206 Go to the help topics for NetWare Administrator
209 Make each of the selected objects a trustee of the drop target.
210 Make the drop target a trustee of each of the selected objects.
211 None of the objects may be dropped
212 Display the options menu
213 Launch Remote Console in a window
214 The selected objects will be moved into the selected container
215 The selected files and directories will be moved
216 The selected files and directories will be copied
217 Quit the NetWare Administrator application
218 Enlarge the NetWare Administrator window to fill the screen
219 Reduce the NetWare Administrator window to an icon
220 Move the NetWare Administrator window
221 Return the NetWare Administrator window to normal size
222 Change the NetWare Administrator window size
223 Switch to the Windows task list
224 Arrange open windows side by side
225 Display the Tools menu
226 Display the View menu
227 Display the Window menu
228 Display or hide hints for menu options in title bar
229 Save browser context, position and preferences on exit
230 Get the trustees of the alias itself
231 Require confirmation when deleting objects
233 Arrange minimized window icons
234 Show or hide the toolbar
235 Show or hide the status bar
236 Select preferences for toolbar and status bar
237 Show or hide the QuickTips
238 Restore a deleted file
239 Get the trustees of the object referenced by an alias
240 Close the current browser window
241 Expand the browser to its maximum size
242 Reduce the browser to an icon
243 Move the browser to another location on the screen
244 Change the size of the browser
245 Restore the browser to its previous size
246 View the next open browser
247 Restore, move, and size the browser window
248 Restore, move, and size the NetWare Administrator window
249 Insertion point for all view-specific toolbar items.
250 View or modify the properties of the selected users
251 Create a new AFP Server object
252 Create a new Alias object
253 Create a new Computer object
254 Create a new Directory Map object
255 Create a new Group Object
256 Create a new NetWare Server object
257 Create a new Organizational Role object
258 Create a new Organizational Unit object
259 Create a new Organization object
260 Create a new Printer object
261 Create a new Print Server object
262 Create a new Profile object
263 Create a new Print Queue object
264 Create a new User object
265 Create a new Volume object
266 Create a new Directory
267 Create a new Template object
268 Choose object class sorting and inclusion preferences
269 Create a new object in the selected context
270 Delete the selected object permanently
271 Find an object of a specific class or with specific property values
272 Print the expanded containers of the active browser window
273 Select and configure a printer
274 Change which object is at the top of the browser window
275 Display the objects contained in the selected container
276 Collapse all levels below the selected container
278 Start a new browser window with this object at the top
279 Delete the selected object permanently
280 View or modify the properties of the selected object
281 Manage rights to the selected object
282 Manage the selected object's rights to other objects
283 Set the root of the browser up one level
284 Connect to favorite Internet Connections
285 Go to the Novell Support Web Page
286 Show the new features help screen each time NetWare Administrator starts up.
287 Start a new browser window with the selected object at the root of the window
288 Start a new browser window
289 Start a new browser window with the same settings as the active browser window
400 Display hints
401 Arrange icons
402 Collapse selected container
403 Copy the selected object
404 Move the selected object
405 View or modify object properties
406 Delete the selected object
407 Expand selected container
408 Rename the selected object
409 Include/exclude selected classes
410 Create a new object
411 Start a new browser window
412 Print expanded containers
413 Find an object
414 Change browser window's top object
415 Select object sort order
416 Create AFP Server object
417 Create Alias object
418 Create Computer object
419 Create Directory Map object
420 Create Group Object
421 Create NetWare Server object
422 Create Organizational Role object
423 Create Organizational Unit object
424 Create Organization object
425 Create Printer object
426 Create Print Server object
427 Create Profile object
428 Create Print Queue object
429 Create User object
430 Create Volume object
431 Close NetWare Administrator
432 Get trustees of alias itself
433 Get trustees of alias reference
434 Display help topics
435 Object - Details on Multiple Users
436 Manage object rights
437 Manage object's rights to other objects
438 Tile open windows
439 Hide Toolbar
440 Insertion point for view items.
441 Show/Hide QuickTips
442 Save settings on exit
443 Cascade open windows
444 Configure Toolbar and Status Bar
445 Create Directory
446 Create Template object
447 Browser Sort and Include
448 Salvage deleted files
449 Go up a level
450 Start a browser from selected object
451 Start a new browser
452 Start a copy of the active browser
600 NetWare Administrator
601 Nothing may be dropped on the object under the pointer.
602 Dropping here (letting the left button up) will cancel the drag operation.
603 The menu being duplicated has become corrupted. Exit this application and start over.
604 The system does not have enough memory to duplicate a menu.
605 Error
606 The NetWare Administrator and its views are out of memory.
607 A snapin procedure cannot be located.
608 The dynamic link library %s cannot be located\n or is corrupted. Your Path variable is invalid\n or your DLLs were not installed correctly.
609 The NetWare Administrator has run out of memory.\nTerminate some applications, free some space on your\n swap disk, or run NetWare Administrator on a\n computer with more memory.
610 Unknown Object
611 (Print job owner)
612 %s, version: %u.%02u.%u, does not correspond\n with the version the NetWare Administrator is expecting (version: %u.%02u.%u).\nDo you wish to continue?
613 %s, version: %u.%02u.%u, does not correspond\n with the version the NetWare Administrator requires (version: %u.%02u.%u).\nInstall the correct version before restarting the NetWare Administrator.
614 AFP Server
615 Alias
616 Bindery Object
617 Computer
618 Country
619 Device
620 Directory Map
621 Directory Queue
622 Group
623 Locality
624 NetWare Server
625 Organization
626 Organizational Person
627 Organizational Role
628 Organizational Unit
629 Partition
630 Person
631 Print Server
632 Printer
633 Profile
634 Print Queue
635 Resource
636 Server
637 Top
638 Unknown
639 User
640 Volume
641 Everyone
642 IPX
643 AppleTalk
644 SDLC
645 EtherNet/TokenRing
646 TCP/IP
647 OSI
648 Account Balance
649 Object Trustees (ACL)
650 Aliased Object Name
651 Allow Unlimited Credit
652 Authority Revocation
653 Back Link
654 Bindery Property
655 Bindery Object Restriction
656 Bindery Type
657 CA Private Key
658 CA Public Key
659 Cartridge
660 Certificate Revocation
661 Name
663 Convergence
664 Country Name
665 Cross Certificate Pair
666 Default Queue
667 Description
668 Detect Intruder
669 Device
670 E-mail Address
671 Fax Number
672 GID
673 Group Membership
674 Home Directory
675 NetWare Server
676 Volume
677 Host Server
678 Inherited ACL
679 Intruder Attempt Reset Interval
680 Intruder Lockout Reset Interval
681 Language
682 Last Login Time
683 Location
684 Account Locked
685 Lock Account After Detection
686 Login Time Restrictions
687 Account Disabled
688 Account Has Expiration Date
689 Grace Logins Allowed
690 Remaining Grace Logins
691 Last Intruder Address
692 Incorrect Login Attempts
693 Incorrect Login Count
694 Account Reset Time
695 Maximum Connections
696 Login Script
697 Login Time
698 Members
699 Memory
700 Default Server
701 Low Balance Limit
702 Network Address
703 Network Address Restriction
704 Notification
705 Object Class
706 Operator
707 Organization
708 Department
709 Owner
710 Page Description Language
711 Partition Creation Time
712 Allow User to Change Password
713 Days Between Forced Changes
714 Date Password Expires
715 Minimum Password Length
716 Require a Password
717 Require Unique Passwords
718 Passwords Used
719 Path
720 City
721 Mailing Label Information
722 Postal (Zip) Code
723 Postal Office Box
724 Print Job Configuration
725 Printer
726 Printer Configuration
727 Printer Control
728 Private Key
729 Profile
730 Public Key
731 Print Queue
732 Queue Directory
733 Received Up To
734 Replica
735 Resource
736 Occupant
737 SAP Name
738 Security Equal To
739 See Also
740 Serial Number
741 Server
742 Server Holds
743 State or Province
744 Status
745 Street
746 Supported Connections
747 Supported Services
748 Supported Typefaces
749 Supported Gateways
750 Last Name
751 Synchronized Up To
752 Telephone
753 Title
754 Type Creator Map
755 UID
756 Unknown
757 Users
758 Version
759 Volume
760 Department
761 Job List
762 Auditing Log
763 Print Layout
766 Error Log
767 Blocks Read
768 Blocks Written
769 Connect Time
770 Disk Storage
771 Service Requests
772 Messaging Server
773 Message Routing Group
774 External Entity
775 Distribution List
776 An error occurred during an attempt to get a connection ID to %s.
777 An error occurred during an attempt to move a Directory Services object.
778 An error occurred during an attempt to get the logged-in object's effective rights to the selected object.
779 You must have the Create object right on\n %s\n to move an object there.
780 You must have the Delete object right on\n %s\n to move it.
781 You do not have sufficient rights to make this object a trustee of object %s.
782 %s already exists in the destination container; you cannot overwrite it.
783 %s cannot be moved because a previous move is in progress.
784 A property that is equal to an empty string cannot be used to search.
785 Top
786 None
787 Trustees of this Object -
788 You do not have enough rights to add trustees to this object.
789 Delete trustee assignments?
790 Delete trustee assignment?
791 This object is already a trustee:
792 You are not authorized to read this object's trustee list.
793 NetWare Console
794 Trustees:
795 Out of memory.
796 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Trustees dialog.
797 An error occurred during an attempt to write changes to the trustee list.
798 An error occurred during an attempt to delete the trustees.
799 An error occurred during an attempt to delete a trustee's rights.
800 An error occurred during an attempt to add trustees.
801 An error occurred during an attempt to get trustee rights data.
802 An error occurred during an attempt to set trustee rights data.
803 An error occurred during an attempt to read the object's effective rights.
804 You must be logged in to Directory Services to use the Trustees dialog.
805 An error occurred during an attempt to open the Effective Rights dialog.
806 An error occurred during an attempt to build the list of properties for an object.
807 An error occurred during an attempt to free the trustee rights data.
808 An error occurred during an attempt to build the list of an object's trustees.
809 A string resource (message) could not be read from Windows.
810 An error occurred during an attempt to get the Inherited Rights Filter data.
811 An error occurred during an attempt to set the Inherited Rights Filter data.
812 An error occurred during an attempt to restore the original check box value.
813 An error occurred during an attempt to get the selected object's effective rights.
814 You cannot filter the Supervisor object right because no User has explicit Supervisor object right to this object.
815 You cannot delete the last User that has the Supervisor object right to this object because the Supervisor object right is filtered.
816 You cannot delete the last User that has the Supervisor object right to this object because this is the root object.
817 You cannot take the Supervisor object right away from this User because the Supervisor object right is filtered.
818 You cannot take the Supervisor object right away from this User because this is the root object.
819 Rights to Other Objects -
820 Assigned &Objects:
821 &Add Assignment...
822 &Delete Assignment
823 Trustee Path:
824 An error occurred during an attempt to build the list of this object's trustee assignments.
825 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Rights to Other Objects dialog.
826 One of the values you are trying to write has already been changed or deleted at another station since you opened this dialog. Choose Cancel and re-open this dialog to get the new values.
827 One of the values you have created has already been created at another station since you opened this dialog. Choose Cancel and re-open this dialog to get the new values.
828 The object whose effective rights you wish to view has been deleted at another station.
829 You can no longer change the trustees of %s because it has been deleted at another station.
830 You no longer have enough rights to modify the trustee list of this object.
831 You have lost your Directory Services connection, or your User object has been deleted on another station.
832 You do not have sufficient rights to view the effective rights of this object.
833 This object cannot be located at this time and its existence cannot be confirmed. It may still exist; please check with your network administrator for further information.
834 ..
835 An error has occurred in Directory Services.
836 Out of memory.
837 An error occurred during an attempt to build the list of subordinate objects.
838 An error occurred during an attempt to return the selected items.
839 Searching the entire tree from the root could take a long time. Do you want to continue?
840 Browser
842 Too many browser windows are open. Close one or more browser windows and try again.
843 Objects could not be created in this context.
844 User defaults can only be defined for Organizations and Organizational Units
845 A valid object is not selected.
846 Do you really want to delete the objects?
847 Delete
848 One or more of the selected objects could not be deleted.
849 Parent Context
850 The context entered was invalid. Please try again or Cancel.
851 You cannot open a new browser window with only a leaf object.
852 The program was not able to obtain the VIS object.
853 The program was not able to obtain the model object.
854 The program was not able to obtain the list node.
855 No object is selected, or too many objects are selected.
856 The program was not able to obtain the list.
857 %s still has subordinates. The object could not be deleted.
858 Equal To
859 Not Equal To
860 Present.
861 Not Present.
862 Search
863 No objects found.
864 OK
865 Cancel
866 Help
867 This object is already a trustee of this file.
868 This object is already a trustee of this directory.
869 This volume is already in the list:
870 You have made changes. Do you wish to save them?
871 You cannot change trustee rights to this file:
872 You cannot change trustee rights to this directory:
873 Rights to Files and Directories
874 The NetWare Administrator is out of memory.
875 An error occurred during an attempt to save this object's rights to the file system.
876 An error occurred during an attempt to delete a file or directory from the list of trustee assignments.
877 An error occurred during an attempt to get the Volumes list.
878 An error occurred during an attempt to add an item to the list.
879 An error occurred during an attempt to remove a volume from the Volumes list.
880 An error occurred during an attempt to gray the dialog buttons.
881 An error occurred during an attempt to display this object's trustee rights to a file or directory.
882 An error occurred during an attempt to set this object's trustee rights to a file or directory.
883 Volumes:
884 Fi&les and Directories:
885 An error occurred during an attempt to get this trustee's effective rights.
886 An error during an attempt to get a server connection ID.
887 You do not have sufficient rights to view this trustee's effective rights.
888 An error occurred during an attempt to open the Effective Rights dialog.
889 An error occurred during an attempt to get the Directory Services context.
890 An error occurred during an attempt to get the trustee list of the selected object.
891 An error occurred during an attempt to get the trustee's object ID.
892 Sub-Allocation File System
893 Data Compression
894 Data Migration
895 Auditing
896 Read Only
897 An error occurred during an attempt to retrieve entry information.
898 A network error has occurred. Please note the following numbers.
899 No more server connection slots are available. Log out of a server that you are not using, or increase the maximum number of connections.
900 Login has failed. You have no account balance.
901 Login has failed. You have no credit in your account balance.
902 Login has failed. Your account has been locked because an intruder was detected.
903 Login has failed. You do not have a valid connection to this server.
904 Login has failed. You have exceeded your maximum concurrent logins.
905 Login has failed. You are not authorized to log in on this day at this time.
906 Login has failed. You are not authorized to log in from this workstation.
907 Login has failed. Your account has been disabled.
908 Login has failed. Your password has expired and your grace logins have been used.
909 Your password has expired. Please change your password immediately.
910 Login has failed. Please make sure you have correctly entered your username and password and that the server is functional.
911 The selected server cannot be found.
912 Delete selected trustees?
913 Delete selected trustee?
914 This object is already a trustee:
915 You are not authorized to read this object.
916 NetWare Console
917 Identification
918 Facts
919 Trustees of this File
920 Trustees of this Directory
921 Attributes
922 Shell Default
923 Search on all opens with no path
924 Do not Search
925 Search on read-only with no path
926 Search on all opens
927 Search on all read-only opens
928 Sort by File Name
929 Sort by Deletor
930 Sort by Deletion Date
931 Sort by File Size
932 Sort by File Type
933 Get From Current Directory
934 Get From Deleted Directories
935 Purge all files from this directory?
936 You do not have sufficient rights to add trustees to this object.
937 You do not have sufficient rights to read or modify the trustee list of this object.
938 The NetWare Administrator is out of memory.
939 An error occurred during an attempt to add new trustees.
940 A string resource (message) could not be loaded.
941 An error occurred during an attempt to build the list of trustees.
942 An error occurred during an attempt to get trustee rights.
943 An error occurred during an attempt to open the Effective Rights dialog.
944 An error occurred during an attempt to get the effective rights.
945 An error occurred during an attempt to save Directory Facts changes.
946 An error occurred during an attempt to save Trustee changes.
947 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Directory Facts dialog.
948 An error occurred during an attempt to get the object's effective rights.
949 An error occurred during an attempt to return the list of bindery users and groups.
950 An error occurred during an attempt to rename the file or directory.
951 An error occurred during an attempt to delete a trustee.
952 An error occurred during an attempt to set the trustee rights.
953 An error occurred during an attempt to save changes to the directory attributes.
954 An error occurred during an attempt to get the trustee rights.
955 An error occurred during an attempt to save File Facts changes.
956 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the File Facts dialog.
957 An error occurred during an attempt to save changes to the file attributes.
958 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Bindery User and Group Selector dialog.
959 An error occurred while sorting the salvageable file list.
960 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Salvage dialog.
961 An error occurred during an attempt to retrieve the salvageable file list.
962 An error occurred during an attempt to display the salvageable file list.
963 An error occurred during an attempt to salvage files.
964 An error occurred during an attempt to purge files.
965 The restriction limit cannot exceed 536,870,904 KB.
966 File %s was not restored.
967 Salvage
968 No salvageable files were found.
969 The Read property right is required on Volume object properties to salvage files.
970 Read
971 Write
972 Open
973 Create
974 Delete
975 Parental
976 Search
977 Modify
978 Maximum Rights Filter
979 The object assigned as the owner of this directory no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
980 The object assigned as the archiver of this directory no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
981 The object assigned as the archiver of this file no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
982 The object assigned as the owner of this file no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
983 The object assigned as the last modifier of this file no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
984 An object assigned as a trustee of this file no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
985 An object assigned as a trustee of this directory no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
986 The object assigned as the deletor for one of the salvageable files no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
987 The object assigned as the last updater for one of the salvageable files no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
988 The object assigned as the owner for one of the salvageable files no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
989 The object assigned as the archiver for one of the salvageable files no longer exists. You may need to run DSREPAIR.NLM on your NetWare 4.0 server to clean up obsolete object ID's.
990 One of the trustees you are attempting to delete has already been deleted at another station since you opened the dialog. Choose Cancel and re-open the dialog to get the new trustee list.
991 The file could not be read. The file may have been deleted or the file path may be too long.
992 The directory could not be read. The directory may have been deleted or the directory path may be too long.
993 You no longer have modify rights on this file.
994 You no longer have modify rights on this directory.
995 You no longer have access control rights on this file.
996 You no longer have access control rights on this directory.
997 Effective Rights
998 An error occurred in copying or moving the selected object.
999 An invalid directory name was given as the destination.
1000 %s could not be found. Please check that it still exists and that you still have rights to see it.
1001 No objects were selected.
1002 The selected destination directory was not found. Please make sure the directory still exists and you have sufficient rights to see it.
1003 The destination directory is invalid. Please select a valid destination.
1004 No destination was selected.
1005 You lost your Directory Services connection while copying %s
1006 %s is of an object class that cannot be contained by the destination object.
1007 %s was copied to destination directory but could not be deleted from the source directory. Check the file attributes, or your rights to the file in the source directory.
1008 %s already exists in the destination directory.
1009 %s: Source directory and destination directory cannot be the same.
1010 An error occurred during an attempt to get effective rights to %s.
1011 %s was not copied. You have insufficient rights to the source or destination directory.
1012 %s could not be created on destination.
1013 %s was not copied (0x%X).
1014 %s was not copied. Namespace specific file information could be lost.
1015 The selected directory's existence cannot be confirmed.
1016 The selected file's existence cannot be confirmed.
1017 NFS Extended File Information
1018 NFS Extended Directory Information
1024 Bad Context
1025 An error occurred getting your Directory Services context. Your default context will be set to the root of the tree.
1026 Unknown object type
1027 The object cannot be read. It may have been deleted from another workstation,\n or you may not have sufficient rights to read it.
1028 An object with that name already exists. Please try a different name.
1029 An invalid name was entered. The name may have characters that are not supported or the name may be too long. The maximum length of a distinguished name is 256 characters.
1030 A duplicate value or alias of a duplicate value has been entered into one of the object's fields.
1033 NWDS-4.0-
1034 NWFS-4.0-
1035 NWDSOBJECT-4.0-
1036 NWDSSEARCH-4.0-
1037 NWDSACL-4.0-
1038 NWCTRL-4.0-
1039 An error occurred during an attempt to load MVEBB.DLL.
1040 An error occurred during an attempt to load MUSCROLL.DLL.
1041 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'CN can close.'
1042 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'Server can close.'
1043 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'Description can close.'
1044 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'Locality can close.'
1045 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'OU can close.'
1046 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'O can close.'
1047 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'Owner can close.'
1048 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'Serial Number can close.'
1049 An error occurred during an attempt to reference the transfer buffer.
1050 An error occurred because the view pointer is invalid.
1051 An error occurred because the Windows object is invalid.
1052 An error occurred because the model object is invalid.
1053 An error occurred because the program was not able to get the browser handle.
1054 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'fax can close.'
1055 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'role occupant can close.'
1056 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'telephone number can close.'
1057 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'aliased object name can close.'
1058 An error occurred during an attempt to call 'version can close.'
1059 Due to an unknown error, the current operation may fail.
1060 An error occurred during an attempt to read an object. The operation may fail.
1061 An error occurred. The current operation may fail.
1062 The new object could not be created.
1063 The object could not be read.
1064 The object could not be modified.
1065 The object could not be renamed.
1066 An object key pair could not be generated.
1067 A buffer could not be allocated. The current operation may fail.
1068 The user's login name could not be determined.
1069 Effective rights could not be determined.
1070 The name could not be mapped to an ID. The current operation may fail.
1071 The model object could not be found. The current operation may fail.
1072 The object could not be renamed.
1073 The password could not be changed.
1074 The login script file could not be opened.
1075 The login script file could not be read.
1076 The login script file could not be written.
1077 The login script file could not be closed.
1078 The login script was not completely saved due to an unknown error.
1079 The login script file could not be changed. The previous login script may not be deleted completely.
1080 The login script could not be read because of insufficient memory.
1081 The login script could not be saved because of insufficient memory.
1082 This property requires valid Directory Services object(s).\n
1083 The following is not valid:\n
1084 You do not have sufficient rights to complete this operation.
1085 AM
1086 PM
1087 am
1088 pm
1089 :
1090 Sunday
1091 Monday
1092 Tuesday
1093 Wednesday
1094 Thursday
1095 Friday
1096 Saturday
1097 to
1099 Removable Volume
1100 Non-Removable Volume
1101 M
1102 K
1103 %
1104 Unlimited
1105 Configuration
1106 Foreign EMail Address
1107 Message Routing Groups
1108 Postmasters
1109 Identification
1110 Postal Address
1111 Login Restrictions
1112 Password Restrictions
1113 Login Time Restrictions
1114 Intruder Lockout
1115 Account Balance
1116 Environment
1117 Group Membership
1118 Statistics
1119 Dates and Times
1120 User Space Limits
1121 Trustees of the Root Directory
1122 Attributes
1123 Do you want to install accounting?
1124 Do you want to remove accounting?
1125 Accounting
1126 Intruder Detection
1127 A previous password cannot be used; enter a unique password.
1128 The password is too short.
1129 The password is invalid.
1130 The password has expired.
1131 Retype the new password.
1132 Accounting could not be removed. (Delete property operation failed.)
1133 Accounting could not be installed. (Create property operation failed.)
1134 An error occurred during an attempt to install accounting.
1135 An error occurred during an attempt to remove accounting.
1136 An error occurred during an attempt to read a property value.
1137 An error occurred during an attempt to write a property value.
1138 That is an invalid charge rate.
1139 A maximum of 20 different charge rates are allowed among all services.
1140 No Charge
1141 The No Charge designation cannot be deleted.
1142 The selected charge rate cannot be deleted because it is still in use.
1143 A charge rate must be selected to delete.
1144 The charge rate could not be added.
1145 All fields must be filled in.
1146 The entry contains invalid characters, or the value is too large.
1147 Valid values are:
1148 The server error log file could not be opened.
1149 An error occurred during an attempt to close the server error log file.
1150 The server error log file could not be read.
1151 The server error log file could not be cleared.
1152 The Alias of a country can only be named by two characters.
1153 A Country object must be named by two characters.
1154 The home directory could not be created. The directory may already exist, or you may not have sufficient file system rights to create it.
1155 Discard all changes?
1156 Close Details
1157 The TCP/IP address is invalid.\nAll fields must be between 0 and 255.
1158 The Volume field must be filled in.
1159 The selected server is active. Do you still want to delete the Server object?
1160 The status of the server is unknown. Do you still want to delete the Server object?
1161 You cannot delete a 4.0 Server object using NetWare Administrator. Use NDS Manager.
1162 The server cannot be added. A server connection cannot be established.
1163 A server of the same name already exists in the Directory tree. It cannot be added again.
1164 The server cannot be added. The server's network address cannot be determined.
1165 The server cannot be added. The server's version cannot be determined.
1166 Up
1167 Down
1168 Unknown
1169 The name of the Directory tree used by this server cannot be determined.
1170 A preferred server connection cannot be established.
1171 Do you want to copy the properties of the user template from this container:\n
1172 Create User Template
1173 You cannot delete a mandatory property.
1174 3.10 servers are not supported.
1175 Due to insufficient rights, unable to modify the object:\n
1176 You do not have sufficient rights to add the object:\n
1177 You do not have sufficient rights to delete the object:\n
1178 The restriction limit is invalid.\nRestriction Limit must be entered and be between 0 and 268,435,455 KB.
1179 Print Job Configuration
1180 Page Description Language
1181 Supported Cartridges
1182 Supported Type Faces
1183 Ready
1184 Held
1185 Active
1186 Adding
1187 Print job is ready and waiting for the print server
1188 Print job will be serviced at the target date and time
1189 Print job has operator hold
1190 Print job has user hold
1191 Print job has both user and operator holds
1192 Print job is being serviced
1193 Print job has been removed from the print queue
1194 Unknown
1197 Form numbers must be in the range 0 to 255.
1198 The print server is not responding. Printer status failed.
1199 No attachment has been made to the print server. Printer status failed.
1200 The user is not a print server operator. Printer status failed.
1201 A printer status error has occurred.
1202 The system timer cannot be read. The printer status will not be updated.
1203 The system timer cannot be read. The queue job list will not be updated.
1204 You do not have sufficient rights to examine the queue job.
1205 An error occurred during an attempt to read the queue job information.
1206 The print queue ID cannot be read. Verify that the queue volume is mounted, then try again.
1207 The print queue job list cannot be read.
1208 The selected printer number is already in use.
1209 Printer numbers must be in the range 0 to 254.
1210 Printer Forms
1211 Print Devices
1212 Create New Device
1213 Create New Form
1214 Create New Function
1215 Create New Mode
1216 Modify Existing Device
1217 Modify Existing Form
1218 Modify Existing Function
1219 Modify Existing Mode
1220 Delete Existing Device
1221 Delete Existing Form
1222 Delete Existing Function
1223 Delete Existing Mode
1224 Print Devices Definition
1225 Printer Forms Definition
1226 An internal action was unclear. Auto recovery has been attempted. If problems continue, you may want to restart this program and Windows if necessary.
1227 A Device definition problem has occurred. Please check your input.
1228 The Device Name must be unique and must start with an alphanumeric character.
1229 An internal focus was unclear. Auto recovery has been attempted. Reselect the item from the lists and try again.
1230 The Form Number must be unique number from 0 to 255.
1231 The Form Name must be unique and must start with an alphabetic character.
1232 The Function Name must be unique and must start with an alphanumeric character. The Control Sequence must not be empty. Any code values less than space or greater than ~ must be entered as <###> with ### representing the 3-digit decimal value.
1233 The Function Name must be unique and must start with an alphanumeric character.
1234 The Mode Name must be unique and must start with an alphanumeric character. You cannot modify or delete the (Re-initialize) mode name.
1235 The Mode Name must be unique and must start with an alphanumeric character.
1236 The NWDSFreeContext call was unsuccessful. If you have difficulty restarting this program, then you may need to restart Windows.
1237 The NWDSSetContext call was unsuccessful. You should check your search drives and program files. The Print Definition functions may not work properly.
1238 The NWPSPdfAddDevice call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1239 The NWPSPdfAddForm call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1240 The NWPSPdfAddFunction call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1241 The NWPSPdfAddMode call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1242 The NWPSPdfAddModeFunction call was unsuccessful. The mode is okay, but one or more mode functions are not. You will need to modify this item later and add any missing mode functions. Save your input data and try again, after checking for a problem.
1243 The NWPSPdfDeleteDevice call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1244 The NWPSPdfDeleteForm call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1245 The NWPSPdfDeleteFunction call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1246 The NWPSPdfDeleteMode was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1247 The NWPSPdfExportDevice call was unsuccessful. The export filename may already exist or you may not have rights in the directory. Try again with another name or directory.
1248 The NWPSPdfImportDevice call was unsuccessful. The device to be imported may already exist...
1249 The NWPSPdfReadDevice call was unsuccessful. The device list may not be accurate for all devices. You may not be able to modify some devices. If this difficulty continues, then you may want to restart this program.
1250 The NWPSPdfReadForm call was unsuccessful. The form list may not be accurate for all forms ( #). You may not be able to modify some forms. If this difficulty continues, then you may want to restart this program.
1251 The NWPSPdfReadFunction call was unsuccessful. The device function list may not be accurate for all functions. You may not be able to modify some functions. If this difficulty continues, then you may want to restart this program.
1252 The NWPSPdfReadMode call was unsuccessful. The mode list may not be accurate for all modes. You may not be able to modify some modes. If this difficulty continues, then you may want to restart this program.
1253 The NWPSPdfUpdateDevice call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1254 The NWPSPdfUpdateForm call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1255 The NWPSPdfUpdateFunction call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1256 The NWPSPdfAddMode update call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1257 The NWPSPdfAddModeFunction update call was unsuccessful. The mode is okay, but one or more functions are not. You will need to modify this item later and add any missing functions. Save your input data and try again, after checking for a problem.
1258 The NWPSPdfDeleteMode update call was unsuccessful. You may try again now, or save your input data and try again later, after checking for a problem.
1259 (Re-initialize)
1260 Selected Objects:
1261 Display limit exceeded. Cannot list all objects.
1262 Unable to get class name list.
1263 Unable to get class name from listbox.
1264 Unable to add class name to listbox.
1265 Unable to save browser filter preferences in %s.
1266 Unable to select listbox item.
1267 Unable to clear listbox item selections.
1268 Use file %s as search query?
1269 %s is not a valid search template file. Files must be text files with .SCH extensions.
1270 Unable to open or create output file.
1271 Unable to write to output file.
1272 Quick Search Templates
1273 The search template file contains an invalid class name. %s is not a valid class name. Open a new search template file?
1274 The search template file contains an invalid property name. %s is not a valid property name for the selected class. Open a new search template file?
1275 The search template file contains an invalid operator. %d is not a valid operator for the selected property. Open a new search template file?
1276 Unable to open 'Save File' dialog resource.
1277 Unable to open 'Open File' dialog resource.
1278 To move a container object with subordinates, it must be the root of a partition with no subordinate partitions. Use NDS Manager to make %s the root of a partition and to delete any partitions below it before continuing.
1279 (NONE)
1280 Please enter a configuration name.
1281 Text
1282 Byte Stream
1283 Please enter or select a valid printer or queue.
1284 The selected printer or queue could not be located. Please select or enter another.
1285 An error occurred writing the print job to the PRINTCON database.\nError code: %x.
1286 The print job configuration could not be read.
1287 The print job configuration could not be deleted.
1288 The selected print job configuration could not be set as the default configuration.
1289 The job name entered is a duplicate of an existing print job configuration. Please enter a different name.
1290 Could not set context.
1291 Unable to map name to connection.
1292 Unable to get the connection identifier.
1293 Invalid pserver name
1294 Could not get monitored connection
1295 Not currently running.
1296 Out of memory.
1297 Error: 0X%X
1298 Postscript
1299 Text
1300 Change forms as needed
1301 Minimize form changes across print queues
1302 Minimize form changes within print queues
1303 Service only currently mounted form
1304 Not Currently Being Serviced.
1305 Temporarily Being Serviced.
1306 Currently Being Serviced.
1307 Waiting for job
1308 Waiting for form to be mounted
1309 Printing
1310 Paused
1311 Stopped
1312 Mark\Eject
1313 Not Connected
1314 Unknown
1315 (Offline)
1316 (Out of paper)
1317 Auto Load (Local) using IRQ%d on LPT%d
1318 Auto Load (Local) using IRQ%d on COM%d
1319 Auto Load (Local) in polled mode on LPT%d
1320 Auto Load (Local) in polled mode on COM%d
1321 Manual Load (Remote) using IRQ%d on LPT%d
1322 Manual Load (Remote) using IRQ%d on COM%d
1323 Manual Load (Remote) in polled mode on LPT%d
1324 Manual Load (Remote) in polled mode on COM%d
1325 Other
1326 XNP
1327 Appletalk Printer Name: %s Type: %s
1328 UNIX Printer Name: %s
1329 Auto Load (Local) AIO
1330 Manual Load (Remote) AIO
1331 Elsewhere
1332 Type unknown
1333 Running on NetWare Server:
1334 Going down after current jobs
1335 Down
1336 Initializing
1337 Unknown
1338 Server\Queue:
1339 The queue selected is corrupted.\nDelete it from the directory.
1340 Not available without a connection to the server.
1341 Unable to move %s because its new name or the new name of one or more of its subordinates will exceed the maximum Directory Services name length of 256 characters.
1342 Purge selected files from this directory?
1343 Purge selected files from deleted directories?
1344 Purge all files from deleted directories?
1345 Unable to copy %s because the partition is busy. Please wait a few minutes and try again.
1346 Salvage Files on %s
1347 Unable to move %s because it is not a leaf object.
1348 Unable to get trustee list of %s to copy to its new alias.
1349 Unable to write trustee list to new alias object %s.
1350 Unable to complete search because %s is not a valid class.
1351 Salvage
1352 Sorting %ld salvageable files.
1353 Found %ld salvageable files.
1354 Displaying %ld salvageable files.
1355 Could not find the class type of %s. This object may have been deleted, the name is misspelled or the context in your NET.CFG does not exist in this directory tree.
1356 Purging deleted files.
1357 Purging deleted files from deleted directories.
1358 Retrieving %ld salvageable files from deleted directories.
1359 Bindery Queue
1360 The current context %s does not exist in the current Directory Services tree. Your default context will be set to the root of the tree.
1361 Foreign E-mail Addresslias
1363 An error occurred adding a class or attribute definition to the drop-down listbox.
1364 An error occurred during an attempt to save changes. The operation may fail.
1365 An invalid name was entered.
1366 Messaging Servers
1367 An error occurred during an attempt to initialize the Directory Identification dialog.
1368 Do you want to delete the existing mail for %s?
1369 Existing mail has been found!
1370 Do you want to delete ALL existing mail? Press Cancel to retain all existing mail.
1371 Do you want to transfer all existing mail to the selected Messaging Server?
1372 The Mailbox ID %s already exists. Please enter a unique Mailbox ID.
1373 Foreign E-mail Address Type:
1374 Mailbox
1375 There is not enough space in the directory to salvage file %s.
1376 Unknown error, you won't be able to cancel the print operation
1377 Unknown error, unable to start print
1378 Unknown spooler error, terminating print
1379 Not enough disk space is currently available for spooling, terminating print
1380 Not enough memory is available for spooling, terminating print
1381 Printing page %d of %d
1382 User and the home directory have been created. To make the user trustee of the home directory, synchronization has to be completed. You can retry or you can do the explicit trustee assignment later. Do you want to retry?
1383 The syntax of %s in the property value field does not conform to the syntax required for the selected property.
1384 The syntax of %s in the property value field must be in the form of a NetWare Directory Services distinguished name.
1385 You cannot move %s to the specified container.
1386 You must move %s to a different container from the one where it is presently located.
1387 The user does not have Read rights to the Profile's login script. You have to grant the user Read rights to execute the Profile's login script. Do you want to save the Profile assignment?
1388 Do you really want to delete the object?
1389 Certificate Validity Interval
1390 DS Revision
1391 External Name
1392 External Synchronizer
1393 Full Name
1394 Generational Qualifier
1395 Given Name
1396 High Convergence Sync Interval
1397 Higher Privileges
1398 Initials
1399 Last Referenced Time
1400 Low Convergence Reset Time
1401 Low Convergence Sync Interval
1402 Mailbox ID
1403 Mailbox Location
1404 Mailbox Label Information
1405 Message Database Location
1406 Messaging Server Type
1407 NNS Domain
1408 Partition Control
1409 Postmaster
1410 Profile Membership
1411 Revision
1412 Security Flags
1413 Unknown Base Class
1414 The browser is unable to expand additional levels.
1415 Deleting this Message Routing Group may require reinstallation of one or more messaging servers. Are you sure you want to delete it?
1416 This object is in process of being moved. The operation cannot be completed
1417 Cancel Alias Object Creation
1418 Polling for successful move of %s so that Alias object can be created. If you cancel, the new Alias object will not be created.
1419 Invalid Physical Volume
1420 Unable to establish a connection with the server, no route exists, check to see if the server is up and running.
1421 You have made too many changes to the property values, reduce the number of changes and try again.
1422 Unable to install accounting, the bindery context is not set on the server.
1423 To rename this file you must have Modify rights on it.
1424 To rename this directory you must have Modify rights on it.
1425 Due to memory limitations, Salvage cannot retrieve any more deleted files.
1426 The Object Selector cannot expand this container because it is unable to identify the selected object name.
1427 %s could not be renamed because it is flagged Rename-Inhibit.
1428 %s could not be renamed because it is flagged Read-Only.
1429 %s could not be deleted because Directory Services has not finished moving the object it aliases.
1430 %s could not be deleted because Directory Services has not finished moving it or one of its subordinate objects.
1431 Messaging Server
1432 Message Routing Group
1433 Print Server
1434 Obituary
1435 File
1436 %s could not be deleted because it is the root of a partition. The partition root must be merged with its parent partition before the container can be deleted.
1437 Trustees of the Aliased Object of %s
1438 Trustees of Alias %s
1439 Postmaster General
1440 NetWare Server
1441 The NetWare Administrator could not get a valid connection to the server.
1442 It may be that there are not enough DOS Requester connections to complete this task. Use NWUSER.EXE to clear any unneeded connections or edit your NET.CFG file to increase the connections parameter.
1443 You have selected both containers and leaf objects for Move. You may move only one container or one or more leaf objects, but not both at the same time.
1444 You have selected more than one container for Move. You may only move one container at a time.
1445 Communications Server
1446 Directory
1447 %s could not be deleted (%ld).
1448 %s could not be deleted because it is flagged Read-Only.
1449 %s could not be deleted because it is flagged Delete-Inhibit.
1450 There are no views defined in the %s file or the file could not be found. If you select OK the NetWare Directory Services browser will be launched.
1451 Btrieve Server
1452 Job Server
1453 Job Queue
1454 The NetWare Administrator is unable to display the entire contents of the error log. The latest changes to the error log will be partially displayed.
1455 A name was entered that would create a distinguished name longer than the maximum allowed in Directory Services. The maximum length of a distinguished name is 256 characters.
1456 The NetWare Administrator was unable to write your configuration to %s.
1457 This workstation was unable to connect to the server. Dynamic information from the server therefore may be wrong or unaccessable.
1458 NetWare Directory Services container objects cannot be moved.
1459 Object %s was not found. It has either been deleted, or a rename, move or create operation on it is not complete or has not been synchronized across all necessary replicas.
1460 Note: You can only move container objects that are partitions. Use NDS Manager to move NetWare Directory Services container objects.
1461 The help file %1%s could not be found either in the directory %2%s or in the NLS language directories underneath it.
1462 Insufficient Rights on Volume. Could not create a new file.
1463 Insufficient Rights on Directory. Could not create a new file.
1464 Could not create new file.
1465 Could not create new directory.
1466 Equivalent To Me
1467 &Server\Queue:
1468 Print Queue &Volume:
1469 You cannot move object %s to itself.
1470 You must have Object Rename rights to rename %s.
1471 The Start From value %s is not a valid object name.
1472 NetWare Directory Services returned %1%d trying to validate the object name %2%s in the Start From field.
1473 NetWare Directory Services returned %d trying to complete the requested search.
1474 No valid objects were found to move.
1475 The value must be between %1%ld and %2%ld, inclusive.
1476 Search filenames must have an .SCH extension. Please enter a different file name.
1477 You must have Object Create rights on %s to be able to create objects in this context.
1478 NetWare Directory Services returned %1%d trying to read the effective rights of user %2%s on object %3%s.
1479 Less Than Or Equal To
1480 Greater Than Or Equal To
1481 The Limit field on the Directory Facts page must have only numbers in it.
1482 The date or time edit field must have only numbers in it.
1483 NetWare Directory Services returned %1%d trying to determine if %2%s was a valid object name. The Object Selector's starting context will be set to the root of the tree.
1484 %s is not a valid object name. The Object Selector's starting context will be set to the root of the tree.
1485 Your login name, %s, is no longer valid. It has changed or a container's name within your complete name has changed. Exit the NetWare Administrator and Windows and then log in again.
1486 %s exists in the destination directory. Do you want to replace the existing file?
1487 %s may exist in the destination directory. If you continue, you could replace an existing file or create a new file. Do you want to continue?
1488 %s is flagged Read-Only or Delete-Inhibit. Replace file?
1489 %s could not be replaced because it is flagged Read-Only, Delete-Inhibit or Transactional.
1490 %s could not be copied because it is flagged Execute-Only.
1491 Insufficient Rights on Volume. Could not create a new directory.
1492 Insufficient Rights on Directory. Could not create a new directory.
1493 Deleting a Messaging Server from the NetWare Administrator is highly discouraged. The preferred method is to load MHSDEINS.NLM on the host NetWare Server. Do you still want to delete the Messaging Server object with the NetWare Administrator?
1494 Foreign EMail Alias
1495 Invalid Host Server
1496 The Netware Administrator is already running. Only one copy may be running at a time.
1497 Destination container, %1%s, cannot contain source object, %2%s, because objects of class %3%s cannot contain objects of class %4%s.
1498 %s is not a valid object name.
1499 Salvageable files will be restored to the DELETED.SAV directory at the root of the %s volume.
1500 Salvageable files will be restored to the DELETED.SAV directory at the root of the current volume.
1501 During the move or copy, %s was renamed to %s in the DOS name space. You may have to re-expand the directory to see the copied file.
1502 The home directory could not be created.\nYour network connection is invalid.\nUse the NetWare User Tools to verify your connection.
1503 The home directory could not be created.\nYou may have lost your network connection.\nUse the NetWare User Tools to verify your connection.
1504 The home directory could not be created.\nYou do not have create privileges on directory %s.
1505 The home directory could not be created.\nThe directory name %s\nis invalid. Check for wild cards or other invalid characters.
1506 The home directory could not be created.\nYou do not have delete privileges on directory %s.
1507 The home directory could not be created.\nThe directory %s already exists and is in use.
1508 The home directory could not be created.\nYou do not have read privileges on directory %s.
1509 The home directory could not be created.\nThe directory %s is full.
1510 The home directory could not be created.\nThe path %s is invalid.
1511 The home directory could not be created.\n%s is an invalid directory name.
1512 The home directory could not be created.\nThe directory %s already exists.
1514 %s could not be copied because it is in use.
1515 %s could not be copied because there is no space left on the destination volume. You may have exceeded your disk restrictions or the volume may be full.
1516 %s was copied but its attributes were not set in the destination directory. The source file may be flagged System or Hidden.
1517 %s could not be deleted because it is flagged System.
1518 %s could not be deleted because it is flagged Hidden.
1519 %s could not be deleted because it is flagged Transactional.
1520 You do not have sufficient rights to delete %s.
1521 The home directory could not be created.\nThe volume %s has been dismounted\nor does not exist.
1522 This may be because the name entered is invalid,\nor because the Host Server is down or not communicating.\nUse the NetWare User Tools to verify your connection.
1523 The number that was entered is invalid. It must be between %1%u and %2%u.
1524 The Form Length must be a number from 1 to 255.
1525 The Form Width must be a number from 1 to 999.
1526 Print Queue &Volume:
1527 Some of the files selected could not be renamed because the new name(s) already exist.
1528 The file or directory was not renamed.\nThe new file or directory name already exists.
1529 The file or directory was not renamed.\nRenaming across volumes is not supported.
1530 The file or directory was not renamed.\nYou do not have sufficient object rights to rename it.
1531 The file or directory was not renamed.\nYou do not have sufficient file system rights to rename it.
1532 Object %1%s could not be added as active. Error code: %2%x\nThis probably means that no message server is assigned to the object.
1533 A message server can be assigned using the NetWare Administrator through the Default Server field of object %s's Environment details page.
1534 Volume %s could not be read. The volume may not be mounted.
1535 You are working with a pre-4.10 PRINTCON database. If you make ANY changes, the database will automatically be upgraded to the 4.10 format.
1536 Only 4.10 or later versions of PRINTCON, CAPTURE, NPRINT, PCONSOLE, or NetWare Administrator can read both formats.
1537 You entered a blank password. A blank password will remove the password for the print server. \nDo you want to remove the print server password?
1538 Login has been disabled for this server. All operations on the server object are disabled. \n\n Do you Want to continue?
1539 Due to pending NDS synchronization, trustee assignments for this User could not be made to Home or MHS directories being created on %s.\n\n
1540 To avoid this problem when creating additional Users with Home or MHS directories, add the following lines to the %s file in your Windows directory:\n\n
1541 To retry trustee assignments for this User, select Retry.\nTo complete this User creation without assigning trustees, select Cancel.
1542 %s is not a valid Home Directory name because it contains illegal file name characters.
1543 The file could not be renamed because the new name contains invalid characters.
1544 The directory could not be renamed because the new name contains invalid characters.
1545 The destination path is too long. The maximum path length should not exceed 255 characters.
1546 Windows
1547 Windows NT
1548 Windows 95
1549 VLM Version
1550 Page Options...
1551 Selected: %d
1553 Hide &Toolbar
1554 Hide St&atus Bar
1555 Toolbar - Main Features
1556 Toolbar - View Features
1557 Toolbar Location
1558 Status Bar
1559 Tree Name
1560 Login Name
1561 Selected Objects Count
1562 Subordinate Objects Count
1563 Object
1564 Object - Create
1565 Object - Create an AFP Server
1566 Object - Create an Alias
1567 Object - Create a Computer
1568 Object - Create a Directory Map
1569 Object - Create a Group
1570 Object - Create a NetWare Server
1571 Object - Create an Organizational Role
1572 Object - Create an Organizational Unit
1573 Object - Create an Organization
1574 Object - Create a Print Queue
1575 Object - Create a Print Server
1576 Object - Create a Profile
1577 Object - Create a User
1578 Object - Create a Volume
1579 Object - Details
1580 Object - Rights to Other Objects
1581 Object - Trustees of this Object
1582 Object - Move
1583 Object - Copy
1584 Object - Rename
1585 Object - Delete
1586 Object - Search
1587 Object - Print
1588 Object - Exit NetWare Administrator
1589 View
1590 View - Set Context
1591 View - Expand
1592 View - Collapse
1593 Options
1594 Options - Save Settings on Exit
1595 View - Show Hints
1596 Options - Confirm on Delete
1597 Options - Get Alias Trustees
1598 Options - Get Aliased Object Trustees
1599 View - Show Toolbar
1600 View - Show Status Bar
1601 Tools
1602 Tools - NDS Manager
1603 Tools - Browser
1604 Tools - Salvage
1605 Tools - Remote Console
1606 Tools - NDS Manager
1607 Window
1608 Window - New Window
1609 Window - Cascade
1610 Window - Tile
1611 Window - Arrange Icons
1612 Window - Close All
1613 Help
1614 Help - Topics
1615 Subordinates: %d
1616 Hide &QuickTips
1617 &Show status bar
1618 [Active View Buttons]
1619 Separator
1620 Status Bar item cannot be displayed. Resize the NetWare Administrator main window or delete an item.
1621 Status Bar items cannot be displayed. Resize the NetWare Administrator main window or delete an item.
1622 The Toolbar is full and the selected item cannot be displayed. You first need to delete an item before adding a new item.
1623 The Toolbar is full and all of the selected items cannot be displayed. You have exceded the tool bar limit by
1624 MS Sans Serif
1625 8
1626 0x20
1627 Template
1628 Trustees Of New Object
1629 New Object's DS Rights
1630 New Object's FS Rights
1631 Setup Script
1632 Members Of Template
1633 Volume Space Restrictions
1634 Set Password After Create
1635 %s is not a valid Template object.
1636 The volume already exists in the restriction list.
1637 Add Volume Space Limit
1638 User List...
1640 Details on Multiple Users
1647 Unable to allocate NWDS buffer. Process aborted.
1648 Unable to retrieve user names from browser selection. Process aborted
1649 Unable to retrieve count of user names in browser selection. Process aborted
1650 Unable to retrieve object name. Process aborted.
1652 Building List of Users
1653 Building list of users from selection...
1658 Applying Changes to Users
1660 No users were found in the set of selected objects.\nValid selections are: Users, Groups, Templates, or containers which contain user objects.
1661 Are you sure you want to stop Details on Multiple Users?
1662 Details on Multiple Users
1663 %s is not a Template or a User class.
1664 %s is not a valid Directory object.
1665 You don't have sufficient rights to read the properties of %s.
1666 Object - Details on Multiple Users
1667 Object - Create a Printer
1668 Object - Create a Print Queue
1669 You cannot create objects of class %1%s in containers of class %2%s
1671 The Toolbar will not be displayed because no buttons have been selected.
1672 Tree: %s
1673 %s
1674 Options - Save Settings on Exit
1675 Object - Create a Directory
1676 View - Configure Toolbar and Status Bar
1678 View - Show QuickTips
1679 %s is not a valid volume object.
1680 Physical volume %s already exists in the restriction list.
1681 %ld is the largest restriction allowed.
1682 Object - Create a Template object
1683 View - Sort and Include
1684 Sort and Include by Object Class
1685 You must reexpand your containers for the new options to take effect.
1686 Restoring windows
1687 You are not authenticated to %s. Do you want to authenticate?
1689 Cannot log in to %s. Already logged into %s. Do you want to continue restoring windows?
1690 %s does not exist in the %s tree or you do not have rights to see it. Do you want to continue restoring windows?
1692 Creating User Object
1693 Creating User
1694 Creating User Home Directory
1695 Applying rights to user object
1696 Applying space restrictions
1697 Applying user to template's members list
1698 Finished Creating user Object
1699 &Available items:
1700 A&ctive items:
1701 &Available classes:
1702 &Included classes:
1703 Sort and Include Property Pages
1704 Hide Current Page
1705 A&ctive pages:
1706 &Available pages:
1707 Unable to hide the last page. At least one page must be active.
1708 Unable to move all pages. At least one page must active. Deselect one page and try again.
1709 B
1710 C
1711 D
1712 R
1713 S
1714 C
1715 R
1716 W
1717 A
1718 S
1719 R
1721 W
1722 C
1723 E
1724 A
1725 F
1726 M
1727 S
1728 The current operation is unable to complete because of a synchronization delay...Retrying the operation until it succeeds...
1729 Checking for synchronization...\nRetrying the operation...
1730 The following operations could not be completed for the object:\n %s
1731 Make this object a trustee of the following objects:
1732 Rights to Other Objects assignment
1733 %s\n Grant Object Rights [%s]\n Grant Property Rights [%s]
1734 Trustees of This Object assignment
1735 Make the following objects trustees of this object:
1736 %s\n Grant Object Rights [%s]\n Grant Property Rights [%s]
1737 Trustee assignment in the file system
1738 Make this object a trustee of these file system objects:
1739 %s\n Grant Rights [%s]
1740 Set Volume Restrictions
1741 Create home directory
1742 Create the following home directory and make this object a trustee:
1743 None
1744 Restrict volume space
1745 Apply space restriction for the following volumes:
1746 %s\n Restrict volume space to [%d]MB
1747 Text Files (*.TXT)|*.TXT
1748 *.TXT
1749 Warning
1750 This will skip all subsequent operations and end the task immediately. Is this what you want to do?
1751 <Home Directory>
1752 View - Go up a level
1753 Running Setup Script
1754 Unable to initialize NDS object. Process aborted.
1757 Error code:
1758 Error
1759 NetWare Administrator is unable to open/create the file.\n Check to see if you have rights to create the file.
1760 You do not have sufficient rights to read the NetWare registry database or your connection to Directory Services is invalid. \nYour settings will be restored from the platform registry.
1761 One or more of the values are too large to save to the NetWare registry database.
1762 Key name %s does not exist.
1763 Value name %s does not exist.
1764 Directory Services object name is not valid.
1765 NetWare Administrator failed to read or write the settings.
1766 %d item. Please remove an item from either the available or active items to meet the limit.
1767 %d items. Please remove enough items from either the available or active items to meet the limit.
1768 Unable to open the log file: %s. Any errors will be reported interactively.
1769 Object %s does not have any members.
1770 Log Viewer
1771 Unable to view the log file %s. The file may be too large.
1772 Applying ACL rights to user object
1773 Applying file system rights to user object
1774 Sorting list of users...
1775 Removing duplicate users from list...
1776 Unable to determine the host server for volume %s. You may have insufficient rights to that volume.
1777 <New User>
1778 You cannot use the Find or Show buttons to scan volumes for existing trustee rights. You must either be logged-in as the object whose rights you are searching for or you must have Write rights on that object's ACL property.
1779 Snap-in Object selected does not allow move operation.
1780 Removing Accounting has removed all remaining pages. The Identification page will be displayed.
1781 You have made changes to one or more properties. Selecting new page options will delete your changes. Do you want to continue and lose your changes?
1782 Note: Each user must be granted Read rights to the Login Script of Profile %s. This may be done in the 'Rights to Other Objects' page.
1783 New Trustees
1784 Rights to Other Objects
1785 Text Files (*.TXT)|*.TXT|
1786 TXT
1787 Could not authenticate to %s because %s was not found in %s or in your path.
1788 Could not authenticate to %s because %s was not found in your Windows System directory or in your path.
1789 Could not find the tree %s. The default tree %s will be used instead.
1790 The tree %s is down or is not a valid tree. Try again or Cancel.
1791 <User's rights to self>
1792 This field can accept only hexadecimal digits between %1%s and %2%s.
1793 This value must be within %1%ld and %2%ld.
1794 This value must be within %1%u and %2%u.
1795 This value must be within %1%lu and %2%lu.
1796 This field accepts only numbers.
1798 You have entered a minimum password Length that is smaller than the current value in NDS. You must save that change before you can change the password.
1799 To add or change specific properties for multiple users, select any combination of one or more users, containers, groups and templates and then click Details on Multiple users from the Object menu.
1800 You can administer multiple NDS trees at a time; Select NDS Browser from the Tools menu and select the tree and context to administer. A new browser window will open to the selected tree and context.
1801 Files and directories can be copied between volumes on different trees when you have browsers open to different trees.
1802 You can create different templates for setting up default property values, such as volume space restrictions and rights to the home directory, for new user accounts.
1803 If you already have an internet browser working, you can go directly to NetWare Support from NetWare Administrator by clicking NetWare Support from the Help menu.
1804 You can include or exclude specific object classes from the browser to organize your administrative responsibilities; click Sort and Include from the View menu.
1805 A template can be used to set up the user work environment by using scripts to create directories and copy files to the home directory of the newly created user.
1806 You can go up a level in the active browser window by using the Backspace key.
1807 With the toolbar you can select the options or features you most frequently use and have them quickly accessible.
1808 With a user template you can set up Trustee assignments for the newly created user or assign trustees to the new user.
1809 More than one browser window can be opened, each having its own filtering and sorting preferences.
1810 Double-clicking on the tree name in the status bar lets you set the context of the active browser window.
1811 To open another window with the same settings as the active window, select New Window from the Windows menu.
1812 You can salvage files and directories from NetWare Administrator. Select a Volume or directory and then Salvage from the Tools menu.
1813 A Volume or directory can be the root object of a browser window. Right click on the volume and select browse.
1814 The browser context, postition and preferences can be preserved by checking the Save Settings on Exit option in the Options menu.
1815 To see what effective rights other objects have on a particular object, right click on the object and select Trustees of this object. Select Effective Rights and then browse for the other object.
1816 To block rights from anyone that would otherwise get the rights by inheritance, set an inherited rights filter.
1817 You can quickly setup print services in a container by selecting Print Services Quick Setup from the Tools menu. Make sure that you select the correct printer type to correctly setup your printer.
1818 The pages within Details of an object can now be reordered or excluded to organize them the way you work.
1819 Dragging an object while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to move an object to another location in the tree.
1820 Multiple objects can be made trustees of another object by selecting the objects and dragging them to the other object.
1821 To make an object a trustee of several other objects, select the other objects and drag them to the new trustee while holding down the Shift key.
1822 While in the details of any object, right click your mouse to get a list of the active pages, or to hide the current page.
1823 The tree name and your login name for that tree are displayed for the active browser window in the status bar.
1824 The number of items you have selected is displayed in the status bar.
1825 The number of subordinate objects is displayed in the status bar when you select containers, volumes and directories.
1826 A selected container can be expanded or collapsed by pressing the plus or minus keys on the numeric keypad.
1827 To view details on any selected object, press the Enter key.
1828 You can drag and drop NDS objects between browser windows as long as they are in the same NDS tree.
1829 0
1830 0
1831 0
1832 0
1833 0
1834 0
1835 0
1836 0
1837 0
1838 0
1839 0
1840 0
1841 0
1842 0
1843 0
1844 0
1845 0
1846 0
1847 0
1848 0
1849 Owner
1850 Archived last by
1851 The connection is not valid.
1852 The server version is not supported.
1853 You do not have sufficient rights to add the profile:\n %s\n\nTo add a profile you must have Browse rights to the profile object and Read rights to the profile's Object Trustees (ACL) attribute
1854 Insufficient Rights
1855 (Note the error number and error code and refer to Help Topics - System Messages.)
1856 Unknown
1857 DOS
1858 Macintosh
1859 NFS
1860 FTAM
1861 Long Name
1862 The home directory could not be created.\nThe directory %s already exists\n or the path is incorrect.
1863 Use AuditCon to administer Audit:File Object attributes.
1864 Delete
1865 This object is in use and can't be deleted.
1866 Object - Browse
1867 Tools - NDS Browser
1868 Full Path
1869 Snap-in %s is not ready to close. You can continue and close the snap-in, however any unsaved information may be lost. Do you want to continue and close ?.
1870 The file or directory was not modified because the connection was invalid.
1871 The file or directory was not modified because you have insufficient rights.
1872 The file was not modified because it is flagged Read Only.
1873 The file or directory was not modified because the volume does not exist.
1874 The file or directory was not modified because the path does not exist.
1875 The file or directory was not modified because it does not exist.
1876 The file or directory was not modified because of an unknown error.
1877 Applying directory service rights failed.
1878 Applying file and directory rights failed.
1879 Applying space restrictions failed.
1880 Applying user to the members list failed.
1881 The space restrictions were not modified because the connection was invalid.
1882 The space restrictions were not modified because you have insufficient rights.
1883 The space restrictions were not modified because the volume %s does not exist.
1884 The space restrictions were not modified because the server is out of memory.
1885 The space restrictions were not modified because of an unknown error.
1886 The directory cannot be created. The maximum path length has been reached.
1887 This object cannot be accessed because it's name exceeds the maximum path length.
1888 The file or directory could not be read. The file name or directory path is too long.
1889 Accounting failed to install or remove because you do not have a licensed connection to this server.\nMap a drive to this server and try this operation again.
1890 ATXRP
1891 LPR_GWY
1892 Could not run the setup script because %s was not found in %s or in your path.
1893 Could not run the setup script because %s was not found in your Windows System directory or in your path.
1894 Are you sure you want to stop the current process?
1895 Current Process Interrupted
2060 Waiting for job
2061 Waiting for form
2062 Printing
2063 Paused
2064 Stopped
2065 Mark/Eject
2066 Ready to go down
2067 Not Connected
2068 Private
2070 Running
2071 Offline
2072 Out of Paper
2080 LaserWriter
2081 ImageWriter
2082 LQ
2083 DeskWriter
2084 PaintWriter XL
2085 PaintJet XL300
2090 Text
2091 Postscript
2100 Other/Unknown
2101 Parallel
2102 Serial
2103 XNP
2104 AppleTalk
2105 UNIX
2106 AIO
2110 Change forms as needed
2111 Minimize form changes within print queues
2112 Service only currently mounted form
2113 Minimize form changes across print queues
2120 LPT1
2121 LPT2
2122 LPT3
2123 COM1
2124 COM2
2125 COM3
2126 COM4
2130 300
2131 600
2132 1200
2133 2400
2134 4800
2135 9600
2136 19200
2137 38400
2140 5
2141 6
2142 7
2143 8
2150 1
2151 1.5
2152 2
2160 None
2161 Even
2162 Odd
2163 3
2164 4
2165 5
2166 6
2167 7
2168 10
2169 11
2170 12
2171 14
2176 Running
2177 Going Down
2178 Down
2179 Initializing
2180 Unknown
2181 Dedicated DOS EXE
2182 NetWare Loadable Module
2183 Value Added Process
2192 Assignments
2193 Features
2194 Print Buffer Size
2195 Queue Polling Time
2196 Printer Status
2691 An error occured determining the location of the print server's audit log.
2692 Pserver, %s, is not a valid print server name.
2693 &Enable Auditing
2694 Not Enabled
2695 &Disable Auditing
2696 Enabled
2697 Could not create audit header file.\nAuditing is not enabled.
2698 Could not open the audit header file because too many files are open.\nAuditing is not enabled.
2699 Could not open the audit header file.\nAccess denied.\nAuditing is not enabled.
2700 Warning
2701 The file %s\PSERVER.LOG does not exist.
2702 Could not open the log file because too many files are open.
2703 Could not open the log file.\nAccess denied.
2704 Not enough memory to view file.
2705 Unable to view the entire log file.\nThe final %ld%% of the log will be displayed.
2706 Information
2707 Delete file: %s\PSERVER.LOG?
2708 Delete print server audit log
2709 Could not delete file.
2711 You do not have sufficient rights\nto read the print queue job list.
2713 Do you want to log out of server, %s?\n\nYou don't have sufficient rights on server, %s. You must log out of that server and log in as a supervisor equivalent.
2714 Do you want to add this queue to the printer?\n\nAn Error Occured while determining the queue type.
2715 The queue, %s, is a Bindery Queue Reference. To configure this queue to be serviced by this printer, you will be required to log in to the server, %s, as a supervisor equivalent.
2716 Do you want to add queue, %s, to the printer anyway?\n\nQueue, %s, no longer exists on server, %s.
2717 Could not attach to server, %s.
2718 Could not log in to server, %s, as user, %s.
2720 An Error Occured while attempting to determine the queue types for printer, %s.\n\nDo you want to add this printer to the print server without checking for bindery reference queues?
2721 The printer that you are adding has a queue, %s, that is a Bindery Queue Reference. To configure this queue to be serviced by this print server, you will be required to log in to the server, %s, as a supervisor equivalent.
2722 Queue, %s, could not be deleted from printer, %s.
2723 Do you want this queue to remain on the printer's list?\n\nThe bindery associations for queue, %s, could not be established on server, %s.
2724 No more printers can be added to this print server.
2727 Could not set the queue operator flags.
2751 Print Services &Quick Setup...
2752 Create and connect print services objects
2753 The print queue %s could not be created in the directory.
2754 The print server %s could not be created in the directory.
2755 The printer %s could not be created in the directory.
2756 The printer %s could not be assigned to the print server.
2757 Could not save changes made to the printer configuration.
2758 The print queue %s could not be assigned to the printer.
2759 Print Services Quick Setup
2760 An object named %s already exists in the current context. Please try a different name.
2762 %s is not a valid Volume.
2763 There is no volume specified. Please browse for the volume or enter a volume name.
8457 &Print... Ctrl+P
8464 Print &Setup...
24861 Rename the selected object
24862 Copy the selected object to another location
24863 Move the selected object to another location