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- This is a list of changes from previous versions. If you're new to QPEG,
- please read QPEG.DOC.
- Missing versions were only internal revisions, distributed only to a very
- small number of people, or revisions with a small number of changes.
- Versions prior to 0.5b were beta versions, released only to a small number
- of people.
- QPEG 0.5b
- ~~~~~~~~~
- First official release. I still call it beta, since some drivers are
- not tested and may not work.
- QPEG 1.0c
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * No beta version, but not a final release either. I guess there will
- never be a "final" release.
- * Added support for Yh1v1 upsampled color images. Suggested by Tom Lane
- (IJG). QPEG should now be able to view any JFIF compliant JPEG file,
- and even some non-JFIF files.
- * Switching back to text mode on exit now restores the same mode that was
- used before starting QPEG. Suggested by Lutz Kotoll.
- * Added GIF support. Suggested by thousands of users :-)
- * Added TBH logo. Suggested by me :-)
- * Added ability to delete and copy files. Also suggested by many users.
- * If the preview's height is smaller than 61 pixels, its size is doubled.
- In other words, pictures with an original height of more than 480 are
- scaled down by a factor of 8, otherwise by a factor of 4.
- * The executable (QPEG.EXE) is smaller.
- * Added ability to switch greyscaled display on/off ('$' key).
- * Added dithering routines for hicolor modes. Now hicolor looks
- almost like truecolor.
- * Added initialization file (QPEG.INI) for user changeable defaults:
- - video mode
- - file information on/off
- - preview on/off
- - beeps on/off
- - hicolor dithering on/off
- - greyscaled display on/off
- Most of these settings can be changed within QPEG.
- * Fixed problems when viewing greyscaled images in hicolor or truecolor
- modes.
- * Fixed preview code which caused errors on some VGAs. The preview
- should now work on _ANY_ VGA graphics card.
- * Changed ATI driver. I'm not sure if it's fixed, since I can't test it.
- * Fixed VESA driver.
- * New driver for DELL S3 graphics cards. Thanks to Lenny Lim!
- (If it doesn't work, try the VESA driver.)
- QPEG 1.0d
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * QPEG now works with the VESA driver (both needed to be fixed).
- * Changed the ATI driver (once again).
- * English and German documentation.
- QPEG 1.0e
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Driver for Diamond SpeedStar 24X. Thanks to Jan van Loenen!
- * Driver for NCR 77C22 chipset. Thanks to Peter van Sebille!
- * The executable (QPEG.EXE) is considerably smaller.
- QPEG 1.0f
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Doesn't lock up anymore on corrupt JPEG files.
- * Slightly improved accuracy (this fixes a bug that caused a checkerboard
- texture on extremely bright areas).
- * Supports interlaced GIF files.
- * Supports Adobe Photoshop JPEG file format (non-JFIF).
- QPEG 1.1c
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Changed directory structure:
- directory ENGLISH for English documentation, directory DEUTSCH
- for German documentation.
- * Fixed NCR configuration.
- QPEG 1.2d
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Changed registration system.
- * Changed status window. Press F1 for help.
- * Fixed bug (blank screen when zooming very fast).
- * Fixed bug in Cirrus driver file for 1280x1024x16 mode.
- Thanks to Ben Jos Walbeehm!
- * Driver for Realtek chipset. Thanks to Christopher L. Tumber!
- * Supports 64K hicolor modes (16 bit) using 65536 colors.
- * Option for automatic video mode selection (depending on the image size),
- see QPEG.INI for details.
- QPEG 1.2e
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Fixed bug (white areas occured when decoding high quality JPEG images).
- * Fixed bug (QPEG didn't recognize write protected GIF files, for example
- on CD ROMs).
- * You can select images with the space key (tagging), then use shift+enter
- to view the selected images only.
- QPEG 1.2f
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Tagging bug fixed.
- * Targa files are recognized (but not displayed yet).
- * Truecolor modes (16M) work now with Diamond Viper and VESATRUE.CFG.
- * Various bugs in the documentation fixed.
- * There's a QPEG support BBS for fidonet and modem, see QPEG.DOC.
- QPEG 1.3c
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Displays Targa (TGA) files! It supports:
- - truecolor TGA, greyscaled/monochrome TGA and TGA with palette,
- - uncompressed TGA and rle (run length encoded) compressed TGA,
- - any TGA type can be displayed in any video mode (just like JPEGs),
- - TGA display is F A S T !
- * Increased maximum number of video modes from 25 to 40.
- * Total rewrite of the general graphics routines, adding new formats
- (PCX, BMP, PBM/PNM etc) is now much easier.
- * Mouse support! Your mouse driver must be Microsoft compatible.
- If you have a Genius mouse driver, it should be at least version 9.06,
- otherwise you'll have to disable mouse support (see QPEG.INI).
- * Supports up to three mouse buttons.
- * Freely configurable mouse buttons: the mouse buttons can be programmed
- to do anything which can be done with the keyboard. See QPEG.INI.
- * Changed AUTO_MODE options in QPEG.INI.
- * The video driver (*.DRV) needn't be copied to the QPEG directory
- anymore.
- * Fixed truecolor mode with Diamond Viper (once again).
- * Fixed another truecolor bug (VESA configuration) which caused previously
- displayed images not to be cleared correctly.
- * Now you can specify a drive or directory on the command line, and qpeg
- will start up in that directory.
- * QPEG gives the following error levels for command line viewing:
- - 0 : ok (no error),
- - 5 : at least one file is no valid graphics file,
- - 20 : fatal error, e.g. unknown command line option, error in
- configuration file etc.
- Those error levels can be used for batch file processing.
- * You can use Shift+Del to delete all tagged files at once.
- * You can use Shift+Inst to copy all tagged files at once.
- * Another ATI driver (ATI-3.DRV) for ATI VGA Wonder 18800.
- Thanks to Yaron Keren!
- * Fixed several bugs.
- QPEG 1.3f
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Fixed scolling bug.
- * Updated documentation.
- * The Diamond Viper / VESATRUE combination definitely works now.
- * Fixed bug which caused the second image to be distorted when
- using the VESATRUE configuration.
- * Driver for Tseng Labs ET4000-W32, supports up to 4 Mb of video memory.
- Thanks to German c't Magazine!
- * /K command line option causes QPEG to exit immediately without clearing
- the graphics screen. Mainly for use in batch files. Works only in the
- registered version (because the shareware delay must be displayed in
- text mode).
- * /C command line option just clears the screen and switches back to
- text mode. Pretty much the same as 'MODE CO80'. Mainly for recovering
- from a previously used /K option.
- * Fixed bug: TGA display with RGB truecolor graphics cards.
- * Fixed bug: Enter key didn't view next image if "file info" was
- switched off.
- * You're now able to tag non-image files.
- * You can use your mouse to pan across images.
- * More detailed memory information in the status window.
- QPEG 1.3j
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Doesn't lock up anymore on corrupt GIF files.
- * Fixed some bugs related to mouse control.
- * Supports PCX images with 1, 4 or 8 bit, or 24 bit truecolor.
- * Supports BMP images (Windows format compressed and uncompressed,
- standard OS/2 format and multi image OS/2 format) with 1, 4 and 8 bit,
- and 24 bit truecolor.
- * Renamed to QPEG/386. It also detects a 486 processor.
- Note: a 486DLC (by Cyrix) is not a real 486, but an improved 386.
- * Driver for Compaq graphics cards based on QVision/AVGA chipsets
- (not yet tested).
- * Now you can still use the cursor keys if Maus_Follow=On in QPEG.INI.
- * Fixed bug related to image rebuild.
- QPEG 1.3n
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * New install program (English and German) which hopefully works now.
- * Fixed scolling bug (only affected commandline viewing).
- * You can't change to non-existant drives anymore.
- * New keyboard functions:
- - 'A'-'Z' and '0'-'9' move the cursor bar to the next file which starts
- with that letter or digit.
- - To change to another drive, hold down the shift key and press the
- corresponding drive letter ('A'-'Z').
- * More features for QPEG.INI:
- - Pan_Immediately=On/Off
- Affects behaviour of panning (if you have a slow machine, it's
- recommended to switch this option on).
- - Pan_Step_X/Y=...
- Selects the step size for panning, either in pixels or in
- percent of current screen size.
- - Sort_Order=...
- Sort order for directory listing.
- - File_Filter=...
- File masks for directory listing (by default '*.*').
- For detailed information please refer to QPEG.INI.
- QPEG 1.4a
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Driver for Ahead graphics cards based on Ahead chipsets (A or B)
- (not yet tested).
- * Fixed several problems in configuration files (not yet tested).
- * Now gives a warning message if you try to delete a read-only file.
- * Now you can assign the key '+' to a mouse button, e.g.:
- View_Mouse_Button_Left=+ #(in QPEG.INI file)
- * New key functions while viewing an image:
- 'I' Display informationen about the image (name, type, size).
- 'R' Refresh the display and clear any text.
- * More features for QPEG.INI:
- - View_While_Loading=On/Off
- On: The image is displayed while it's being loaded (like previous
- versions).
- Off: The image is displayed when loading is completed, till then
- the previous image is kept on the screen.
- - Fit_To_Screen=On/Off
- On: If an image is larger than the screen, it's shrunk to the size
- of the screen.
- Off: Images are not shrunk. Therefore very large images may not fit
- on the screen completely, thus making it necessary to pan/scroll
- using the mouse or the cursor keys.
- - Image_Description=...
- You can specify which information to display while an image is
- loaded. For more information please refer to QPEG.INI.
- * New command line option:
- /Iname
- 'name' specifies the filename of an initialization file (including drive
- and directory if necessary). If this option is not present, QPEG uses
- the file QPEG.INI which is in the same directory like QPEG.EXE (just
- like previous versions).
- QPEG 1.4d
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Available now: QPEG on MO disk (magneto optical), format 3.5", 128 Mb
- capacity. The remaining disk space is filled with lots of images
- (more than 1,000 images of different kinds). See REGISTER.FOR.
- If you have special wishes, please tell me. I may be able to help you
- due to my large image archive.
- * Also available: QPEG and images on streamer tape (type DC 2120, format
- QIC-80).
- * Fixed bug in VESATRUE (only occured with truecolor modes on cards using
- 4 bytes per pixel).
- * Fixed bug with "View_While_Loading=Off".
- * Some optimizations for Pentium processors.
- * PicDex interface, i.e. QPEG can read and process PicDex' index files
- (*.IDX). See PICDEX.DOC.
- QPEG 1.4e
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Command line option for slideshow mode:
- /Ssecs
- turns on slideshow mode. Each image is displayed for 'secs' seconds,
- then the next one is loaded. If 'secs' is omitted (i.e. '/S' only),
- each image is displayed for 10 seconds (like '/S10').
- * Command line option for script files:
- /@name
- takes image file names from the file 'name' and displayes them, just
- as if they were specified directly on the command line. You can use
- several '/@' commands on the command line.
- * Fixed bug with incorrectly stored monochrome PCX files.
- QPEG 1.5a
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Fixed Ahead driver, should work now. In case it still doesn't work,
- there's a special Ahead B driver which definitely works (tested).
- * New driver for Chips&Technologies cards. Not tested.
- * Command line option /n (select graphics mode) works again.
- * New features for QPEG.INI:
- - Interface_256_Colors=On/Off
- Off: Use graphics mode 640x480 with 16 colors for user interface
- (directory screen), just like previous versions (greyscaled).
- On: Use graphics mode 640x480 with 256 colors for user interface
- (directory screen), which is more colorful. Also fixes some
- problems with mouse pointers in 16 color modes.
- - File_Exclude=...
- The opposite of 'File_Filter'. You can specify which files not to
- display in the directory listing.
- - Create_Descriptions=On/Off
- Specify if QPEG should use DESCRIPT.ION files to store information.
- See QPEG.INI for more information. 'On' is recommended.
- * Support for 4DOS/NDOS description files (DESCRIPT.ION):
- - If there are any descriptions, they're displayed in the right hand
- window, provided that 'File info' is switched on.
- - Press Alt-E to edit an existing description, or to create a new
- description. There is a maximum of 200 characters per description,
- though QPEG only displays the first 39 characters.
- Note: You needn't have 4DOS/NDOS to be able to use that feature.
- QPEG 1.5b
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * Updated documentation. The program itself has not been changed.
- * New: official support BBS in the U.S.A., see UPDATES.DOC.
- My to-do list is still long, so I will keep on developing and enhancing.
- Send any bug reports, comments, wishes, ideas etc to me.