Chip 1997 April
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Sound Blaster Series
Hardware Settings
You can generally tell which type of card is in a system by examining the SET
BLASTER statement. A typical SET BLASTER statement follows:
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6
This indicates that the card is using base address 220, IRQ 5, Low DMA
Channel 1, High DMA channel 5, MIDI port address 330, and card type 6. SB
1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and Pro cards will not have 'H' or 'P' parameters. AWE-32
cards may also have a 'E' parameter which indicates the location of the first
portion of the AWE address range on the card.
The possible card types are:
T2 - Sound Blaster Pro 1
T3 - Sound Blaster 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
T4 - Sound Blaster Pro 2
T5 - Sound Blaster Pro MicroChannel version
T6 - Sound Blaster 16, including AWE-32
T10 - Sound Blaster MicroChannel version
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All of our cards can be identified by the CT number on the card; this list
currently only covers cards officially released by Creative in the United
States. Cards are listed roughly by order of introduction. Default
selections for a setting are indicated with [] (square brackets) around the
setting. All of our sound cards also make use of the standard Adlib
addresses (388h-389h), and game port addresses (200h-207h).
Sound Blaster 1.0 & 1.5 (CT1310, CT1320, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7]
DMA: [1]
I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh
Sound Blaster MCV (CT5320, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7]
DMA: [1]
I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh
Sound Blaster 2.0 (CT1350, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 3, [5], 7
DMA: [1]
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh
Sound Blaster Pro 1 (CT1330, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 5, [7], 10
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
Sound Blaster Pro MCV (CT5330, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, 5, [7]
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
Sound Blaster Pro 2 (CT1600, Discontinued)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
DMA: 0, [1], 3
I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
Sound Blaster 16 BASIC / Value (CT1730, CT1740, CT2740, CT2749, CT2770,
CT2779, CT2230C, CT2239C, CT2230S, CT2239S)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
Sound Blaster 16 Value IDE (CT2291, CT2810, CT2839, CT2911) -
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF], 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7)
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
Sound Blaster 16 MultiCD (CT1750, CT1759, CT2230, CT2239, CT2260) -
** Includes the base address range for the Sony CD-ROM interface.
* MtsmI/O, etc are the settings for the Mitsumi CD-ROM controller.
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
** I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
*MtsmI/O: 310, 320, [340], 350 ; Range: 3z0h-3z3h
MtsmDMA: 6, [7]
MtsMIRQ: 3, 10, [11]
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2 (CT1770, CT1779) -
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
SCSII/O: 140, [340] ; Range: base + 1Fh, ex: 340h-35Fh
SCSIIRQ: 9, 10, [11], 12
Sound Blaster 16 Pro (CT2290, CT2299, CT2910, CT2919) -
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
+IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF], 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7)
+IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
+ Some early cards MAY have different default settings for the IDE portions.
Sound Blaster 16 AWE-32 / AWE-32 Value (CT2760, CT2760A, CT3780) -
***This card is effectively a SB16 MultiCD card with the following addition:
AWE I/O addresses are based on the base I/O of the card. The AWE portion
takes 3 separate address ranges in the form: 6x0h-6x3h
For example, if the base address of the card is 220, then the regular base
address range is 220h-233h and the AWE base address ranges are from
620h-623h, A20h-A23h, and E20h-E23h. With these settings, there will also
be an E620 in the SET BLASTER line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Phone Blaster (CT3110, CT3120) -
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, [170-177 (and 376,377)], 1E8-1EF, 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7)
IDEIRQ: 10, 11, 12, 14, [15]
ModemIRQ: 3, 4, 10, [11]
ModemIRQ: 2E8, 2F8, [3E8], 3F8 ; Range: base + 8h, ex: 3E8h-3EFh
Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE / AWE32 IDE Value (CT3919)
This card is almost identical to the previous AWE version, EXCEPT that it
has an IDE CD-ROM interface rather than the MCD interfaces of the previous
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
AWE: 6x0h-6x3h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF]
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
Sound Blaster AWE32 IDE/MKE (CT3900)
This card is almost identical to the previous AWE version, EXCEPT that it
has an IDE CD-ROM interface in addition to the MKE interface.
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
AWE: 6x0h-6x3h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF]
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
Sound Blaster 16 PnP / SB16 Value PnP (CT2929, CT2959)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF]
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
NOTE: Because of the nature of PnP cards, other settings ARE possible, these
are the most common.
AWE32 PnP (CT3960, CT3980, CT3990)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
AWE: 6x0h-6x3h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF]
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
NOTE: Because of the nature of PnP cards, other settings ARE possible, these
are the most common.
SB32 PnP (CT3600, CT3620, CT3930)
IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10
LDMA: 0, [1], 3
HDMA: [5], 6, 7
I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h
MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h
AWE: 6x0h-6x3h
IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF]
IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15
NOTE: Because of the nature of PnP cards, other settings ARE possible, these
are the most common.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The following chart shows which types of drives will work with which Creative
card. To determine the EXACT CT number of a card, please look at both the CT
number printed on the board AND the CT number on the white sticker on the
back of the card. If they do NOT agree, use the CT number on the sticker.
Please see the note at the end on exact drives and drivers for each of the
interfaces listed below:
Card: Panasonic Sony Mitsumi SCSI IDE
CT1330 | XXX | | | |
CT1600 | XXX | | | |
CT1730 | XXX | | | |
CT1740 | XXX | | | |
CT1750 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT1759 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT1770 | | | | XXX |
CT1779 | | | | XXX |
CT2230 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT2239 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT2230C | XXX | | | |
CT2239C | XXX | | | |
CT2230S | | XXX | | |
CT2239S | | XXX | | |
CT2260 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT2290 | XXX | | | | XXX
CT2291 | | | | | XXX
CT2299 | XXX | | | | XXX
CT2740 | XXX | | | |
CT2749 | XXX | | | |
CT2760 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT2760A | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT2770 | XXX | | | |
CT2779 | XXX | | | |
CT2810 | | | | | XXX
CT2839 | | | | | XXX
CT2910 | XXX | | | | XXX
CT2911 | | | | | XXX
CT2919 | XXX | | | | XXX
CT2929 | | | | | XXX
CT2959 | | | | | XXX
CT3110 | | | | | XXX
CT3120 | | | | | XXX
CT3600 | | | | | XXX
CT3620 | | | | | XXX
CT3780 | XXX | XXX | XXX | |
CT3900 | XXX | | | | XXX
CT3919 | | | | | XXX
CT3930 | | | | | XXX
CT3960 | | | | | XXX
CT3980 | | | | | XXX
CT3990 | | | | | XXX
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following cards have NO CD-ROM interface at all:
CT1300, CT1310, CT1320, CT1350, CT5320, CT5330
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Panasonic: single speed: Panasonic 521, 523, 531 (external)
double speed: Creative CD200; Funai E2250, E2800; Panasonic 562
(req. driver from Panasonic), 563
quad speed: TEAC CD55 (req. driver from TEAC)
Sony: single speed: CDU-31A
double speed: CDU-33A
Mitsumi: single speed: FX001
double speed: FX001d
SCSI: see the SCSI-2.TXT file in Lib 7 / SB16 Files for a complete list of
drives that have been tested with the current versions of the Adaptec
EZ-SCSI software we are using (virtually any SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive should
work though).
IDE: double speed: Creative CD220E
quad speed: Creative CD420E; Funai E 2650UA, 2750UA; Goldstar GCD 540,
R-542B, R-560B; Hitachi CRD 7730B; Mitsumi FX400, FX400D,
FX400E, FX600S; NEC CDR 271, 272, 273; Panasonic CR-574,
CR-581B, CR-581J, CR-581M; Sanyo CRD-254P; Sony 75E, 76E;
TEAC 56E (req. driver from TEAC); Toshiba XM-5302B
hex speed: Creative CD620E
8x speed: CD820E
(Virtually any IDE CD-ROM drive should work, but MAY require a driver
from the drive manufacturer).
NOTE: Creative does NOT provide any support for drives that are marked as
requiring a driver from the manufacturer.