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README FILE October 6, 1995 Zip Tools Software Version 3.03 Contents Section # Topic 1 Using the 100MB Zip "tools" Disk 2 Using the Guest Program 3 Installing Zip Support on DOS-Only Systems Iomega Driver for DOS Zip Tools under DOS 4 Installation Troubleshooting Duplicate drive letters No drive letter available for the Zip drive Guest does not assign a drive letter to the Zip drive Other problems Special Information for Users of Adaptec EZ-SCSI 5 Electronic Manuals 6 CD-ROM Support 7 Cautions 8 Pass-Through on the Parallel Port Zip Drive 9 Optimizing Parallel Port Zip Drive Transfer Speed Under DOS _________________________________________________________ Section 1 Using the 100MB Zip "tools" Disk The 100MB Zip "tools" disk included with your Zip drive is a special dual-format disk which contains Zip Tools software for BOTH Windows/DOS and Macintosh systems. Before you can write any files to the disk, the disk format must be set as EITHER Windows/DOS (IBM-compatible PC) or Macintosh (which eliminates files stored under the other format type). Running the Zip Tools software Setup program under Windows 3.1 or the Setup95 program under Window 95 automatically sets the "tools" disk format to Windows/DOS and reclaims the Macintosh portion of the disk for use on PC systems. Similarly, running the Zip Install program for Macintosh, sets the "tools" disk format to Macintosh and erases the PC portion of the disk. If you use your Zip drive on both PC and Macintosh systems and want to install Zip Tools on both system types, you need to purchase an additional "tools" disk for installing Zip Tools on your second system. (See your Zip Accessory Guide for ordering information.) NOTE: The Zip "tools" disk can be used to reinstall Zip Tools software on the SAME system type (PC or Macintosh) as the initial installation. Be sure not to delete any of the original files from the disk in case you ever need to reinstall your Zip Tools software. _________________________________________________________ Section 2 Using the Guest Program The Guest program allows you to use your Zip drive on a computer without having to permanently install either an Iomega driver or Zip Tools software. All you have to do is connect the Zip drive to the computer and to an Iomega Zip power supply, and then run the Guest program from one of the "Install" floppies to load the Guest driver. There are versions of Guest for Windows 95, Windows 3.1/DOS and Macintosh systems: * For Windows 95, run Guest95 from the Windows/DOS "Install" floppy. If you encounter any problems, see "Help for Guest95" on the "Install" floppy. * For Windows 3.1/DOS systems, run GUEST.EXE from the "Install" floppy. Refer to the GUESTHLP.TXT file on the "Install" floppy for additional information on using Guest with IBM-compatible PC's. (If you install Zip Tools software under Windows, you will find the same information in "Guest Help" in the Iomega Zip Tools group.) * For information on using Guest on Macintosh systems, refer to "Guest Help" on the "Install" floppy for Macintosh. NOTE: On Windows 3.1, DOS, or Macintosh systems, running the Guest program provides a temporary driver installation that is removed when the computer is shut down or restarted. Running Guest95 permanently installs the drivers needed to support Iomega hardware under Windows 95. _________________________________________________________ Section 3 Installing Zip Support on DOS-Only Systems The SETUP.EXE program on the "Install" floppy disk for Windows/DOS runs correctly only under Windows 3.1. If you do not have Windows on your computer, you can still use the Zip drive, but you will not be able to use the Zip Tools software that requires Windows. This section describes the software support for Zip that is installed when you follow the software installation instructions presented in the printed "Zip Installation Guide" for DOS systems that do not have Windows. ______________________________ Section 3.1 Iomega Driver for DOS Running the INSTALL program from the DOSSTUFF directory on the Zip "tools" disk installs Iomega SCSI software to support your Zip drive. The Iomega SCSI Driver installs as a device (SCSIDRVR.SYS) in the computer's CONFIG.SYS file, and because of the way DOS handles drive letter assignments, this can shift your existing drive letters. Iomega software for Zip includes a TSR version of the Driver (GUEST.EXE) which will not cause any driver letter shifts when it is installed. Complete comparative information on SCSIDRVR.SYS and GUEST.EXE is contained in the electronic "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE) which is included in the DOSSTUFF directory on the Zip "tools" disk. If you prefer using the TSR version of the Iomega Driver (GUEST.EXE), you can manually install it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Refer to the "User's Reference Manual" for manual installation instructions. (See Section 5 in this file for detailed instructions on accessing the electronic manuals.) NOTE: Iomega SCSI includes optional CD-ROM support. Refer to Section 7 in this file for additional information on installing the Iomega CD-ROM driver. ______________________________ Section 3.2 Zip Tools under DOS Iomega SCSI software includes a set of utilities that run under DOS. The Iomega SCSI Utilities handle a number of tasks related to using removable SCSI drives and disks, including Zip drives and disks. You can use these utilities to set software protection options on your Zip disks, copy data to or from Zip disks, format Zip disks, or lock the Zip drive so that you can install software to a Zip disk. You can run the Utilities in an easy-to-use menu mode or from the DOS command line. To start the utilities in menu mode, go to the DOS prompt for drive C: (the drive where your Iomega SCSI software is installed) and type: cd \IOMEGA <Enter> SCSIUTIL <Enter> If you need help running the Utilities, press <F1> anywhere in the Utilities. Complete reference information on the Iomega SCSI Utilities is contained in the electronic "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE). (See Section 5 in this file for information on accessing the electronic manuals.) _________________________________________________________ Section 4 Installation Troubleshooting This section includes problem solving information for the following problems: 4.1 Duplicate drive letters 4.2 No drive letter available for the Zip drive 4.3 Guest does not assign a drive letter to the Zip drive 4.4 Other problems 4.5 Special Information for Users of Adaptec EZ-SCSI _______________________________ Section 4.1 Duplicate drive letters If you see two drive letters for your Zip drive or other drive you are using with the Guest driver (GUEST.EXE), reboot the computer immediately. Using your Zip drive when duplicate drive letters are present on the system can result in data loss. After the computer reboots, do not load the Guest driver. You do not need to use Guest to access the Zip drive on this system because the Zip drive is already being assigned a drive letter. Windows 95 Users: If you see multiple drive letters for your Zip drive or other Iomega drives, refer to the problem solving information in the electronic "Installation Manual" (MANUAL.EXE) that is included on the Zip Windows/DOS "Install" floppy diskette. (See Section 5 in this file for information on accessing the electronic manuals.) ______________________________ Section 4.2 No drive letter available for the Zip drive You may see this problem when using the Guest program on DOS/Windows 3.1 systems. For detailed problem-solving information, refer to the GUESTHLP.TXT file which is located on the "Install" floppy for Windows/DOS. _____________________________ Section 4.3 Guest does not assign a drive letter to the Zip drive If you run the Guest program and it informs you that no drive letters were added, and yet you cannot access the Zip drive, it indicates that the driver is unable to locate the Zip drive. This is probably due to a hardware installation problem. (If you are using GUEST.EXE under DOS/Windows 3.1, it could also be the result of two or more SCSI host adapters in the computer.) For detailed problem-solving information for both Windows 95 and DOS/Windows systems, refer to the electronic "Installation Manual" (MANUAL.EXE) which is located on the "Install" floppy for Windows/DOS. _____________________________ Section 4.4 Other problems If you encounter other problems while installing or using Zip Tools software or Iomega SCSI, refer to the electronic "Installation Manual" (MANUAL.EXE) for additional problem solving information. Section 5 contains detailed instructions on accessing the electronic manuals. _____________________________ Section 4.5 Special Information for Users of Adaptec EZ-SCSI Zip Tools and/or Iomega SCSI software can be used on the same system as Adaptec EZ-SCSI without problems if you: 1. Use the Iomega SCSI driver to support your Iomega drives. (If you are using Zip Tools software under Windows 3.1, you must run both Setup to install Zip Tools and Install to install Iomega SCSI. See the electronic "Installation Manual" (MANUAL.EXE) for detailed instructions.) 2. Use the /I option with SCSICFG.EXE to tell the Iomega SCSI software to ignore devices you want controlled by the Adaptec ASPIDISK.SYS device driver. 3. Use the /ID option with ASPIDISK.SYS to specify the devices you want it to support. NOTE: Without the /ID option, ASPIDISK.SYS will take control of all SCSI devices, including your Iomega drives, and you will be unable to use your Zip Tools software or Iomega SCSI Utilities. The remainder of this section details how to use the /ID option with ASPIDISK.SYS. For information on using the /I option with Iomega software, refer to the electronic "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE). (See Section 5 in this file for detailed instructions on accessing the electronic manuals.) To specify the devices you want supported by your EZ-SCSI software, you need to add an ID option to the DEVICE line for ASPIDISK.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file. Here's an example of an ASPIDISK DEVICE line: device=c:\scsi\aspidisk.sys /d /pause Leave at least one blank space after the last option on the line and add an option of the form: /ID=[SCSI ID#]+[SCSI ID#]+ ... +[Adapter ID#:SCSI ID#]... Where each device you want ASPIDISK.SYS to support is specified by its SCSI ID number. The adapter ID number need not be specified if there is only one SCSI adapter in the computer, or if the devices to be supported are connected to the first SCSI adapter in the computer. (The adapter ID number for the first SCSI adapter is 0; for the second adapter the ID number is 1.) For example, if you want ASPIDISK.SYS to control a SCSI hard drive at SCSI ID 2 on the first or only SCSI adapter, you would need edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add /ID=2 to the end of the DEVICE line for ASPIDISK.SYS. (You would also need to add /I=2 to the end of the DEVICE line for SCSICFG.EXE in the CONFIG.SYS file to tell Iomega SCSI to ignore the SCSI hard drive.) The following example would tell the ASPIDISK driver to support the devices at SCSI ID 0 and SCSI ID 1 on the first or only SCSI adapter: device=c:\dosstuff\aspidisk.sys /d /pause /id=0+1 Here are three other examples of command line syntax for the ID option. The second and third examples assume that the computer has two host adapters. /id=0+4+6 Support devices at SCSI IDs 0, 4, and 6 on host adapter #0 /id=0+1:4+2 Support device at SCSI ID 0 on host adapter #0. Support device at SCSI ID 4 on host adapter #1. Support device at SCSI ID 2 on host adapter #0. /id=0+1+2+1:1 Support devices at SCSI IDs 0, 1, and 2 on host adapter #0. Support device at SCSI ID 1 on host adapter #1. _________________________________________________________ Section 5 Electronic Manuals The Iomega software package for Windows/DOS includes two electronic manuals: * The "Iomega Installation Manual" (MANUAL.EXE) which contains complete installation and problem-solving information for Iomega software under Windows 95, Windows 3.1, and DOS. * The "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE) which contains complete reference information on Iomega software for DOS/Windows 3.1, including the Iomega SCSI driver (SCSIDRVR.SYS), the Guest driver (GUEST.EXE), the Iomega SCSI Utilities, and the Iomega ASPI managers. To access the Installation Manual, insert the Windows/DOS "Install" floppy in a floppy drive (the example below assumes drive A:), go to the DOS prompt, and type: A: <Enter> MANUAL <Enter> You can also run the Installation Manual from the Windows File Manager by selecting drive A: and double-clicking on MANUAL.EXE. Under Windows 95, you can access the Installation Manual by double-clicking on the floppy drive in My Computer and then double-clicking on the "Manual" icon. The User's Reference Manual is located in the DOSSTUFF directory on the Zip "tools" disk. Use the following procedure if you need to access the reference manual before installing your software: 1. Insert the "Install" floppy diskette for Windows/DOS into the computer's floppy drive and the 100MB "tools" disk into the Zip drive. 2. Go to the DOS prompt and type: a:guest.exe <Enter> (Install floppy in drive A) or b:guest.exe <Enter> (Install floppy in drive B) 3. Note the drive letter Guest assigns to your Zip drive and use it in place of "d:" in the following command line: d:\dosstuff\refman <Enter> If you install Iomega SCSI software using the INSTALL program, you can access the User's Reference manual from the C:\IOMEGA directory after the software installation is complete. Go to the DOS prompt and type: c: <Enter> cd \iomega <Enter> refman <Enter> If you install Zip Tools for Windows using the Setup program, you can access the User's Reference manual from the ZIPTOOLS directory on drive C after the software installation is complete. Use the Windows File Manager to locate REFMAN.EXE in C:\ZIPTOOLS, and double-click on the filename. _________________________________________________________ Section 6 CD-ROM Support Iomega SCSI software includes support for CD-ROM drives. The Iomega SCSI CD-Player driver has been fully tested with a wide sample of CD-ROM drives from different manufacturers, and most drives showed full compatibility, working with both data and audio. Use the following procedure if you wish to install Iomega SCSI CD-ROM support: Step 1. Insert the 100MB Zip "tools" disk into the Zip drive. Step 2. Insert the "Install" floppy for Windows/DOS into the computer's floppy drive. Step 3. Run GUEST.EXE from the "Install" floppy diskette. Note the drive letter Guest assigns to your Zip drive. Step 4. Run D:\DOSSTUFF\INSTALL.EXE /2 (use the Zip drive letter in place of D:). This procedure runs the Iomega SCSI Install program and automatically installs the Iomega SCSI CD-ROM driver if the CD-ROM drive is CONNECTED at the time of installation and if the operating system is MS-DOS 6.0 or higher. If the CD-ROM driver does not install automatically on your system, you can install it manually after the Iomega SCSI driver is installed. Refer to Section 2.3 of the Iomega SCSI Manual for information on installing the Iomega SCSI CD-ROM driver manually. NOTE: The Iomega SCSI Driver supports the Zip drive, so you will not need to use the Guest driver after Iomega SCSI is installed. To speed up your computer's boot time, you can remove or remark out the GUEST.EXE line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. _________________________________________________________ Section 7 Cautions ______________________________ Section 7.1 DOS DISKCOPY CAUTION! When used with removable disks (for example, Zip disks, Bernoulli disks, etc.), DOS DISKCOPY does not create a copy of the source disk on the target disk. DOS DISKCOPY executes as if copying data from the source to the target disk; however, after completion, the target disk is unreadable and must be reformatted. Use an Iomega disk copying utility to copy disks (either Iomega SCSI Disk Copy or Copy Machine). ______________________________ Section 7.2 Compression Stacker 4.0 works with removable disks supported by GUEST.EXE (for example, Zip disks); however, do not reboot when Stacker asks if you want to reboot to remove TSR's. Rebooting removes the Guest driver and eliminates access to the Zip drive. DoubleSpace and DriveSpace do not work with disks supported by GUEST.EXE, but they do work with the Iomega SCSI driver. If you want to use DoubleSpace or DriveSpace to compress your Zip disks or other removable disks, install the Iomega SCSI driver in your CONFIG.SYS file to support your removable drives. Refer to the Zip Installation Guide for IBM-compatible PC's for detailed instructions on running the INSTALL program from the DOSSTUFF directory on the Zip "tools" disk. If you use Windows, also install your Zip Tools software for Windows by running the Zip Tools Setup program after installing Iomega SCSI. CAUTION! If you are using a compression utility on a removable disk (for example, a Zip disk), you should make that disk nonremovable (or lock the disk in the drive) whenever the compressed volume is mounted. Removing a disk while the compressed volume is mounted could result in lost data. To remove the disk, first unmount the compressed volume, then unlock the drive. Refer to the electronic "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE) for detailed information on locking and unlocking drives. CAUTION! Do not use any disk compression software to compress removable boot disks. Iomega SCSI Utilities with Stacker 4.0 When using Stacker 4.0 and Iomega SCSI, mounted, stacked drives will not appear on the graphical user interface screen for the Iomega SCSI Utilities. In order to use an Iomega SCSI utility on a stacked drive, you must first unmount the drive. ______________________________ Section 7.3 Shifting Drive Letters The following caution applies only if you are installing Zip support on a DOS-only system or if you choose to install the Iomega Driver, SCSIDRVR.SYS, in your CONFIG.SYS file. CAUTION! Installing the Iomega SCSI driver may cause your drive letters (including network drives) to change. This could affect Windows applications that reference existing drives. Check your Windows groups and "ini" files. For additional information, refer to "Relocating Drive Letters" in the electronic "User's Reference Manual" (REFMAN.EXE). _________________________________________________________ Section 8 Pass-Through on the Parallel Port Zip Drive The Zip parallel port supports printers on the pass-through connector; other parallel port devices may or may not work. This problem exists because computer parallel ports were not originally designed for devices other than printers. If you try placing a device other than a printer on the Zip pass-through, or place the Zip drive on another device's pass-through, there are no guarantees that it will work correctly. In the future there will be a standard for daisy-chaining devices on the parallel port; when this standard is implemented, Iomega will also conform to it. In the mean time, here are some hints that may help the operation of your Zip drive and other parallel port devices. * If you are running in Windows 3.1 or in a Window's DOS box and are seeing performance problems with your printer or with other devices that you are trying to place on the Zip pass-through, remove ZipWatch from your Windows Startup folder and restart Windows. ZipWatch periodically wakes the Zip drive up and checks its status; when the Zip drive wakes up, the Zip pass-through is temporarily disabled and this will interfere with the operation of the device connected to the Zip pass through connector. This should not affect printers other than to slow them down a tiny bit, but may interfere with other pass-through devices. * Some Print Cache programs may conflict with the parallel port Zip drive. If you experience problems printing, and Print Cache is already on your system, disable the audio warning messages for both Windows and DOS using the reinstall procedure in the Print Cache manual. If this still does not resolve the problem, please contact your Print Cache Software Technical Support. * If you have other parallel port devices and they will not work on the Zip pass-through, or the Zip will not work on their pass-through, you may want to think about adding an extra parallel port to your computer by adding an additional I/O card to your computer. * If you are seeing problems when you boot your computer, and you are powering ON your Zip drive before turning your computer on, try powering them at the same time by hooking them to the same power strip and applying power at the power strip. _________________________________________________________ Section 9 Optimizing Parallel Port Zip Drive Transfer Speed under DOS The parallel port model of the Zip drive supports three modes of data transfer which have different transfer speeds. To ensure the broadest base of compatibility for the Zip drive, the Iomega installation software for DOS automatically uses the most compatible, but slowest, transfer mode. In this mode, the transfer speed for the Zip drive is about 2MB to 6MB per minute, depending on the computer's processor speed. If the computer has a bi-directional parallel port, the Zip drive can be set to use a mode which provides data transfer speeds of 6MB to 17MB per minute, depending on the computer's processor speed. (If you are not sure whether your computer has a bi-directional parallel port, refer to the owner's manual that came with your computer.) The fastest mode supported by the Zip drive requires a special "Enhanced Parallel Port" (EPP) chip set to be present on the host computer. In this mode, the data transfer speed for the Zip drive is about 17MB to 22MB per minute, depending on the computer's processor speed. Because of the variety of EPP chip sets, and because there are some chip sets that mimic a true EPP chip but do not support EPP transfers, not all systems with "EPP" can support this mode for the Zip drive. Iomega software for Zip includes a parallel port accelerator that can automatically set up both your computer and your Iomega software to use the fastest transfer mode for the Zip drive that is supported by your computer hardware. Under Windows 95, you can run the parallel port accelerator by double-clicking on the icon in the Iomega Tools folder on your Start Programs menu. For Windows 3.1, double click on the "Parallel Port Accelerator" icon in your Iomega Zip Tools Windows group. Under DOS, run the OPTPPM1.EXE utility as follows: Step 1: If you have not already done so, install your Zip software package following the instructions in step 10 of the Zip Installation Guide. Step 2: Go to the DOS prompt for drive C: and type: cd \iomega <Enter> optppm1 <Enter> NOTE: If you wish to restore the default settings on your system, run "OPTPPM1.EXE /NIBBLE" from the DOS prompt. (This works under Windows 3.1 as well as DOS.)