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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* astate.h */
- /* State structures for the Ghostscript allocator */
- /* Define pointers to an allocation state. */
- /****** Note the _ds (for Turbo C only). ******/
- typedef struct alloc_state_s alloc_state;
- typedef alloc_state _ds *alloc_state_ptr;
- /* The only instance.... */
- extern alloc_state_ptr alloc_state_current;
- /* Round up sizes of aligned objects. */
- #define log2_align_mod 3 /* log2(sizeof(double)) */
- #define align_mod (1<<log2_align_mod)
- #define align_mask (align_mod-1)
- #define align_round(siz) (uint)(((siz) + align_mask) & -align_mod)
- /* Max object size for separate free list. */
- /* We want this to be big enough to handle a gstate_contents, */
- /* which is currently 342 bytes. */
- #define max_chain_size 350
- /* Structure for a separately allocated block. */
- typedef struct alloc_block_s alloc_block;
- struct alloc_block_s {
- alloc_block *next;
- uint size;
- int save_level;
- alloc_state_ptr cap;
- };
- #define alloc_block_size align_round(sizeof(alloc_block))
- /* Structure for a single wholesale allocation 'chunk'. */
- typedef struct alloc_chunk_s alloc_chunk;
- struct alloc_chunk_s {
- /* Note that allocation takes place both from the bottom up */
- /* (aligned objects) and from the top down (byte objects). */
- byte *base;
- byte *bot; /* bottom of free area */
- /* (top of aligned objects) */
- byte *top; /* top of free area */
- /* (bottom of byte objects) */
- byte *limit;
- int save_level; /* save level when this chunk */
- /* was allocated */
- alloc_chunk *next; /* chain chunks together */
- };
- #define ptr_is_in_chunk(ptr, chunk)\
- ptr_between(ptr, (chunk)->base, (chunk)->limit)
- /* Structures for save/restore (not defined here). */
- struct alloc_save_s;
- struct alloc_change_s;
- /* Structure for allocator state. If we multi-thread some day, */
- /* this might be instantiated more than once. */
- struct alloc_state_s {
- alloc_chunk current; /* the current chunk */
- #define cbase current.base
- #define cbot current.bot
- #define ctop current.top
- #define climit current.limit
- alloc_chunk *current_ptr; /* where to put current */
- uint chunk_size; /* unit for wholesale malloc */
- uint big_size; /* min size for separate malloc */
- const gs_memory_procs *mprocs; /* procs for separate malloc/free */
- alloc_chunk *last_freed; /* cache the last non-current chunk */
- /* at the current save level */
- /* where we freed an object */
- uint local_attr; /* 0 if global VM, a_local if local */
- /* Statistics */
- long used; /* total space used, including */
- /* malloc'ed blocks and all chunks */
- /* other than the current one */
- long total; /* total space allocated, */
- /* other than malloc'ed blocks */
- unsigned num_chunks;
- /* Chain together freed objects within a save level. */
- /* We only do this for aligned objects. */
- #define num_free_chains ((max_chain_size >> log2_align_mod) + 1)
- char *free[num_free_chains];
- /* Chain together any malloc'ed objects */
- alloc_block *malloc_chain;
- /* Keep track of saved states */
- int save_level;
- struct alloc_save_s *saved;
- byte *saved_cbot; /* cbot at last save */
- byte *saved_ctop; /* ctop at last save */
- struct alloc_change_s *changes;
- };