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- The "Quick Picture Viewer"
- ______________________________
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- Q P V / 3 8 6
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- A fast JPEG viewer for MS-DOS. VGA graphics and 80386+ required.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Currently supports JPG, TGA, GIF, PCX, BMP, IFF/ILBM, PNM/PBM, PCD, PNG.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copyright (c) 1993-95 by Oliver Fromme -- All Rights Reserved
- Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18-61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
- Internet email: fromme@rz.tu-clausthal.de
- WWW: http://www.rz.tu-clausthal.de/~inof/Welcome.html
- This program is Shareware. You may copy the unregistered version, use it,
- give it to your friends, upload it to a BBS or something similar, under the
- following conditions:
- * Don't charge any money for it. If you upload it to a BBS, make sure that
- it can be downloaded free (without paying for downloading it, except
- for usage fees that have to be paid anyway). Small copying fees (up to
- 5 DM or 3 $US) may be charged.
- * Only distribute the whole original package, with all the files included.
- * Don't change the files in any way, except:
- You may change the INI, CFG, ASM, and DRV files for private purposes.
- Don't distribute modified versions of these files to others without
- prior permission of the author of QPV/386.
- * If you want to include QPV/386 on a CD-ROM and/or book, please send me
- a free copy of the CD/book (this is not a must, but I would appreciate
- it very much).
- Distribution of the unregistered shareware version is explicitely desired,
- provided that the above conditions are accepted.
- Graphics cards manufacturers: How about bundling QPV/386 with your product?
- I'm sure many of your customers would appreciate that free extra bonus.
- This software consists of the following files:
- - QPV.EXE the main executable file
- - QPV.INI initialization file (ASCII text)
- - QPV.CFG standard configuration file (ASCII text)
- Subdirectories ENGLISH (*=K) and DEUTSCH (*=C):
- - QPV.DO* the documentation
- - CHANGES.DO* list of changes from previous versions
- - CONFIG.DO* how to configure QPV/386
- - FAQ.DO* frequently asked questions
- - REGISTER.DO* how to register
- - REGISTER.FRM registration form (English)
- - REGISTER.FOR registration form (German)
- - UPDATES.DO* how to get updated versions of QPV/386
- Other subdirectories:
- - CFG\*.CFG various configuration files
- - CFG\CFG.DOC description of the configuration file format
- - DRV\*.DRV various video driver files
- - DRVSRC\*.ASM source codes for the video drivers
- - DRVSRC\DRV.DOC description of the video driver file format
- Text files with a DOK extension are German, those with a DOC extension
- are English.
- There may also be some example JPEG files. They are not part of the QPV/386
- software package.
- A few warnings, disclaimer etc:
- IMPORTANT: Using modes that your hardware (graphics card and/or monitor)
- can't handle can damage your hardware! Be sure to use only supported
- modes. If you come across a mode which looks flickering or unstable
- (i.e. the monitor can't hold the picture), abort QPV/386 immediately and
- delete that mode from the configuration file.
- QPV/386 is inexpensive shareware. If you continue using it after a trial
- period of 30 days, you are encouraged to pay a small registration fee.
- (I try to avoid saying that you MUST register, but actually you MUST.)
- The registration is valid for all future updates (you'll get a
- registration key which makes the delay disappear). The source code of
- the JPEG decoding routines (Pascal and Asm) used by QPV/386 is also
- available.
- To become a registered user, please print the file REGISTER.FRM and send
- it to me with appropriate payment. Read the file REGISTER.DOC for further
- information.
- All product names mentioned in this software and documentation are trademarks
- or registered trademarks of their respective owners. They're used in this
- software and documentation for identification purposes only.
- "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
- CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
- CompuServe Incorporated."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What is QPV/386?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The "Quick Picture Viewer /386" (hereafter referred to as QPV/386) is a
- viewer for JPEG image files. It is about twice as fast as other common JPEG
- viewers. Compare it yourself, you'll be surprised.
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group, pronounce "Jay-Peg") is an image file
- format which uses a "lossy" compression. JPEG images (they have usually a
- "JPG" file extension) are normally very small and offer better compression
- than any other image format.
- Decoding of JPEG images is a rather complicated process, thus it needs a lot
- of computing power and performance. QPV/386 takes advantage of the advanced
- features of 80386, 80486 and Pentium (586) CPUs, and it uses large look-up
- tables instead of formulas. Well, I don't want to get into details. It's
- fast, that's all you could want to know.
- Features
- ~~~~~~~~
- - It's fast (have I mentioned that before?).
- - Uses advanced features of 80386/486 processors (note, the Cyrix 486DLC
- is only an improved 386 rather than a 486).
- - Contains Pentium optimized code. QPV/386 is immune against the
- FDIV bug of Pentium processors.
- - Nice preview ability which is even faster (lets you quickly browse through
- lots of images, very useful if you're searching for a certain image).
- - Works even with a standard VGA card (320x200x16, 640x480x16, 320x200x256).
- - Supports many SVGA cards (virtually all with VESA capability).
- - Uses truecolor (16M color), hicolor (32K color), 256 color (either
- greyscale or dithered color), and 16 color (dithered greyscale) modes.
- - You can pan across an image which is bigger than the current screen
- resolution (scrolling). Some XMS and/or EMS memory is needed for this.
- You can even pan using your mouse, which is much fun (at least on fast
- local bus machines).
- - You can change the resolution without loading/decoding the image again
- (this is restricted to the same color resolution, for example you can't
- switch from hicolor to truecolor without reloading the image).
- - Supports the following image file formats (more to come):
- * JPEG/JFIF (see below)
- * GIF:
- + interlaced and non-interlaced
- + GIF87a and GIF89a (87a subset only)
- + displays the first image of a multi-image GIF
- * Targa (TGA):
- + truecolor (15, 16, 24 and 32 bit), greyscaled, or with palette
- + uncompressed or rle compressed (run length encoded)
- + supports all video modes (16, 256, 32K, 64K, 16M)
- * PCX:
- + 1 and 4 bit with standard palette
- + 8 bit with extended palette
- + 24 bit truecolor
- * BMP (Windows)
- + 1 bit monochrome with palette, uncompressed
- + 4 and 8 bit with palette, uncompressed or RLE4/8 compressed
- + 24 bit truecolor, uncompressed
- * BMP (OS/2)
- + 1, 4 and 8 bit with palette, uncompressed
- + 24 bit truecolor, uncompressed
- + also supports the new multi image format (BA-BMP)
- + 1 to 8 bit with palette, and 24 bit truecolor, also DP2 enhanced
- + uncompressed or compressed (ByteRun-1)
- + no HAM yet (due to lack of test images)
- * PNM
- + PBM (black/white), PGM (grey), PPM (truecolor)
- + ASCII and raw/binary versions
- * Photo-CD
- * PNG ("ping")
- + complies with the recommendations of the PNG specification
- (draft #9, 7-March-1995)
- + supports interlacing, alpha and transparency.
- Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - 80386 or better CPU (33 MHz or faster recommended), 386SX is sufficient
- - VGA graphics card (SuperVGA recommended, though QPV/386 will run on any
- standard VGA card)
- - some XMS and/or EMS memory (depending on the size of the images), though
- QPV/386 will also run without any XMS/EMS, but then you will be unable to
- do any panning/scrolling
- - about 500 to 550 Kb of free conventional memory
- - MS-DOS 5.0 or compatible operating system
- A mouse is not required, but it's much more fun than keyboard control!
- A numeric coprocessor is not required. If present, it will not be used,
- because it would not speed up decoding/displaying.
- Using QPV/386
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- At first you have to configure QPV/386 for your video hardware by running
- the SETUP utility once. Please read the CONFIG.DOC file for more
- information.
- Then just type 'QPV/386' to run it. There are some command line options
- (type 'QPV/386 /?' to get a help message), but they're usually not needed.
- The graphical user interface of QPV/386 is rather intuitive, so there is no
- need for much documentation. Press the 'F1' key to get a list of all
- keyboard functions. Hit '?' to get a list of keys that can be used while
- viewing an image. You can quit QPV/386 at any time by pressing Alt-X.
- QPV/386 can also be used as command line viewer (without graphical user
- interface). Type 'QPV/386' followed by one or more filenames. Wildcards
- ('*' and '?') are allowed, too. Type 'QPV/386 /?' for more information.
- Experienced users should have a look at the initialization file QPV.INI.
- It offers many possibilities to change QPV/386's behaviour, you can even
- enable some advanced features which are disabled by default (e.g. automatic
- video mode selection). It's a standard ASCII text file, containing
- detailed comments for each topic.
- Some of these setting can also be changed while QPV/386 is running:
- press Alt-O (while the directory listing is displayed) to enter an options
- window.
- Restrictions and Bugs
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QPV/386 can't handle all kinds of JPEG images. Specifically, it can only
- decode files which comply with the JFIF standard.
- See 'Technical Information' below for more details.
- The maximum image width is 4000 pixel. QPV/386 will refuse to decode larger
- images. The image height is not limited, but if it's too large it may not
- fit into memory (XMS/EMS), thus you can't see the bottom part when scrolling
- down. If this happens, try to use a video mode with less colors, because it
- needs less memory (see FAQ.DOC). Or buy more memory :-)
- How to get an updated version of QPV/386
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please refer to the UPDATES.DOC file.
- Revision history and changes from prior versions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please refer to the CHANGES.DOC file.
- Technical Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QPV/386 can decode greyscaled images (containing a single component using
- h1v1 upsampling) and YCbCr true color images (containing three interleaved
- components in a single scan, using either Yh2v2, Yh2v1 or Yh1v1 upsampling
- for Y and Ch1v1 for Cb/Cr), covering virtually all JFIF files in use today.
- QPV/386 can handle files that contain restart markers, but it will not use
- them for error recovery. QPV/386 can also display JPEG files which were
- created with the 'Adobe Photoshop' (at least version 2.5).
- The basic JPEG decoding routines are written in pure 386 assembly language,
- everything else is written using Borland Pascal 7.0. I am not using
- protected mode, because it would slow down the decoding rather than speeding
- it up. I have linked the JPEG routines into a single easy to use Pascal
- unit, which can also be used within other applications. If you want to
- purchase the unit, please read the file REGISTER.DOC for more information.
- The JPEG unit provides procedures to open and close a JPEG file, read the
- file header, and read the image row by row. It contains routines which
- return the lines as 24 bit true color RGB/BGR, 15/16 bit hicolor, 256 color
- dithered, 256 color greyscaled, 16 color grayscaled/dithered, and 16 color
- greyscaled/dithered for preview (scaled to one eigth or one fourth).
- A DLL library which can be used for Windows and protected mode applications
- is under development and will be available soon.
- Equipment used for Development of QPV/386
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Many people are curious about this, so here it is.
- Hardware:
- - Pentium 100 MHz, 512 Kb cache, 64 Mb RAM, PCI, Neptune chipset, Award BIOS
- - 3.2 Gigabytes of harddisk space (WD, Quantum, Maxtor), both IDE and SCSI
- - magneto optical disk drive (Fuji) 230 Mb, 4.2 Gigabytes of MO disks
- - CD-ROM drive (Toshiba, doublespin)
- - 250 Mb tape streamer, 15 tapes (3.75 Gigabytes)
- - Cardex Challenger Pro graphics card, Tseng ET4000-W32p, 2 Mb, truecolor
- - 15" color SVGA monitor w/ digital control & LCD display
- - Advanced Gravis UltraSound (GUS) 1 Mb, SoundBlaster AWE32, 200 W amp
- - 16 bit network card, Ethernet NE2000 compatible, twisted pair + coax
- - 1200 dpi truecolor flatbed scanner
- - TI microLaser PowerPro, 6 Mb RAM, 600 dpi, 12 ppm, Adobe PostScript
- - NEC P60 dot matrix printer
- - Genius mouse, three buttons
- - Highspeed faxmodem 14.4
- - Lots of 3.5" HD floppy disks (mainly Fuji)
- - Printer spooler:
- + intel 80486-DX2/66, 256 Kb cache, 16 Mb RAM, VLB, SIS chips, AMI BIOS
- + 460 Mb harddisks (Fujitsu, Maxtor), IDE
- + Cardex Cobra graphics card, Tseng ET4000/W32i chips, 2 Mb, truecolor
- + 16 bit network card, Ethernet NE2000 compatible, coax
- + Soundblaster
- - Mailbox/BBS (available soon):
- + intel 80386-DX33, 64 Kb cache, 20 Mb RAM, ISA, SIS chipset, AMI BIOS
- + magneto optical disk drive (Fuji), 128 Mb
- + 16 bit network card, Ethernet NE2000 compatible, coax
- + Highspeed faxmodem 14.4
- Software:
- - Novell DOS 7 by Novell Inc.
- - Borland Pascal 7.0 by Borland Int.
- - Borland Delphi by Borland Int.
- - Turbo Assembler 3.2 by Borland Int.
- - XKEY, KEEP8, BOO by Oliver Fromme
- - PKTINY 1.61 by Thomas Mönkemeier
- - TURBODSK 1.1 by Ciriaco García de Celis
- Special thanks to:
- Thomas Mönkemeier, Lutz Kotoll, Thilo W. Fischer, Rainer Klaffehn,
- Walter Schmies, Stefan Engel, Ben Jos Walbeehm, Uwe Schlenther
- and all of my beta testers!
- All product names mentioned in this software and documentation are trademarks
- or registered trademarks of their respective owners. They're used in this
- software and documentation for identification purposes only.
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