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- =========================================================================
- TalkingClock 2.00 April 19, 1997
- =========================================================================
- written by Gunnar Kempke, Norderstedt/Hamburg, Germany, in April 1997
- e-mail: AnniGunn@t-online.de
- =========================================================================
- --------
- 1. Introduction
- 2. System Requirements
- 3. Installation
- 4. Options
- 5. Customization
- 6. The Author
- 7. Distribution
- 8. Last But Not Least
- ---------------
- TalkingClock is a multilingual talking clock! TalkingClock speaks
- English, French, German, Japanese, and Swedish. It regularly tells you
- what time it is at user-defined intervals. An alarm function is
- included. Start it from your AutoStart-group and you'll never forget
- the time. TalkingClock can be easily customized to use YOUR own voice
- (or even the voice of your mother-in-law).
- ----------------------
- - Windows 3.1 or higher
- - sound card
- and nothing else!
- (TalkingClock does not work with sound driver for PC speaker!)
- ---------------
- Copy all of the files to any directory of your choice. Note
- that all of these files MUST be in the same directory:
- TIMETALK.EXE <-- TalkingClock
- README.TXT <-- this is the file, you are reading right now
- EN*.WAV <-- English WAVE-files
- FR*.WAV <-- French WAVE-files
- GE*.WAV <-- German WAVE-files
- JP*.WAV <-- Japanese WAVE-files
- SW*.WAV <-- Swedish WAVE-files
- In case you don't need one or more of the languages above, simply
- delete all of its corresponding files. TalkingClock automatically
- detects all of the languages that are available when it is started.
- To uninstall TalkingClock simply delete all of the files above and
- delete TIMETALK.INI from your Windows-directory.
- ----------
- Choose "Options..." from the menu (icon in the upper left corner)
- to select user-defined default settings:
- Language:
- TalkingClock speaks English, French, German, Japanese, and Swedish.
- TalkingClock automatically detects all of the languages that are
- available when it is started, and disables the radio-buttons of
- non-available languages.
- Alarm:
- The alarm function can be switched on or off. If it is switched on
- TalkingClock will play the WAV-file you have selected. The alarm
- time has to be typed in 24-hour format.
- Style:
- You can select 12-hour or 24-hour display. The current time is
- displayed in the caption of the application. If you start
- TalkingClock in iconized/minimized mode, the time is displayed
- below the icon (Win3.1) or in the task bar (Win95).
- Intervals:
- Type in the number of minutes between two time checks
- (min. 0, max. 60). Type in 0 if you want TalkingClock to be silent.
- By pressing the "What's the time?"-button TalkingClock also
- tells you the current time.
- Miscellaneous:
- - "Display current date" will also display the current date besides
- the time.
- - "Don't say 'it is', 'il est' etc." tells TalkingClock not to say
- "it is" when it tells you the time.
- - "No time check at start up". If this is not checked TalkingClock
- will tell you the time when it is started.
- - "No message on WAV error" won't show any message boxes if an
- error occurs while a WAVE-file is being played. There may be
- conflicts when other programs access the sound card at the same
- time. If this checkbox is checked TalkingClock will work very
- generously, and will let the other programs go ahead.
- ----------------
- All of the WAVE-files have been recorded in the following format:
- 11.025 Hz, 8 Bit, Mono.
- On the one hand, without any doubt this isn't really the best
- quality. But on the other hand, these files are small. Due to
- up-/download times I uploaded the lower quality files only.
- But, hey, you can record your own ones. So if you would like to
- listen to higher quality WAVE-files, or if you don't like my voice
- or if you don't like my German accent, just record your own
- WAVE-files yourselves. Here's what the specific files have to
- contain so that TalkingClock tells you the correct time:
- English:
- --------
- wave-file contains...
- EN_0 zero
- EN_O o
- EN_1 one
- EN_2 two
- EN_3 three
- EN_4 four
- EN_5 five
- EN_6 six
- EN_7 seven
- EN_8 eight
- EN_9 nine
- EN_10 ten
- EN_10b teen
- EN_11 eleven
- EN_12 twelve
- EN_13 thirteen
- EN_15 fifteen
- EN_20 twenty
- EN_30 thirty
- EN_40 forty
- EN_50 fifty
- EN_AM a.m.
- EN_PM p.m.
- EN_ITIS it is
- EN_OCLCK o'clock
- French:
- -------
- wave-file contains...
- FR_0 zΘro
- FR_1 un
- FR_1B une
- FR_2 deux
- FR_3 trois
- FR_4 quatre
- FR_5 cinq
- FR_6 six
- FR_7 sept
- FR_8 huit
- FR_9 neuf
- FR_10 dix
- FR_11 onze
- FR_12 douze
- FR_13 treize
- FR_14 quatorze
- FR_15 quinze
- FR_16 seize
- FR_20 vingt
- FR_30 trente
- FR_40 quarante
- FR_50 cinquante
- FR_ILEST il est
- FR_ET et
- FR_HEURE heure
- FR_SHEUR z__heure
- German:
- -------
- wave-file contains...
- GE_0 null
- GE_1 eins
- GE_1b ein
- GE_2 zwei
- GE_3 drei
- GE_4 vier
- GE_5 fⁿnf
- GE_6 sechs
- GE_7 sieben
- GE_8 acht
- GE_9 neun
- GE_10 zehn
- GE_11 elf
- GE_12 zw÷lf
- GE_14 vierzehn
- GE_16 sechzehn
- GE_17 siebzehn
- GE_20 zwanzig
- GE_30 drei▀ig
- GE_40 vierzig
- GE_50 fⁿnfzig
- GE_ESIST es ist
- GE_UHR uhr
- GE_UND und
- Japanese:
- ---------
- wave-file contains...
- JP_0 zero / rei
- JP_1 ichi
- JP_2 ni
- JP_3 san
- JP_4 yon / shi
- JP_5 go
- JP_6 roku
- JP_7 nana / shichi
- JP_8 hachi
- JP_9 kyu / ku
- JP_10 ju
- JP_JI ji
- JP_FUN fun
- JP_DESU desu
- Swedish:
- --------
- wave-file contains...
- SW_0 noll
- SW_1 en
- SW_1B ett
- SW_2 tvσ
- SW_3 tre
- SW_4 fyra
- SW_5 fem
- SW_6 sex
- SW_7 sju
- SW_8 σtta
- SW_9 nio
- SW_10 tio
- SW_11 elva
- SW_12 tolv
- SW_13 tretton
- SW_14 fjorton
- SW_15 femton
- SW_16 sexton
- SW_17 sjutton
- SW_18 arton
- SW_19 nitton
- SW_20 tjugo
- SW_40 fyrtio
- SW_KLOCK klockan Σr
- SW_OCH och
- -------------
- If you like TalkingClock, please send US$ 5.00 to the address below,
- OR send us a postcard from your city OR at least an e-mail.
- Any comments or suggestions on TalkingClock and bug reports are also
- very welcome! Thanks in advance!
- snail mail:
- GnuffSoftDesign - GSD
- c/o Gunnar C. Kempke
- Beerbuschring 21
- 22395 Hamburg
- Germany
- e-mail: AnniGunn@t-online.de
- ---------------
- You are allowed to copy this program and give it to other people.
- You are not allowed to sell it!
- ---------------------
- The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality
- and performance of the software.
- The information in all of these files is supplied without liability!
- --Hamburg, April 19, 1997--
- =========================================================================