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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxfont.h */
- /* Internal font definition for Ghostscript library */
- /* Requires gsccode.h, gsmatrix.h, gxdevice.h */
- #include "gsfont.h"
- #include "gsuid.h"
- /* A font object as seen by clients. */
- /* See the PostScript Language Reference Manual for details. */
- #ifndef gs_show_enum_s_DEFINED
- struct gs_show_enum_s;
- #endif
- /* A client-supplied BuildChar/BuildGlyph procedure. */
- /* The gs_char may be gs_no_char (for BuildGlyph), or the gs_glyph */
- /* may be gs_no_glyph (for BuildChar), but not both. */
- #define gs_proc_build_char(proc)\
- int proc(P5(struct gs_show_enum_s *, struct gs_state_s *,\
- gs_font *, gs_char, gs_glyph))
- gs_proc_build_char(gs_no_build_char_proc);
- /* A client-supplied character encoding procedure. */
- #define gs_proc_encode_char(proc)\
- gs_glyph proc(P3(struct gs_show_enum_s *, gs_font *, gs_char *))
- gs_proc_encode_char(gs_no_encode_char_proc);
- /* Define the known font types. */
- /* These numbers must be the same as the values of FontType */
- /* in font dictionaries. */
- typedef enum {
- ft_composite = 0,
- ft_encrypted = 1,
- ft_user_defined = 3
- } font_type;
- /* Define the bitmap font behaviors. */
- /* These numbers must be the same as the values of the ExactSize, */
- /* InBetweenSize, and TransformedChar entries in font dictionaries. */
- typedef enum {
- fbit_use_outlines = 0,
- fbit_use_bitmaps = 1,
- fbit_transform_bitmaps = 2
- } fbit_type;
- /* Define the composite font mapping types. */
- /* These numbers must be the same as the values of FMapType */
- /* in type 0 font dictionaries. */
- typedef enum {
- fmap_8_8 = 2,
- fmap_escape = 3,
- fmap_1_7 = 4,
- fmap_9_7 = 5,
- fmap_SubsVector = 6,
- fmap_double_escape = 7,
- fmap_shift = 8
- } fmap_type;
- #define fmap_type_min 2
- #define fmap_type_max 8
- #define fmap_type_is_modal(fmt)\
- ((fmt) == fmap_escape || (fmt) == fmap_double_escape || (fmt) == fmap_shift)
- /* This is the type-specific information for a type 0 (composite) gs_font. */
- typedef struct gs_type0_data_s gs_type0_data;
- struct gs_type0_data_s {
- fmap_type FMapType;
- byte EscChar, ShiftIn, ShiftOut;
- byte *SubsVector;
- uint subs_size; /* bytes per entry */
- uint subs_width; /* # of entries */
- uint *Encoding;
- uint encoding_size;
- gs_font **FDepVector;
- uint fdep_size;
- };
- /* This is the type-specific information for a type 1 (encrypted) gs_font. */
- /* The zone_table values should be ints, according to the Adobe */
- /* specification, but some fonts have arbitrary floats here. */
- #define zone_table(size)\
- struct {\
- int count;\
- float values[(size)*2];\
- }
- #define stem_table(size)\
- struct {\
- int count;\
- float values[size];\
- }
- typedef struct gs_type1_data_s gs_type1_data;
- struct gs_type1_data_s {
- int PaintType;
- int (*subr_proc)(P3(gs_type1_data *pdata,
- int index, const byte **pcharstring));
- int (*pop_proc)(P2(gs_type1_data *, fixed *));
- char *proc_data; /* data for subr_proc */
- int lenIV;
- /* For a description of the following hint information, */
- /* see chapter 5 of the "Adobe Type 1 Font Format" book. */
- int BlueFuzz;
- float BlueScale;
- float BlueShift;
- #define max_BlueValues 7
- zone_table(max_BlueValues) BlueValues;
- float ExpansionFactor;
- int ForceBold;
- #define max_FamilyBlues 7
- zone_table(max_FamilyBlues) FamilyBlues;
- #define max_FamilyOtherBlues 5
- zone_table(max_FamilyOtherBlues) FamilyOtherBlues;
- int LanguageGroup;
- #define max_OtherBlues 5
- zone_table(max_OtherBlues) OtherBlues;
- int RndStemUp;
- stem_table(1) StdHW;
- stem_table(1) StdVW;
- #define max_StemSnap 12
- stem_table(max_StemSnap) StemSnapH;
- stem_table(max_StemSnap) StemSnapV;
- };
- #define gs_type1_data_s_DEFINED
- /* Even though it costs a little extra space, it's more convenient to */
- /* include all the necessary information for >>all<< known font types */
- /* (user-defined, encrypted, and composite) in the font structure. */
- /* The font names are only needed for xfont lookup. */
- typedef struct gs_font_name_s {
- #define gs_font_name_max 47 /* must be >= 40 */
- /* The +1 is so we can null-terminate for debugging printout. */
- byte chars[gs_font_name_max+1];
- uint size;
- } gs_font_name;
- struct gs_font_s {
- gs_font *next, *prev; /* chain for original font list or */
- /* scaled font cache */
- gs_font_dir *dir; /* directory where registered */
- gs_font *base; /* original (unscaled) base font */
- char *client_data; /* additional client data */
- gs_matrix FontMatrix;
- font_type FontType;
- int BitmapWidths; /* boolean */
- fbit_type ExactSize, InBetweenSize, TransformedChar;
- int WMode; /* 0 or 1 */
- gs_proc_build_char((*build_char_proc)); /* BuildChar/BuildGlyph */
- gs_proc_encode_char((*encode_char_proc));
- gs_proc_glyph_name((*glyph_name_proc));
- union _d {
- /* Composite (type 0) fonts */
- gs_type0_data type0_data;
- /* Base (non-type 0) fonts */
- struct _b {
- gs_rect FontBBox;
- gs_uid UID;
- int encoding_index; /* 0=Std, 1=ISOLatin1, */
- /* 2=Symbol, 3=Dingbats, */
- /* -1=other */
- int nearest_encoding_index; /* (may be >= 0 */
- /* even if encoding_index = -1) */
- /* Type 1 data */
- gs_type1_data type1_data;
- } base;
- } data;
- /* We store both the FontDirectory key (key_name) and, */
- /* if present, the FontName (font_name). */
- gs_font_name key_name, font_name;
- };