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- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * writepcx.c *
- * *
- * This file is part of PICTURE MAN image file converter/processor *
- * *
- * 1992 Potapov WORKS, STOIK Ltd. *
- * *
- * This file contains source code for PCX file writer *
- * *
- * Compiler: MS C v.6.00A *
- * *
- * You may use, modify and distribute this code freely *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "custconv.h"
- #define SEEK_SET 0
- #define SEEK_CUR 1
- #define SEEK_END 2
- #define BUFSIZE 4096
- typedef struct {
- char manuf; /* Always =10 for Paintbrush */
- char hard; /* Version information */
- char encod; /* Run-length encoding (=1) */
- char bitpx; /* Bits per pixel */
- unsigned x1; /* Picture dimensions (incl) */
- unsigned y1;
- unsigned x2;
- unsigned y2;
- unsigned hres; /* Display horiz resolution */
- unsigned vres; /* Display vert resolution */
- char clrma[48]; /* Pallete */
- char vmode; /* (ignored) */
- char nplanes; /* Number of planes (ver 2.5=0)*/
- unsigned bplin; /* Bytes per line */
- unsigned palinfo; /* Palette Info (1=col, 2=gray)*/
- unsigned shres; /* Scanner resolution */
- unsigned svres; /* */
- char xtra[54]; /* Extra space (filler) */
- } PCXhdr;
- typedef struct{
- int file;
- BOOL PCXpalette;
- PAL pal;
- BYTE buffer[BUFSIZE];
- WORD pos;
- PCXhdr hdr;
- }PCXStruct;
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg, *
- * WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) *
- * PURPOSE: DLL entry point. *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hModule, WORD wDataSeg,
- WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL WEP(int bSystemExit) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: DLL exit procedure *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL WEP(int bSystemExit)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: WORD FAR PASCAL Magic(void) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Identification routine *
- * RETURNS: 'Magic number' SRC_MAGIC *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- WORD FAR PASCAL Magic(void)
- {
- return DST_MAGIC;
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: void FAR PASCAL GetDescription(LPSTR str) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Sets format name *
- * *
- * PARAMETERS: LPSTR str - pointer for format name storage. The length *
- * name must be less than 40! *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- void FAR PASCAL GetDescription(LPSTR str)
- {
- lstrcpy(str,"ZSoft PaintBrush PCX");
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: void FAR PASCAL GetExtension(LPSTR str) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Sets format file extension *
- * *
- * PARAMETERS: LPSTR str - pointer for format file extension. *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- void FAR PASCAL GetExtension(LPSTR str)
- {
- lstrcpy(str,"PCX");
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: DWORD FAR PASCAL GetFlags(void) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Sets flag for converter capabilities *
- * *
- * PARAMETERS: None *
- * *
- * RETURNS: Flags *
- * Color info bits *
- * INFO_COLOR // Image is colored *
- * INFO_PALETTE // Image is paletted *
- * INFO_NEGATIVE // Image is negative *
- * File organization bits *
- * INFO_TEMPFILE // Only using temporary file *
- * INFO_COMPRESSED // Image is compressed *
- * INFO_FORWARD // Up to down *
- * INFO_BACKWARD // Down to up *
- * INFO_RANDOM // Random access is allowed *
- * Row organization bits *
- * INFO_PACKED // (bps < 8) bits are shifted together *
- * INFO_SEPARATE // (bps !=8) bitplanes are separated *
- * *
- * Bits for GetFlags() *
- * Destination capabilites bits *
- * INFO_1BPS // Accepts 1-bit data *
- * INFO_4BPS // Accepts 4-bit data *
- * INFO_8BPS // Accepts 8-bit data *
- * INFO_24BPS // Accepts 24-bit data *
- * INFO_GRAY // Accepts true gray data *
- * INFO_STDPAL // Requires std. EGA/VGA palette *
- * INFO_ANYPAL // Accepts any palette *
- * Source/Destination capabilites bits *
- * INFO_HASOPTIONS // Has SetOptions() *
- * INFO_NOFILE // Do not open src/dst file *
- * *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- DWORD FAR PASCAL GetFlags(void)
- {
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL GetPrivateSize() *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Returns size of private memory block *
- * *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL GetPrivateSize()
- {
- return sizeof(PCXStruct);
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL WriteHeader(LPINFO p, void far * lpPrivate)*
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Writes image header. *
- * *
- * PARAMETERS: LPINFO p - pointer to INFO structure *
- * void far * lpPrivate - pointer to *
- * custom structure to store private data *
- * *
- * RETURNS: *
- * OK - Success *
- * BADFORMAT - Bad signature *
- * UNSUPPORTED- Unsupported subformat *
- * BADFILE - Error in file structure *
- * CANNOTOPEN - Cannot open src/dest *
- * INTERNAL - Reserved *
- * BADDLL - Error initializing DLL *
- * BADREQUEST - Unsupported type of conversion *
- * BADTEMPFILE- Error creating/reading tempfile *
- * NOMEMORY - No enough global heap *
- * NODISK - No enough disk space *
- * USERABORT - Cancelled by user *
- * BADPARMS - Conflicting parameters *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL WriteHeader(LPINFO p, void far *lpPrivate)
- {
- int i,j;
- PCXStruct far * lpPCXStruct = lpPrivate;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.manuf = 10; // manuf
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hard = 5; // hard
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.encod = 1; // encod
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx = 1; // bitpix ***
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.x1 = 0; // x1, y1
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.y1 = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.x2 = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.y2 = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = 640 ;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = 480;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.vmode = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes = 1;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bplin = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.palinfo= 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.shres = 300;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.svres = 300;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.x2 = p->w - 1;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.y2 = p->h - 1;
- if( p->resunit == RES_SCREEN )
- {
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = (WORD)p->xres; lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = (WORD)p->yres;
- }
- switch( p->bps )
- {
- case 1:
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx = 1;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes = 1;
- if( p->resunit != RES_SCREEN )
- {
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = 640; lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = 480;
- }
- lpPCXStruct->PCXpalette = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[0] = lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[1] = lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[2] = 0;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[3] = lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[4] = lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[5] = 0xFF;
- break;
- case 4:
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx = 1;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes = 4;
- if( p->resunit != RES_SCREEN )
- {
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = 640; lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = 480;
- }
- lpPCXStruct->PCXpalette = 0;
- for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
- for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.clrma[i*3+j] = p->pal[j][i];
- break;
- case 8:
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx = 8;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes = 1;
- if( p->resunit != RES_SCREEN )
- {
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = 320; lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = 200;
- }
- lpPCXStruct->PCXpalette = 1;
- for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- for( j = 0; j < 256; j++ )
- lpPCXStruct->pal[i][j] = p->pal[i][j];
- break;
- case 24:
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx = 8;
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes = 3;
- if( p->resunit != RES_SCREEN )
- {
- lpPCXStruct->hdr.hres = 640; lpPCXStruct->hdr.vres = 480;
- }
- break;
- }
- lpPCXStruct->file = p->file;
- p->nplanes = lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes;
- p->bplin = lpPCXStruct->hdr.bplin =
- (WORD)( ( (DWORD)lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx * (DWORD)p->w + 15lu ) / 16lu ) * 2;
- if( lpPCXStruct->hdr.bitpx != 8 ) p->flags |= INFO_PACKED;
- if( lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes != 1 ) p->flags |= INFO_SEPARATE;
- lpPCXStruct->pos = 0;
- if(_lwrite( lpPCXStruct->file,(LPSTR)&(lpPCXStruct->hdr),sizeof(lpPCXStruct->hdr)) != sizeof(lpPCXStruct->hdr)) return NODISK;
- return OK;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- /* useful macros */
- #define BufByte(x) ((lpPCXStruct->pos < BUFSIZE) ? ((lpPCXStruct->buffer[lpPCXStruct->pos++] = x),OK) : putbuf(x,lpPCXStruct))
- /* useful subfunctions */
- int putbuf(BYTE b,PCXStruct far *lpPCXStruct)
- {
- if( _lwrite(lpPCXStruct->file,lpPCXStruct->buffer,BUFSIZE) != BUFSIZE ) return NODISK;
- lpPCXStruct->buffer[0] = b; lpPCXStruct->pos = 1;
- return OK;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- int FlushOutBuf(PCXStruct far *lpPCXStruct)
- {
- if( !lpPCXStruct->pos ) return OK;
- return ( _lwrite(lpPCXStruct->file,lpPCXStruct->buffer,lpPCXStruct->pos) != lpPCXStruct->pos ) ? NODISK : OK;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- static int PCXpack(LPBYTE buf, WORD len, void far *lpPrivate)
- {
- int PCXcount,ret;
- BYTE PCXbyte;
- PCXStruct far * lpPCXStruct = lpPrivate;
- PCXcount = 0;
- while(len)
- {
- if(!PCXcount)
- {
- PCXcount = 1;
- PCXbyte = *buf++;
- len --;
- }
- while(len && PCXcount < 0x3F && *buf == PCXbyte)
- {
- PCXcount++; buf++; len--;
- }
- if(!len) /* return OK; */ break;
- if(PCXcount == 1 && (PCXbyte & 0xC0) != 0xC0 )
- {
- if(ret = BufByte(PCXbyte)) return ret;
- }
- else
- {
- if(ret = BufByte((BYTE)(PCXcount | 0xC0))) return ret;
- if(ret = BufByte(PCXbyte)) return ret;
- }
- PCXcount = 0;
- }
- if(PCXcount)
- {
- if(PCXcount == 1 && (PCXbyte & 0xC0) != 0xC0 )
- {
- if(ret = BufByte(PCXbyte)) return ret;
- }
- else
- {
- if(ret = BufByte((BYTE)(PCXcount | 0xC0))) return ret;
- if(ret = BufByte(PCXbyte)) return ret;
- }
- PCXcount = 0;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL EndWrite(void far * lpPrivate) *
- * void far * lpPrivate - pointer to *
- * custom structure to store private data *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Terminates conversion. *
- * *
- * RETURNS: *
- * OK - Success *
- * BADFORMAT - Bad signature *
- * UNSUPPORTED- Unsupported subformat *
- * BADFILE - Error in file structure *
- * CANNOTOPEN - Cannot open src/dest *
- * INTERNAL - Reserved *
- * BADDLL - Error initializing DLL *
- * BADREQUEST - Unsupported type of conversion *
- * BADTEMPFILE- Error creating/reading tempfile *
- * NOMEMORY - No enough global heap *
- * NODISK - No enough disk space *
- * USERABORT - Cancelled by user *
- * BADPARMS - Conflicting parameters *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL EndWrite(void far *lpPrivate)
- {
- WORD i;
- PCXStruct far * lpPCXStruct = lpPrivate;
- if(lpPCXStruct->PCXpalette)
- {
- if(BufByte(0x0C)) return NODISK;
- for(i = 0; i<256; i++)
- {
- if( BufByte(lpPCXStruct->pal[0][i]) ||
- BufByte(lpPCXStruct->pal[1][i]) ||
- BufByte(lpPCXStruct->pal[2][i]) ) return NODISK;
- }
- }
- return FlushOutBuf(lpPCXStruct);
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: int FAR PASCAL WriteRow(int row, LPBYTE p, *
- * void far * lpPrivate) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Writes image row. *
- * *
- * PARAMETERS: int row - the number of row to read *
- * LPBYTE p - pointer to buffer to store image row *
- * void far * lpPrivate - pointer to *
- * custom structure to store private data *
- * *
- * RETURNS: *
- * OK - Success *
- * BADFORMAT - Bad signature *
- * UNSUPPORTED- Unsupported subformat *
- * BADFILE - Error in file structure *
- * CANNOTOPEN - Cannot open src/dest *
- * INTERNAL - Reserved *
- * BADDLL - Error initializing DLL *
- * BADREQUEST - Unsupported type of conversion *
- * BADTEMPFILE- Error creating/reading tempfile *
- * NOMEMORY - No enough global heap *
- * NODISK - No enough disk space *
- * USERABORT - Cancelled by user *
- * BADPARMS - Conflicting parameters *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- int FAR PASCAL WriteRow(int row,LPBYTE buf,void far *lpPrivate)
- {
- int i;
- PCXStruct far *lpPCXStruct = lpPrivate;
- for( i = 0; i < (int)lpPCXStruct->hdr.nplanes; i++ )
- {
- if( PCXpack(buf,lpPCXStruct->hdr.bplin,lpPrivate) ) return NODISK;
- buf += lpPCXStruct->hdr.bplin;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /************************************************************************\
- * *
- * ROUTINE: void FAR PASCAL CleanUp(void far *lpPrivate) *
- * void far * lpPrivate - pointer to *
- * custom structure to store private data *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Frees all auxiliary buffers. *
- * *
- \************************************************************************/
- void FAR PASCAL CleanUp(void far *lpPrivate)
- {
- }