpvolumelevel
- execute $prg_board a$baseport g$volumelevel
- return
- :outofrange
- runmenu outofrange
- goto again
- menu outofrange at 16,20 bc r tc btwhi
- text "Sorry!"
- text "The number entered is not valid!"
- text "Please enter a number between 0 to 100."